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Starfleet LCARS

Planetary Ruling System: Cadia is ruled by a Triumvirate consisting of three generals. Each general is in charge of a particular aspect of Cadian military society - infantry, armored forces, and defense fleet.

Triumvirate: The three generals comprising the Triumvirate are
General Tredeska
Position: Commander of the Infantry
Description: 6 foot with pale brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He is usually seen wearing military fatigues under his long black storm coat that displays his medals. He also carries a sword and pistol.
Personality: A stern man showing little emotions, but will do anything and everything for his men. He refuses to play political games, making up his mind as to what his actions will be then following thru with his plans, only changing then in the face of extremely good cause.

General Marius
Position: Commander of the Armed Forces
Description: Shorter than normal. Physically fit and well build for tank driving. Usually wears his dress uniform and carries a pistol.
Personality: Don’t be fooled by his ‘happy-go-lucky’ joking attitude. He is perhaps the nicest person you may meet until you anger him. Underneath his joking and playful attitude is an excellent command that refuses to participate in any type of expectable losses. He hates politicians. As part of the Triumvirate he sees his job as deciding what the best action is for Cadia.

General Ventris
Position: Commander of the Cadian Defense Fleet
Description: His medium height and ‘green’ appearance has not stopped him from becoming one of the most famous fleet generals in Cadian history. He wears a storm coat with no medals, and carries his saber beside his Cardassian pistol that he captured.
Personality: He is the voice of reason between the three generals; however his has a strong hatred for Starfleet. His hatred comes from the way Starfleet gave naval crews a bad name during the Dominion War. He also despises what he feels is the reckless waste of ground soldiers by Starfleet. He recognizes and encourages the need of trust between the navy and marine counterparts of any fleet, and has established this well in his own command of the Cadian Defense Fleet.

Overview of Cadia: Cadia was a member of Starfleet before they left the UFP in the Summer of ’79. It is the only Class M planet in the Kantrael System capable of supporting life. Similar to Earth in land masses and planetary arrangement, however the architecture of Cadia is heavily influence by Earth’s Gothic era.

History: Earth had a period of time when the Roman Empire ruled the Earth through a person called Caesar. The hierarchical establishment of the Roman Empire was similar to Cadia’s tribal powers during the planets early age. Unlike Earth’s early Roman Empire, the Cadian tribal powers never fell, instead they have changed with the times, incorporating the ruling system of the triumvirate, supported by the strength of the military. The Cadian belief in the military strength has carried throughout its history up to the current time.

Throughout Cadia’s history the military has generally been used for defensive operations, however rare occasions where the situation requires it the military has been used for offensive attacks. As Cadia reached out into space they found themselves at war with the planet Glantar. The Cadian military laid waist to the planet, leaving it desolate an uninhabitable. Their tactics included scouring the planet surface then detonating nuclear weapons, leaving the planet’s surface uninhabitable for many generations to come.

Senate: The senate is made of one ruler from each of the 13 cities on the planet they meet to form the laws they answer to the Triumvirate. They are there to make the best decision for the people. If they are found to be corrupt they are immediately removed. The senate introduces a law or article and it must be agreed on by all of the members then it is sent to the generals for approval. Like the current USA government except a lot of underhanded dealings and those caught are exiled out of the system. However the triumvirate is the real rules and the senate are more of the advisors.

Life after the Military: Those that do not stay in the defense forces can go home and begin a business or get a job. They can continue a normal life. The main job market is military parts manufacturing as in building rifles tanks ships and everything needed for the military. There are also your every day jobs like those on earth (builders, shop owners, and the like).

Planet Culture: They do not allow transporters to be used because they believe it proves to be a security risk. They allow ship to ship personnel carrier transports only.

Art: Art on the planet is mainly pushed into the many monuments honoring the soldiers of Cadia. Many of the intersections in the streets have large statues honoring different soldiers and units (about 100 artisans are always working on the Hall of Heroes updating and maintaining it). Paintings of landscapes and different colorful spatial object like nebulas and different space phenomena are well liked. As well as landscapes but the most popular are the Great Halls as Cathedrals built to honor the fallen and their god.

Literature: This is close to Earth in its form and styles. Many books that are read are on tactics and different styles of hand to hand combat. But as with earth there is everything available.

Religion: The Cadians believe there is and angel known as Jadentber. Jadentber is the angel of war/anger. No one really worships him. He is more of the ‘bad times’ God. When Cadians are provoked and have extremely little to loose they become filled with an uncontrollable pure rage. When it is unleashed on the Cadians enemy it is near certain that the enemy will die. This blind rage is believed to be Jadentber doing. It is an extremely rare thing to happen and only five cases have occurred in the last 300 years. However there was a rumored occurrence during the dominion war, but it has not been confirmed. Troops that have had this rage are usually taken to a hospital till the after affects wear off then are sent back to their unit. They are closely monitored. It is an apparent genetic fault in the Cadian DNA and is believed to happen in families that have long standing traditions in the military, especially for those who are descendents of war veterans.

The belief in Jadentber started during a prolonged battle. The Cadians were ordered to assault a bastion of the enemies defense but were to weary to attack. Then an "angel" appeared in front of the lines dressed in red armor and wielding a large broadsword. Its image managed to inspire the Cadians to assault the enemy fortress. After action reports all stated that the Cadians should have failed, simply because of the lack of soldiers. This angel appeared again about 50 years later rallying the defenses of a besieged Cadian fortress. Again the Cadians should have been defeated but weren't. Both times the troops claimed to see this image and then feel almost possessed with an uncontrollable rage. Thus the Angel of Jadentber, which in native Cadian means "demon", is more commonly referred to as God.

Games and Entertainment: Cadian recreation is heavily influenced by its military. Most games are tournaments that pertain to war tactics and war games. Virtual hand to hand combat is seen as a sport as is blunted weapons much like gladiators. Other forms of earth entertainment are common.

Language: Federation Standard. The native Cadian is now all but forgotten and only a few know what it means when spoken.

Currency: Federation credits.

Society: Primary transportation is on foot or with the aid of an anti-gravity unit. Once a male citizen reaches the adult age they are required to serve two years in the Cadian Defense Fleet. Here they are taught the basics of war. Other the past decade many Cadians have served their two years to leave Cadia and join the Starfleet Marine Corps. Those who don’t will usually stay in the military. There is little on the planet in the way of any type of non-military work as the entire society revolves around their military. There are three places worth noting:
Ruling City
Cadian architecture is heavily reminiscent of Earths Gothic Era, however the design and layout of its cites is more ingenious. Instead of the streets being wide and rather lengthy, the Cadian’s tested their city layout against defense during war games. Their final decision was presented to and approved by the triumvirate. It permitted two regular streets to be build along the palaces west side and another intersecting these two and leading up to the palace. The remainder of the city streets is designed to be wide enough for easy commuting; however an aerial view would show the streets interlocking like pieces of a very complex puzzle.

Ammo depots and fall-out bunkers are hidden throughout the complex network of streets, permitting the defense forces to hold out for weeks even after the enemy has entered the city, the resulting delay to the opposing forces would allow reinforcements for the city to arrive. The city employs the use of almost every conceivable type of weapon in its defense.

Situated on a bay, the city is well fortified. The island that the Hall of Heroes is on is in the center o the bay, one mile away. The city’s harbor has motion sensors in the water and an anti-personnel phaser array to prevent the approach of cover and special ops teams. Directly outside of the mouth of the harbor there is a huge minefield, effectively preventing any vessels from using the harbor.

Daytime temperatures stay fairly consistent, maintaining an even 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The wind from the bay offers a cool breeze, and during the night this breeze often causes the temperatures to drop to a chilly level. Cadians naturally prefer cold temperatures.

Hall of Heroes
The Hall of Heroes is a cathedral build over the water. It sits approximately one mile out at sea and can only be entered by walking across a walk way. On the opposite side of this Cathedral on the other side of town is a large field known as the Marshalling Yards

Cadian Cathedral
{ Cadian Cathedral }

Made entirely of marble with decorations done up in crystal. It has a senate room that is very large and spacious with a long table sitting in the center. Four Command Guard Troopers are stationed at every door. The Triumvirate will usually gather here.

Defensive Capabilities: Cadia is surrounded by three orbital defense platforms. Each platform carries two hundred quantum torpedoes and a type XII phaser array. A heavily armored military starbase orbits Cadia. This starbase has been stripped of its medial, scientific, and civilian attributes and those systems and space previously devoted to them outfitted to hold more weapons and space for troops. At any single point in time there is easily a couple thousand troop transport shuttles ferrying troops around.
Special Military Units
Cadian Defense Fleet: Consists of 19 ships - 10 Norway, 8 Akira, and a Renegade.
Command Guard: These special guards wear polished black armor. Highly trained marine soldiers tasked to protect the Triumvirate; they will shoot first and ask questions later. They are the Triumvirate’s body personal body guards. Trained in the use of the Cadian Lance Weapon they make a formidable opponent when mounted. They will only respond to the direct orders of the Triumvirate.