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There's so many people I'd like to thank, so I'll just start!

Sabrina: You're my sister, my best friend, and my muse!Thanks for everything!

Jessie: Our conversations are a blast, our stories are better! Thanks for being my bud!

Maria: One fourth of the Four Musketeers! Dudette, what do I say? You gave me the name for this little endeavor! Thanks for all the good things, for ADITL, for being my friend!

Aislynn: Not only a beloved Musketeer, but my soul sister. Thank you for everything you've done, and for the laughter we've shared!

Erica: With whom we complete the Musketeers! Thank you for the phone conversations, the laughs, and the kind words that you've given me. :)

Gin Gin: Good Lord girl! Ya keep me writin, and you got me hooked on MG! What else can I say but THANK YOU?!?!?!

Robyn: Siiiigh...trouble, trouble, trouble...and I'm not talking about a horse! Thanks for the laughs, and the fun, hon! :)

Enid: Thanks for the graphics! For the stories, and for bein my friend!

The Spices: For the laughs, spontanious pic fests, and some really cool adventures!

Patrick: My hubby! For being patient, and loving. For knowing that I really do exist, after answering 600 emails, and finally leaving the bedroom!

Denise: My sister! For telling me how silly my obsession really is! For the Slaughter obsession, and for listening to my endless babble about the Spices, and who the hottest guy is! :)

My parents: For accepting my strangeness, and encouraging me to write! Bet ya never knew this was what was going to happen!

And as with everything that I do, every day, this is dedicated to my two cowboys: Brandon James & Nicholas Andrew. Be nice to those angels, boys!