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Posting a Poweroint Presentation

to the Web

Many of you use Powerpoint to create class presentations. These can easily be posted to the web by doing the following:

Note: You must be using a version of Powerpoint which is "97 or later on the PC platform. J. Buckenmeyer will check if '98 version for Mac has this option. Also, to have this option enabled, you MUST do a CUSTOM INSTALLATION.

  1. Create the presentation as normal.


  2. Under the FILE menu, select the "Save as HTML" option. This automatically creates an html file with all the HTML tags necessary to embed the graphics.


  3. You will be presented with a "wizard" which will take you through screen size selection, style of navigation buttons, and a few other simple options. Each specific step is shown here, with the options to choose from.


    1. Layout:

      Choose from either a standard (default setting) or frames version of a page.

    2. Graphic type:

      Choose from GIF (default setting), JPEG, or Powerpoint animation.

    3. Graphic size:

      Choose from:

      1. Graphic Size for monitor resolution of:
        1. 640 x 480 pixels (default setting),
        2. 800 x 600,
        3. 1024 x 768, or
        4. 1280 x 1024.
      2. Width of graphics: Choose from:
        1. 1/4 width of screen,
        2. f1/2 width of screen (default setting),
        3. 3/4 width of screen or
        4. full screen.

    4. Information page:

      Provide your e-mail address, home page URL, other information you wish included (type it into a text box). Also have the option of indicating if you want to: download the original presentation and/or add an Internet Explorer download button.

    5. Colors & Buttons:

      Sets your web page background color, link color, visited link color. Can indicate to use the browser defaults or to use custom colors. If you choose custom colors, a color chooser dialog box appears. This is also where you choose the visual appearance of the naviagation buttons for the presentation. You may choose from:

      1. a square button with beveled edges,
      2. a horizontal rectangular button with beveled edges, or
      3. a round button with beveled edges.
      You may use transparent buttons if you wish. Each style include the typical single arrows to go to the next/previous page, and double arrows to go to the beginning/end of the presentation.

    6. Layout option:

      This is where you indicate to which side of the presentation you want the navigation buttons placed. The options are:

      1. above the presentation (default setting),
      2. below the presentation,
      3. to the left side of the presentation, or
      4. to the right side of the presentation.
      You may also indicate you want to include any slide notes in the pages.

    7. The next screen will have you create the HTML folder and location to save the file to. After completing this and clicking on finish, you will be prompted to type a name for the conversion settings you've just indicated. This is an optional step; do this only if you want to use the same settings on a later powerpoint/web page conversion. After clicking on Save settings or Don't Save settings as you prefer, you will see Powerpoint saving your file as a web page and will be notified that the page was successfully saved.

  4. NOTE: each screen in the presentation will be made into a SEPARATE PAGE--so keep the number of screens down!


  5. A sample stack was created by a former colleague and can be seen here.


This site provides more information from the folks at Powerpoint

BTW, you can obtain 5 MG's of space to host your own web pages from powerpoint--more details found here.

  • A sample stack was created by a former colleague and can be seen here.