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USS Charleston NCC-70570

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Duty Positions


Shuttlebay Manager
Runabout Pilot
Shuttle Pilot
Shuttlecraft Maintenance Specialist

The available duty positions are not limited to those listed on this page. If you want a position that is not listed, just select "other" on the application and fill in the appropriate box describing what position you would like.

Shuttlebay Duty

Shuttlebay Manager: The shuttlebay manager is responsible for assigning repair and maintenence crews to work on the Shuttlebay/Shuttles/Runabouts. He is also in charge of training the Shuttle/Runabout Pilots. His duties also include schelduleing flights to minimize accidents and to keep record of all flights, past, present, and future.

Shuttle/Runabout Pilot: The Shuttle/Runabout Pilot can be a Helm officer. The pilot is in charge of overseeing the maintenance of the ship's support craft, and to report to the Shuttlebay manager. The Shuttle Runabout is required on occaision to pilot a craft, and when a shuttle/runabout mission or landing is called for.

Shuttlecraft Maintenance Specialist: Shuttlecraft Maintenance is a specialized post. This Officer is assigned to the Shuttle Maintenance Deck (sometimes called the Flight Deck, but generally only if Fighter Pilot personnel are assigned), and is responsible for the service and repair of all small vessel assigned to the Starship or facility. The flight deck must maintain a set number for craft at all times for evacuation purposes in case of emergency.

A team is assigned to the in charge of Shuttlecraft Maintenance, which is made up from NCO personnel, assigned by the Shuttlebay Manager. The Specialist is in charge of submitting Shuttlecraft Maintenance reports to the Shuttlebay Manager.

Should the vessel of facility have a dedicated Fighter Pilot Department assigned, then maintenance of these craft falls under the service of the Shuttlecraft Maintenance teams, Specialist in charge of Shuttlecraft Maintenance will report required information to the Wing Commander.