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January '05

Good Day Pegasus Crew. Here is the monthly report for January 2005.

Start Date: January 1

End Date: January 31

Days Available to Post: 31

Total Posts: 72

Average Post Rate: 2.3225806/Day

Promotions: Ensign Avia Lim to Lieutenant junior grade, Ensign Sanehouse to Lieutenant junior grade and Ensign Styczynski to Lieutenant junior grade

Demotions: None

Arrivals: None

Departures: Captain Soren Gadd Montgomery, Dr. (Lt.) Jathal Deveris

Commendations: Lieutenant Commander Bane Plase (Captain's Distinguished Service Order), Lieutenant Wood (Captain's Star), Ensign Himdraug (Captain's Star), Doctor Devries (Captain's Star), Lieutenant Harding (Captain's Star), Lieutenant Commander Coltrane (Honour of Excellence), Lieutenant Pishek (Decoration of Gallantry), Lieutenant Junior Grade Styczynski (Captain's Star & Act of Kindness)

Position Changes: Lieutenant Commander Bane to Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Commander Coltrane to Executive Officer, Lieutenant Harding to Second Officer, Lieutenant Junior Grade Sanehouse to Chief Engineering Officer, Lieutenant Junior Grade Styczynski to Chief Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Pishek to Chief Intelligence Officer

Mission Recap:
An old Federation vessel, the U.S.S. Indianapolis, has been found drifting 138 years after being attacked in enemy territory, with a loss of all hands. The Pegasus has picked up the old distress call and responded, finding only an aging wreck. Once at the scene, Lieutenant Commander Bane has Lieutenant Junior Grade Sanehouse and a team of engineers transport over to fix the damage. As of this report, repairs are continuing.

Lieutenant Wood (5), Dr. Avia Lim (7), Lieutenant Commander Coltrane (10), Ensign Himdraug (3), lieutenant Commander Bane (13), Lieutenant Harding (5), Lieutenant Junior Grade Styczynski (8), Lieutenant Junior Grade Sanehouse (11), Lieutenant Pishek (7), Captain Montgomery (3)

///Original Signed///
Lieutenant Commander Bane Plase
Commanding Officer
USS Pegasus

Report compiled and written by:
Lieutenant junior grade Ymadas Sanehouse
Chief Engineer
USS Pegasus

December '04

Good Day Pegasus Crew. Here is the monthly report for December 2004.

Start Date: December 1

End Date: December 31

Days Available to Post: 31

Total Posts: 61

Average Post Rate: 1.9677419/Day

Promotions: None

Demotions: None

Arrivals: Ensign (Dr.) Mei Ling Avia Lim, Lt. Wood

Departures: Lieutenant Telsarn, Provisional Commander Hürrem Jensen

Commendations: Ensign Sanehouse was awarded the McCoy Cluster for continual improvement. Lieutenant Commander Coltrane was awarded the Act of Distinction for contributions to the storyline and the Pegasus as a whole at every opportunity. We applaud you both for your achievements and dedication to the Pegasus

Mission Recap:
After the rescue of the trapped personnel at Mare Tropicanis, the Pegasus crew received orders to break away from Carthage Colony and head to Sensor relay station 14 to investigate the cause for the station to quit transmitting data to Starfleet Command. Upon arrival, the Pegasus did not detect any hostile or otherwise unfriendly vessel within several light years. The Captain and Executive Officer still decide to deploy several shuttlecraft to extend the range effectiveness of the Sensors due to the sensitive nature of the area. Lieutenant Pishek is charged to lead an Away Team to the Station to secure it so Lieutenant Commander Anna Coltrane and Lieutenant Harding can effect repairs. Upon boarding, the team comes under fire by a Breen soldier. One enlisted crewman is killed in an exchange of fire, another severely wounded and Lieutenant Pishek also hit, but only minor burns are caused. Doctor Lim and the severely wounded crewman are beamed back to the Pegasus to care for the injured. Ensign Styczynski aboard one of the AWACS shuttles detects an object, but it turns out to be a false alarm. At this time, Lieutenant Pishek and his crew are still securing the station.

Posts: Captain Montgomery (7), Lieutenant Bane Plase (14), Ensign Ymadas Sanehouse (8), Lieutenant Commander Coltrane (11), Lieutenant Pishek (9), Ensign Styczynski (8), Lieutenant Harding (3), Crewman Mendez (2), Dr. Deveris (2), Dr. Lim (8), Ensign Kaiza (1), Ensign Himdraug (1), Lieutenant Wood (4)

There were 12 joint posts, of which each author received credit for. This is an outstanding number that shows crew cohesion and shows we are all becoming good friends. I look forward to seeing this number rise!!

For everyone that has posted and kept the mission alive and interesting, a very big THANK YOU! For those of you that have not posted or posted very little, please step it up a little. Starting this month, I am keeping tally of whom posts how many times. All crewmembers, minus the Top Three, are required to post A MINIMUM of four posts a month, or average one a week. The Top Three are required six. Two consecutive months of failing to meet this objective will result in your character being removed from the Pegasus. All in all though, a good job. The Captain, myself and Lieutenant Commander Coltrane wish to express our thanks to each and every one of you for a great month! Lets see if we can beat these numbers in January!! Keep up the good work!

////Original Signed////

Lieutenant Bane Plase
Executive Officer
USS Pegasus NCC 53847-D

November '04

Start Date: November 1

End Date: November 30

Days Available to Post: 30

Total Posts: 34

Average Post Rate: 1.1333333/Day

Promotions: None

Demotions: None

Arrivals: Ensign Isato Kaiza, Crewman Santiago Garcia Mendez, Ensign Nengaur Himdraug, Provisional Lieutenant Sora, Dr. (Lt.) Deveris, Ms. Suzette Marrion

Departures: Dr. (Lt.) Deveris, Provisional Lieutenant Sora, Provisional Commander (Dr.) Hurrem Jensen

Commendations: None

Mission Recap:
Over the last several days, the Pegasus crew had been though a great many trials and tribulations. First, the Executive Officer, Lieutenant Bane Plase, was seriously wounded in a hand-to-hand combat sport by a Romulan athlete. Due to Provisional Commander Hürrem Jensen’s talents, she was able to have him back on duty in short order. On the planet, night fell and brought in a costume party at Mare Tropicanis, and underwater city on Carthage Colony. Many of the Senior Staff was present at said party. Due to some kids tampering with unauthorized equipment, several compartments flooded and put everyone at the party in jeopardy. In orbit, the Klingons inadvertently fired on the USS Pegasus. The Romulan ship took advantage of the ensuing confusion and was able to have the USS Bismarck, USS Pegasus, IKS Ran’Kuf and said Warbird firing at each other. Once the Klingon ship and the USS Pegasus found out what was going on, all three vessels began firing on the Romulan ship. The Romulan ship soon stood down. In the meantime, the crew of Carthage and the crew of the Pegasus is working to find away to rapidly rescue the trapped personnel at Mare Tropicanis.

Captain Montgomery (3), Lieutenant Bane Plase (6), Ensign Ymadas Sanehouse (3), Lieutenant Commander Coltrane (1), Lieutenant Pishek (5), Ensign Styczynski (4), Lieutenant Telsarn (0), Provisional Commander Jensen (3), Lieutenant Harding (2), Ms. Suzette Marrion (3), Provisional Lieutenant Sora (1), Crewman Mendez (2), Dr. Deveris (1)

There were 4 joint posts, of which each author received credit for. Some of the Joint Posts were with the Carthage crew, for those that wish to keep track.

For everyone that has posted and kept the Shoreleave alive and interesting, a very big THANK YOU! For those of you that have not posted or posted very little, please step it up a little. All in all, a good job. The Captain, myself and Lieutenant Commander Coltrane wish to express our thanks to each and every one of you for a great month! Lets see if we can beat these numbers in December!! Keep up the good work!

////Original Signed////

Lieutenant Bane Plase
Executive Officer
USS Pegasus NCC 53847-D

October '04

Start Date: October 1

End Date: October 31

Days Available to Post: 31

Total Posts: 57

Average Post Rate: 1.839/Day

Promotions: None

Demotions: Lieutenant junior grade Styczynski to Ensign

Arrivals: None

Departures: Ensign Aislyn Kendrick

Commendations: None

Post of the Month: Post #41 authored by Lieutenant Bane Plase and Provisional Commander Hürrem Jensen

Mission Recap:
The Shoreleave of the USS Pegasus crew continues to go well. There have been a few hiccups with the crew of the Pegasus, most notably with the ship’s XO and Provisional Commander Hürrem Jensen. A fight ensued between the two which resulted in both being detained by local authorities. Captain Montgomery, upon his return from a summit off-world, took the two into his authority and punished the two officers accordingly. In addition, Lieutenant Blare Pishek and former Lieutenant George Styczynski grossly violated Colonial Law by producing weaponry and failing to remove it and then failing to obey a direct order from a superior commissioned officer resulted in the to officers being placed in jail for a number of days and Mr. Styczynski being demoted to the rank of Ensign.
Several relationships are starting to form for the Pegasus crew. With the departure of Counselor Kendrick, Bane has discovered a promising relationship planet side with a local establishment owner, a Ms. Suzette Marrion. Provisional Commander Jensen also is stricken by the Colony Administrator Dr. Samuel Wyatt. The ’barely there’ relationship between Captain Montgomery and Lieutenant Commander Coltrane is growing pleasantly.

Captain Montgomery (4), Lieutenant Bane Plase (8), Ensign Ymadas Sanehouse (4), Lieutenant Commander Coltrane (11), Lieutenant Pishek (6), Ensign Styczynski (7), Lieutenant Telsarn (2), Provisional Commander Jensen (13), Lieutenant Harding (2)

There were 12 joint posts, of which each author received credit for. Some of the Joint Posts were with the Carthage crew, for those that wish to keep track.

For everyone that has posted and kept the mission and following Shore Leave alive and interesting, a very big THANK YOU! For those of you that have not posted or posted very little, please step it up a little. All in all, an OUSTANDING job. The Captain, myself and Lieutenant Commander Coltrane wish to express our thanks to each and every one of you for a great month! Lets see if we can beat these numbers in November!! Keep up the good work!

////Original Signed////
Lieutenant Bane Plase
Executive Officer
USS Pegasus NCC 53847-D

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