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Welcome to the USS Chimera, a modified Norway-class starship under the command of Commander Jenna Jade, Starfleet Intelligence.

The Chimera deviates from the norms of what Starfleet personnel think of as Intelligence missions. The Chimera is primarily used for the more passive missions of the Intelligence community, going behind the scenes, performing scientific research, running reconnaisance missions and pointing her bow towards the unknown. Other, more standard, missions are still undertaken by the Chimera, making the USS Chimera the most versatile ship in Starfleet Intelligence.

The year is 2382, the Dominion has withdrawn to the Delta Quadrant, and has remained there for over five years. Still, there are rogue Dominion units roaming the Alpha Quadrant, making trouble. The Romulans have once again regressed into their own territory, and everything else has gone back to status quo. The USS Chimera is a ship where predictions are made, kept and analyzed, whether true or not. The Chimera is always on the front line, always ready to react to what needs to get done at any cost. Is it ready? Are you ready?

Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, as well as the Star Trek movies are the property of Paramount Studios. This webpage presents a Star Trek simulation based off of Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry, and is not meant for commercial purposes. Any copyright infringements are purely accidental, and if asked, we will remove any such infringements. If you have any questions, please contact Mike.