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The most important part is to remember your dream. It is difficult for us to recall each and every detail of a dream so writing your dream down in a dream journal is a good start.

When you create your dream journal you should be very careful to date each log. This will enable you to go back and look at your dreams. You may have a psychic dream.

It is not necessary to write the entire dream from beginning to end but that is up to the individual. What you should do is focus on the symbols contained within your dream.

For example I had a dream in which my new winter coat was stolen. The dream took me all over the place trying to find it. The places I went to and people I talked to were fuzzy and I couldn't really recall their faces. They are insignificant here.

The key is to weed out the unnecessary details. Leaving you with the final symbols. In my dream the Symbols were the new winter coat and the fact that it was stolen.

Your list may consist of more symbols depending on the lenght of the dream and your ability to weed out the unnecessary. It will become easier with practice.

on a separate page take each symbol and write out what each word makes you think of, what they symbolize to you. Brain storm until your list is complete.


Coat: New, Warm, Cozy, Security, I love it

Stolen: loss, fear of never seeing it again.

It is crucial at this point that you are honest with your feeling toward the symbols in your dreams other wise your end result will not make much sense.

Now that you have analized each symbol you can begin to put it together.

In my example I was happy with my new warm cozy coat it gave me security from the cold winter. I just bought the coat and I loved it. When it was stolen from me I recalled feelings of sheer loss and I was devistated.

Now relate this to an aspect of your life. In my case I was in a fairly new relationship and in love, he makes me feel secure, warm and cozy. If he were to be taken away from me for any reason I would feel a great loss and would be devistated.

This is a very simple example for you to follow. Some dreams are as short and sweet as this one but some are more complex. This works for every dream. Eventually you will not need to write down every detail and you will be able to interpret your dreams quicky and help others to unravel the mysteries of their strange and baffeling dreams!

If you have any questions concerning your dreams,

feel free to post them on the message board or you can send an email .

Sweet Dreams!
