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Beware the Things That Walk at Night- By Siona

The island of Pulau Pulau is being plagued by a murderer of a most unusual kind and it is up to Jack and Emilia to stop 'em. . . .or join 'em?

Part I: Unsettling Events

Part II: Terrors in the Night

Soon to come Part III: The Children of the Night

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Disclaimer: Jack Stiles, Emilia Rothchild et al are the property of Renaissance Pictures and Universal Studios. I (Siona) am in no way affiliated with them and am making no profit or income from the posting of this story. It is purely for private entertainment purposes.;) Please forgive me if there are any misspelled words. Some of them my spell check would not pick up (as if this site would be picky about spelling!). If you have any feed back, good or bad I don't break that easily, please feel free to email me at