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The Pretender
The X-Files

I'd just like to say that we don't really work on this anymore... except for Insanity and Insaneness, our beloved fic that just won't end. *grin* You should read it. It's so great. I love it. (Find that under Fanfiction... you might want to scroll down a bit. Can't miss it. Insaneness is in bright pink.)

The Pretender
The show that we both watch. It's really, really, really cool so you *have to* watch it or else. There's a pictures page, quotes page with .wav files and character bios and the recurring characters. If you have pictures of Catherine Parker, send them to us!!! Pwease? Oh! And the Pretender is slowly going out of existence so you HAVE TO watch it while you still can!!! AND, if you have any Pretender related news, you can send it to us and we'll put it up cuz our Pretender page is pretty plain right now.
Page done by ~ Dana Scully FBI and Sam Carter USAF ~

Well, yeah, okay. I don't really update this very often and half the external links are probably dead. Sorry about that. But I have some okayish stuff. I have pictures, but half of *those* probably don't work, and quotes, which is pretty much the only thing that's actually any good, and some incredibly screwed-up poetry, and an episode guide, kinda. It's more like a list of all the episodes. But some of them have summaries. All of them have ratings, though. Oh, and I made some polls and quizzes which amuse me very much. Especially the quizzes. They're very (cough) difficult. So... yeah. And links. Some links. Yup. Okay. Going now.
Page done by ~ Sam Carter USAF ~

The X-Files
The X-Files, my OBSESSION. Well... just one of my obsessions... I'm obsessed with Dark Angel too. That show is addictive, I swear it is. Heh. But anyway... Right now, there's character bios, an episode guide, a massive quotes archive, spoilers, and a some pictures pages. Oh! And you can also see this page in frames. Just click the link at the top that says Frames. If you have any pictures or spoilers or whatever, send 'em over and I'll post it. Speaking of posting, join our mailing list at Egroups... now YahooGroups. Curse it. Oh and I'm not crazy. Really! I'm not! I'm perfectly sane and normal. Blah, blah, woof, woof. Happy Mulder? I said it. Good. No! I'm not done! No! Muuuuulllllldddddeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr..... aoeirheaornfdsf stopsa eorihsdf or sfnoaerawe! Arg, Sorry, Mulder was trying to take the keyboard away. But I hafta go now. Now, just go, and have fun. Don't forget to sign the guestbook!
Page done by ~ Dana Scully FBI ~

Links to other fanfic pages/archives and fanfic of our own... right now anyway. We'll post other people's fanfic too. Just send 'em in... I think... right Woo? Oh, and if it's possible, try not to make it too long or else just send us a link that we can just put on our site. Thanks. Rules: No flaming, bad language and fanfic rated over 14A. And if you don't wanna send it to us, join our mailing list and post it. (Link @ bottom of the page.) Oh, and feedback is VERY welcome. :)
Page done by ~ Dana Scully FBI and Sam Carter USAF ~

Pretty self-explanatory... Links are links. Just like how Chez is Chez. But these are *special* links... in a good way. There's links to sites of all the shows and then there's a link to our other links page which has other links that don't really have anything to do with these shows.
Page done by ~ Dana Scully FBI and Sam Carter USAF ~

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Link to our site! We'll put up a link to yours, too...
Just e-mail one of us. Doesn't matter who. Dana Scully or Sam Carter.

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Page done by ~ Dana Scully FBI and Sam Carter USAF ~