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Commander Commanding Officer Thomas B. Archer
Lieutenant 'Acting' Executive Officer Ben Wagner (NPC) 
Second Officer To Be Determined 

Ensign 'Acting' Chief Conn Officer Scott Paris
Ensign 'Acting' Chief Operations Officer Jordan Artison
Strategic Operations Officer

Ensign 'Acting' Chief Security Officer James Noakes
Ensign Deputy Chief Security Officer Tal'Eldin
Security Officers  
Brig Officer  

Ensign 'Acting' Chief Engineering Officer John Klozboch
Ensign Assistant Chief Engineering Officer Kemis
Engineering Officers  
Warp Drive Specialist  

Lieutenant Junior Grade Chief Medical Officer Dr. Wetham Rymar
Ensign Assistant Chief Medical Officer Puarre Rruue
Medical Officers  
Lieutenant Counsellor Lauren E. Edwards
Head Nurse  

Lieutenant Chief Science Officer Naria Palor
Lieutenant Junior Grade Assistant Chief Science Officer David J. Cole
Science Officers  
Astrometrics Officer  
Stellar Cartography Officer  

Second Lieutenant 'Acting' Wing Commander
Rogue Squadron Commander - Rogue One
Chuck Lambert
Wolf Squadron Commander - Wolf One
Havock Squadron Commander - Havock One
Merical Squadron Commander - Merical One

Second Lieutenant 'Acting' Platoon Commander Sal Loharn
Platoon First Sargeant  
Alpha Squad Leader  
Private Infantryman - Alpha Squad Jack Lopez
Bravo Squad Leader  
Charlie Squad Leader  
Delta Squad Leader  

Chief Intelligence Officer
Intelligence Officer  

[ ] - indicates a command position (available to Command School (CS) graduates ONLY)
[ ] - indicates a department head (DH) position (i.e senior officer position)
[ • ] - indicates a non commissioned officer (NCO) position
[ ] - indicates the position of second officer (2XO)
[ ] - indicates a warrant officer (WO) position
- all other positions are considered as junior capacities

OFFICER: Each position, other than those determined as a non-commissioned officer (NCO) position are available to commissioned personnel; a department head (DH) must be ranked at least Lieutenant (junior grade) (LtJG) or marine equivalent 1st Lieutenant (1Lt), however an individual ranked naval Ensign (Ens) or marine equivalent 2nd Lieutenant (2Lt) may operate in a department head position in an 'acting' capacity.

NON COMMISSIONED OFFICER: A non commissioned officer (NCO), rated Chief Petty Officer (CPO) or marine equivalent, Gunnery Sergeant (GSgt) may occupy a commissioned officer position, including department head (DH), but excluding the Commanding Officer (CO) position and Executive Officer (XO) position. In addition an individual rated at Petty Officer 1st Class (PO1) or marine equivalent Staff Sergeant (SSgt), may occupy a junior comissioned officer position.

WARRANT OFFICER (WO): A warrant officer may occupy a commissioned officer position, including department head (DH), but excluding the Commanding Officer (CO) position and the Executive Officer (XO) position.