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USS Charleston NCC-70570

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Transportation device that converts objects or persons to energy, sends that energy to the destination, and reconstitutes the objects/persons back into matter. Transporters cannot beam objects through deflector shields.


The TorpBeam is a transporter modification device installed directly into the transporter systems. Originally developed by the Votimer Emgineering Team at Cocharane University, team leader Jericho Gilmore, in the year 2368. Thought to be impossible, the TorpBeam modification allows transporters to beam through shields.


2364: Jericho Gilmore began reviewing information on transporter systems. Began Votimer Engineering Team at the behest of the Engineering Department Head of Cocharane University. Research into the TorpBeam modifications begins.

2365: First stage plans are are drawn up. Team estimates five year turnover for the first modification unit. First stage commences. Voltimer Team discovers that the First stage procedure is a falure. Uncapatability with standard transporter emmitters delays production. Team develops prototype emitters for TorpBeam modification.

2366: At the beginning of year, Second stage development begins. TorpBeam modification found to produce harmful metaphasic radiation that causes tissue deterioration. Votimer Team starts over. As the year concludes, solution to radiation still unknown.

2367: New member joins Votimer Team, Lt. Tollard, Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Tollard discovers radiation caused by the alignment of beta particles in the energy pathways. First four attempts to keep the beta particle separated during transport end in falure. A temporary power outage during the fifth try causes the team to delay testing. When trials resume, Jennifer Atkinson reroutes the power systems through a negative energy field, causing reverse magnetic properties. Beta particles separate instead of attract. Fifth trial a success.

2368: Finishing touches added to TorpBeam modification. Lt. Tollard arranges demonstration of TorpBeam modification for Admiral Wulifore, Starfleet Corps of Engineers on January 9th, 2368. Demonstration delayed due to Borg invasion. Rescheduled for March 27th, 2368. TorpBeam project accepted by Starfleet Corps of Engineers.

2369: Incapatability with transporter computer systems delays deployment of TorpBeam into the Fleet. Engineers continue working on TorpBeam.

2373: Incapatability solved. Torpbeam scheduled to be installed in the USS Expectation NCC-0106, Soverign, due out of the Antaries Shipyard in 2375, and assigned to the New Hope Colony Project in the Gamma Quadrant.