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In Memory of a Sister in Christ

This page holds a collection of links to sites dedicated to Cassie,

articles that were printed on Cassie, and videos people created

in memory of Cassie. I did not know Cassie Bernall

and I am sad for her parents for losing their beloved daughter.

However her parents know she is with our Lord Jesus Christ

and I can not wait until one day I get a chance to meet Cassie in person.

God Bless! - Twilight

Now I have given up everything else I have found it to be the only way

To really know Christ and to experience

The mighty power that brought

Him back to life again, and to find

Out what it means to suffer and to

Die with him. So, whatever it takes

I will be one who lives in the fresh

Newness of life of those who are

Alive from the dead.

-Cassie Bernall

The Cassie Bernall Web Site

In Loving Memory of Cassie Bernall

Josh's site dedicated to Cassie Bernal

Cassie Bernall..Woman of God

A Shero on Cassie Bernall, a very beautiful page.

Pastor Johnyn Lee Clary's page dedicated to Cassie

"Therefore whoever confesses Me before men,

him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.

But whoever denies Me before men,

him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven."

(Matthew 10:32-33)

An Article on Cassie in the Denver Rocky Mountain News.

St.Edwards Roman Catholic Church, Romford, Cassie Bernall | Cassie Bernall - Unlikely Martyr.

A mother's story

Cassie Bernall Home for Children or the "Cassie House"

Suffering Cassie Bernall

A Young Christian Who Stood Firm

Littleton, CO: Where Was God

The links below are to three forwards of other people who showed the same courage as Cassie for Our Lord and Savior.

I did not write them and so I take no credit for them. I just add them for inspiration to us who are still living.

May we be able to stand for Our Lord Jesus Christ when we are tested.

Forgive Them


Stand Up

The videos presented here can be found on youtube.

However there are many with all kinds of comments that are irrelevent to the video

and many are aruguing and fighting. Since many people have posted

for allowing the embeding feature, I copied the links to add here.

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