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Last Updated: 29 July 2003

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» Roark Critchlow's Official Website
» Christie Clark's Official Website
» 2001 - 2002 News Bytes

29 July 2003

News about Monkeywench
It seems that Christie's clothing company, MonkeyWench, has gone out of business. Best of luck to Christie as she ventures into the business world again.

Other News
Not a whole lot to report about Roark and Christie lately. There has been MAJOR buzz about the return of the characters Mike, Carrie, and Austin to Days of our Lives. There has been a writing change, and it could be a definite possibility. Stay tuned for further announcements!

13 February 2003

A Recent Message from Christie
From: Christie's Official Website

Hello....I've been busy since the holidays! Traveling everywhere....I was in Northern California for Thanksgiving...and then we were in the UK for Christmas and New Years! England really celebrates the Christmas season well...they have about 1 month worth of snowed just as my husband and I were leaving.

Now I'm back in the swing of the LA thing....which is getting new head shots...acting class (which I love )...and auditioning! And in the mean time while I'm waiting for auditions...I've been cooking and gardening...I've come to find it's like creating art...I used to just do it on auto pilot...but now I feel like I'm in the movie "Like Water for Chocolate"...if you haven't seen it must! Happy's to a wonderful year................ Christie

Other Christie News:
In a chat transcript from November 2002 (located on Christie's official website), Christie supposedly auditioned for the love interest for Luke on General Hospital. She did not receive the part, but had a fun time auditioning! She also said that "Ken Corday said he has to clean house, before I come back..."

Christie also said, "I'm at the stage now that I took the break I needed, and grew as a person...and I'm ready to do some amazing work..." (YAY!)

31 January 2003

Roark's Rumblings
Roark has posted at his website message board again...It seems he has been quite busy:

Apologies for being absent of late, am hustling a bit in the biz, on the audition front as well as meeting producer types in the hopes of making another film, gotta take control of this career a bit...

A View From the Top
Roark has filmed "A View From the Top" and is slated for release on 21 March 2003. For more information on the film, please visit:

A View From the Top Official Website

New Message Board
Please visit Mike and Carrie: Together Forever's Magical Messages! It is a newly created message board dedicated to Mike and Carrie, as well as the actors who portrayed them. Please stop by and post!

Magical Messages: A Mike and Carrie Fan Board

The Clark Corner
I've been meaning to report that Christie Clark was married on 31 August 2002 to Thomas Barnes. They were married in a 900-year-old church in England. Two hundred guests attended, including Peter Reckell (Bo, Days of our Lives). Congratulations Christie and Thomas! Best wishes to you and your families!

Mike and Carrie: Together Forever