Find Your Sign Below. Look for your most compatible sun sign! ARIES


Lots of Passion! You will leave burn marks in your sheets. But run fast from this guy. He has a wondering eye and doesn't want to be tied down. Neither do you.


If you are looking to be bored. A Taurus man is who you are looking for. You want to party he wants to stay in and watch a movie. Sex is fulfilling but not off the charts.


Do not let this one go! He is a funny charming guy who will sweep you off your feet, leave you laughing and satisfied. The sex will be amazing. The kind of guy you might actually think of settling down with.


He is a real tough cookie. Chances are you will give up on this guarded, quiet, subdued, stick in the mud kind of guy. You are too much the life of the party to spend time trying to break down the iron fortress he has built around him. Sex with him will not likely meet your standards.


You will notice this guy he is the one competing with you at the party. He is a party animal. Oh and an animal when if comes to your love making sessions. Take time off work because you are going to need it.


He is a very serious guy! Takes life at face value. His sense of humour is not the same as yours. It's not likely this relationship will ever get to the bedroom. If it does, be ready for disappointment! No wedding bells here.


Watch out for this guy. He is a devil in disguise. Your hunk is probably charming and good looking. He has some real issues dealing with heated situations and rather avoid talking about problems. Not good for the long term. He's good looking but leaves you disappointed in the bedroom.


When you to come together, boy oh boy do the sparks fly. He knows how to push your buttons in an argument and neither of you are willing to back down. This only serves to heat up sexual desire. If you want a roller coaster romance a Scorpio is you guy!


He is a very intellectually entertaining guy. His charm and wit will keep you interested . Very skilled in the love making department you are sure to stick around for a while. If you don't catch him cheating on you that is. These guys don't tend to settle down with one woman until later in life. Some never do.


He is a shy guy who is worth getting to know. He will notice you but needs you to go and take him out on the dance floor. He is a very romantic guy and will make you glad you made the first move. He will treat you like a princess and make love to you like a King to his Queen.


Compatible on every level. If you are looking for a secure home and wonderful father you found him. He likes to spend money so you may have to take care of the finances. He is kind at heart and a bit of a dreamer.


If you don't already know, this guy is a romancer. he will romance you into his warm and caring heart. He is sensitive and takes criticism not as lightly as others do so tread lightly. Your long term romance could bloom into love. TAURUS


This guy is too uncultured for you. His wild side will only get you in trouble. You are probably already running away from him. Not a chance for the long term.


Who better to spend time with than your match. His strong and masculine body will tantalize you to no end. His ideals match yours. Eating and making love are your top priorities. This is one bull you want to be in the ring with. Those must be wedding bells I hear.


Patience is a virtue Gemini does not have. Slow and steady Taurus will not pick up the pace for this stock car driver. He hurries you both in the bed and out. Besides, his split personality keeps you wondering who you are dating. Dr. Jeckyll or Mr. Hyde. Leave him to his mood swings.


This moody guy believe it or not is a wonderful match. He is great with money and will keep you dressed for success. It is safe to fall in love with this guy and you will. He will give his heart and soul to you. Cancer's are naturally sensuous lovers.


Short term lover! Leo is a lion in bed. You and him surely will spend a lot of time in his lush bedroom. But your tame heart will have a hard time dealing with his wild ways. He is the life of the party and loves it too much to stay home.


There is no sign more compatible in the entire Zodiac than Virgo. A little slow getting started but give this calm mysterious guy time to unravel. He is a tender, patient lover who isn't afraid to experiment. He will always remain loyal to you and your children. An excellent father.


Not the commiting type. He will satisfy your sexual needs, but he gets bored when the challenge is over. Watch your step with this one. He just might break your delicate heart.


You both strive to have the finer things in life. Save now and enjoy later. Both of you together make a strong loving couple. Watch what you say when you argue. Heated fights will lead to long making up sessions in the bedroom.


It's not very likely this relationship will develop into a long lasting love. He is looking for a girl to party with. He is a boy who will take a long time to grow up. He needs too much excitement and may accuse you of being boring.


Excellent match. Materilistic Taurus will have personal and financial security with this guy. He has a strong work ethic and will always bring home the bacon. He is a little old fashioned in his thinking but Taurus is old fashioned too. Steamy love making and lots of it. This skilled lover will have you begging for more.


Not the greatest match. He is very generous and will give you the world if you ask. Don't take advantage of his giving heart. He is always dreaming of something and has his head in the clouds. He is a very considerate lover. His stability will keep you in line. Excellent family man.


You two can accomplish lots together. He allows your creativity to flow and you can motivate him to climb mountains. Sex is off the charts with this guy and he will certainly stick around and build a future with you. GEMINI


You two click well. His wild and crazy personality and your 'life of the party' attitude keep you going into the night. Keep this guy around for the long term. Trust me he is a keeper!


No Way! STOP right there! This guy will bore you to tears. His lack luster personality and desire to stay in on a Saturday night will make you stir crazy. Boring in life = boring in bed.


You won't see wedding bells with this one. But, the sex will be over the top! You both strive to be the best. Too much competition here. Soon you will tire of this guy, but you will end up with a terrific friendship.


You are spunky and this Cancer man will no doubt find you irresistibly sexy! His romantic ways may get you interested in the beginning, but his lack of spontaneity will have you yawning by the second inning.


A fun couple. Everyone loves you two. He likes to shine and doesn't need to lean on you when meeting new people. You admire his strength and sense of humour. One word describes his bedroom techniques. WOW!


If you are looking for a great loyal friend look no further. Wonderful conversations on into the night. That is about it. There are things you rather be doing at night than just talking. Your Virgo man is a little too conservative for your dirty talking style.


You can easily have control in this relationship! Watch out! Just when you think you have control you realize that you have fallen head over heels with this one. You and the Libra man are destine to be together. Sexual passions are intense and very satisfying. He will stick around for the long term.


Watch out and don't get stung by this one. He is a very intense person, bubbling with passion. You're not likely going to see this passion for he keeps it hidden under a very calm exterior. Don't bother with this one. Run, don't walk in the other direction.


He will teach you things you never thought possible in the bedroom. Your sexual cup will runnith over. A word to the wise, he is not the commitment type. He would prefer a harem to one woman.


You'll know this guy. He is the one wearing a crisp white shirt, tie, and a freshly pressed suit. Not a hair is out of place on his perfect head. He is probably an accountant, or a stock broker. This guy has been planning his life since birth. His starchy personality is too rigid for your laid back playfulness.


His sense of humour will have you in stiches. When your not laughing you will be making hot monkey love! Mr. wonderful will be loyal, honest, and loving. He is a family man who will say with you through the very worst and the very best of times.


You two will not want to stay together. He is far too mysterious and guarded. Althought you may be inclined to solve this riddle, you will get bored with what you find. The sex could be interesting, maybe after a couple visits to a therapist. CANCER


You need to be coaxed out of your hiding place. This guy doesn't understand what your about. He is masculine, loud, and up front with his opinion. He will only make you want to get away from him. You want tender he likes it rough.


He is stable, caring and will protect you from harm. Watch out for his jealousy. He will want you all to himself, it's not likely you'll mind too much. Be prepared for long passionate love making sessions. He's got the stamina. Do you? The way to this guy's heart is through his tummy!


You are left behind when Gemini starts to mingle. He likes to meet new people. You don't understand his desire to maintain friendships with old flames. It will not take long for you to realize you don't come first in his life.


Intense emotion! Your moods will often go head to head. This only creates fireworks in the bedroom. Careful, too many arguments will make the romance fizzle fast.


He knows how to get you out of a bad mood. he is a positive man who stands out in a crowd. He will love the attention you give him. He is a lion after all. They love to be stroked till they purr. This guy will have you purring in his den in no time.


Virgo men are passionate loyal creatures. You wouldn't know it by looking at him. Under his icy calm exterior I assure you, there is a sexual intensity that will set off the sprinklers! These guys are not afraid of commitment.


If you are considering a relationship with this guy, don't. He doesn't want to put the effort into finding out what makes you tick. That includes your sexual needs. These guys are a little on the lazy side, and they need lots of sleep. He will only bring you down.


Mr. intensity will fire up your engines and keep you hot all night long. When you get into one of your moods he won't run for cover. He has his share of the grumpies too and can relate. Excellent long term possibilities.


This playboy makes an excellent one night stand. As a lover he is skilled beyond your wildest imagination. As a boyfriend he isn't so great. His wondering eye will only serve to hurt you in the long run. Don't let this one break your heart.


He is very business minded. He lives, eats and breathes money. He will provide for you financially if that is what you truly want. But a word of caution. Nothing gets in his way of making money, and that includes you.


Lust at first sight. His emotional eyes will bring you into his world. Your sexual relationship will be the best you have ever had. You are a sap when it comes to romance but he just doesn't get it.


This guy is all you need. Take out your net and never let him get away. Non stop romance and sex will have you falling for him in no time. He will listen to your fears and hold you in his big strong arms. LEO


When you two go out, you paint the town red. Don't get jealous of his need to be the center of attention. All rams seek the spotlight. After all you do too. If you can get past that, you are headed for a long loving and 'HOT' relationship.


His superior technique in bed has you begging for more. Out of the bedroom he is a little too conservative. Bulls are not know for their spontaneous behaviour. While he thinks and re-thinks things through you have already run out the door. you need a man packed with energy!


WOW! A passion that is out of this world. He likes a good adventure and you are willing to take the ride. His strong, confident attitude has you wild for him. Hang on tight!


See the quiet moody guy in the corner? Oh he sees you! This guy will turn you to mush. Get him alone and he will no longer be shy. He's got some very interisting techniques when it comes to love making. Snap him up and keep him!


Who better to tame the lion than another lion. his love making will leave you begging for more. Both have a strong need for the lime light and applause. That only adds to the perfect match. On a scale of 1-10 this match is an eleven!


Analretentive Virgo rubs you the wrong way. He won't hesitate to let you know what you need to change. Oh and he will share his outlandish opinions of the inner working of the world with you. YAWN! The only thing worse than a Virgo mate is a Capricorn.


Immediate sexual attraction will pull you both together. But there is nothing to glue you two together. You both will continue with the relationship as filler until something better comes along. Be strong and end it. Why waste the energy? The sex isn't even worth it!


Independent and free loving you and he will clash. He wants to own you mind, body, and soul. You will not stand for his need to possess you. In the bedroom his dominance is a turn on but the fights between you will lead to the end of this sexual union.


There is something about a Leo woman who keeps this man in check. He is not the commiting sort, but when he meets this kitten he can't help from falling in love. Don't think you are immune to his charms, you will fall hard.


This guy should have entered a Monastery! That is what you will be telling your friends. You want to get down and dirty while he assumes the missionary position. He bores you in bed and lacks the creativity to romance you the way a woman should be.


This guy's sexual appetite certainly exceeds yours. He will leave you exhausted but completely satisfied. It's not likely you'll want to stick around with this guy because he can be a bit of a know-it-all. Which can and will grit on your nerves.


To dull for your flashy personality. He doesn't seem to have a back bone and you just plain don't have respect for him. Put this fish back in the pond he'll just suck the life out of you. VIRGO


You keep wondering if this guy has any depth of character? He is a wild party animal and you are a home body. You enjoy a warm snuggle by the fire. He is always in search for the party of the year. He is far too macho for you. This guy doesn't know how to make your toes curl if you know what I mean.


You worry, because you have a few fears. A big strong Taurus man helps melt those fears away. Once this guy is hooked, and he probably already is, he will be yours forever.


You could possibly be friends who happen to not mind being together. There doesn't seem to be anything that will hold you together.....not even the sex. He seem to be a bit flaky and up in the clouds. you are looking for a more solid down to earth type.


These relationships are based on trust. He will be able to understand you without having to explain yourself over and over. Watch out Cancer has some moods to get use to. If you can handle that you won't be sorry. This match might have you planning your wedding.


This one needs too much attention. You find it hard to give him strokes when all you can see is flaws. His flaws are not in the bedroom. If he is just a booty call you may find yoursef in many erotic positions. He is not one you want to spend a lot of time with.


These relationships can happen but they require a bit of work on both your parts. You are both quick to point the finger of blame at one another. Get past this and the sky is the limit. Don't expect to leave the love nest for days on end. He is a Virgo just like you and has the same sexual desires.


You two will have a difficult time hitting it off in the first place. You find him to be a bit of a flake. He may seem self absorbed and selfish at times. He will find you a little to needy when it comes to spending time together. You need a patient giving lover, he's a little to quick for your taste.


This man has an iron backbone and you can't help but fall in love. He may have a bit of an ego but that shows confidence, and that turns you on. Mentally, and sexually you two will not be lacking! he is the one! Don't let this stud get away!


NO! NO! NO! This guy loves to play the field and most likely will throw the ball right over your head. He will find you a bit boring and dull. Don't waste your time with this guy, you'll only find out that he just doesn't do it for you when it comes to your sexual relationship.


A union of raw adult passion. You will make great business partners as well as lovers. Keep him around because your bond is a strong powerful one. You bring out the best in each other. After being together for a while you will begin to see positive changes in yourselves.


This will never last! While you both take life seriously, and sex could be interisting. You may feel as thought you have been wasting your time. Aquarians love a good mystery and will drive you nuts. His Sherlock Holmes act will be the end of this relationship.


He is a romantic man who may woo you into his pond. Careful you don't get wet. He makes a good one night stand but leave it at that. You are pracical and his head can certainly be in the clouds. LIBRA


You have a hard time trying to find common ground with this guy. You get along with most people but this one drives you up the wall. You don't like his macho man attitude. Don't bother with this one.


You drive this one to madness. He lives his life by his day planner, you make and break plans at the drop of a hat. In the bedroom things heat up, but he needs a more stable woman.


This one is in for the long term. He will have you falling for him so fast you won't know what hit you. His charm and talents in the bedroom will have you on cloud nine.


Moody Cancer will not turn you on mentally or physically. you find him boring. He thinks your flighty. You like to get out and socialize. He rather watch the late night movie. You two are as different as night and day. In this case opposites do not attract.


This social guy has a wild side that has you screaming for more. His energy and your spunk mix like chocolate syrup and a glass of milk. But, Leo's need attention and lots of it. You will get tried of his constant demand for your attention.


Stay together potential is low. He throws himself into work but you want to play. He will take care of the finances which is great because you could care less. Practice makes perfect in the bedroom. This one could work but it requires a little effort from the both of you.


Your 'lover not a fighter' attitudes allows your relationship to grow and flourish. Without the fights other couples have you can focus on yourselves and your fantastic out of this world sex life. If you two have met then you probably already know he is the one.


This man burns with sexual intensity, that will put a little dew on your lily. He has moves that could embarass even Madonna. He makes a great bootie call! You don't want to live in a cage and he wants to keep you under lock and key!


You are too good for this man. His wondering eye and love of the opposite sex is more than you are willing to put up with. You need love, affection and a little romance. His motto is'Wham Bam Thank You Mam'.


You like to have money and security he will provide for you, but when he starts to share his business opinions, you blank out. He will bore you while your dressed but sex will rock your world. This will baffel you? How could someone so boring be so fantastic in bed?


Of all the Zodiac the Aquarian is your perfect match. He will make you laugh, intrigue you with his interisting conversation, and make love to you in ways you never imagined. He is willing, ready and able to try anything.


You have waited for a man to romance you and he will. His creative imagination will keep you happy for a while. When you realize this guy needs you more than you need him the amazing sex won't matter. Pack your bags and get out while you can. SCORPIO


He is the sort of guy who will bring out your jealousy. He can be a social butterfly who is a bit of a flirt. don't mistake good sex for a relationship. This guy just might break your heart.


He is a big lovable teddy bear. You can depend on Taurus. These guys are very loyal. As lovers they will take care of all your needs. You are both very stubborn and may have to back down once in a while.


You will have a hard time trusting this guy. He is all over the board. You find him flaky, weird, and he never seems to shut up. You aren't compatible in bed because he just doesn't give you the attention you require.


When you slide under the sheets together the earth moves. Passions explode. He is as solid as a rock. You can lean on him and he won't give way! Plan to stay together forever.


You really don't like this guy all that much. you feel the need to cut him down to size. He needs you to give him boundless attention. You won't want to waste your time. It may be hard to leve this one behind because of his skills in the bedroom.


Together you two can move the stars and heavens. don't let him go. Give him a chance to let down his guard and he will surprise you. You will not be sorry you stuck around. He is a passionate lover and completely loyal.


Watch out! He is a charmer. Sleeping with him will be amazing! Careful you don't get burned when you walk into his fire. You get your emotions involved and he holds back. He needs his social time to cruze the bars. But he has you? Exactly. Get out now before you get hurt!


Competing to be better than the other. This constant competition will get tiresome. You will end up furious and this frustration will not lead to passionate love making. You will probably end the date before it goes that far.


you'll think you have died and gone to heaven. He will sweep you off your feet. You may even think he is the one. Think again. When you find out there is a lot of other women, oh and there will be, you'll be done with him.


He will provide you with everything you want and more. This money hungry hunk will certainly be able to pay the bills and have enough left over to make you a princess. He will also make love to you as well as he makes money.


No this one will not do. He's stuffy conversation has you drifing off inot space. He finds you to be a bit of a flake and may even make fun of you. Steer clear of this stick in the mud!


your intense attraction to one another has you making love for days. He is so romantic your hear is helpless. Falling in love with this one may leat to a Las Vegas vacation. Chapel of love anyone? SAGITTARIUS


Looking for a good time? This party boy gets you into all the right places! The fun will eventually fizzle because you guys lack the glue to keep you together. It sure will be fun while it lasts.


This guy is going to bore you. He will cramp your party girl image. Taurus rather curl up in front of the fire. This might be nice once and a while, but you want to go dancing. Let this bull go play in another field.


Opposites attract in the bedroom. You love being together most of the time. If you can both settle down and set the parties aside, you may be able to last as a long term couple.


You find him attractive, and charming. Your happy-go-lucky personality may be a little to wild for him. He may try to rein you in, and just may win you over with his sexual appetite. Careful this may only stifle your carefree spirit.


Confident! Spontaneous! Great guy to take to parties. You won't have to babysit this guy. He understands your need to be free and won't get angry when you hang out with your friends. He is perfect for you.


This match doesn't have much hope. he is to stiff and staunchy. He is very seriousyou are not. Your party girl mentality will over load his mother board. Call it quits and save your time trying to figure this one out. It's not too likely he will let you unravel his mysteries.


Not a match made in the stars. You may find him suffocating and find yourself crabing a little time alone. He needs you to be there for him. this is not the guy you can commit to.


He is a jealous man. You may find this flattering at first, but when he starts to suggest how you should be dressing, who you should be talking to and so on, you tell him where to go. Careful he may already have you trapped in the pleasurable bedroom. It may be harder to leave thant you think.


looking for a whild adventure? You will have lots of fun with this guy. Oh and the sparks will fly in the bedroom. you both live your lives to the fullest. you just might want to commit to this one.


This guy loves your wild side. He finds you entertaining and you are intrigued by his quirky personality. He is a very passionate attentive lover.


This boring relationship will take a long time to go anywhere. He is romantic by can't hit your buttons in the bedroom. you need freedom and this one needs you a little too much. CAPRICORN


This fun loving guy can bring out your crazy side! Careful, he likes to have fun and may stray if he knows you have fallen for him.


He has a way with you in the bedroom. Taurus can make love to you as a mighty king to his queen. A very strong and sterdy man who would give you the security you need.


Need a flighty child in your life? Invest in this relationship and you will feel as thought you should get paid to watch this guy. You find him immature, and unreliable. This union doesn't have much hope for a long term relationship.


Don't read a book by its cover. He may have you head over heels before you realize what you have gotten into. Cancer's have moods and often they require a little more attention than you are willing to give. Too much emotion puts you off.


It's not likely you will be caught dead warming up to this guy. He is a guy who likes to party. You need someone a little more understanding of you and your needs. You will most likely find him annoying and may find yourself avoiding him all together.


Talk about a match made in heaven. You both are perfect for each other. You share the same goals in life and love. This virgo may seem a little starchy on the surface but give him time and you will find a soft chewy center. He will take the time to find out how warm you can be on the inside too.


He just may end up being your kept man. He's a little bit of a spender. You rather make money and save it. He rather spend it. The money will probably be yours. The sex will be amazing, but soon you will end up feeling as though your only worth as much as you make. This may leave you feeling a little bit used.


His sexual libido is more than you can handle. He'll have you begging for more in the bedroom, if you can tear yourself away from your work. You find his serious personality a complete turn on. If you found this one get ready to committ because he just might be ready.


This one simply will not do. You have your heart set on a long term relationship, Sagittarius does not. He is all about fun and games. Basically his life revolves around women and sex. These guys don't settle down early in their lives, if they ever do.


Imagine being with someone exactly like you. You would never see each other, always working hard at work! Opening up to each other emotionally will not be easy. You will have to work hard to make this one work. This could be exhausting and realy not worth it in the long run.


He is an emotionally deep man. You find him a little weak. Sex will be amazing. He is a very attentive lover but out of the bedroom you find you can control him easily. He will do all of your bidding. You need a man who will stand up to you and keep you in line. This guy is not the one to do that. If you want a yes man you got him.


Excellent, explosive match. He is in for the long. This guy is romantic and will take the time to get to know you intimately. You will not have a hard time showing him your soft side. AQUARIUS


Looking for a fun long term relationship. Keep this one around. He needs a woman who is independent and energetic. You both will have lots of sexual heat that will heave you exhausted.


Sex will be alright. It may lack what you are looking for. Taurus feels most comfortable at home. You need to be out with friends dancing and having fun. This relationship probably will never develop into a strong long lasting relatinship.


Plan to quit looking for Mr. right because you found him. You are both bery independent and friendly you get along so very well. He will understand your need for independence and you are willing to give him lots of freedom. The sexual heat between you and this Gemini will leave you begging for more.


His sexual skilles will move you. You will feel like a sexual goddess in his powerful hands. But power is what he has and he intends to keep you for himself. You may find him possessive because you are so independent. This may cause you to end this sexual escapade.


You will seem like the perfect match at first. This will wear thin when he feels the need to be the life of the party. You may find his constant need for attention draining. He is a great booty call.


You are far too open and this guy is sealed tight. Take the time to open him up and you will feel as though you wasted your time. Your sex life will be dull and unsatisfying.


He is yur astrological soul mate! Great sex and wonderful conversation. He is not afraid to share his feelings or his amazing sometimes kinky sexual ideas with you. Together you two can move mountains.


You'll be enticed by his sexual power and pulled into his lusty nest of seduction. Watch out! This sexy man has a jealous streak and won't stand for your independence.


You will have lots of fun together. He is a little more wild that you like but that is what keeps you around. You are turned on by his indepentent life style, but he may probe to be a little too independent.


He is a little too ambitious. He is all business with is eye on the prize. The prize in money, money, money. He will make a good lover mostly because he is so goal driven he will make sure you are satisfied completely. He may intrigue you at first but eventually you will tire of his constant ambition.


You both think alike. Together love can conquor all. You will not only make great lovers but excellent friends. You just may be together for the rest of your lives.


This guy is a jealous one. He will resent your independence, and demand your attention. You won't mind giving him attention in the bedroom because that is where you two are most compatible. Unfortunately that may be the only time you will get along.



Looking for romance? This ram will romance you and sweep you off your feet. Careful these guys tend too loose intrest a little too fast. He may be basking in the thrill of the chase. It will be fun and if he sticks around for the long hall he will be a stong and loving mate.


Could he be your sexual and emotional soul mate? Yes indeed. He is the sterdy loving hunk of a guy you have always dreamed about. Taureans are very loyal and will protect you from the fierce world. You will find him to be an inventive, tender lover with amazing stamena!


Chances are this guy will drive you nuts. You find him a little flighty and unreliable. He likes to be out in the crowd mixing and mingling. Sex may be fun but he will want it all the time and anywhere. You may end up feeling as though you are porn star. This is not the romance you have dreamed about.


He is one who you can committ to. If you are up for a loving man who is nothing but caring and kind you have found him. He has a tendacy to be a little bit moody. You can be a little moody at times to. Try to be understanding this one is a keeper. He is a wonderful lover.


You'll spot this guy in a crowd. He is the one demanding all the attention. He needs attention, like a car needs gas. You will find this exhausting and not very romantic. Sex will be satisfying but not off the charts.


Oh no! Quick run the other way. Dull Dennis is his name and being boring is his game. You just might find yourself saying that to your friends. He is a little too complicated for you. Too deep and well you just won't want to waste your time with him. Not too adventurous in the sexual realm You will end up searching for a more suitable man.


Boot call? Is that what you are looking for? Great sex and sex again. After the sex send him home because he is a little too plastic for your natural tastes. There realy isn't much there to glue you two together but that is something you will find out after sex.


You are turned on by his need to be domineering and possessive. Not many signs find these qualites to be turn on but you do, espically when it comes to love making. He will find you interisting and your moods will definately keep him guessing. Both of you together make a very passionate couple.


This is the sign of players. He likes his women and he likes them hot. If these guys could make money seducing women and perhaps some do, they would be rich. These guys probably have lost count of the women they have 'had'. Your romantic heart may get a little scorched by this guy but you'll get over it.


This guys is a little stauncy in bed but you have the power to bring out his lusty erotic side. He will make an excellent provider and lover. Caps are money hungry and very hard working. He keeps you grounded and you lift him up. Planning your future with this one is an excellent move.


You have a hard time understanding this guy. You think he is strange. He does have strange ideas when it comes to love making. Even though you think he is quirky you will love being his lover. His skill and technique will have you swing from the chandelier


This guy will have you wondering if he even has a backbone. You can control him and that turns you off. He is good at pleasing you in the bedroom but not the way a Taurus can. You need to know he will be there, he has a history of not sticking around. Let this fish swim away.

For a personalize compatibility test please send me an email with your full name, date of birth, exact time of birth, and the city in which you were born as well as your partners. Confidentiality assured with a speedy response.

If you have any questions or comments you can email me or post them on the message board.

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