The Spencers

The Spencers have traveled almost everyone and are to be considered very adventurest. Luke is always and still looking for some kind of adventure story to go to while Laura has settled down and still is taking care of Luke and Laura's second child and only girl, LeslyLu. Lucky has been prosumed dead for a year now but only a few certain people know he is alive. Luke and Laura have gone off to find there only son in hopes to bring him back to Port Charles.

Luke Spencer

Luke is always looking for an adventure ride to go on. Wheather it's bring dimonds over the boreder to Mexico or finding his son Lucky he is always on the go. Recently Luke has been on the run because he is a very large suspect in the missing/murder of Stefan Cassidine. Even though Luke has an aliby, he will not tell Mac it because he was sleeping with his wife Felicia. So Luke excapes and is on the run from the very angry Mac.

Laura Spencer

Laura has always had 3 guys in her life. ONE: Her husband, Luke. TWO: Her son, Lucky. THREE: Stefan Cassadine. But just recently she has left one out and went to search for one of them with the other one. Confusing? Nahh, not at all. She is looking for her son Lucky who was suppost to be dead but turns out very much alive. She is traveling with her husband who she is falling back in love with . She left Stefan because he kept to her that he had her son for a short while and never told her.

Laura Spencer

Everyone in Port Charles now knows that Lucky is alive but he sure isn't the same. Helena has him under a big spell or something. He and Elizabeth are not together anymore and he thinks she should be with Nicholas.