Biographical Info

A short, succinct bio nonetheless...

Full name: Conan Christopher O'Brien

Date and place of birth: April 18,1963, Brookline,MA.
Sign: Aires with an Aquarius moon
Siblings: 6- Neal, Luke, Kate, Jane, and Justin (Featured in the picture [from left to right] at right: Back: Conan, Luke, Neal; Front: Jane, Kate)
Neal (Older brother-born 1960): Car collector
Luke (Older brother-born 1962): Lawyer
Kate (Younger sister-born 1964): Teacher
Jane (Younger sister-born 1967): Comedy writer for Sybill, Simpsons, Futurama
Justin (Younger brother-born 1972): Consultant
Hair: Strawberry-blonde
Height: 6'4"
Weight: about 190 lbs.
Shoe size: a 12 I believe
Suit size: I hear it's a 44 long...
Where does he live?: Somewhere on the Upper West Side of New York. He also has a house in Connecticut.
What's he drive? a green '91 Ford Taurus SHO...(he has a Land Rover too)
What else can he do? He plays guitar (very well). When he was younger he took tap lessons...maybe that explains his exquisite dancing skills...
Education:Brookline High School 1977-1981; Valedictorian.
Harvard 1981-1985; Graduated Magna Cum Laude. Wrote for the Harvard Lampoon all four years there, and was elected president two terms in a row from 1983-1984, something not accomplished since Robert Benchley in the 1920's..
Significant other: Liza Powell. Yes, he did break up with Lynn Kaplan, and no I don't know why really. There's much speculation, but I haven't asked the man personally...Conan and Liza were married in January 2002, and are now expecting a baby in October (2003)!


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