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"Ancient Mystery"

"Executive Officers Log. Stardate: 58233.9. The Pegasus is en route to Starbase 247 after the most bizarre mission to Drevroe Prime. Although we were able to complete the mission and preserve the timeline, I admit that I, as well as the personnel I have talked to since I returned aboard, feel somewhat empty and lost. After all, it was 'us', for lack of better terms, that died, that sacrificed their lives so ours could continue on. Captain Montgomery has already been in contact with Starfleet Office of Temporal Investigations, as well as the Daystrom Institute to investigate the matters that we started on Drevroe Prime. I am sure this is not the last we have heard from SFOTI or Dr. Brahams of the Daystrom Institute."

"On another note, we are losing several key officers once we arrive to home port, specifically Chief Kyrn, our Chief of Operations, Ensign Laura Crawford, Chief Helmsman, Lieutenant Naria, the Chief Science Officer and Dr. Wetham, the CMO. We are, however, gaining capable officers in most of those positions. Once they come aboard, I will do crew evaluations and let them know my expectations, as well as the Captains."

"On a positive side of things, we held an awards ceremony tonight. There were many awards handed out, plus two promotions: Mine and now-Lieutenant junior grade George Styczynski, the Deputy Officer in Security, my old position. In a surprise move played out by myself and Fleet Admiral Mason, I arranged for Captain Montgomery to be awarded the Starfleet Star. It is an award that was long overdue and well earned and the crew agrees."

"Once we have a short layover at Starbase 247, we are due at Carthage Colony. From what I have heard, this should be an interesting place!"

"Grand Opening"

“Acting Captain’s Log, Stardate 58398.6” Executive Officer Bane Plase began.

“The USS Pegasus is holding orbit over Carthage Colony, as we have been doing for nearly three days now. Up until about two hours ago, the Pegasus Shoreleave was going splendid until the Romulan Warbird in orbit with us went to a heightened alert, prompting the Klingon Battlecruiser in orbit as well to go to Red Alert and take up an offensive stance against the Warbird. For the safety of the ship and crew, I ordered Yellow Alert with shields raised. The Captain at this time was on the planet, as he still is now.”

Ambassador Grunning was able to strike a deal with the Romulan and Klingon delegations to have their respective ships lower their heightened postures provided the USS Bismarck and the USS Pegasus do so first as a sign of good faith. All worked out according to the Ambassador’s plan until the Captains arch nemesis decided to show up, Sora.”

“Sora decided to do the Captain ‘a favor’ and break Lieutenant Pishek and Ensign Styczynski out of jail and show up at the Administrators office. Immediately thereafter, Lieutenant Pishek and Ensign Styczynski were able to subdue him and requested a transport directly to the Brig. During transport, Sora, in his infinite bag of tricks, was able to somehow be redirected somewhere else. That location is as yet unknown to us. Lieutenant Pishek ordered a full Security Alert and exercised his authority to have shields raised, just in case Sora was on the Pegasus.”

“Because of this action, it has cause all other ships in orbit to reassume their defensive postures. Due to the fact that the Captain is on the surface and shields are raised, I have assumed command of the Pegasus and named Lieutenant Commander Anna Coltrane my Acting Executive Officer, following the lineage of command set up by Captain Montgomery.”

“On a personal note, I must admit I am feeling great anxiety over the tension in orbit. Even though I am the Executive Officer and have had all applicable training in defensive and offensive ship-to-ship combat, I have never actually been in combat, not as a Starfleet Officer and certainly not in command. I only hope that my training and the assistance from Commander Coltrane will pull us through in the event shots are exchanged.”

“End Log.”

"Sensor Afoul"

Shortly after the shuttle leaves::
USS Pegasus::

Once Bane left the shuttlebay, Bane made his way, not to the bridge as Pishek had assumed, but to Bane's office, located on Deck two. Incidently, his office was right across the cooridor from his quarters.

Bane sat down in his plush High Back Leather Executive's Chair, put his elbows on the desk and then rested his face in his hands. Even though Bane knew there was nothing of interest in the area which could lead to lives lost, Bane still had a bad feeling. That is why Bane made sure Pishek take extra precaution, because he couldnt shake the awful feelings. That is also why Bane left the Bridge and went to oversee things personally in the Shuttlebay, to ensure things were dont properly. Plase had zero doubt in Steel's abilities in command procedures, it was just that feeling....

Bane looked up and hit a small button on the desk.

"Executive Officer's Log, Stardate 58478.0.

"A few days ago, we got word in from Starfleet Command that one of our Sensor Relay Stations monitoring Breen space stopped transmitting data. We have been tasked to find out why, and to exact repairs as needed. We arrived about an hour ago, conducted a few scans and learned there was no outward threats.

"Lieutenant Pishek and his crew have just departed the Pegasus on the Shuttlecraft Starscape to ensure there are no internal threats and to secure the station for Lieutenant Commander Coltrane, Lieutenant Harding and their respective crews to go and repair the station in accordance with Starfleet protocol and standards. With all the information we currently have, it should be an uneventful mission, one that is textbook in nature.

"One thing I have learned over the years, though, is that nothing in space is 'textbook.' I cannot shake this awful feeling that something wrong is going to happen soon, despite all our efforts to thwart it. Only time will tell, and I most certainly am not looking forward to time.

"End Log." Bane stood up, looked himself in the mirror, shook his head and exited his office, heading to reassume his position on the Bridge.


Lieutenant Bane Plase
Executive Officer
USS Pegasus

"The Forgotten"

"Captain's Log:" ~Wow, that sounds weird that I am doing this~ Bane thought to himself. "Stardate 58521.2. Today is an amazaing day of changes. Captain Montgomery received orders of his reassignment to Starfleet Command a few days ago. He chose to tell us this afternoon during the Promotions and Awards ceremony. Admittedly, it was a major shock to us all, especially me. I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander and given command of the Pegasus. Due to the rits of succession, Lieutenant Commander Coltrane was promoted from Second Officer to First Officer. We still have yet to decide on a replacement officer for her old position. Along with my promotion, it was decided Mr. Styczynski, Mr. Sanehouse and Dr. Avia Lim were to be promoted to Lieutenants, junior grade. I am proud of each of them for their hard work and dedication to the Pegasus and to Starfleet as a whole. Many many awards were given out as well, to every single Department Head, and to most of the Assistant Department heads. They have all earned it.

"Along with the movement of the top two officers, I decided to move Lieutenant Sanehouse from the Conn position to Chief Engineer. I have great hope and faith in his continued excellence in this new position."

"Currently, we are en route to Sector 2932 near the Beta Quadrant to do simple mapping and charting. We should be arriving in the next two days, just after the Federation New Year. I believe this mission will prove an excellent opportunity for all of us to get reaquainted with the Scientists in each of us."

"End Log."

Lieutenant Commander Bane Plase
'Acting' Commanding Officer
USS Pegasus

"Commanding Officers Log: Supplimental.

The USS Pegasus is near dead. When we arrived in Sector 2932, we discovered an ancient Federation vessel, the USS Indianapolis. Just after a repair crew was beamed over, we were attacked by an unknown and immesly powerful and advanced race. Currently, the Pegasus is near the brink of structural collapse. Explosions are happening all throughout the ship. What exactly is happening, I do not know, for the internal sensors are off-line. What I do know is Hull and structure intregrity is down to 20%. The port Nacelle has either been sheered off or is so badly damaged the computer does not recognize it. The Main Bridge was destroyed, but I gave the order to vacate and relocate to Main Engineering. The Transporters are off-line, phaser banks are destroyed as well as the torpedo bays, all propulsion is off-line, the list goes on. At last count, almost half of the crew of the Pegasus is dead. There are also intruders onboard. We tried standard tactics, but our particle weapons are of no use. It is almost like fighting the Borg. I have given the order to fight hand-to-hand. Unfortunately, there is no way we can tell how many intruders are aboard, or even where they are. I sent Lieutenant Styczynski to lead the charge some time ago, but I havent heard from him since. I fear the worst. Indeed, I fear the worst for us all. I am almost to the point in ordering a self-destruct, but even if I wanted to, no other Command Officer is within range. Commander Coltrane and Lieutenant Harding are on the Indianapolis, I cannot contact Lieutenant Pishek, Lieutenant Sytczynski is missing in action, Ensign Himdraug is fighting a valiant fight against incoming fighter crafts, Lieutenant Sanehouse is likewise on the Indianapolis as well as Dr. Avia Lim. Even if I wanted to initiate, I couldnt. It takes three command officers to do so.

"I have called for reinforcements. Chief Edgars informed me he believed the Distress Signal got through before the alien vessel began jamming our comm arrays, but the way things are going, I am not so sure. If this is the last day of the Pegasus and her crew, let this log be the last testimony of her crews' courage, committment in the face of danger and resolve to see us through. I feel proud to have led them into battle, and crushed beyond comprehension I could not lead them back out."

"Computer, End Log."

Lieutenant Commander Bane Plase
Commanding Officer
USS Pegasus

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