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Marissa Tait

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Marissa facts from various magazines:

* Marissa loves shopping for gifts that fits the people she´s buying for.

* When B&B went to Italy in the end of 1999 Marissa brought her 15 year old brother Chris with her.

* She had a cruch on Fred Savage when she was younger. She used to watch Freds series Wonder years. She still would like to meet him and maybe even share screen with him.

* A while ago she had the chance to turn some bad fortune into good when accidentally rolled into the car in front of her while trying to stop for a stop sign. As it turned out, the driver of the other car recognized her from B&B... and not only that, but the driver´s husband is a casting director. Not one to pass up on an opportunity, Marissa gave the woman a picture to pass on to her husband.

* Marissa was raised on the recipes that her grandmother and aunt made from scratch and therefor she won´t stand for those canned spaghetti sauces. She can´t go for anything other than authentic Italian cuisine. Unfortunately she hasn´t picked up on the family culinary skills herself, so she has to settle for taking jarred sauce and adding her own herbs and spices, but one day she intends to learn the family secrets so she can do it the old fashioned way.

* Although she admits she was initially sad to learn that Becky was dying, she told SOW that she is excited about the acting challenge it presents.

* She told SPW that she can relate in a small way, as she had a level 2 mole remove when she was 19, and she has also visited Internet sites and chats rooms about cancer to get a feel for her story.

* She has bonded nicely with leading man Mick Cain (C.J), and the two of them talk about their scenes together to find ways to bring an extra bit of vitality to them.

* She has nothing bur good things to say about co-star Adrienne Frantz (Amber), who is almost like a sister to her, and executive producer/head writer Brad Bell, who created her wonderful character... But even though she will miss the entire cast and crew on the show, she thinks she is ready when Becky´s end comes.

* She is extreamly close to her brother and maternal grandmother Anna who took her in when her parents divorced. Although her relationship with her folks was somewhat strained by the breakup.

* Her fan mail has doubled since the cancer story started she tells SID, with many letters of support for Becky, but she is confident that Brad Bell will do what is best for the story.

* She has already been contacted by a couple of other soaps with offers, but she might try her luck in primetime or films instead.

* As a size 5 working among size 2 and 3 co-stars, she tells SOU, she has been self conscious about her weight. However she realizes that she´s thinner than most people she sees on the streets, and in fact, many people who meet her are surprised at how thin she really is when when not compared to one of her co-stars.

* Like Becky, she has no idea what the future holds, but she´s confident that it will turn out OK in the end.

* She cried when she got her last script and admits that it hurts but she still praises Brad Bell.

Outstanding Female Newcomer Nominee Marissa Tait

The Bold and the Beautiful's Marissa Tait is nominated for the Outstanding Female Newcomer Soap Opera Award this year. The Soap Opera Awards will be held this March, but buy a copy of Soap Opera Digest now to vote on the winners! (The ballot is in the November 30 issue). Marissa let us know how it feels to be a first time nominee! Congratulations on your nomination! How does it feel?

MARISSA TAIT: Thank you. Very good. I was actually really surprised. Were you aware that the nominations were being announced?

MARISSA TAIT: I knew because I have a friend, David Tom [Billy], on The Young and the Restless. And he knew on a Friday. Then Adrienne [Frantz, Amber] came up to me on set; she told me that she had been nominated and Susan [Flannery, Stephanie] got nominated. This was on a Monday. So, I figured that if nominations were out since Friday, I'd know by now. I really didn't think I got nominated at all. I was incredibly happy for Adrienne, she totally deserves it, and for David and Susan. Adam, one of our people upstairs, came up to me and said, "Congratulations." And I had just finished a really long day at work. I was like, "For what?" And he said, "On your nomination!" And I said, "Oh, no, no, no, no, I didn't get nominated. That was Adrienne." He said, "No, YOU got nominated." I said, "I did?" And he said, "Yeah! For Best Female Newcomer." I said, "Really?" I got really excited and jumped up and down and gave everybody hugs and I was just thrilled. That's my story! What scenes are you the most proud of this year?

MARISSA TAIT: Let's see - I have three favorites. I love the one when I give the baby back to Amber. I was crying - and I was really crying! I love the first interview with Eric Forrester - I thought that was pretty comedic. And then I thought the date scenes with C.J. were really fun. I know you went to the Emmys for the first time this year. Are you excited about this awards show?

MARISSA TAIT: I am! And I have asked my grandmother to be my date. [Smiles] Becky has finally stood up for herself to Amber and Tawny. Has that been fun?

MARISSA TAIT: It is fun. It's fun to watch Becky evolve and to evolve with her as an actress. As always, it's a pleasure to work with Adrienne and Andy [Andrea Evans, Tawny]. They're always fun to work with. What does it mean to you that the fans vote on these awards?

MARISSA TAIT: I think that because fans vote on [the awards], it makes it very special because you know you're touching someone, you're reaching them. This is who you put the show on for. With the Emmys it's different because those are your peers. With the fans, you know that you've communicated your message to them and they're responding. That's kind of nice. I do know that different magazines reach different people, though. There are so many wonderful people out there, and so many wonderful actors, who never get nominated, and never get recognition. That's where I stand on awards in general. There are so many people who are well deserving, yet there aren't enough awards to go around. So, it's very flattering to be nominated. I just wish everybody the best of luck! Thanks for calling and good luck!

MARISSA TAIT: No problem. Thank you!