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USS Charleston NCC-70570

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History of the USS Charleston

Photo curtesy of Starfleet LCARS

2354: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose vessel capable of Deep Space missions, combat, and diplomatic missions. The general idea is for a modular starship. Two project briefs are handed to Starfleet for the Grainger and Charleston classes. Starfleet rejects the Grainger class. Permission for base designs is approved for the Charleston class.

2355: Starfleet views the theoretical proposals for the Charleston class based on the defense parameters. The initial design is deemed unsatisfactory and even unsafe by the ASDB. Redesigns are required.

2364: After nine years of redesigns, changes, and deliberation the Charleston’s primary is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, and weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet agencies for consultation. Propulsion dynamics, including variable geometry nacelles based on the working designs for the Intrepid project and prototype nacelles are approved and sent to the Jupiter Station for in-depth study. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the Antaries Ship Yards for designations.

2366: USS Charleston production begins with a projected 7year turnover for the prototype. Design team use Sovereign warp coils and a Galaxy class warp core for the prototype. The primary hull begins construction. M/ARA design is standardized for the Class.

2367: Primary hull 65% completion. Computers are delivered for fitting work. Jupiter Station needs new nacelle design, projected to aid the warp field by 17% as well as approves the variable geometry nacelles. These are fitted to the frame.

2368: Work continues on habitat and outer hull sections. Late in the year computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from Station Control to ship control. Nebula class sensor/weapons pod adapted for the class. Weapons are removed and the pod becomes the primary sensor housing for the ship.

2369: Computer systems now operating at 70% of maximum. Systems expected to become self aware within the year. Warp core beguines primary testing. Antimatter regulation control is found to be outside acceptable levels. Primary magnetic containment malfunction found to be a problem. Design teams work on a solution for 9 months, finally finding a solution. Primary hull 100% complete, bridge module attached.

2370: Warp core passes Review Three and is tested to 90% peak. Computer systems fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship becomes self-sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low-level power control. Secondary backup generators are shut down and become auxiliary systems control. Weapons systems installed. USS Charleston leaves Dry dock for primary testing.

2372: USS Charleston returns to Antaries early in year. Warp stress coating is applied and USS Charleston begins deep space assessments.

USS Charleston returns to Antaries Shipyards for final exterior markings and paint. On 2, November 2372 Starfleet officially commissions the USS Charleston during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Andorian Captain Atchek takes command. USS Charleston is ordered to begin shakedown cruise estimated to last one year.

All information related to Star Trek© are copyright to Paramount Pictures.