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Chapters 6 - 10

Chapter 6

In Sunset Beach at the Richards mansion.

Olivia: Good morning Caitlin!

Caitlin: Mum, Caitlin said a bit annoyed.

Olivia: Cait, what´s wrong?

Caitlin: Nothing!, Caitlin answered more annoyed.

Olivia: O.K... So, what are your plans for today?, Olivia asked quickly changing the subject.

Cailtlin: I´m taking Trey for a picnic at the beach.

Olivia: Oh, Cait... I wish you had asked before making those plans. Your father and I are taking Trey to visit an old friend up north.

Caitlin: Oh great! Now YOU are gonna have Trey all to yourself!

Olivia (stunned): What are you talking about?

Caitlin: It wasn´t enough you slept with my man, now you are taking my son away from me!

Olivia: Your son?! Cait...

Caitlin: You´re a terrible mother and I pity Trey for having to be raised by someone like you!

Caitlin stormed out of the house and left a chocked Olivia behind. Gregory then entered the livingroom.

Gregory: Good morning darling, he said happily as he kissed Olivia on her cheek. What´s wrong, he asked?

Olivia: Caitlin... She...

Gregory: Has something hapened to Caitlin?, Gregory asked worried.

Olivia: No, she´s fine. I think...

Gregory: Olivia, just tell me what´s wrong.

Olivia: Caitlin was so strange. It was like she believed that Trey was her son...

Gregory: I´m sure you misunderstood her.

Olivia: No, I didn´t. She said she pity Trey for having me as a mother and that she thought I was a terrible mother. And she meant it, I could see it in her eyes. Gregory, our daughter dispies me!

Olivia started to cry and Gregory quickly put his arms around her to comfort her.

Gregory: No, Liv... She doesn´t hate you, she loves you.

Olivia: But then why did she say what she did?

Gregory: I don´t know. Maybe she´s angry at someone else and took it out over you. I´ll talk to her.

Olivia: No Gregory. I´ll do that myself when she comes back.

Gregory: Should we postpone our trip?

Olivia: No. As you said, she is probably angry at someone else. I´ll let her come down.

Gregory: O.K. Then, are you ready to go?

Olivia: With you - anytime, she said as they started walking upstairs to get Trey.

Chapter 7

At the beach in Sunset Beach.

Sean: Casey! Glad I ran into you. Do you think you can give Emily the night off?

Casey: Already taken care of. Why? Are you going to the big party 4th of July party at the Deep tonight?

Sean: Yeah. I heard it would be starting soon and go on all night long...

Casey: That´s right. This will be a party none of us will forget anytime soon. There´s Ben.

BEN, Casey shouted and Ben started walking in their direction.

Ben: Casey, Sean, I don´t have the time really, I´m going to Los Angeles.

Sean: But you will come to the party later, won´t you?

Ben: No, I don´t think so.

Casey: But it´s your party...

Ben: Yes, I know. But I have more important things to do. And you will be there, so can you take care of things at the Deep while I´m away?

Casey: Sure, just give me the keys.

Ben: The bartender have them.

Casey: Good. May I ask why you are going to L.A for?

Ben: Personal reasons. I have to go now. If it is anything - call me. Or you can call Maria, she´s staying in my house with Benjy while I´m gone.

Casey: Sure. Good luck with the thing you are going to L.A for.

Ben walked away to his car and drove off. Good luck, he thought...

Ben to himself: I may need it... Annie, ready or not, here I come.

Back at the beach

Sean: He seems to be feeling better these days.

Casey: I think he is.

Sean: So, who are coming to the party tonight?

Casey: Almost everyboby I think.


Everything in this chapter happens at about the same time.

At the Deep (Sunset Beach)

The Deep was crowded with people waiting for the 4th of July party to begin.

Sean: Hi! Casey. Sara. How are you guys?

Sara: Fine. Hi Emily.

Emily: Sara. Sean, wasn´t Caitlin and Cole gonna be here?

Sean: Speak of the devils...

Cole and Caitlin walked down the stairs and entered the night club.

Cole: Hi guys! What´s happening?

Casey: Not much yet. The D.J is a little late.

Cole: Well, why don´t I give it a try and you go and see if you can find him?

Sean: Sounds like a plan. Coming Case?

Casey: Sure.

Casey and Sean headed out.

Cole: O.K. Sweetie... Let´s see if I can pull this off.

Caitlin (in an indifferent tone): Fine.

Cole: Caitlin, what is it? You´ve been like that the whole day!

Caitlin: Like what?!

Cole: We´ll talk about it later.

Cole walked up to the D.J´s place and started going through some CD´s.

At Morgan DeWitt´s beach house.

Morgan was sitting on the couch thinking about how she tricked Ridge into sleeping with her to get pregnant.

Morgans voice: How could I do it? I promised myself to change my ways when I got back here... I´m just so glad I didn´t become pregnant! (In this fan fiction Morgan never became pregnant.)

There was a knock on the door and Morgan went to see who it was. Morgan (chocked): Ben!

Ben: Hi Annie...

The Forrester mansion (Eric and Stephanie´s house)

There was a knock on the door and Stephanie went to answer it.

Stephanie (surprised): Oh my God! Olivia! Gregory!

They hugged

Olivia: Surprise...

Stephanie: How long has it been? What are you guys doing here?

Gregory: We just decided to come and visit old friends.

Stephanie: Eric, come here! And this must be little Trey...

Olivia: Yes it is.

Olivia is holding Trey as the two women cuddle with him. Eric walks in.

Eric: I thought I heard some familiar voices...

Eric hugged Olivia and Gregory and says hallo to Trey.

Eric: This was a surprise. How are you doing?

Gregory: We are just fine, and you? Heard you got re-married after your stroke.

Stephanie: Yes we did... and we heard about your divorce...

Olivia: Yes, we got divorced...

Gregory: ...but not for long. We´re finally back together again.

Eric: That´s great! So, how long are you staying?

They walked into the livingroom

Olivia: We planned to go back to Sunset Beach tomorrow. The trail starts and we have to be there.

Stephanie: We read about that... How could that man do that to you?

Gregory: I guess jealousy can drive you to do anything.

Eric: Well, we´re glad you didn´t go to prison.

Olivia: I´m too...

Stephanie: So, what has happened since then? And since the last time we were in Sunset Beach?

Olivia: I was just about to ask you the same thing...

In Brooke´s office at Forrester creations

Thorne and Brooke was talking about Macy and the divorce when Macy came in.

Brooke: Macy, what are you doing here?

Macy: I came here to talk to you, Brooke. But I can see that you are busy with MY husband.

Thorne: Macy...

Macy: That´s all right Thorne. I didn´t come here to argue.

Brooke: Then why are you here?

Macy: As I said, I came here to talk to you. In private.

Thorne: I´m not leaving you two alone.

Brooke: Thorne, it´s O.K.

Thorne: Fine...

Thorne left the office.

Brooke: So what is it that you would like to say to me?

Macy: I want you to stay the hell away from Thorne!

Brooke: I thought you said you didn´t come here to argue...

Macy: I wasn´t.

Brooke: Is that a threat?!

Suddenly everybody feels the groung move. Big earthquakes hit the southern part of California...


Everything in this chapter happens about the same time.

Brooke´s office

Macy: Oh my God, an earthquake!

Brooke and Macy screamed as the floor under them creaked and cracked and fell down. The two women went with it and fell one floor down.

Outside Brooke´s office

Thorne shaked around, trying as fast as he could to get back to the office. He got the door open and found a big hole in the floor and saw the two women lying unconscious on the floor below.

At Morgan´s house

Morgan/Annie screamed and Ben rushed over to her covering her with his body. Things started falling down on them and knocked them both unconscious.

The Forrester mansion (with Eric, Stephanie, Gregory, Olivia and Trey)

Olivia: It´s an earthquake!

Eric: O.K. Everybody calm down and let´s get to a safe place.

Olivia and Stephanie screamed as the ceiling starts to cave in and things started falling down on them, burying them and knocked them all unconscious. Suddenly everything became quiet.

Outside the Deep (with Sean and Casey)

Casey: Sean, take cover!

The ground shaked heavily and started to crack.

Sean: My God! Emily and Caitlin is down there!

Casey: And Sara!

Casey and Sean watched the building as it shaked with the ground helplessly. They knew it was not smart to go down there before it stopped shaking. Suddenly the building collapsed, burying everyone inside alive...

Chapter 10

Brooke´s office at Forrester creations

Thorne looked with horror in his eyes as the two women was laying unconscious on the floor under him. He tried to come up with a way to get down there since too much stuff was blocking the door below to get in through it. He climbed down on a bookcase and reached Macy. She woke up by his touch and looked around.

Macy: My God... What happened?

Thorne: The floor collapsed and you fell down here with it. There was an earthquake.

Macy: Yeah, I know.

Thorne went over to Brooke who was buried in a junkpile. He trieed to wake her up but not with any success. He touched her face and begged her to pull through.

Thorne: Honey, you´ll be fine. Just fine. I´m gonna help you. Just hang in there.

Macy looked at the scene. She could see how worried Thorne was and realizes that he really loved Brooke. It was obvious. She crawled over to help. She was hurt but Brooke was worse.

Macy: Have you called 911?

Thorne: I was just going to.

He took out his cellphone and dialed.

Macy was sitting by Brooke´s side.

Macy: I´m so sorry for what I did to you and Thorne. Please pull through.

At the Forrester guest house (Rick´s place)

Rick was buried. The roof had come down on him and he was bleading from his head. He was unconscious.

At the Forrester mansion

Eric, Stephanie, Olivia, Gregory and baby Trey was all buried in a pile of debris. Pieces from the roof had fallen down on them. Suddenly Eric started to move. He was pretty beaten up but was in better condition then the rest of them. He went over to his wife. Stephanie was not awake. But she was not bleading. Trey woke up and started screaming. Eric crawled towards him. He seemed to be fine. Gregory woke up by the scream and freed himself from the junk. He saw Eric with Trey and Stephanie. He saw Olivia´s feet sticking out from the debris and headed her way. She was now awake but groggy. Her head was spinning. Gregory reached his cellphone and called 911.

Gregory: Don´t worry sweetie, the ambulance is on it´s way and Trey seems to be OK.

Olivia was releaved to see everyone all right. She and Gregory freeed herself from the junk and they crawled over to the others. Stephanie was starting to come to but Trey was still screaming. Eric handed him over to Olivia and started digging Stephanie out.

The Deep in Sunset Beach

Sean and Casey watched in horror as the building had just collapsed. They ran towards it. But there was no hope for any survivors as it looked like. It was silent. Sean ran to a payphone on the street to call the paramedics. Casey tried to find a way in but there wasn´t one. He realized that Sara is gone and broke down. Sean returned and came to the same conclution. Caitlin and Emily. And Cole. There was no way they could have made it. A firetruck arrived and five firemen rushed out of it, horrified at the scene. They started digging their way in. But it was no use. Everyone was gone.
