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USS Courage-B

The new USS Courage

The original USS Courage was originally believed lost when returning to Earth following a major mission in 2488 her Quantum Slip-Stream (QSS) engines became unstable and blew up. All hands were lost. The Courage-A was knockout by an unknown force--believed to be a light-stunner--by the Mayan Imperial Empire in 2499.  

It was while the Courage crew was waiting to be rescued that they were captured by the Mayan.  Once on the Mayan Battleship, they noticed the similarities between that ship and the Dominion style battle cruisers, which had been studied years before.  They used their basic knowledge to take the vessel, minus the crew--which had disappeared according to reports--to Starbase 20 where Commodore Colt MacLoued suggested that the ship be reverse engineered in order to make more.  Admirals Rocky MacLeod and Owen Paris both suggested, though, that the new ship would better serve the Federation if kept a secret from most personnel. Rocky eventually convinced Colt not to yap about the new ship by promising that the only function that this battle ship would have would be to protect the Delta Quadrant.  With that knowledge, Colt suggested that Captain Zaa and the ship-less Courage crew take it.  With that it was modified and named USS Courage-B (NCC-74588).

USS Courage - Deck Layout

    1. Main Bridge, Commodore's Ready Room (Port), Captain's Ready Room (Starboard), Observation Lounge
    2. Captain's Quarters, Senior Officer Quarters
    3. Officer Quarters, Holodecks, Springball & Volleyball Courts
    4. Officer Quarters, Crew Lounges
    5. Officer Quarters, Ship's Library
    6. Tactical Office, Crew Quarters, Holodecks, Science Labs
    7. Stellar Cartography, Science Labs, Maintenance
    8. Crew Quarters, Crew Lounges
    9. Science Labs, Living Quarters, Movak's Restaurant & Bar
    10. Counseling Offices, Crew Quarters, Transporter Rooms, Conference Rooms
    11. Operations Center, Crew Quarters
    12. Crew Quarters, Junior Officers Quarters, VIP/Guest Quarters
    13. Maintenance and Crew Quarters
    14. Crew Quarters, Primary Computer Core
    15. Crew Quarters, Torpedo Storage, Main Torpedo Room
    16. Crew Quarters, Main Impulse Engines, Cantina Level 2 (Balcony)
    17. Main Lounge (Cantina), Arboretum, Docking Clamps, Cantina Level 1
    18. Crew Quarters, Main Shuttlebay
    19. Holodecks 4-6, Recreational Facilities
    20. Medical Laboratories, Gymnasium
    21. Sickbay, Medical Laboratories
    22. Crew Quarters, Docking Port
    23. Environmental Control & Life Support, Crew Quarters
    24. Living Quarters, Transporter Rooms 3, 4 & 5
    25. Crew Quarters
    26. Living Quarters, Captain's Yacht Dock Port
    27. Crew Quarters, Science Labs
    28. Shuttle Bay 2, Torpedo Bay 2, Control & Storage
    29. Crew Quarters, Cargo Bays
    30. Shuttle Bay 3, Cargo Bays, Cargo Transporters 1-5
    31. Crew Quarters, Cargo Bays
    32. Matter Storage Pods, Upper Core Injection Assembly
    33. Upper Engineering Support Area
    34. Main Engineering, Cargo Transporter 9
    35. Main Engineering
    36. Main Engineering, Ship's Quartermaster's Office
    37. Deuterium Storage, Deflector Control
    38. Lower Level Torpedo Bay Control, Dorsal Docking Port
    39. Deuterium Fill Ports and Storage, Engineering Support
    40. Parts Storage, Secondary Computer Core
    41. Antimatter Storage Pods, Environmental Control
    42. Antimatter Injection Reactors, Viewing Lounges, Cargo Bays
    43. Antimatter Storage Pods, Engineering Support Labs
    44. Emergency Batteries, Secondary Antimatter & Deuterium Storage
    45. Transporter Rooms 6 & 7, Cargo Transporters 6-8
    46. Life Support Systems Shuttle Bay 3, Auxiliary Craft Construction & Maintenance
    47. Security, Brig, Armory
    48. Cargo Bays, Waste Management
    49. Cargo Bays Industrial Replicators, Torpedo Bay 3
    50. Control & Storage, Tractor Beam Control
    51. Maintenance Access, Primary Sensor Control
    52. Torpedo Storage, Rear Torpedo Room, Parts Storage
    53. Cargo Bays, Crew Quarters
    54. Engineering Support, Cargo Bays
    55. Engineering Support, Cargo Bays, Sensor Arrays
    56. Sensor Control, Tractor Control, Observation Decks