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USS Charleston NCC-70570

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Ambassadorial Rank Chart

Federation Ambassador

"5-Bar" Ambassador

"4-Bar" Ambassador

"3-Bar" Ambassador

"2-Bar" Ambassador


Envoy General




Vice Consul


It often feels like very individual who is diplomatically inclined is an Ambassador of some type. This is not however the case. The Federation use the title "Ambassador" to simply indicate the individuals position as the chief diplomatic person for their respective area. All position titles of Ambassador should come with a prefix, aka, Ambassador to Romulus etc, however as with all things, titles are often reduced, and misconceptions occur regarding the individuals actual status.

This is very similar to the naval tradition of calling the officer in command of a ship "Captain" regardless of there actual rank. There is no difference hear. The individual in charge of the diplomatic endeavor is titled "Ambassador" however they are not necessarily ranked that highly in the organization.

Personnel who have achieved the title of Ambassador or above are always called Ambassador, not 4-Bar Ambassador etc. "Bar" simply indicates a higher status, but is not part of the official title.

(Note: This is entirely made up by me and is in no way cannon, but I felt it would be useful for some games, including my own. If people wish, I have created sufficient insignias to allow comparison with Starfleet military insignias, however I do not propose to indicate that they are in any way related. However this will allow players to be promoted in line with other players.)

Creator's Credit: Stace M. Swain was kind enough to provided me with information regarding the current united states foreign service office system in place. With this information, and suggestions, I have made a few alterations to the titles of the ranks. Than you for your help.

Additional Credit: Tango Fleet generosity in allowing me to use these graphics. They are available to anyone who wishes to use them, free of charge.