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DISCLAIMER: This is Fan Fiction written in the Cleopatra 2525 World. Based on Cleopatra 2525 characters. Made for fun and enjoyment. All Chracters belong to Ren PICs an USA Studios. Not including the chracter that I have made up.

The Saga continues with our heroic Angel: The Angelic Protector. A woman who knew no boundaries and the love she never had forgotten. Sarge has found the book of Angels' past and in it she writes of her gallant portrayal of a woman more than just human with the power that only sustained her life. Angel was the love of Rose's life, but, what kept Angel going was the thought of getting back to the one she desired to be with the most. The Journal is now open to discuss.

Sarge has had time to rest from a very long day of working out in the shaft's. Free falling gave her revitalizing feeling. Then it was over for a little piece an quite in the vaporization chamber. After that a nice place to lay her head while reading the next Journal entry angel made. "Journal entry: 2 Date January 22, 2002 I have just got the news. . ." (INTRO ANGEL)

Journal entry: 2
January 22, 2002

I have just got the news of more rebellion fighters still living on the surface. I need top find routes to their location, seems like the shafts are never going to be finished in my time. God for once in my life I wished this was easier then the war in IRAN. I haven't lost hope, I can still visualize the others who seem to be fighting the better battle than I. If it is possible that the visions seem to be getting worse, things to come, things that have been. My heart is growing colder, yet it warms up every night I see her face. I have to find a way to stop this domino affect that's seems to be in progress. First things First California is only a good 20 miles away through the underground. I guess that's my first stop.

(The Journal begins to drop as the story begins to change to the year and time of the lost civilizations)

Coming out of a sewer a medium length blond hair woman with luscious curls makes her way out of the manhole. A two men with another woman come surging out, the look on their face read here for duty don't piss us off. The curly blond looked at the surroundings of a crushed and trampled city in the dust. Buildings were ripped to shreds the disgusting smell of rotted flesh still burned in certain areas of the city. She had dark sunglasses on the matched her metallic outfit that was not completely cotton. It was a top with a cutoff mid section, her stomach shoed the six pack abb muscles, She wasn't real thin but she was tall. A sword of such beauty hung from her back. A black tribal tatoo graced her shoulder of wings dipped in white, she looked at the surroundings then with a glare of concern she looked to her main second in command. "Dag, give me the readings of all life-form ammoniating form each sector of the city. Be sure to include all status of how long the perimeters are set. As well as heart rate and time of recovering the bodies. Zane, you and Uriah come with me. We have your sister to find and get her to one of the cryogenics isolators. Make sure when we set up camp this time, Dag, any expecting company just comes out of nowhere. I want the whole base secure or this will make your last time on recovering duty. Is that understood?"

A glaring look came form Dag's face yet he maintained his cool, Angel was the best in the sector with the Angelic Offenders. She was the leader and cofounder of the interchangeable resistance, and spies. She knew how to handle anything, the Master Sargent of the Offenders and he was second to the command. He thought himself highly of a duty to one of the best damn leaders in the underground. "Anything you say Master Sargent!" Angel grabbed her laser wolf lox gun, looked at Zane and Uriah then with a swift movement of the feet and the voice of stone she say's, "Move out!" The take charge voice that Angel had was enough to make any blood run hot, she was tough, a knock out to look at. But she was harder than stone, since the incident with the plasma portal had left this woman cold. Dag was there when Angel had come back, besides she was the only other person who could best him in a fight. Walking for what seemed to be an hour they finally get to the LA University hospital. Looking down each hallway Angel wasn't about to make a move unless she had seen something else move. Half way to the cryogenics chambers Zane carefully checked each room for signs of life as well as betrayer with his heat sensor finder. Zane looks at Uriah for a second glance , Uriah was Angels right-hand woman. And what a woman she was built with a shape of a goddess, sexy slender, muscles that adorned her curves. Although Uriah had a thing for Angel, she had saved her from a fate worse than death. Herself, Uriah was a runny away from a Baileys' station the only one the resistance known of, that had gotten away Scotts free. She was surgically enhanced by the baileys', but still she swore her allegiance to the Protectors. She has formed what is known as the blackwatch, which Angel oversee's their progress.

As for Zane, he was Angel's techno geek. His real name is Johnny Bailey , he was the one who founded the bailey's signal before they got to earth. That is the only reason they named the new found aliens after him. Only it doesn't set well with Johnny so another name for John was Zane. Zane gave a nudge to Uriah showing her the location to his sister quarters, only their was a very odd heat sensor showing up on his radar. Uriah knew the strange looking dot, she taps Angel on the shoulder. Angel turns to look at the raven haired woman by her side, the look in her dark brown eyes gave Angel the sense something was up. She turn to face the blond young faced Zane, he showed Angel the heat sensor finder. The dot that Angel new all to well about was showing up on the screen. Angel presses a button on her glasses, "Dag, we have a Enforcer on the ground be sure to watch out for fighter pilots scouting." Dag had the receiver in his ear hearing the voice of Angel was the highest leadership one could get other than working alongside of this great woman. "Copy that. We have interference with sectors 4 and 5. Ground clears are functional. No detection has been made we are clear here." Dag replied sending the information of their new surroundings where intact. They were safe just as long as they weren't caught by the Enforcer. Looking over her shoulder back at Zane and Uriah, Angel mouthed the words, "Move, to the left when I say!" Uriah seen that look in Angel's eyes', knowing what is coming wasn't going to be that easy.

Angel peers around the corner seeing the mutant thugs searching for slaves, Angel watches them as they turn another corner. With a quick movement of the hand gesturing Zane and Uriah to go. Angel looks over her shoulder again mouthed the words, "GO." Moving to the inside door over the left keeping close to the floor, Angel barely makes it by them as the thug mutants come back for another round. Then there was a voice that came down the hallway, Angel kneeled by the door listening. She knew him, it was all to well how she knew him, "Quinlan", Angel say's after he passes the door by. Zane looked over at Angel as did Uriah with a low faint voice whispering Uriah say's, "Quinlan, that's the Enforcer who is here." Zane looked confused as Uriah and Angel knew the Enforcer who was staking out the hospital for new slaves an betrayer models. "What the hell who is Quinlan? Are you telling me there can be more than one of this Enforcer." Uriah looked at Zane then say's, "He's a bailey, a more advanced human an he has 5 other siblings which they are all just a like except Quinlan is by far the worst of any of the bailey's. They are human like only their body can rejuvenate 50 times faster than a human. Besides that they are a pain in the ass to kill." Looking out the small window to see for anymore commotions going on while the whispering Uriah told the story of Quinlan to Zane. Angel see's nothing then get's up she looks over then say's, "Shut up. We have a job to do now help me with this door to the cryogenic chamber." Zane looked up an Uriah turn to the door to help, with a whisper yell Angel looked over at Zane, "Watch the fucken door Zane."

Angel looks back to Uriah then they pull open the door to the chamber, after the door was open angel motion for Uriah to go ahead. Pulling out her gun Uriah move inside the door in one movement, her back against the cold metal of the wall. She looks around the room with her enhance night vision. Her eye's glowed a deep blue, then she looks back to Angel with a voice whisper she say's, "CLEAR!" Angel looks over her shoulder to Zane then with another yelling whisper Angel say's, "Zane! Let's go." Zane picks up his technological instruments then runs inside the now open chamber door. Angel checked the closed room door seeing movement coming from outside. She quickly gets inside grabbing Zane to help her pull the door closed they lean against the door as Uriah was across the way looking though the dark awaiting someone to come to the door. Zane and Angel lay against the hard metal door. The mutant thug came inside the cryogenics room but not the chamber. He moved to the chamber door and gave a look inside, Uriah could see him without using the glow of her eyes. Angel knew there was someone there she could hear the breath of whatever it was standing at the door. The thoughts she was receiving wasn't something she enjoyed getting. She closed her eye's then grit her teeth, trying her best to ignore the thoughts that this oaf of mutant scum was giving out. Finally the thoughts went away, the harming words that crowed her brain left a vacant place in her mind. The only person Angel couldn't completely read thoughts were Uriah's thoughts. Angel looked over to Uriah she nodded her head letting Angel know that the mutant was gone. Angel slowly inched her way up to see if the cost was clear. Looking through the small glass window, she nothing the mutant was gone. Although she knew, it would be back, how soon she was undetermined about. Only she could feel it wouldn't be long. Angel settles back down against the door she looks at Zane then say's, "Find your sister and do it quick we have to seal her up in the underground before that mutant gets back. Uriah how much time do we have?"

Zane starts examining every pod in the chamber looking for his commatosis sister. Uriah looked at her gages then to the heat view sensor finder, looking at Angel she say's, "A good hour Angel. We should be able to turn lights on and talk regular while my interceptor device keeps us out of range their receiver." Angel gets up looks around the she takes off the small jacket that she was wearing, "Good. Now since we have the chance give the surgical laser, I am going to add a few notches of power to cut through the floor." Angel hands her gun to Uriah as Uriah gives her the medium sized laser, Angel begin adjusting the frequency adding a little more power was going to make a better cut through the ground level of the cryogenics lab chamber. Slowly her eye's meet Uriah's then Uriah ran to the door of the chamber to watch for any incoming visitors they might have. Angel let down her sunglasses, giving her readouts of how thick the barrier was between the floor and the underground. She quickly turns the laser on then say's, "Locked and Loaded. Get ready boy's an girl's cause Mama is going to town." A bit of a kick back from the laser as Angel pointed it towards the surface on the floor to gain access to the underground. After she made a square like incision in the albumin floor she removed the huge piece over then she took her laser lox fired a round to brake the ground. It was on the lowest setting for no one to hear unless with the accompanied power from a bailey enhanced human.

Angel could feel the seat pouring down her face, over her abbs, across her forearms as she broke away the ground with her hands. It hadn't been to hard since they dug a tunnel all they there, only raiders had found it later so it had to be sealed off. So now they have to save Zane's big sister from becoming slave meat for the traders of the underworld. Zane ran around the corner hands still shaking, "Angel she's here. I found her, my sisters still alive." Not looking to enthused she looked up at Zane then she's say's, "Ok great. Help me down here for a second. After that get Uriah to help you push the pod down, I will monitor her vital signs and adjust the date for wake up expectancy after you push her down." Zane nodded as he helps Angel into the huge underground hole she had just dug, it was big enough to slide the pod right side up. Then to lay it flat on the underground surface, Angel turned on her light looking around the darkened room to see any remains of a level surface for Zane's sister to be on. ‘I am a firm believer in making sure people are safe. But Zane's sister this has to be a waste of time. What if we try hiding her then some low life still ends up bagging her as bait. Never the less this is my vowed position. Besides that I made a promise to Zane, If he keeps my secret and doesn't betray me as his friend and leader I won't betray what I know about him. I have to admit the resistance leader's wouldn't like us very much if they did know." With Glare in Angels' eye's she gently pulled back her hair into a pony tale then let it loose agin. She raised her glasses down then begin to look around. She found a nice cool damp place to secure the pod. Then went back to the opening where Uriah and Zane were lowering the pod down. Angel garb the end before it meets the ground it made a loud boom when the other end hit the floor, Angel jumps on top of the pod looks up at Uriah. Uriah takes off to the door turns out the light as Zane jumps into the hole, Angel Helps Zane down then she looks up and say's, "Uriah stay there and let me know every thing that happens." Uriah answered the call from Angel an say's, "You got it babydoll." Angel hadn't heard those words in a year now, was it as long for Sarge as it had been for her. Nothing matter but the pod right now, Zane helped Angel move it to the abandoned cold spot. Then Zane began to check the status of the pod as Angel checked the Vital signs, then she gradually up the waking expectancy on the tube. Angel winds away from her work for a moment, looking at of the hole Angel say's. "Uriah how much time do we have?" Uriah walks over kneels on the floor then say's, "We have about 20 minutes."

Angel runs back over then looks at Zane, "Go I will catch up with you guys back at the base. Take Uriah with you." Zane looks up confused then say's, "But the time set hasn't been locked, I need to lower the air compression for 350." Angel knew they had no time, not even to argue over this. "Look, Zane! I will have it all set. Just get Uriah and get going. Don't fuck with me on this, just do it!" Zane had that look in his eye, the look of not want to leave his friend. But it wasn't the one of admiration, no it went deeper than that. He gets up then pulls himself up the hole back to Uriah, he lightly runs on the tips of his toes over to her. With the most confounding whisper he say's, "Angel want us to get the fuck out of here now. So let's go, Uriah." She looks over to the hole not wanting to leave the person who saved her behind and even for Quinlan to find. She ran over to the open hole in the ground sightly yell down to Angel, "I am not leaving you here! Damn it Angel, there's a Enforcer here and not just any Enforcer it's Quinlan." Angel looked up at her, but, Uriah knew the answer and she dared not question Angel authority. Only this time she was pissed, Uriah turned around then she grabbed an extra gun Angel always seems to carry, throwing it to Zane. "Get the rest of your shit we are moving out!" Zane looked at her so puzzled, Uriah took control as they immediately got out the door. While Angel was back in the crypt setting all the right settings for the tube, finally after getting a great vital signs. She recheck the locks, after looking at the timer for the date. Angel looked at the Newly made chamber room she had made. ‘I have to know who Zane sister is before I leave her here to rote.' Angel seem to mumble to herself. She took her hand to wipe a way the icy film on the small pod like tube. Looking inside the small chamber that was carrying the person that would either hate her or love her for saving her. Angel stares in a dissent position, "CLEO!"

Angel couldn't think she had to get out of there, close the hatch she made and run like hell before she was caught. Angel jumps up grabbing the sides of the hole to brace herself. Pulling herself out of the manhole she had made, lays on the down on the ground for a moment then gets up. Laying the mask covering of the alumina back over the hole, she uses the laser to reseal the hole that was made. After she was done she put her jacket back on, strapping her gun on her arm, then she rolled a small detonator into one corner. She walks out of the lab, just as the mutants see her form the other end. Running to counter attack her from behind , BOOM! It blasted them into oblivion, Angel just keep on walking as if nothing happened. She didn't flinch to anything or anyone for that matter. She just keep on walking to meet her destiny, Angel made her way back to base with such ease. Dag still had all systems running, as he watched every mover on the sensors for Angel's every move. Walking into the line of fire when it came to Uriah leaving behind her friend and team leader, Angel walks past her as if nothing happened. That was just pissing her off even more, Zane looked at Angel followed her into the base camp tent that had built inside a abandon building on the lowest level possible. "Will she be alright, Angel?" Angel mumbled to herself after he asked she said, ‘Yeah for about 500 years.' But Zane couldn't fully grasp it what she was saying, so he asked, "Well is she?" Angel closed her deep blue eyes with dirt that covered from head to toe, she turn to face him as she say's, "Yes, Zane. She is going to be fine I promise you." Angel had more weight on her head then she knew what to deal with. Only that didn't stop Uriah form saying her peace, Zane sen it coming when she walked into the tent. Angel turned away from her, Zane leaves feeling the very uncomfortable with being there if something did go down. "What the fuck is wrong with you." Angel hang her head down over the map she was staring at planning her every move for the next recovery. Angel just kept her eyes' closed for another moment but all she could hear was Uriah's voice ringing in her head "Look, damn it. I don't need to explain shit to you. These are my orders, my tactics if you don't like how I do my job get the fuck out! I have no time to bicker with a freelance wanna be protector. If you want to do this you do it my way or hit the highway." Uriah couldn't help but feel for her, she knew Angel was pissed. So was she turned to walk away. Angel never said another word, not even to look at her. Uriah turns back then with a hurt look she say's, "Im not her Angel. I can't be her, no matter what you want or how bad you want it I can never be her. So why can't it be me instead of her?"

Angels' eye's adjusted more clearly then roughly she clears her dry throat from all the dust she took in her lungs. "Uriah, this is not the time to discuss this? I have work to do send Zane back in and tell Dag to set up the heat sensors on auto to retrieve incoming. We need to eat and get cleaned up we are heading to Arizona to the desert tomorrow." Without another single word Uriah did as Angel order, but her heart longed to be the one Angel wanted so deeply. That night everything went peaceful, the next day they set off to get the resistance leader from a bailey sation Angel knew Quinlan was running. Before leaving the took a small dosage of some kind of medicine for the desert, it was in a form of a pill. Dag handed them out, "So this is the little pill that is going to keep us from being dehydrated." Dag looked over then say's "It's full of all the vitamins, and minerals the body will need. It's also a salt substitute, something that has been distroyed by our good freinds. And it's all we have", Angel looks over to the others just realizing that Dag was going to need more than her. She brakes it then say's "Here take this your body needs it more than mine. And don't argue just take it." He hated that Angel always found him to be more weak than her, So what if he needed the extra he could hack it, but he took it just because Angel said so. Although he didn't swallow it being a man that he is he was strong enough to go without it. They began to walk for hours in a scotching hot sun, Angel took of her jacket placed it in her bag. Exposing her stomach built solid as a rock abbs, With the cut low of the black halter top she wore that was made of the rubber from the costume of Batman. She was sexy there was no doubt about that the sweat that corased from her neck into the crevasse of her cleavage. She moved like a soft-footed cat in the sand, Dag loved to watch her move. But he had no time to let this toy with his emotions, Uriah tried her best to keep at her side no matter what came in her way. Walking for hours Zane stops while throwing his bags down he say's, "Enough! I think we need to rest. Water and some food would be good to."

Uriah had stopped to check Zane out. Angel turns her head to face Zane on her left, then say's "The hell were not! Look! Zane, we have a few more hours before we reach camp. I can't let you be stuck out in the middle of the desert for the bailey's to find." Dag looks over beginning to give way of a small induced cough. "I am staying here you can go on without me." Zane replied giving into the urge to cough even more. Angel turns all the way around this time and with a ver insightful look but morphed with anger she say's, "Like Hell I will! You're not the one giving order Zane." Suddenly the coughing get louder by both of them, Uriah finished checking Zane she looks at Angel, "They are really dehydrated Angel we need to get them some water an reast." Through the corner of Angel's eye she seen Dag drops to his knees. Angel swung around gun in her hand then ran to his side. "DAG! Damn it you didn't take the half I gave you." Dag pointed to his jacket pocket, Angel took out the other half of the pill. Forcing herself to brake it again to give Zane a pice of it as well. She forced the rest of it into Dag's mouth, she lays her bag under his head then gave him water. Uriah could see the passion she felt for her teammate, she would have done the same for her if it had been her. Angel clicked a small button on her glasses as she stood in a open space. The lens seemed to zoom like a camera while readout were being displayed on the side. She saw about 200 kilometers where what looked like old ruins they would be able to find some good shelter there and away form the desert. She looked at Uriah as she made her way up behind hind her. She stood at her right-side like always. "We have some canyons and old ruins not far from here, but they're on the eastern side." Uriah looked at her with the most peculiar and skeptical look on her face, "But aren't we going west instead of east." Angel looked at her with a straight glare Uriah knew that look the same look Angel gave her back at the cryogenics chamber. "Oh NO! There is no way. Not this time Angel are you fucking crazy? You know if Quinlan finds out you are alone there will be no stopping him this time." Angel walks away she checked her friend Dag out, then takes a look at Zane. "You should have enough time to get there you have less than a few hours before a sand storm rolls in." Uriah relaized Angel is not backing down from this no matter how hard she complained, "I wont let you go alone." Angel packed her stuff placed her jacket on then say's, "Sorry Sweet Cheeks but you have no other choice. Your going east and I am going west." Angel was right Uriah didn't have a choice, but she did have something and that was a heart Angel grabed her stuff then headed out. Uriah ran up to her before she got to far gone, she grabbed Angel by her jacket then kissed her like she we never see her agin. Her lips meet Angels then with the passion and fire the kiss only lasted a second but a world of time for Uriah.

She pulled away, as the shock left Angel spell-bound for a moment, then Angel turned and kept on walking as if the kiss had never happened.

To Be Continued. . . ANGEL: The Angelic Protector