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Back to Switzerland, 2. Sept 2003: EMAIL (Manuela)

G'Day Mate!

To say good by to Ivo after travelling together for the last 7 month was
very strange. I felt somehow lost. Even it was raining I forced myself back to
my cycling and left Perth. After 3 days I had to face the fact, that my knee
is really bad and I had to stop. I felt very miserable but like always there
is a bright side as well. I meet 3 German-Girls in the hostel I stayed in
Bunbury. They had a space left in there fancy V8 (bright blue) car and wanted to
go to Albany as well. Through a wonderful countryside we drove down to
Albany. We had a lot of fun together and it help me a lot over my loss of cycling.
I had a address from Chris where I could stay. When I got there I called
Greg and he fetched me at the railway station. One of the first sentences he
said were: I did not expect you to be so small. I did not know how I should
judge that and it was anyway quite hard to understand his strong Ozzi-Slang! But
I like him already a lot. I got a short cook tour which means he showed me
the some of the Highlights of Albany. There house is beautiful situated on the
hill with a perfect view of Middleton Beach. I met Fran in the kitchen and as
soon as I saw her I felt really home. She cooked a delicious Lasagne and I
met their lovely neighbours Jude and Bill. The four of them made me feel like
a princess. They spoilt me the whole time I was there. I felt so comfortable
and it was very hard to leave. I felt like leaving my family. I can not
really find the right word to explain what I feel so I just say: THANK YOU VERY
Greg had to go to Perth so I left with him and got a ride. I still had to
fetch my bicycle in Bunbury so I took the train and got it. Back in Perth I
stayed another day. With the Indian Pacific the next adventure was waiting for
me. The Indian Pacific is one of the famous Trains in Australia. Within 3 days
it goes from Perth to Sydney. After two days I got out in Adelaide. From
here I flew to Alice Spring. It was time to make a tour to the Red Centre. In a
organised tour I got to see all the thing to see. A lot of nothing and red
sand. Despite I visited the Kings Canyon, Ayers Rock, Cooper Pedy , the
Flinders Range and of course a winery. The best thing of all was sleeping outside in
a swag under the stars of the seamy-desert. I never saw so many sparkling
stars. I did not have enough wishes for the all the shooting stars I saw. I
stopped counting them. It was stunning! Back in Adelaide and back for another
24 hours in the train. Now I was again in Sydney. I stayed for three days and
then it was time to go home. A long flight over Los Angeles, New York, London
and finally Zurich brought me home to my family and friends.
Now I am back in Switzerland. It is great to be home but also strange. I
guess it will take me a while to feel really home. I was on the road for 14
month with so many impressions and experiences. I brought home a lot of memories
which I will keep always in my hard. It was not always easy but I never
regret that I have done it. I would do it again. To leave home, the job, friends
and family was not easy but well worth. I got so much for it which is not
payable by money.
I am very grateful Ivo and I decided to travel together. I was amazing to
have someone like him to share everything. It takes a lot from both that it
works and it taught us a lot about friendship, respect and tolerance. It grow a
bound of friendship between us which will last forever.
I have to thank you all as well. Without the support from you with emails
and your friendship it would have been much harder to be away.

Take care
