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USS Charleston NCC-70570

| Captain's Log | Crew Manifest | Database | The Ship | Submit A Character |
| USS Charleston Home | Obsidian Fleet HQ | Task Force 21 |

Duty Positions


Chief Engineer
Assistant Chief Engineer

Small Machine Shop
Communications Specialist
Computer Systems Specialist
Damage Control Specialist
Impulse Systems Specialist
Sensor Systems Specialist
Shuttle Craft Maintenance Specialist
Structural & Environmental Specialist

Transporter Technology Shop

Warp Technology Shop
Matter/Energy Systems Specialist
Warp Systems Specialist

Weapons System’s Shop
Phaser Systems Specialist
Torpedo Systems Specialist

Defense System’s Shop
Sheild Systems Specialist
Tractor Beam Systems Specialist

Engineer’s Mate

The available duty positions are not limited to those listed on this page. If you want a position that is not listed, just select "other" on the application and fill in the appropriate box describing what position you would like.

Engineering Duties

Chief Engineering Officer: The CEO is responsible not only for the warp systems, but for every piece of equipment on the starship except for the computer (that falls under Operations). In addition to coordinating maintenance and repair efforts, the CEO is constantly looking for ways to make improvements and optimize performance. They are also responsible for managing the personnel under their command.

Assistant Chief Engineering Officer: The ACEO acts in the CEOs place when they are unavailable. They also supervise maintenance tasks in remote areas (such as away missions) and critical maintenance tasks when there is more than one task of the same priority (the CEO will supervise on task, the ACEO the other...).

Small Equipment Shop: These engineers are the catch all. In addition to performing maintenance on small equipment (tricorders, medical equipment, replicators, etc..), they are also one of the first shops tasked when another shop needs additional hands, or when there is general work to be done (hull repair, etc...).

Transporter Technology Shop: These engineers sole focus is to maintain the transporters as best as possible. Due to the delicate nature of these machines, it is imperative that they are calibrated and tuned precisely.

Warp Technology Shop: By far, the largest of all the engineering shops. These technological whizzes are responsible for the Warp Core and all associated systems. They also typically work on the impulse engines as well.

Weapon Systems Shop: These engineers maintain the phaser banks, phaser cannons, quantum torpedoes and torpedo launchers. They work closely with Operations to ensure that tracking and target solution software is as accurate as possible. In addition, they perform repairs and modifications to hand weaponry such as phasers.

Defense Systems Shop: This shop maintains vital defense systems such as the shield generators, SIF (Structural Integrity Field) system, shield modulators and the IDF (Inertial Dampening Field) system. In addition, they assist with maintaining non-vital systems such as the tractor beams.

Engineering Officer: There are several non-specialized Engineers aboard of each vessel. They are assigned to their duties by the Chief Engineer and his Assistant, performing a number of different tasks as required (i.e. general maintenance and repair). Generally Engineers as assigned to more specialized Engineering person to assist in there work is so requested by the specialized Engineer.

Communications Specialist: The Communications Specialist is a specialized Engineer. Communication aboard a ship or facility takes two basic forms, voice and data. Both are handled by the onboard computer system and dedicated hardware. The vastness and complexity of this system requires a dedicated team to maintain the system.

The Communications Specialist is the Officer in charge of this team, which is made up from NCO personnel, assigned to the team by the Asst. and Chief Engineer. The Communications Specialist reports to the Asst. and Chief Engineer.

Computer Systems Specialist: The Computer Systems Specialist is a specialized Engineer. The new generation of Computer systems are highly developed. This system needs much maintenance and the Computer Systems Specialist was introduced to relieve the Science Officer, whose duty this was in the very early days.

A small team is assigned to the Computer Systems Specialist, which is made up from NCO personnel assigned by the Asst. and Chief Engineer. The Computer Systems Specialist reports to the Asst. and Chief Engineer.

Damage Control Specialist: The Damage Control Specialist is a specialized Engineer. The Damage Control Specialist controls all damage control aboard the ship when it gets damaged in battle. He/she oversees all damage repair aboard the ship, and coordinates repair teams on the smaller jobs so the Chief Engineer can worry about other matters.

A small team is assigned to the Damage Control Specialist which is made up from NCO personnel assigned by the Asst. and Chief Engineer. The Damage Control Specialist reports to the Asst. and Chief Engineer.

Impulse Systems Specialist: The Impulse Systems Specialist is a specialized Engineer. The complexity of the impulse systems of any starship is further complicated by the different settings required for each ship. No two vessels have exactly the same system aboard, and all settings require careful maintenance and checks to ensure peek performance. On smaller vessels this task may be performed by the Chief Engineer, but larger vessel have a dedicated Officer who's role to to ensure the impulse systems run under any condition.

A small team is assigned to the Impulse Systems Specialist which is made up from NCO personnel, assigned by the Asst. and Chief Engineer. The Warp Systems Specialist reports to the Asst. and Chief Engineer.

Matter / Energy Systems Specialist: The Matter / Energy Systems Specialist is a specialized Engineer. All aspect of matter energy transfers with the sole exception of the warp drive systems are handled by the Matter/Energy Systems Specialist. Such areas involved are transporter and replicator systems. The Matter/Energy Systems Specialist is the Officer in charge of a small team, which is made up from NCO personnel, assigned by the Asst. And Chief Engineer. The Matter/Energy Systems Specialist reports to the Asst. and Chief Engineer.

Sensor Systems Specialist: The Sensor Systems Specialist is a specialized Engineer. Dedicated to the maintenance and operation of the navigation deflector, guidance, helm, reaction control systems and all other sensor systems.

A small team is assigned to the Sensor Systems Specialist, which is made up from NCO personnel, assigned by the Asst. And Chief Engineer. The Sensor Systems Specialist reports to the Asst. and Chief Engineer.

Structural/Environmental Systems Specialist: The Structural and Environmental Systems Specialist is a specialized Engineer. From a small ship/facility to a large one, all requires constant monitoring. The hull, bulkheads, walls, Jeffrey's tubes, turbolifts, structural integrity field, internal dampening field, and environmental systems are all monitored and maintained by this officer and his/her team.

The team assigned to the Structural and Environmental Systems Specialist is made up from NCO personnel, assigned by the Asst. And Chief Engineer. The Structural and Environmental Systems Specialist reports to the Asst. and Chief Engineer.

Warp Systems Specialist: The Warp Systems Specialist is a specialized Engineer. The complexity of the Warp Drive system and impulse systems of any starship is further complicated by the different settings required for each ship. No two vessels have exactly the same system aboard, and all settings require careful maintenance and checks to ensure peek performance. On smaller vessels this task may be performed by the Chief Engineer, but larger vessel have a dedicated Officer who's role to to ensure the Warp Drive system and impulse systems runs under any condition.

A small team is assigned to the Warp Systems Specialist which is made up from NCO personnel, assigned by the Asst. And Chief Engineer. The Warp Systems Specialist reports to the Asst. and Chief Engineer.

Engineer's Mate: The Engineer's Mate trains and supervises Engineering crewmen in departmental operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains duty assignments for all Engineering personnel; and is qualified to temporarily act as Chief Engineer if so ordered. The Engineer's Mate reports to the Chief Engineer.