Wild Hearts Can't be Broken by Jenna

Disclaimer:This story is not written by or affiliated with anyone who works at ABC, General Hospital, Marisa Ramirez, and Coltin Scott.

Chapter One
Nikolas sat on the couch, just waiting for Gia to come home. Dinner was all set up, candles burning and flowers everywhere. Tonight was the night. He was going to tell her he loved her. It didn't matter what she said, as long as he got it off his chest. Just then she walked in. "How did the photo session go?"

"Okay." Gia said, smiling as Nikolas gave got up from the couch and kissed her.

"How was your day?""I tried to find Elizabeth today, but I couldn't find her. Lucky called from Israel and wanted me to tell her hello. I still can't believe they broke up. Anyway, what did Carly and Mom say about your performance today?"

"Actually, I never got a chance to do the shoot because Elizabeth was before me and then the power went out. It was so dark, Nikolas. One of the photographers tried to move her from the shoot, but she started screaming, "Not again!" and was calling for Jason. None of us understood except for your mom and Carly. They both rushed over to her and tried to comfort her, but they wouldn't tell me what was wrong with her.
It was strange .... Nikolas?"

Nikolas was staring off into space."Gia, I think there is something you need to know about Elizabeth. She was raped a few years ago in a studio. That's probably why she got upset when they tried to move her. She never really got over it."

"It's not something you just GET OVER, NIKOLAS!" Gia screamed. "Being raped hurts you more than you would EVER know! They take your dignity, your innocence, and you are NEVER the same, Nikolas... never." Gia covered her mouth with her hand and tried to walk past a stunned Nikolas.All the old memories came rushing back into her head. Everything.... his cold eyes and all the pain. Oh god, the pain.... his hands over her, not letting her go... It wasn't supposed to be like that. Your first time should have been with someone she loved. It should have been with Nikolas. The thought of it made her feel sick to her stomach. The tears fell from her eyes as she turned around to face Nikolas.

"Gia, were you raped?"
Nikolas could barely choke the words out. He loved her so much, he couldn't bare to think her in any kind of pain. Sure, he loved Elizabeth, but Gia being raped was different.... so different. He couldn't even describe it. Please God, don't let her say yes.

Gia felt like there was a lump in her throat. She couldn't say anything. She had to tell him the truth, but would he hate her forever? When he found out who raped her, would he be sickened by her? She couldn't lose him, but she had to tell him.

"Gia, please answer me."
Now there were tears in his eyes because he was afraid of the answer. She looked into his eyes, and a tear fell from his eyes and she nodded her head yes. All at once the tears began to flow, and all the pent up anger and pain came flooding out. Nikolas grabbed her and hugged her.... never let go.

How could anyone do that to Gia? "Gia, who raped you?"

"My father." Gia said in almost a whisper. Please God, don't let him hate me.

"Your father?" Nikolas sounded disgusted. God, please NO! Nikolas lifted her chin to where she looked into his eyes. He could see all the pain and hurt... all the anger and frustration.

"It was the last time I saw my father. I was eight years old. He got drunk and I was getting out of the shower and he just grabbed me.... anyway, my mother and brother don't know anything about it. He was gone before they got home and I wasn't going to say anything because I felt so ashamed. This is the first time that I ever told anyone about it... Please don't hate me." Gia grabbed onto him and hung on for dear life.

Nikolas was in shock, but he wanted to kill her father. "Tell me what you want me to do, Gia." Nikolas said, kissing the top of her head.

Gia looked up and into his eyes. She took her hand and touched his face. "I want you to make love to me, Nikolas." As they kissed, and their tears ran together, Nikolas carried her up the stairs and into his room. As they made love, and their hearts beat as one, Gia knew this was where she belonged.

Gia listened to the rain outside the window and felt Nikolas' heart beating. She felt safe and protected, something she hadn't felt in a long time. They were both awake, but hadn't said a word to each other. Gia turned her body around the face Nikolas. She smiled as he kissed her.

"I love you, Gia."
Nikolas said, his heart full of love and emotion for this wonderful woman.Gia couldn't believe what she heard. Gia, if you love him,just say it. "I love you too, Nikolas."

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