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Technical Specifications

Prometheus Class Starship (Mk. II)


The Prometheus Class Starship is an experimental, state of the art prototype developed at the Utopia Planitia Shipyard's during the 2360's. The Prometheus Class was intended to be an long range vessel, capable of carrying an offensive force and leading a fleet. The class was developed as a response to the increasing threat to the security of the Federation, and to be used against the Dominion. In addition, Starfleet wanted a vessel that can separate and have all sections operate semi-independently of each other. The separation procedure took several years to design. The design came to be know as Multi-Vector assault . To complicate it further each section would be equipped with its own systems; such as warp drive, impulse engines and weapons. Unfortunately, the development of this vessel was slow indeed due to the lack of current technology available. However with the completion of the Galaxy, Sovereign, Intrepid and Defiant Class Projects in the early 2370's, the new technologies developed were transferred to the Prometheus Project. In the end, the Prometheus Class incorporated the latest technological developments from propulsion, weapons, computer systems, shipwide holo-emitters and an advanced sickbay including the new EMH Mark II. The Prometheus Class is a capable, frontline ship; but she can also be used in several other roles, such as diplomatic, exploration, and fleet escort and scouting.

The USS Concord was originally built for these purposes. Upon her entry into Astro Fleet, she was given modifications to make her the first Mark II version. The Mark II design further outfits the normal class with additional systems, such as secondary shielding systems, turreted torpedo launchers, pulse fire phaser banks, and inboard impulse systems. Also, the shuttlebay is enlarged to house 16 Eagle Class Interceptors (not always carried aboard ship). She is also equppied with other features. The USS Concord was coined the first "pocket battleship". She is small in size, but it one of the most heavily armed ships ever designed. (see complete specs below)

The Prometheus is the fastest ship in the fleet with a maximum cruising speed of Warp 9.92. Instead of two sections, as originally envisaged, the Prometheus has three independent sections that can become three ships with each section operating independently alone or with one of the other sections. There are a total of five warp nacelles on the Prometheus Class, two for the primary and secondary sections, and one nacelle for the tertiary section during multi-vector assault mode. Each section of the Prometheus is powered with it's own warp core. The Prometheus Mk. II prototype has the latest offensive and defensive systems that were developed from previous classes such as Quantum Torpedoes, Ablative Armour & Pulse Fire Phasers from the Defiant Class, and regenerative shields and turreted torpedo launchers from the Sovereign Class. She also features a secondary shielding system, which gives the Mk. II Class two different deflector fields. Each section can be remotely controlled from the Main Bridge via the ships sophisticated tactical computer and/or from the Secondary (Battle) Bridges. This is similar to the saucer separation of the Galaxy Class ships however only the stardrive section on a Galaxy Class ship has warp power and offensive weapons. Therefore, separations on a Galaxy Class ship are done in times of emergency and not for tactical considerations. The separation leaves the saucer section of a Galaxy Class ship extremely vulnerable. With the multi-vector assault mode this gives the Prometheus the tactical advantage of numbers and allowing her to outmaneuver and outflank her enemies.

In 2374 the Prometheus prototype was launched on stardate 50749.5 from the Beta Antares Ship Yards in the Antares Sector. Due to the complexity of the many systems onboard, the Prometheus underwent a rigid testing phase. The level of automation was more substantial than any other starship since the M-5 mutitronic unit that was tested on the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2268. As a highly classified starship only four people in all of Starfleet had been trained to operate the Prometheus. Security was so tight that access to all important systems can be restricted and only accessable from the bridge if necessary. However, during the first test flight the Prometheus was captured by the Romulan Tal Shiar agents and her crew killed. The ship was hijacked and taken to Romulan space. However, it was in this mission that contact was reestablished with USS Voyager via their EMH. The EMH Mark I was downloaded from an alien relay system and with the help of the new EMH Mark II they were able to retake the ship and destroy two Romulan warbirds that had crossed the Romulan Neutral Zone to capture the Prometheus.

Despite the security breach Starfleet was impressed with the performance of the Prometheus prototype. A ship the size of an Intrepid Class vessel with the fire power of a Sovereign Class ship. Especially with the way the Prometheus was able to destroy a Romulan Warbirds with ease despite sustaining heavy damage. While it was designed for deep space assignments, the Prometheus Class like the Defiant Class was intended for military or quasi-military purposes. As a result, some officers in Starfleet dislike the use of a starship that was more combat orientated. But with the recent threats to the Federation, support for this class has been quite high. Testing of the Prometheus has resumed after her battle damage was repaired at Beta Antares shipyards under tighter security.

Further tests were carried out near Starbase 517 after her additional Mark II modifactions were complete.

The USS Concord's MSD (Main Situation Display)


PRODUCTION DATABASE: ASDB Integration Facility, Beta Antares Shipyards, Antares IV. Mark II refits carried out at Starbase 517, Section 31 Yards

TYPE : Long Range Tactical Interdection Cruiser

ACCOMMODATION : 175 Total Crew

Officers: 50

Enlisted Crew: 125

20 visiting personnel

3,000 person evacuation limit



Two 1500+ Plus Cochrane Warp Core (a 1000+ System is kept in standby mode) feeding four LF-50 Mod 1 Advanced Linear Warp Drive Units

Three FIG-5 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Engines


UPPER SECTION (Concord I): One 1000+ Plus Cochtane Warp Core feeding a LF-12X Mod 2 Compact Linear nacelle

Two FIG-5 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Engines

MIDDLE SECTION (Concord II): One 1500+ Plus Cochtane Warp Core feeding two LF-50 Mod 1 Advanced Linear Nacelles

Two FIG-5 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse System

LOWER SECTION (Concord III): One 1500+ Plus Cochtane Warp Core feeding two LF-50 Mod 1 Advanced Linear Nacelles

Two FIG-5 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse System

LENGTH : 415 meters

WIDTH : 170 meters

HEIGHT : 113 meters

MASS : 850,000 metric tonnes



MAXIMUM SPEED : Warp 9.995 for 12 hours


RAV/SHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance


FSS Primary Force Field Generators
FSS Deflector Control Systems
KDY Secondary Deflector Generators


Thirteen Type-XII Collimated phaser arrays
Six MK 95 Pulse-Fire quantum/photon torpedo launchers
x2 Quad-Turreted Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launchers
x1 Pulse-Fire Phaser Bank (Lower Section - 4 Beam)


UPPER SECTION (Concord I): Six Type-XII Collimated phaser arrays
Two MK 95 Pulse-Fire Quantum/Photon Torpedo Launchers
x1 Quad-Turreted Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher

MIDDLE SECTION (Concord II): Four Type-XII Collimated phaser arrays

Three MK 95 Pulse-Fire Quantum/Photon Torpedo Launchers
x1 Quad-Turreted Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher
x1 Type X Pulse-Fire Phaser Bank (4 Beam)

LOWER SECTION (Concord III): Eight Type-XII Collimated phaser arrays Two Mk 95 Pulse-Fire torpedo launchers
x1 Type X Pulse-Fire Phaser Bank (4 Beam)


x5 Shuttlecraft (Various Classes)
x24 Eagle Class Tactical Interceptors (Specs will be posted soon)

Visual Representations

Bridge Layout

Individual Sections:

Top Section (Concord I)

Middle Section (Concord II)

Lower Section (Concord III)

USS Concord - Main Blue Print

Check Back Soon for Complete Specifications and Visual Representations
