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DISCLAIMER: This is Fan Fiction written in the Cleopatra 2525 World. Based on Cleopatra 2525 characters. Made for fun and enjoyment. All Chracters belong to Ren PICs an USA Studios. Graphics made By C.l.e.o.p.a.t.ra

Title: The Desert Rose
Characters: Yourself, Sarge, Cleo, and Hel.
Series: After Hel an Highwater
Rating: NC-17, You/Sarge content

Summery teaser: Life seems dull without the show Cleopatra 2525 to keep you going on. Then it happens Your life changes it becomes the year 2001 an you know what is soon to happen. The End Of Humanity! You know there is no way you can end it so you send a distress signal to the future asking for help. When a reply doesn’t come in you run for you life hoping you live to see tomorrow. Waking up in a cold underground tunnel your not so alone anymore.


By : C.l.e.o.p.a.t.ra

The future came to quicky you thought as you ran through the sewer tunnels hoping to find quite place, so to lay your head for a rest Wishing that you had Sarge or Hel for a few pointers on how to escape from the lethal armies that search for survivors late at night. You can never run far enough, or hide the stressing nightmares of your parents' carcass laying in the next room. The sight of blood stain on the walls, It was a massacre, those creatures don't give a damn about humanity. The feeling of loneliness seeps into your heart and soul. You feel the overwhelming feeling come over you to let a few grit teething tears flow. You wipe the silly drops off your cheek and say to yourself "Got to keep going got keep running. Have to live to see another day." Suddenly the earth beneath your feet begins to shake. Looking at your feet you turn and look behind you. The tunnel begins collapsing behind you, but you take off running into the unknown. Its pitch black and you don't know which way is the safest. Darting into what you think is a whole to another level you jump to save yourself from being crushed by the tunnel.

Suddenly you start to free-fall down some kind of shaft. Screaming as your falling, and you hit a ledge an roll onto the floor of a new developed level. You cough from all the dirt in your lungs, noticing you can't move your right leg as your looking at it. A huge piece of steal pipe is sticking out from your leg you gradually start to sit-up when you notice another piece has entered your rib cage. You realize the dirt isn't dirt its blood, you realize you have to move or you will lay there and die. As you look up from where you had fallen something seems to be coming down the shaft you fell down. Its part of a building you have to move a voice says inside your head. Some kind of strength inside you takes over and you roll into another corridor. You get up finally as you hear the crashing from behind you. Making your way down the corridor hallways you see a blazing blue spiral of essence. Pulling the pieces of metal out of your rib cage and you're leg while saying out loud "It couldn't get any worse than it is. Fuck this place I am out of here." Jumping into some kind of portal in times, parallel universes, you start free-falling agin. Instead of just screaming you screamed out "OH! SHIT! Damn it, not this agin." You pass by others who are free-falling. "Hel what was that?" Voice asks with concern. "I don't know, Voice, someone passed us bye in like blazing flame of blue?"

Without a thought Sarge turns then say's "I'll go check it out," she turns around and heads down the shaft. You have fallen onto another platform with a huge thump to the head, and you become passed out. "Hel, I need you to go with Sarge. I have some indications that there were, some kind of portal that being was coming from." "On it! Voice." Hel and Cleo jump off a level then free-falls back down. Sarge reaches you, she saw all the trauma that has mutated your body, she feels to see if you have a pulse. Suddenly you jump and grab her hand then with a weak yet strong demanding voice you say "HELP ME PLEASE!" Sarge looks in surprise then you pass out agin

Hel and Cleo make their way to Sarges position. Hel decides to call out for Sarge "Sarge, where are you?" "Over here Hel, "Sarge says as she is studying a small tattoo on your shoulder. Hel runs to see who this person is. "So what is it?", Hel asked attentively. "Well she is human but I am guessing not of our time. Her clothing looks odd. "Cleo looks at the young woman on the floor then says "That is 20th Century clothing." "Impossible Cleo 20th century people couldn't time travel." Hel says looking at Cleo and Sarge. "Well not entirely true. There were Blue plasma Tunnels no one dared entering. They were never that stable." Sarge says, as Cleo takes a look at you realizing that you aren't breathing. "Yeah but no one discover stabling ones til the synopsis data was developed."
"Who know all I know is that they aren't from this time" Cleo jumps up and say's "You guys she is dying we need to help her." They agree and Sarge picks you up and Hel starts to help her, "No I got this." She shoots her web launcher and descends down to the lab. They get you to the lab, putting you in the healing chamber. Hel finally saw the tattoo on your shoulder of such beauty. It was wings' like an eagle but white as a dove with a circle at the top in gold. Then she realized where she had seen that before. It was the mark of the resistance leaders, her father didn't have one because he wasn't part of the military protectors

Sarge had been put through that kind of training and she knew more about the tattoo. She tilted her head "Hel, did you find out who this person is." "No, Voice she is resting in the healing chamber now. Voice. She has the tattoo of a resistance leader. Maybe you might know her. She is young, blond very deep blue eyes, as Sarge has described. She looks in her mid twenties." Hel spoke in her mental empowerment tone of voice. Mauser looks up "Unbelievable she is more than 547 years old. She has endured many injuries. For instance, both ribs and legs are broken, lung collapsing, internal bleeding. Massive blows to her head, and not to mention the spinal column, it has been severed. I can't believe that she is still alive." "Did you get all that voice?" Hel said as she looks at you so brutally beaten up, laying on the table. "Hel I need you to look for what is called a birthmark." Hel looks at the girl then tilt's her head to the right. "Where do I look, Voice?" Voice transmits the location on the right hand of the girl's finger is a small freckle. "This is very important Hel to identify this woman. Send the schematics to me. I will determine the final annalist." Hel looks up from the pod like healing tube.

Sarge is standing by the healing tube staring at you. As if she has seen not only a ghost but someone she has adored and strives on becoming like. Hel responds to Voice"As soon as we get them voice." Hel moves closer to Sarge and say's "Do you know her Sarge?" Sarge looks at her across her shoulder at her dear friend. "No, But . . . there is something." Hel confusingly looks at her life long friend and companion then she say's, "Like what for instance?" "Hel, do you remember the stories you were told of the most unstoppable fearless leader of the resistance." Hel looked into her eyes as Sarge moved from the delicate touch from a woman who has saved her countless times before. Hel knew Sarge was never the touchable type, afraid of being trapped like an animal. Hel smiled slightly, she say's, "Yeah, the Story of the Angelic Protector. She started the resistance. They called her ANGEL. But Sarge that story was a myth told to kids to let them believe that there are higher powers that will bring them back to the surface. We know we are the only power that is taking back the surface. You don't think." Sarge looked at her, " They weren't myth's Hel, and Angel was real. She led a battle that was unbelievable til she was assassinated by one of her main command. I studied her training, but she walked in the desert for two weeks without water just to liberate the other leaders of the Resistance. She was a legend to me. I was in a group that vowed to her liberation of the surface. I read her diary's, which is where I picked my new name Sarge she was a military strategist.

She was a Master Sargent, so everyone called her Sarge. I vowed to be like her in every way. I just never took the mark of her alliance." Hel looked at her strangely"Why haven't you told me about this?" Sarge looked at the girl in the tube and say's, "Angel was someone I loved and admired what was there to tell." ":Well for one why didn't you let me know that you were one of the Angel Legions, second how could you keep this from me why didn't you take the mark."
Sarge looked at Hel then with a disappointed face say's "What can you expect me to tell you. You never really care until after something happens anyway. And I didn't take the mark because I never made it through the training. I felt I disgraced her remembrance if I took it without really doing the things she has done. Anymore why's or how?" Hel then suddenly tilt's her head to the right listening carefully. "Hel, do you have those schematics." Sarge looks at Hel and knows Voice has spoken to her. "Fuck this I am gone. You don't even give a shit to what I said." Sarge turns to storm out, and Cleo walks in as Sarge abruptly push past Cleo almost knocking on her ass. "What was that about?" Hel shook her head. Then say's "I give it up." Suddenly the healing tube opens as Voice say's "Hel it is, ANGEL, the rebel founder." You step out as the air from the tube surrounds you bare body. Such a body of flawless curves, built like a body builder, and a very strong physique. And with an Angelic face. Hel stares at such beauty and Cleo say's, "Damn! Tae-Bo did that body good." You looked at yourself slowly rasing an arm then the other. Sarge walks back in and saw you standing there.
Her eye's glaze over staring at you, your eyes wonder away from you and seen Sarge staring at you. A lump sticks in your throat, as you try to hide from her stare. You look all around and seen the rest of the team Hel, Cleo, and Mauser.

TO BE CONTINUED...........................