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Interview with Dion Kurczek

How old are you, and what is your job?
I'm 39, and my job is running a software company, Wealth-Lab, Inc.

What are your hobbies?
Riding my bicycle through Chicago, stopping for coffee at Caribou (sitting outside whenever possible), reading (a wide variety of topics), music, and of course software development :).

Do you still play WinWar? If so, which version?
No, I haven't had time to play any computer games for the past three years or so.

How did you get the idea of Winwar, when you made the first version?
I got the idea from the board game Axis and Allies. I thought it would be great to play a similar game with a slightly large "board", but with hidden movement so you could not see what your enemies were doing at all times.

Do you already work on (WinWar) version 4.1? If not, do you intend to make it in the future? When?
At the moment 100% (really 120%) of my effort is going into the company I formed, Wealth-Lab, Inc. But when I do get back to game programming I want to create a new version of WinWar that is not real-time per se. You will be able to log in and start a game and chat with your allies, but turns will be submitted simultaneously, then processed. I think that this more turn-based approach would be great for the next version.

Do you make your games absolutely alone, or do you have some help?
Absolutely alone. However, I am not much of a graphic artist so I like to get help in that area :).

If it is not too confidental, how much money did you realize with WinWar?
It was only a small amount, certainly not enough to live off of unless I wanted to live under a bridge. But then there is no power cord for my computer!

Do you have another Website? As far as I know you were working on Wealth Lab some time ago. I don't remember its link any more. Where is it? If it is still a "living" project, can you tell us some words about it?
It is not only living but thriving, we currently have 4 employees including me. (

Do you have other "public" programs that WinWar fans could "visit" on the web?
Mmmm ... Everything I have is on the SCG site or Wealth-Lab.

Do you sometimes feel nostalgia for the time when you created WinWar? I'm sure you do. Much more important is, whether it is a nostalgia for past times that have gone forever, or there is still some hope that you once again will have the time to make a strategy game (or at least a new version)?
Sure, it's always great to see your ideas becoming realized. To be honest, I actually prefer to play Solar Vengeance more than WinWar II. I remember the mammoth games I had against Lord Venom, the best SV player of all time. We has a scenario with a very small board, so the game was more like a chess match. These sessions would last tremendously long, until one of us (usually me) made a slip giving the other an advantage.

Thank you Dion.
(Special thanks to Akos for the translation)

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