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USS Harbinger

The USS Harbinger is a Soverign-class starship. It was re-fitted during the Domion War when things were going bad for the Federation, and it's allies. The Harbinger, along with her sister ship, the USS Dark Wind, and two Nebula class starships were to become the testbed for the Stalingrad specifications. The Harbinger has a quantum reactor, plasma driver cannons and pulse cannons. It has passive stealth systems, advanced sensors, and the ability to go more than a year without resupply. It has several industrial replicators which allow it to replicate quantum torpedoes as needed.

The Harbinger will pass through a temporal anomality during the first mission and end up in 2583. The twenty-sixth century is a bleak one; the Federation has fallen and the quadrant is ruled by petty tyrranies and loose coalitions. The Klingon and Romulan Empires are broken up into several warring factions, the Bajoran Wormhole is closed, and the Cardassians are expanding. With the fall of empires, knowledge was lost, shipyards broke down, starships abandoned for want of parts. The general technology of the quadrant, with the occasional exception, is fifty years behind the USS Harbinger.

This game and it's webpages are still under contruction. If you think that you would be interested, please feel free to e-mail me with a completed bio, at az_emt_911@hotmail.com_nospam (remove the _nospam of course).