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The Conscience of the People
Never let it be said that the Whyaati political system isn?t complex. The Earth word for their way of government is "Byzantine," in its complexity. Fortunately, the Whyaati's natural psionic talents and penchant for the truth make the system very quick and relatively free of corruption. After all, it is hard to hide secrets and get away with illegal operations when your entire species is receptive to detecting surface thoughts.
The Whyaati system is fairly close to a Democratic republic, much like the Federation. Triadic Senatorials are elected to positions in the government. The ruling body, known as the Triadic Houses, nominate Arbiters, who interpret the law. The Triadic Houses also select six candidates, two from each caste, as Triumvirate nominees. Citizens then vote this down to one Triumvirate member per each caste.
The primary difference in Whyaati politics is that the right to hold office and to vote is determined by continual testing. In order to vote, a person must be a Citizen in good standing with the Haven. To become a Citizen, the person is tested with moral dilemmas and written questions which test their knowledge. Those who do not pass cannot vote in that years election.
Elections are held every six years for a Senatorial and every two years for a Triumvirate. Only half the Triadic Senatorials are elected at one time, and only one Triumvirate per election. This helps keep an experienced ruling body in place at all times. There are no re-elections to the Triumvirate unless an overwhelming majority of the Citizens demand it. Triadic Senatorials can hold their office, if re-elected, for two terms, unless the Citizenship, once again, overrides the law. Election is by person- each person can vote from their home computer.

The Triumvirate
The leading face of the Whyaati is actually made of three people. Each person is bani Teynar, bani Tennedar or bani Evore. That is to say, each is from a different Caste. At no time in the recent history (read: last 5,000 years), has one caste held more than one seat on the Triumvirate.
The Triumvirate basically acts as the Chief in Command of the Marines, the Expeditionary Forces, ultimate Chairhead of the Jal Pa, overriding Arbiter, Chief Diplomat, Chief Economist and figurehead to the people. Each holds a cabinet of advisors from their own, or mixed, castes. The most successful Triumvirate members have mixed-caste councils.
The Triumvirate is, in some ways, considered semi-divine, like the Pope on Earth. He or she is "chosen" by nature and the people to do the will of the Whyaati. Each Triumvirate member, upon being sworn in, will take a new "Holy Name". This name is very much like the Pope on Earth- Pope John Paul II, for example.
The titles of the Triumvirate are as follows:
-Prime bani Teynar: Religious.
-Prime bani Evore: Military.
-Prime bani Tennedar: Guilded.

Currently, the Prime bani Teynar is Nexx Fios the Sixtieth. Prime bani Tennedar is Regius Agis the Fourteenth and Prime bani Evore is Endar Mon Hoth the Third. Nexx is an aging male that will probably not be re-elected, ever. He is simply too old and his decision making skills are not what he made them out to be. He will be disposed off politically in the next year. The newest member to the Triumvirate is Regius Agis, a cagey and eccentric Changing One female from the Barreil IX settlement. She is somewhat of an idealist and dedicated servant to Da-Kala. Endar Mon Moth is an aging retired Endar (Admiral) in the Whyaati Marines. She has proven herself to be a brilliant mastermind and tactician. She has two more years in service, but is so good, the Citizenship may call for her re-election.

The Triumvirate Guard
The Triumvirate Guard has existed for over 7,800 years in the form of an elite guard to the Holy Three. They were created in order to watch and guard the Triumvirate during The Fall. With the world in crisis, the Council of Global Serenity felt that it had to protect the chasteness and purity of the Triumvirate.
The Triumvirate Guard was as much of a police for working to control the Triumvirate than they were employed to protect it. The Triumvirate Guard could often sway the Triadic Houses to choose their nominee, especially in the Prime bani Evore position. Fortunately, the Triumvirate Guard had the best of intentions. They refused to guard or protect someone who defiled the sacred positions. As one can see, this elite guard could wield enormous political power.
In the modern day, the Triumvirate Guard does many of the same duties it did during its inception. It maintains the purity of the Holy Three and acts as their bodyguards and secret service. Only the elite of the elite are allowed to join, Most every member boasts extensive or very well-developed psionic talent.

The Triadic Houses
The Triadic Houses are made up of three different political bodies. Once again, the Religious, Military and Guilded castes all have a House. Each House is responsible for a certain facet of government. They are as follows:

-House Teynar: Teynar is the Religious Diet. They make the moral and ethical compass of the people. Questions such as Hologram rights, dissident religion equality and equal treatment law. This gives the Teynar House a great deal of power, but it is balanced and checked by the Arbiter Tribunal and Triumvirate, who have ultimate say in any law.
The House Teynar boasts 200 original members, two officials from each arcology or colony.
-House Tennedar: House Tennedar is tied to the Guilded Caste and concerns itself with public works bills, copyrights and such. They too wield enormous power, but are balanced by the various Guilds still in operation. Once again, the Triumvirate does have ultimate say over their new laws. The Tennedar House boasts 200 Triadic Senatorials, two from each colony or arcology.
-House Evore: Evore is perhaps the least active in the public sphere. Their primary concern is maintaining police and fire department members, and generally maintaining order. Their most impressive power is over the Whyaati Marine Force, which they fund annually. The Evore can make nominations for important Cabinet positions. They only meet when something pressing comes to their attention.
Evore is made up of 200 Triadic Senatorials, and are checked by the Triumvirate.

The Joint Cabinet
Each Triadic House sends 20 of its members to what is known as the Joint Cabinet. Usually, the Senatorials sent are well-experienced and generally well-liked (or respected) members whose moral and ethical compass is outstanding. All bills from any house must pass through the Cabinets discerning comb and be voted upon before it is sent to the Triumvirate.

Factions Within the Triadic Houses
The lines are not completely drawn along Caste lines and Triadic House doors. Within the Triadic Houses, Arbiter Tribunal, Joint Cabinet and even the Triumvirate, there are political factions and coalitions who have certain goals. These coalitions may cross caste barriers, or may be made up of only one caste.

The Jori'Da Coalition
The Jori'Da Coalition has been in power for a little under a decade. They are responsible for most of the current Whyaati political and military mindsets. The Runner Command is a creation of these people, as is the Jal Sheve. In general, the Jori'Da accounts for about 60% of all Triadic Senatorials, and all Triumvirate members currently belong to this coalition. It is, generally, a very liberally minded coalition that wants to see the Whyaati continue to open itself to outsiders, refugees and aliens. They also encourage and propagate the idea that the Borg are a truly evil, disgusting force that the Whyaati must fight until each of them is dead.

Menne'Da Unity
The Menne'Da Unity is sort of a branch off of the Jori'Da Coalition, for they are far more conservative. They feel that the Whyaati must not use up their resources or great too expanded, lest they fall to massive Borg incursions. This coalition does have a point, for the Jori'Da Coalition does not call for limited, controlled expanse, but a "do or die" mentality of "taking back our Quadrant". If too many Borg incursions and deaths happen too quickly, or there is a major faltering of the Whyaati battlelines, one can expect to see the Menne'Da Unity in power very quickly.

Totemai Alliance
The Totemai Alliance is considered, in some ways, a dissident group. It is one of the small coalitions and is made up primarily of Guilded and Religious caste members; only three Senatorials in the Evore House follow this.
The Totemai call is even more conservative than the Menne'Da Unity?s. They are advocating that the Haven must altogether STOP its expansion and completely consolidate its ground before moving forward. Normally, the Alliance would have a good point, but they also advocate the turning away of some refugees who do not immediately fall under a "Havenesque" way of thinking. This means that the refugee race must be dedicated to the morals and ethics laid down in the Charter. This would preclude races such as the Hirogen, should they ever fall under attack. The Alliance also questions the wisdom of bringing restored, "ex-Borg," back into society, in case they are dangerous and ultimately does not want to support the movement Unimatrix Zero.

Saferoad Confederate
The Saferoad Confederate is easily the least popular of all the Coalitions and is made up of only three people currently in power, none of which are experienced. The Saferoad Confederate believes that alien influences, such as the Brunali and Caatati, are poisoning Whyaati culture and should be removed. In their eyes, the Whyaati should isolate themselves from the galaxy and concentrate on obliterating the Borg. It seems that there are fanatics and ultra-conservatives in every government, even the very liberal Whyaati one.

The Arbiter Tribunal
The Arbiter Tribunal is the judiciary branch of the Whyaati government. In many ways, it is both the least powerful but most influential branch of the government. All eyes in the Triumvirate and Triadic Houses will turn to the Arbiter Tribun al when they hope to pass a law or enact legislation. Every House has an Arbiter Warren, or observer, who will report back to the Tribunal, but has no political power.
Like the Triadic Houses, the Arbiter Tribunal is segregated into different Castes. Each of the caste members holding a "mini Supreme Court" to pass judgment and interpret the laws of their group.

-Evore Supreme Tribunal: The Evore Supreme Tribunal has little power over your everyday citizen or civilian. This is basically the Judge Advocate General?s offices. The Evore Supreme Tribunal concerns itself with the courts martial. It also exercises civil equivalents in the police forces.

-Teynar Supreme Tribunal: The Teynar Supreme Tribunal has power over moral and ethical questions. It also oversees criminal cases. Recently, the Tribunal had to overhear a hologram's bid for "Recognized Sentience." The court was unable to make the decision, so the case went to the Arbiter Tribunal and passed.

-Tennedar Supreme Tribunal: The Tennedar court is responsible for interpreting civil law. Dilemmas such as divorce hearings and spousal abuse are handled by this court.

Each Supreme Tribunal has three members. All Arbiters in these Supreme Tribunals also serve on the Arbiter Tribunal, for a total of nine supreme Arbiters The Arbiter Tribunal is chosen primarily by the government; the people have little power in this matter.

The Commonality
The Commonality doesn't hold any official political power. However, it is very influential over which candidates are chosen for political offices. The Commonality is made up of prominent citizens from all the Castes. This group will regularly sit in on sessions of the Triadic Houses. If anything goes wrong, you can bet the Commonality will make it known. The Citizenship sees this as the first line of defense in keeping their public servants honest and incorruptible.
Social Institutions
In yet another layer of complex Whyaati politics, certain social institutions can, at any given time, wield considerable political power, especially over the Triadic House in which they fall under. It is rare that a Triumvirate member ever deals with one of the institutions unless they actively seek out their counsel.

The Great Guilds
Harkening back to ancient times, the Guilds are sub-groups within the Guilded Caste itself. These Guilds are more political and economic bodies than they are social institutions. One could think of a Great Guild as a 'mega-corporation' or conglomerate that wields limited political and economic power. Guilds all have their own 'versions' of laws within their arcologies and offices. In essence, the Great Guilds have extraterritoriality rights! The laws under the Great Guilds do not vary much more than the mainstream Whyaati laws, they are simply granted their own court system should an infraction arise. Cases can still be brought to the Arbiter Tribunal or Tennedar Supreme Tribunal.

The Guild of Terratro
This Guild is perhaps the oldest, dating back to almost 17,000 years ago, during the Neolithic. Before writing was conceived of, the people relied upon storytelling. This storytelling was done by the progenitors of the Terratro Guild. The Guild is made up of older, learned men and women who carry on the traditions and history of the Whyaati in impartial stories.
The Guild of Saffoh
This Guild oversees the various "Olympic" style competitions and maintains those institutions. They are only powerful in the Military caste, for they will often refer young and virile, intelligent candidates to the Marines.

The Guild of the Artisan
One could compare the Guild of the Artisan to the Terran Stonemason Guild of Medieval Europe. Anybody worth his salt in the artistic world will usually come out of the various universities of this Guild. The Guild maintains very high standards for its guildmembers and will only sanction work it deems as ?artistic?. Fortunately, in the modern day, their opinion of art is very broad and liberal.

Guild of the Winds
The Guild of the Winds is one of the only Guilds which is able to transcend Caste boundaries regularly. The guild of the Winds produces pilots; atmospheric, ground and space. Their pilots are generally acknowledged to be the absolute best in the entire Whyaati Domain. It caters to the Guilded and Military Castes.

Religious Orders
Various religious orders still maintain their power into the modern day. This is because the Whyaati, at heart, are very spiritual people. Most of these Orders are responsible for moral and ethical movements within the Whyaati system.

The Order of Haa
The Order of Haa is generally responsible for The Rite of Genar and other minor marital functions. This order is responsible for the continued belief that divorce is morally wrong and degrading to society. The Order maintains a great deal of political power in the civil courts of the Tennedar Supreme Tribunal. All members of the Order of Haa are deaf.

The Assembly of Ecstatics
This group of monks are often frowned upon by the more conservative religious orders. The Assembly of Ecstatics encourage the Whyaati people to follow the tenets of Nexx'Ja. In essence, every member of the Assembly would remind a Terran of a hippie! The Ecstatics regularly start spontaneous parties and celebrations. They are, in essence, the Morale Keepers of society!
The group does serve a somewhat useful purpose. Almost every member of this order are tattooed from head to foot with mystic drawings and writings. All of them are at least partially clairvoyant! These people were originally a religious order that cranked out the various soothsayers who would advise Guilds, Houses and Orders. In the modern day, more than one politician has requested their guidance.
The Ecstatics don?t make the clairvoyant picture clear. Instead, they hint at obscurities and speak in riddles. Their visions are often very open to interpretations. When asked about this, the occasional Ecstatic will smile warmly and say, "The greatest clairvoyant is within you. They just help you realize it."

The Order of Da-Kala Mar
This order produces some of the best primary school teachers in Whyaati space. The Order teaches children, either oublicly or privately, in the ways of Da-Kala and Whyaati?Da. Almost every family knows a member of this expansive religious order. Their ways are the Humanist?s ways. They also encourage the children to take the Oath of Honesty before their Ascension.
The Order maintains an abnormally large number of advisors on the boards of various circuit tribunals and social institutions. Everyone sees the Da-Kala Mar as the keepers of Whyaati?Da, Da-Kala in particular.

Military Orders
The Military Caste boasts several fraternal and maternal orders of former nobility and military. Many of these orders are ancient- thousands of years old- and can wield considerable military and political power. Families of bani Evore often want their children to enlist in these prestigious orders, for many of them maintain influential military universities.

The Fraternity of Carradi
This fraternity is roughly 1600 years old, having been formed during a lengthy round of internal strife amongst the Whyaati. Their purpose, they believe, was to maintain the Whyaati?Da in all people. These ?holy soldiers? were often backed by priests and other religious caste members, because they preached the ways of the Whyaati.

The Maternal Order of Wasi
The Fraternity of Carradi didn?t allow Changing Ones and females, a rare instance of sexism in Whyaati society. So, the Maternal Order of Wasi was formed to do the same job as the Carradi Fraternity, but was meant only for women and Changing Ones.

The Gar'ee
The Gar'ee are an ultra-secret, ultra conservative order of soldiers that believe the Whyaati have been corrupted and infiltrated by their war with the Borg. De-assimilated Borg are seen as "dirty" and looked down upon. The Whyaati have taken a much more militaristic stance than they are naturally inclined to. They hold little real political power and even less militaristic prestige, but they are incredibly well connected! They have informants all over the Haven, and match the Jal Pa in intelligence capabilities.

The Dramases Magi
Another ancient tradition, the Dramases are a group of warriors who prize tactical, strategic and all combat methods of intellect over brute physical strength. The Dramases are the only group that are allowed to continue with the somewhat outdated art of dueling. As a result, one can often recognize a Dramases mage by the thin scars on their faces and arms.
The Dramases Magi believe in continually testing the readiness and defensiveness of their order and, often, of the populous in general. They believe that only a sharp and strategically refined mind can win the day. As a result, all members of the Dramases Magi DO NOT follow the tenets of Nexx'Ja!!