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The Gallery

By clicking the above logo, you will be sent to a highly classified section. Photos of Team 7, as well as case reports can be seen. (photos to come!)

All screen captures have been very nicely donated through the BrigaDears, Starkes Spices, the M7 Picture List, and from my bud Cass. Not to mention my Twinkie Twin Jessie.

The Gunslinger

The Tracker

The Scoundrel

The Kid

The Gambler

The Preacher

The Healer

Feel free to steal what you will. The opening graphic was made by me, so give credit where it's due please! :)

This site is in no way connected to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. The stories constructed at the ATF portion of this site are the works of very talented authors, and are in no way connected either.