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Duo Maxwell

Age: 15

Ethnic origin: American

Height: 156 cm

Weight: 43 kg

Eye color: Cobalt blue

Hair color: Brown

Also known as: God of Death (shinigami)

Allience: Gundam Pilots (rebels)

Gundams/MS: Gundam Deathscythe, DeathscytheHELL, DeathscytheHELL Custom

The long haired happy-go-lucky one of the group, he pilots gundams Deathscythe, and DeathcytheHELL, he's easily noticable by his long braided hair, and his all black with the priest style collar clothes, he is also Heero's best friend, and works as a scrap part collector, he also has a girlfriend named Hirde (also spelled as Hilde)... For some reason, don't ask why, he is known as "The God Of Death"... Endless Waltz gives you a look at his background, but not that great of one to sum up, so, we come to Duo's Episode Zero... Duo was a war orphan, on a small colony, he was a theif with his friends, which one of them had become infected with a virus, Duo (who had no name at the time I beleive) offered to go steal the cure, his best friend (Solo) had died before he had come back with the cure, he then took the name Duo... his last name came as a result of the Maxwell Church massacre (where he had lives with the Preistand Sister Helen)... After which he had chosen his own name Duo Maxwell...


"Anybody who sees me has got a date with his maker"

"Number one again?! Number two's better than number one! Give me a turn next!"

"Stop making me repeat myself! Its bad for my health!"

"Don't worry about it, okay? We're good at fighting losing battles, remember?"

"I don't want to copy Heero, but... you're going with me to hell!"

"Peace? It's too late for that!"

"I wonder what true peace is anyways...."

"For the peace of the colony, I'd gladly become the god of death."

"Here I am, a god of death once more."

"What's going on! How come it doesn't explode?! What's wrong with it?!"

"Yeah, but my mom taught me that real men don't cry out loud."

"he just goes and puts a broken bone back into place, just looking at it makes me sick..."

"I'm not gonnalet you become a tool of massacre, old buddy"

"Good bye good buddy"

"You'll do anything for the one you love"

"It's Christmas, and as usual, some people's work is just never done"