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December '04

== USS Pegasus ==
= Personal Quarters =
-- During Previous post --

Darkness spread around him, through him, circled him in its unwavering silent embrace, not daring to let go, to grant freedom from within its shadows. Within that dark embrace he sat, tendrils of smooth silver metallic light playing upon the floor in front of him. Its dance never tiresome, its existence never hated. In the background Beethoven played, his musical crescendo entering huge bounds as the deaf man beat upon his piano with increasing fury, as if though hitting those keys would drive his message to the very hearts of his listeners. The room was still, lights were dimmed, no interruptions excepted on Beethoven’s behalf.

Slowly he stood up, clothes ruffling in the maneuver. The soft jade crystalline hues that served their existence as his eyes slid their gaze upon the room, basking in the silent glory of the reclusive nature he has taken up since his accident on Carthage Colony. His belongings were still inside the cargo hold of the ship, undisturbed, and left wanting. He had a lot of stuff, things he had collected throughout the numerous years he has spent with humans, little silent memories of a past that brought him nothing but a pride of accomplishment, and joy, pictures, artifacts, furniture, and weapons.

He has spent his entire time back on the Pegasus on medical leave, an unpleasant feeling he added to the list of the few he’s dealt with over the years.

“Computer, lights at eighty percent,” he said, voice sounding rough, like glass, and sand being rubbed together in a dance inside his throat.

Legs moved slowly with deliberate precision, the right being favored over the left. Now that his surgery was finished, all that was left was just the soreness, something he felt he could deal with. Hands placed themselves upon the sink as his head lifted to look himself in the mirror. Those eyes, those green eyes stared back at him in silent accusation. That white hair, brushing the tops of his shoulders, civilian shirt hugging his upper body, its black nature enhancing the tanned glow of his skin. The El Aurian continued to stare at himself in the mirror, despite his seemingly immortal age of six-hundred plus years, his body revealed him to be no one over thirty years of age. Just like the vampire of old human myth, he stood there, his long years beginning to wane on him slowly. His face was smooth, void of any facial hair save for the white eyebrows that hung over each eye, the soft brown skin in color not showing any wear, despite the many years he spent in the field, studying humans throughout the centuries. If he decided to leave, where would he go? His homeworld destroyed, its atoms spread throughout the unforgiving void which gathered them hungrily in its lustful palate, its hunger refusing to be sated, in all its cruel and heartless nature. He could go back to Mars he supposed, though even that place bored him after the battle of Wolf 359. No he feared, he would be with Starfleet for a long time now, continuing the work he started those many years ago.

His hands moved to the nozzles at the sink, turning on the cold water to splash against his face, driving away the weariness that coursed through his body like an invading sickness that refused to be stunted. He has slept a lot during his medical leave, so much that his body has grown accustomed to the fourteen hour sleep cycle, and when he strayed from that schedule his body never failed to remind him of it, like a scornful mentor dictating the rules to inattentive child. Well today he placed himself on the duty roster, feeling that now it was time to return back to duty, instead of wasting away within the confines of this bare, and heartless room.

-- 10 minutes later --

He fixed the two solid gold pips to his blue tunic, the uniform somehow appearing alien to him, but did feel good against his skin, and his pride. It was time to go to work, time to make a difference in the world, time to once again lay his mark on the universe as a soldier of peace, and of healing. One final glance at himself in the mirror, and then he was gone, outside the doors to his quarters and padding his well shined shoes against the thin carpet of the corridor. Faces he did not know passed by him, going to their various duty stations within the ship, not even a glance paid to the traveler of time, and the embodiment of time its self. The Turbolift doors hissed their welcome to him as they parted ways to allow entrance inside of it.

“Sickbay,” he said, after clearing his throat, the smooth European accent replacing the harsh one of earlier.

= Sickbay =
-- 5 minutes later --

No hello’s or greetings were uttered by him, just a careful nod to the nurses who acknowledged him entering. A hand coming up to slid its nimble digits through the strands of his hair, smoothing it out, readying himself for duty. He would be lying to himself if he said it gave him a unpleasant feeling being here, in fact just being inside this room breathed new life inside him. Ah the countless memories of the sickbay, how wonderful those memories felt, the feelings sparked causing a warm feeling to spread through his limbs, and eventually to his heart, as if it rejuvenated him. To his office he went, the familiar settings making him smile inwardly, even though no such emotion showed on his tanned features. He sat at his desk, picking up the PaDD upon it listing the new arrival of the ACMO. Ah so finally someone to share the duties of sickbay with, the thought of it caused a spark in his green eyes.

Through the large window of his office that looked onto sickbay he waved the duty nurse to him, her answering his silent call after placing various surgical instruments for re-supply on a table, the packages that contained them prevented from being contaminated.

“Yes sir,” she said, the voice smooth against his ears as it rang out in its mellow melody.

“Please get me the assistant chief medical officer,” he responded.

She gave a nod to him, and broke free of the office in search of her.

Apparently since he has been on medical leave the ACMO has been kept up to speed on things, and he needed her to give him a update how things were progressing since his accident at Carthage Colony. He felt if he knew what was going on onboard the ship, he could best prepare for the worse, in case it should happen to rear its ugly head upon this mission.

OFF: My silent offering to the constant revolving drama of the Pegasus. Tag to the ACMO. Welcome aboard. =)

Jathal Deveris, MD. PhD.
Medical Department
Chief Medical Officer
USS Pegasus D
Hawking Fleet
Taskforce Bravo

November '04


"Ensign Sanehouse, flight pattern Montgomery Beta Zeta." Lieutenant Bane gave the order with an edge of authority, enough to make Sanehouse comply immediately.

He ignored the orders that his superior gave to the other officers on the bridge, as his full attention was focused on the helm console in front of him, carrying out his orders. His hands danced along the console, and the Pegasus reacted like an angel doing a dance. A phaser flashed past the ship, and Sanehouse's eyebrow shot up his head as he continued to input commands to the computer with Vulcan speed. He barely dodged another phaser blast, but a second one caught the side of the Pegasus and rocked the bridge. Sanehouse uttered a Vulcan curse to himself, and hoped that nobody had heard it. A Vulcan swearing was a rare sight. The Ran'Kuf and the Pegasus continued to fire at the Romulan, while Sanehouse continued to form a plan in his mind. Sanehouse glanced appreciatively at the comrades of the Pegasus, two fine ships. The Bismark and the Ran'Kuf looked brilliant as far as Sanehouse could tell. The Pegasus edged closer to the Romulan ship while the Klingon ship was being hit by a few blasts. It managed to dodge some of the barrage, but it was hit for the most part. The Romulan did a sudden turn and fired on the Pegasus, scoring a hit across the port. The bridge didn't shake very much that time.

Sanehouse continued to send commands to the computer. The console looked like it was going to explode, but it settled down and Sanehouse sat up from his defensive posture.

"I should hope that this is over soon..." Sanehouse said to nobody in particular.


Ensign Ymadas Sanehouse
'Acting' Chief Helmsman
USS Pegasus-D

October '04

::Several hours after post #35::

Bane strolled out of the Casino on cloud nine. Even after the nearly disastrous meeting with Lieutenant Telsarn, the to hit it off pretty well. Luckily, she was not offended by Bane’s forward thoughts or come-on’s. The two had sat and enjoyed several drinks together, talking about various things, but mostly about the ordeal Bane had gone through during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor. Likewise, Nienna had told Bane of some of the darker periods of her life, including the Dominion War and the Occupation of Betazed.

Now, however, Bane was feeling pretty good. Strolling along the beach, enjoying the sunset across the blue waters of this planet, he didn’t think things could get much better. After all, he had a beautiful girlfriend, one of the best jobs in the fleet (of course, he was partial to his particular post and assignment) and now a beautiful and intriguing new friend. Yeah, life was good.

Hürrem had finished her exotic green drink and was feeling warm, happy and a little unguarded. Her eyes narrowed as she saw the nose ridges of the man who was XO on the Pegasus. That was _her_ position on _her_ Pegasus. She felt the loss of authority. He was not even a Commander, and the woman who should be XO chose not to because of a romantic attachment with the CO. The world was a twisted place.

She let him wander up to the bar, he already smelt inebriated. Disgusting man. He was the lowest of the low, born of one of the slave races the Cardassians had control over. Weak-willed and lilly-livered.

"You disgust me with your presence..." she muttered. He'd be no superior officer to her... not when he was so inferior.

Bane furrowed his brow, an inquisitive look upon his face. “I beg your pardon, Miss…?” he said, letting his eyes pass over her ample bosom, tight stomach, gorgeous thighs and back up again to her face.

She flinched. She knew she was on show in this bikini and sarong outfit, but he didn't have to make it so obvious. "I hear that your people beg well. Aren't you one of those who serve the Cardassians?"

Bane stepped back, shocked beyond contempt. That was more a slap in the face than any one act had ever been, let alone just words…

“I beg your pardon, Ma’am!” Bane nearly yelled. “I am not a slave to ANYONE, nor are my people. And my people certainly don’t BEG for anything. Everything I have, WE have, we have regained through hard work, determination and perseverance. You will NOT address me, not as a fellow being, nor as a Starfleet Officer like this ever again, is that understood? You don’t even know me. Hell, I have never even SEEN you before, and you come off like that? What sort of person are you?”

She raised an eyebrow. "Your people have no connection with the Cardassians? This is find amusing. Aren't you mostly pasturial and religious people?"

“Pasturial? You mean like cows on Earth? How dare you, lady! If it were in my power, I would have you locked up for stereotyping my people and provoking speeches against an Executive Officer of a Starfleet vessel.” Bane could not believe this. Only a few moments ago, he had not a care in the world, and then this. Whatever did he do to the Prophets to deserve this sort of treatment?

"I see that education is still low on the agenda - besides teaching the women the ways of the Geisha. Pasturial means that of the countryside - like farming." Her back was up and the drinks were in, she was not being _very_ polite. Even a Klingon might have been offended. "Did you Bajoran’s finally find a backbone to leave your masters?"

“I cannot believe you. If you were not a woman and I were not as civilized as I am, I would knock you to the floor. You have insulted me for the last time, woman.” Bane made a move to strike her, yet she not so much as flinched. She sat rock solid. “I suggest you stay out of my way and away from me.” Bane tuned to leave, but was stopped cold in his tracks at what she said next.

"I do not take orders from your kind, escravo [slave in Portuguese]." She still was not impressed... but she did not know all the differences between her world and this universe. She was bound to continue to make mistakes, but hopefully she won't be drunk.

Bane turned quickly on his heal and nearly toppled over, but was able to regain his balance fairly quickly. He noticed the unruly woman smirk, which proved to anger Plase even more. “That’s it! I have no idea what that word means, but that is IT!” Bane swung and connected with her left cheekbone. In mere nanoseconds, the two were on the ground, scuffling, knocking over stools, breaking glass and tripping other patrons. Before long, the entire bar was a war zone. Needless to say, the local constable was being summoned, as well as the Security Department on the Starship above.


A JP brought to you by:

Lieutenant Bane Plase
Executive Officer
USS Pegasus


Provisional Commander Hürrem Jensen
Special Assignment Officer
USS Pegasus

September '04

:Shuttlecraft Snyder:
::Shortly after Wormhole collapse::
:::Alternate Universe:::

Bane sat in the seat in the very front of the shuttlecraft pondering his next course of action. The apparent explosion had knocked out all navigational sensor abilities. That is to say, he could still maneuver; he just couldn’t tell where he was going without a fixed object to guide him. Through the view port, however, he could see the Pegasus of the alternate universe. Along her hull were disruptor burns, various hull breaches and bare hull plating due to patchwork done after various battles. Plase knew he would never be allowed near that vessel unless he went through the proper docking procedures, first by asking for permission, then being guided by the Operations Officer through their landing and docking techniques. The only way he knew to do that was to contact them with on-board communications equipment. He looked over at the speaker box he had shot out after making the loop message to his Pegasus when he commandeered this vessel. He cursed himself for not having the foresight to see this situation, or one similar thereto.

Suddenly, it dawned on him. An ancient Earth means of communication that had been used during the planet’s second world war: Morse code. Standing up quickly, knocking his chair across the small room, he bent down and ripped a panel off. Inside, he began ripping wires and reattaching others. In a few short moments, he had completed his task.

==Alternate Pegasus==

“Captain Montgomery, an update for you, sir.” Lieutenant Michael Nighthaven said.

His face still in his hands, Soren responded, “Go ahead, Lieutenant. I suppose things could not get any worse.”

Lieutenant Nighthaven felt bad for his commanding officer. Hell, he felt bad for everyone. It would be something of a miracle to get this ship back in working condition, and, judging by the sporadic sensor readings, the Pegasus was somewhere around 25,000 years in the past. That realization alone was more than any one crew should be tasked to handle. “Sir, there is a shuttle to the port beam. It appears it is adrift. Just one second…it appears her running lights are moving in a familiar pattern. Give me a minute to run the pattern through the database.” The officer said.

At this news, Soren looked up. He was still haggard, but his hopes were beginning to show some promise. “Report as soon as possible, Lieutenant.” He ordered. The wait was maddening. There was no reason it would ever take this long, provided the ship was not so severely damaged.

After a few brief moments, the Lieutenant reported as ordered. “Sir, it is Morse code.” Before anyone on the bridge could ask what code this was, the Lieutenant enlightened them. “It is an ancient Earth code of dots and dashes that spell out words. Wide use was discontinued after World War II, though it has been used under emergency conditions.” Michael reported.

“Well Lieutenant, do you plan on telling us what the message says or should we take a crash course and figure it out ourselves?” Soren said sarcastically. Deep down, he was sorry for snapping, but now was not the time for games.

“Oh, yes sir. Sorry sir. The message states: ‘This is the Federation Shuttlecraft Snyder of the USS Pegasus requesting emergency docking. Sensors and communications off-line. Repeat…’ the message repeats itself, sir.”

Soren didn’t even think before he spoke. “Permission granted. Lieutenant, send via Morse Code that permission is granted and we will tractor him in.”

The Bridge was silent for a moment, shocked from the immediate and unorthodox decision from their commander. Being the remnants of the Federation was still at war with the mighty Klingon/Romulan alliance, it was a general rule of thumb to destroy any and all lifeboats and shuttles not readily identifiable as Federation in origin. However, the crew went into immediate action after the brief delay. They trusted their Commanding Officer and his decisions. Within moments, the Pegasus limped over to within range of the shuttle and tractored her into the vast shuttle bay.

:Shuttle Bay:
::Alternate Pegasus::

+TAP+ Soren to Security, I want all available personnel to Shuttle Bay One on the double!” Soren ordered.

=/\= Understood sir. We are on our way. Pishek out. =/\= Within moments, nearly two-dozen security personnel lined the walls of the shuttle bay.

Finally, after an agonizing ten minutes, the shuttlecraft rear began to open. All of the security guards drew their weapons and aim them square at the mouth of the shuttle. A lone man stepped out. The only thing the man had was his uniform, nothing more, nothing less. Once the man was on the shuttle bay deck, he spoke. “I am Lieutenant junior grade Bane Plase, Executive Officer, USS Pegasus NCC 53847-D. I mean you no harm. I request sanctuary and a means to return home.”

Soren stepped ahead of the crowd. “I am Captain Soren Gadd Montgomery, commanding officer, USS Pegasus. I am afraid I do not know who you are, Leftenant.”

“Yes sir, I completely understand. Please understand that I know you are. I assume you made contact with another Pegasus, one that was crewed with nearly the same crew as your own.”

“Yes we did. I have many questions for you, however, as I am sure you have noticed, this Pegasus is not in the best of shape. We are at war, evading a Klingon/Romulan task force. You asked for sanctuary and a means to return home. I can only assume you mean to your own universe.” Soren said.

“Yes sir. As for your questions, I would be more than happy to answer them, though my priorities lie with getting home without affecting your universe in any great deal. I am sure you understand. If I could enlist some help from your Chief Engineer Commander Coltrane and Chief of Science Lieutenant Naria, I think we three can get me home, sir.”

“Of course, Lieutenant, though we do not have a Commander Coltrane. I will be happy to provide you with my Chief Engineer though, Lieutenant Anna Nighthaven.” The woman stepped forward. It was Commander Coltrane all right, though she was still a Full Lieutenant, not a Full Commander.

“Thank you, sir. In my universe, this woman is Commander Coltrane. My apologies.” Bane said, nodding at the lovely woman. Her expression went from stoic to absolutely perplexed, though she thankfully did not ask any questions.

“Of course, Leftenant. You will understand that our Science and Engineering labs are not at 100% working capacity. We have been at war for more than 80 years. Such a war is taxing on luxury systems.”

“Of course, sir. I believe the Lieutenants and I can work with what we have. If you will excuse us…” Bane said, trailing off.

“Oh, of course, Lieutenant. Lieutenants Naria and Anna Nighthaven, you are with our visiting Lieutenant. Dismissed.” Soren said, almost like the one that Plase knew from the universe he knew. The entire contingent in the shuttle bay began to move, moving out of the shuttle bay and back to their original positions or duties. For those that were assigned to help out the Lieutenant, they did just that.

:Several Minutes Later:
::Science Labs, Alternate USS Pegasus::

“Lieutenant Bane, what did you say my name was on your Pegasus?” Anna Nighthaven asked.

Flustered, Bane tried to dodge the question but was unsuccessful. “Um, your name is Commander Anna Coltrane. As far as I know, Lieutenant Michael Nighthaven is dead. He was killed during a mission before I joined the crew.”

“Michael is dead over there?” Anna got quiet for a good few moments. “I cannot imagine him being gone, especially with the twins and all.” She said.

“Oh, the twins are on my Pegasus as well. They are a wonderful set of girls. The entire senior staff thinks of them as their own, I assure you.” Bane said.

“Girls? That is interesting Lieutenant. Here, they are boys.” Anna stated. Bane raised his eyebrows, but did not comment on this new tidbit of information.

“Right Lieutenant. Now, lets concentrate on getting me back to my side of the universe. I am not a scientist by any stretch of the word. I only specialize in Engineering and Security. However, if we can use the deflector dish as a chronotron emitter, I think we will be making some sort of progress.” Bane said.

Lieutenant junior grade Naria Palor spoke up. “I suppose that could be done Lieutenant. The only problem is we would need to channel all available power, which admittedly isn’t a great deal, to the Main Deflector Dish, to include Warp Power. I don’t know if you know the condition of our ship; we are on our last leg. Any sort of maneuver like that would certainly destroy our ship.” Naria said gravely.

“What evidence do you have, Palor, to back that up?” Anna asked. She was, after all, the CEO and would know better.

Looking over to the senior Lieutenant, Naria began, “Think about it, Lieutenant. We create a chronotron wave flux of a magnitude to send a shuttle through with the Main Deflector Dish. The Dish is already highly charged with anti-protons. With all the damage the Pegasus is suffering right now, even the smallest of energy spike, dip or spark will ignite the dish, destroying more than three-quarters of the ship in my very best estimates. Are we willing to sacrifice more than 400 people for one man?”

:Captain’s Ready Room:
::Five minutes later::

“…and that is the resulting consequence, sir.” Anna said. The captain rubbed is hairy face thoughtfully.

“Sir, if I may,” Bane began. “In this universe, one man is not that consequential. Hell, 400 people are not that consequential. However, in the universe in which I belong, the Pegasus is not beat to it’s last threads, the Federation is still a power in the Quadrant, each and every one on of us is a proud man or woman carrying on a career of honor…” Bane was cut off.

“Except Michael, you mean.” Anna blurted.

“Admittedly, Michael Nighthaven is dead.” Bane admitted. “However, by getting me back ensures the universe I know will continue, that each and every one of you will continue on in some fashion or another.”

The three sat in silence for nearly an eternity. Finally, the Captain spoke. “Alright people, I want you to back the Lieutenant here. If we are going to go down, at least we have solace in that we lead happy lives elsewhere.” Soren said stoically.

“Exactly, sir. In my universe, the Federation is still primarily made up of explorers, of knowledge-seekers and scientists. This life, from what I have seen, is no way to live. Please Lieutenant Naria, Lieutenant Nighthaven, help me get home.”

“Well, I think that about settles it.” Anna said, standing up. Naria followed suit as well as Captain Montgomery. A brief moment passed. “Well Lieutenant Bane, you coming or not?” She said sarcastically with a smirk on her face.

Bane stood. “I tell you what Commander, er, Lieutenant; you are the same in both universes!” Bane laughed at his small joke while everyone else stared. He quickly realized he was the only was laughing, stopped, cleared his throat and said, “Shall we?”

The four officers stepped onto the disheveled bridge. A young Yeoman noticed the Captain and bellowed, “Captain on Deck!” The bridge crew stood at attention. That is when Bane noticed her. Admittedly, she was not as stunning, not as grand or as fluidic in her movements, but it was still her. He hadn’t been prepared for this. He stopped in his tracks, causing Lieutenant Nighthaven to run into him but he didn’t notice. Bane stammered over to her and just stared. He was heartbroken in more than one way. He was heartbroken because of the fact he would probably never see ‘his’ Aislyn Kendrick again, even though this crew was doing their damnedest to get him home. He was also heartbroken for the reason she was a defeated woman over here. She wore the rank of Lieutenant j.g., and therefore not in Starfleet for very long, though it looked like she had suffered a lifelong experience in defeat.

“Aislyn Kendrick,” was all Bane managed to croak.

“I am she, Lieutenant. You are our visitor from the other universe. You seemingly know me over there.”

Bane could barely believe the coldness in her voice, in her soul and in her eyes. It wasn’t necessarily directed at him, but he could feel it nonetheless. “Yes Counselor, I know you and you know me. We love each other deeply where I am from.”

Her eyes widened a great deal and she was about to say something else when the Captain broke in. “That is very interesting, Lieutenant Bane. I recommend, however, that you keep your universe’s secrets to yourself and we will try to keep ours to ourselves. You and the two lieutenants have a great deal of work to do and in a short time to do it. I needn’t remind you we are being hunted right now. We cannot survive another skirmish.”

“Your right of course, Captain.” Bane said. He looked at Naria and Anna and nodded. The trio headed for the turbolift and on to the Science Labs. Bane never looked back at Aislyn.

::Science Labs::
:::Alternate Pegasus:::

Bane, Naria and Lt. Nighthaven sat around a science console going over the telemetry they had devised. None of the three liked the simulation outcomes. “Doesn’t look too hopeful for you getting home, Lieutenant Bane. For that matter, doesn’t look like we will, either.” Anna stated. The best possible outcome the simulations showed was the Pegasus having a massive energy surge to create the vortex to get the small shuttle home. The surge ignited the anti-protons on the Deflector Dish resulting in a total loss of the vehicle. The vortex sputters to life, only to collapse in on itself moments after it is born. If the shuttle Snyder were not completely through the vortex when it collapsed, the shuttle and occupant would cease to exist in any universe. A bleak outlook, indeed.

“Why don’t you just stay here, Bane?” Naria asked.

Bane looked at her with sympathetic eyes. “Think about it Palor. I am a stranger in my own home. That is no way for anyone to live.”

“Oh, I know, it is just I know this maneuver will kill us here on the Pegasus. The Pegasus herself will be nearly completely destroyed. I don’t know about you two, but dying would really ruin my weekend.” The three laughed at the icebreaker. The situation at hand, even the situation before the wormhole had appeared to the better universe, things had looked bleak and all were stretched to their max, stressed and cynical.

“Right. Well, lets get to work. Bane, you are with me.” Anna said, taking charge. “We need to recalibrate the power distribution network to handle the load. Naria, go ahead and begin charging the Deflector Dish with anti-protons. We need it fully saturated when the procedure begins. Let’s move.” The three officers went into action.

::30 minutes later::

=/\= Bridge to Engineering, how close are you to completing the prerequisites for the procedure? =/\= Soren asked over the comm.

Lieutenant Nighthaven hit her commbadge to respond. “We have just finished recalibrating the power distribution net. We are now funneling all available power to the Deflector Dish. Lieutenant Bane has already headed for his shuttle and should be ready to go when we give him the word.”

=/\= Very well. Keep me informed. Bridge out. =/\=

Anna watched the power levels rise. After a moment, the power levels leveled off nearly three terawatts below the required energy level needed to get the extra-universe visitor home. “Damn!” She hit her commbadge. “Nighthaven to Bridge. Captain, we are short on the power needed to get Lieutenant Bane home.

=/\= Take whatever you need, Lieutenant. Lets get him home. Over there, we are leading happier lives and I want to know I am dying to ensure I live elsewhere. Montgomery out. =/\=

Anna thought that sounded extremely odd, but she understood what the CO meant and got to work. “Ensign Nes, take all available power from the tactical department and redirect it to the Deflector Dish.” The Ensign nodded and got to work on the ‘pool table.’ After a few seconds, the power level went up, but only 1.5 terawatts. “Oh for the love of….Okay Ensign Nes, take all power you can from Life Support and Impulse Engines.” Again, the power levels went up, but were still shy by .7 terawatts. Suddenly, the computer spoke up.

“Warning! Power levels in the Power Distribution Network reaching critical. Recommend lowering power levels. Warning…” the male voice of the computer said.

Anna cut it off violently by punching the override button. If she lived to see tomorrow, her hand would certainly let her know about the damage that was just done.

“Where else can we get power from?” Anna asked aloud.

“What about all the lights?” Nes asked.

“Might work. Computer, turn out all lights, both interior and exterior and channel power to the Power Distribution Network.” Anna ordered.

“Warning. Power levels reaching critical. Recommend…” the computer began.

“Can it and just do as I request!” Anna yelled. The computer bleeped and blopped in compliance. The power levels rose to .1 terawatts under the required power needed for the operation. She would have to think of something else in a moment. She tapped her commbadge again. “Nighthaven to Bane.”

=/\= Go ahead Commander.=/\= Bane said.

“It’s Lieutenant here. Go ahead and launch. We are going to use every watt of power the Pegasus possesses to get you home. That includes the doors.”

=/\= Roger that. Shuttle Snyder is launching now. Bane out. =/\=

~Good, that is taken care of.~ “Computer, redirect all power from navigational thrusters and any available power from automated systems to the Power Distribution System.” The Computer complied. Anna watched the power level rise slowly. Finally, it leveled out at .2 terawatts over what was needed. Anna closed her eyes before hitting the commands to activate the Deflector Dish. She said a silent prayer for the Commander Coltrane in the other universe, for all the people she loved and knew, and for those she did not.

::Outside of Alternate Pegasus::

The Pegasus’s Deflector Dish began to glow. It started out as a soft blue, but as power levels rose, it got brighter and brighter until it was a hot white color. Bane took this in with awe. Suddenly, a beam lanced out and struck the very fabric of space and time. This was it!

“Computer, Warp one to the anomaly, engage!” Bane yelled. The shuttle took off at the speed of light. Looking to his starboard, Bane saw the Pegasus explode. Just as he was passing through the vortex, he saw a sizeable piece of the Pegasus burning and falling towards a planet, more than likely the Planet Drevron, or at least he hoped so.

::25,000 years later::
::Normal Universe::

A bright light exploded onto the viewscreen almost immediately after the visiting shuttle had docked. Lieutenant Pishek looked on his display, and then reported to the Captain. “Sir, it is the Shuttlecraft Snyder with one occupant. They are using Morse code. I believe it is asking for permission to dock!”


Lieutenant junior grade Bane Plase
Acting Executive Officer
USS Pegasus-D

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