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This is a H1 tag

This is a H2 tag

This is a H3 tag

This is a H4 tag

This is a H5 tag
This is a H6 tag
This is font size 1

This is font size 2

This is font size 3

This is font size 4

This is font size 5

This is font size 6

This is font size 7

this should now be back to default size text.
THis is 1 size higher than the default
THis is 2 size higher than the default
THis is 1 size lower than the default
THis is 2 sizes lower than the default
Tami Schultz


A web page outside your site; it is called an external link and you must provide the full URL in the tag. This is also referred to as an absolute URL.

Example: I want a link to take me to Yahoo. I must use the following URL: The actual command would be:
<A HREF=>Go to yahoo now!</A> The tag would produce the following visual result: Go to yahoo now!

Another web page within your site; it is called an internal link and you must only need to provide the path to the proper filename in the tag.

Example: I want to connect from my home page(homepage.html) to my resume(called resume.html). I must use something like the following in my homepage.html file:

<A HREF=resume.html>See my resume.</A> The tag would produce the following visual result: See my resume.

To link from the resume.html file to the homepage.html file, you would type: Return to <A HREF=homepage.html>homepage</A>. This would produce the following: Return to homepage.

A page in a new browser window; helpful for accessing information from another page while still having your original page displayed on screen. Simply add an attribute called TARGET to your HREF tag:

To call up my resume.html file from within my homepage.html file, type the following: <A HREF=resume.html TARGET=_blank>See my resume.</A>. A new window will pop up with the resume file in it.

If you continue to use this _blank attribute within the same file but have different URL’s to access, each time the user clicks on the link, that link will appear in the second browser window, replacing what was previously in the second window.

If you want each page to display in a separate window, you must give the window (ie. TARGET) a specific name. For example, if you want altavista to come up in a second window while your resume is still open, along with your homepage, from your homepage.html file you would have to name the window for altavista something specific, like SEARCH ENGINE or ALTAVISTA or whatever.

The following <A HREF= TARGET=search engine>search engine.</A> may be useful for you.

jumping within your same page

This course provides a general understanding of the mechanics of how to create web pages. It is expected the student will create a site of multiple pages which are interlinked. Click on the links to find more information about the following:

Prerequisites: (back to top)
Blah, blah, blah jfdjaf adjfdsjafdjasfja jfa sdjfdjsafjd sajflkasdjfkjdasfjasl djflksadj fl;asdjl fja sdlfjalsjflasj fasj

Learning Objectives: (back to top),br> Blah, blah, blah jfdjaf adjfdsjafdjasfja jfa sdjfdjsafjd sajflkasdjfkjdasfjasl djflksadj fl;asdjl fja sdlfjalsjflasj fasj


Grading Practices: (back to top)
Blah, blah, blah jfdjaf adjfdsjafdjasfja jfa sdjfdjsafjd sajflkasdjfkjdasfjasl djflksadj fl;asdjl fja sdlfjalsjflasj fasj

The markup would look like this: <A NAME="beginning">OVERVIEW OF COURSE:</A>
This course provides a general understanding of the mechanics of how to create web pages. It is expected the student will create a site of multiple pages which are interlinked. Click on the links to find more information about the following:

Prerequisites: (back to top)
Blah, blah, blah jfdjaf adjfdsjafdjasfja jfa sdjfdjsafjd sajflkasdjfkjdasfjasl djflksadj fl;asdjl fja sdlfjalsjflasj fasj

Learning Objectives: (back to top),br> Blah, blah, blah jfdjaf adjfdsjafdjasfja jfa sdjfdjsafjd sajflkasdjfkjdasfjasl djflksadj fl;asdjl fja sdlfjalsjflasj fasj


<A NAME="grades">Grading Practices: </A> <A HREF=#beginning> (back to top)</A>
Blah, blah, blah jfdjaf adjfdsjafdjasfja jfa sdjfdjsafjd sajflkasdjfkjdasfjasl djflksadj fl;asdjl fja sdlfjalsjflasj fasj

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