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Katherine Kelly Lang

Get the latest and fun information about B&B's Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke Logan). Take some time to read Interviews or a Chat with her. Enjoy!

First off we have a SoapCity Chat with Katherine from September 21st of 1999.

Katherine: Hello everybody!

cuddlygirl_17 asks: What is it like to play the role of a woman who's been with all the guys in one family?

Katherine: Strange. It is like the Forrester's are the only people in the world.

bsb_rok2000 asks: Brooke and Stephanie really convince people that they hate each other. Is it hard to act that mean towards each other?

Katherine: We really like each other in our personal lives, but our characters hate each other. Susan can get scary, so it is easy to fight with her on screen.

beckelhimer99 asks: Who do you think is a better match for Brooke: Thorne or Ridge?

Katherine: I think at the moment Thorne.

monique_c_98 asks: What is in store for Brooke Logan in the Year 2000? Will she be in another triangle?

Katherine: The producers love triangles, so probably.

TexasT55 asks: What made you decide to cut your hair short?

Katherine: I was tired of the hairdresser putting in curlers and spraying it and puffing it up. They were always doing something with my long hair. Now I feel more carefree. It is easier.

bsb_rok2000 asks: What advice would you give to an aspiring actor or actress?

Katherine: Study and persevere.

Mommasugar2 asks: When you find out the truth about Eric JR. not being your grandbaby how will you feel?

Katherine: Sad and happy. Sad because of being emotionally attached already. And happy because I'm not a Grandma! Brooke would be happy because she didn't want her son to have Amber's baby.

skip_13_99 asks: Katherine do you think you are like Brooke at all?

Katherine: Well, I think we are different. I'm much more laid back and much more of a natural person than Brooke is, I think.

fairyfloss_16 asks: Hey, I am from Australia. Do you think you will ever come here?

Katherine: I would love to come to Australia and hopefully, soon in the future.

monique_c_98 asks: What will happen with the Y&R crossover and the Newman Enterprise/Brooke's Bedroom partnership?

Katherine: I wish they would do more with that storyline. I love working with Eric Braeden. It is exciting to do the crossover to Y&R. But I don't know where they are going to go from here.

wfaria asks: Why is Brooke always portrayed as that BAD girl and Taylor as the SAINT?

Katherine: Well, Taylor is the saint! LOL! She never does anything bad. Brooke, however, is a fun character to play because she has all those different sides to her. A little bad, a little good. She has those different levels.

sasylatina asks: How do you juggle being a mom and working long hours on a soap opera?

Katherine: Thank God it is a half hour show because we get out early sometimes. I take my kids to school in the morning and pick them up. Some days I don't work. I manage.

snoopyalii asks: Katherine, I teach 4th grade. I don't fear getting up in front of my students, but have a problem w/ talking in front of my peers or other adults. Any suggestions for stage fright?

Katherine: Hmmm. Know what you are talking about and what you want to communicate and you will have more confidence with yourself.

indians_fan_13 asks: Katherine - just a little note to tell you I think you do a wonderful job and the show would not ever be the same without you! What do you enjoy most and who is your favorite co-worker?

Katherine: Thank you. I think acting, which I love to do. I really love working with Susan Flannery and of course Winsor Harmon. We have had some good scenes together. And Ronn Moss. I don't want to leave anyone out.

bsb_rok2000 asks: Your such a great actress, what has been your favorite storyline to play and why??

Katherine: Thank you for the compliment. I like every storyline that the writers come up with. They always have something really exciting for Brooke to play. Fighting for her kids, fighting for the company, her love life, etc.

Katherine: It is always exciting.

duchess_2520 asks: WILL B&B BECAME AN HOUR SHOW?

Katherine: Possibly. They have been talking about it, but who knows.

breezer528 asks: Who do you admire most?

Katherine: I would have to say my kids. I admire my kids. They teach me a lot. You get really tuned into them and aware. If you watch what they do and say they can teach you a lot.

bsb_rok2000 asks: What are your thoughts about getting a new actor to play your son Rick? I'm sad he's leaving:(

Katherine: I'm sad he is leaving too. He was great. But, these things happen and we will see how the new kid is and hopefully it will all work out.

chyna956 asks: Do you and Adrienne get along ok?

Katherine: Oh yes! We get along great. She is very funny and she's totally an individual person. Nobody can tell her what to do, how to act. She is the way she is and I respect her for that. She is a young smart girl.

trevnme asks: When are the writers going to stop making Brooke chase all the guys, and let someone chase her for awhile?

Katherine: That would be nice! LOL! Brooke needs somebody to chase her.

gfarrell99 asks: You always look so healthy and fit. How do you find time with three children?

Katherine: It is hard, but I guess I fit it in. I'll go running on my lunch hour or after work. Exercise in my dressing room and go hiking with the family on weekends.

Flash1999xoxo asks: In the future would you like to do movies? I think you would be great!

Katherine: I've done five movies already and would like to do more.

nike8999 asks: I remember the true story. It is so cool! Well, maybe I remember... weren't you Caroline's friend?

Katherine: Yes, that was in the beginning of the show and Caroline was Brooke's best friend. I (Katherine) miss her too!

TexasT55 asks: I loved the scene where you were introducing "Brooke's Bedroom" to the public and Stephanie attacked you on the bed in front of the press. How many times did you have to do that scene to get it perfect and how did all of you keep straight faces?

Katherine: We rehearsed it so many times that we got all of our laughs out at the rehearsal. When we taped it, it only took a few tries.

skylar0825 asks: Katherine, how often do you get home to Hawaii and what is your favorite thing to do?

Katherine: That is not home.

Katherine: I'm from Los Angeles, but I do love Hawaii.

zzsavannah asks: do you get a lot of fan mail from your European fans?

Katherine: Oh yes! A lot of fan mail and most of them have joined my fan club. Write to Katherine Kelly Lang at CBS. 7800 Beverly Blvd. LA, CA 90036.

Katherine: From there, my fan club president will send them an application to apply to the fan club.

Karen_2000_86 asks: You must love your part so much because you play it so well. If you could change parts with anyone... who would it be?

Katherine: No one! I just love Brooke, she is too good!

chikapeee asks: What TV shows do you watch?

Katherine: Once in a while I tune into other soaps just to see what every one else is doing. At nighttime I really don't have time to watch. Maybe "The Practice" once and a while and maybe - "Ally McBeal."

TexasT55 asks: Are you glad Brooke and Taylor have made a "peace" of sorts with each other or did you like it better when Brooke and Taylor were constantly arguing??

Katherine: I like it better since we've become a little more understanding of each other.

odiepodie14 asks: Is Taylor really gonna die, or are you gonna keep us in suspense?

Katherine: I'm not telling!

slh199 asks: Katherine, how do your children feel about their mom being a star??

Katherine: I think they don't see it that way. They know I'm an actress and on TV and they are proud to tell their friends that. They are not delusional about it. It is a normal job to them.

Karen_2000_86 asks: When did you start acting and how?

Katherine: I started doing commercials and print work when I was a baby and all through my childhood. I started doing TV and films when I was 17.


Katherine: Really, there is a shortage? For my character there is never a shortage!

madiestee asks: What skincare line do you use; I am a makeup artist.

Katherine: I use Lancôme creams for my face.

Katherine: I also like Lancôme makeup.

sasylatina asks: Do you stay in touch with any of the actors that have left the show?

Katherine: Once in a while I bump into Joanna Johnson, but we don't really stay in touch. Everybody else, no I haven't. It is kind of - my life is too busy. It is hard to maintain any kind of friendship especially with my life being as busy as it is.

sephy24 asks: I met you at the 1998 B&B luncheon and you are a very nice woman. I love some of the clothes you wear on the show. Do you get to keep them?

Katherine: It was nice to meet you too, and hopefully you will come again next. We don't keep the clothes. They keep them in the big wardrobe department and wait for us to wear them again.

bsb_rok2000 asks: Do you get recognized a lot on the streets?

Katherine: Especially when I go out of town, yes. In Hollywood or Los Angeles, they are used to seeing actors.

angel_01_16_83 asks: How is your relationship with Ashley Lynn Cafagna different off screen? Do you even talk to her? Does she talk to you?

Katherine: Yes, a little bit. Her mom's there a lot with her and is a very nice person. We talk about things here and there, but I think on screen we're friends too. They just haven't really developed that storyline.

SquidGrl45 asks: Hello. Shannon from NY here. Are you and Macy close?

Katherine: We're friends because we work together and we get along just fine. I usually don't have time to make friendships that would take up a lot of my time. My family comes first. I don't leave much time open to have too many friends. Mostly that time is spent with my family.

Katherine: I have two dogs, a rot and a golden lab. The rot is Spirit and Max is the lab. We have four horses, but we are trying to sell two. They take up a lot of my extra time too.

prancer100 asks: What's your favorite line of clothing?

Katherine: I love Emporio Armani, Richard Tyler, Calvin Klein.

chyna956 asks: How is your arm doing - has it healed yet, I hope your ok.

Katherine: Sometimes it kind of pops funny, but it is fine.

sdn001 asks: Speaking of Joanna Johnson, I read recently how she's given up acting for screenwriting and (possibly in the future) directing. Do you ever see yourself making a similar choice?

Katherine: No. I love to act and that is all I really want to do. I don't think that I would like to be in the position of being the boss and telling everyone what they should be doing. Possibly writing, but I love acting.

lale207 asks: I would love to know how you were able to slim down after having your last child. You look great and I'm in the same boat after giving birth 6 months ago?

Katherine: Wow! That is great and congratulations. I've always stayed in shape and worked out. I went back to jogging and doing push-ups and sit-ups. Riding my horses.

Katherine: I'm very active so it was easy.

thumbhole asks: How long do you plan on playing Brooke Logan?

Katherine: We shall see.

sunshinejean asks: Do you think Brooke and Ridge will have an affair if Taylor dies?

Katherine: It wouldn't be an affair then, would it? I don't know if you would call it that. It would be more serious. Now that she has gotten into Thorne... Considering where she is with Thorne and their relationship, I don't think so.

Katherine: Thank you everybody for chatting with me today. I'm sorry I have to wrap up sooner then I thought, but I have to run back to work. I appreciate all of the questions and support and keep watching.


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