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•Updates Page•

May 9th 2002:
Yeah, Look at the flippin date. May 9th. Geez, I finally got it together, I hope. ::crosses fingers:: Anyways, Happy Birthday to Me Madre on the 6th. I made a quiz for that one episode with that one guy in it. Hahaha that just sounded so darn fague. . So how's everyone doin? Anyone still out there? Just as I thought. . No. :) Oh well I can talk to myself.

April 24th 2002:
Hmm. . Is this a page where updates belong, or is this where i (bleep) bout my computer, and how shooty it is. Yuppers, it's been down another week again. Now, I gotta buy like a whole shoot load of stuff top replace my agin hardware. Grrrr...
Here's a good thing: I got up the new G and PG fanfiction, and the others will be up tomorrow. :) Hurray, My computer let me do something!!!

April 16th 2002:
Well, I've been getting up fanfiction today, but it's not out in the open yet. I'll have the new stuff up tomorrow. I did get the poll up for tomorrow's episode up(It's right above this message.) Phew. I have changed the title's to the page a bit. Anyone that ha sbeen here before might see the difference in how they are presented now . . Ok now I'm rambling and I'm incoherant. . Shucks.

April 15th 2002:
Guess who's back you guys??? My computer finally got fixed, and I will be able to work on this page again! Hopefully I'll have some new stuff up by tomorrow, but I'm working tonight, so we'll just have to wait and see what time I get off tonight. :D Anyways, I'm glad to be back, and no this site is not dead!!!!

March 26th 2002:
Wow I haven't done anything for a long time. Well let's see why: Hmm. . My computer won't even start up anymore, and the only computers I can work with are macs, which I can't deal with, because they're like 100 times slower than my pc. grrr. . So that's why I haven't done anything. I wish I could work on the page, but I can't. Oh, and I so missed the last episode because I was working on Saturday, and they didn't show Enterprise on Wed, because of the flippin Cavs, whom suck.

March 17th 2002:
Wow. Windows XP SUCKS!!!!! It's totally screwed up my internet explorer. I've been able to do nothing for the past 3 days for the page. I'm just sooo annoyed. Whoever created XP should be like taken somewhere and never be allowed to create anything ever again. Anyways I'll try to have some new stuff by Tuesday, if my computer is better then. :D

March 16th 2002:
Alright, it's been a long day here at my house. We got Windows XP and I wanted to get it on my comp. Well it really screwed up my computer for a few hours, and now my comp is going alot slower than when it did with Windows 98. I haven't done anything for the page today, except I got a new Main Image. :D

March 15th 2002:
-I'm changing the layout of the episode pages for the better today.
-I also added a poll to each episode, so that you can share your opinion on each episode. :d

March 13th 2002:
-Well I put up a few new stories of fanfic on the site. Also, I changed the layout for the episode guide. I'm going to add another feature to the episode guide soon, but I need to get all the polls for the episodes up.

March 10th 2002:
-Put up a new desktop picture of Hoshi.
Note to self: Parties where people are talking behind other people's backs negatively, are not cool. Don't go there again. :D Oh, and nice decision of not getting into a car with a drunk driver. Score one for Chelsey.

March 7th 2002:
-Put up a new desktop picture of John Archer.

March 6th 2002:
I did two things today. :D
-Got a new poll up. (See above poll)
-Got a new desktop picture up of Trip Tucker, because of the guestbook entry left by the kid who said she wanted to see more Trip pictures. So I was like. .hmm. . That can be arranged. :D

March 4th 2002:
-Got a new page up! It's called "desktop images". It's in the Image section. I know the pictures aren't the greatest, but I'll try to get better. :D I also put a new midi in the Jukebox. It's a real funky version of Steppenwolf's "Magic Carpet Ride". I totally dig that song, and it so deserves to be up in the jukebox.

March 3rd 2002:
Well, I changed the look for the Cast and Characters page.
Oh,'s down, so some things on the site might not be working right now. I guess there's some problems going on over there. Poor kids. :(
-I got up the link to Tvguide's Matchmaker and Fotoslip Enterprise Games.

March 1st 2002:
Dude, it's March. And I'm off school today, so I decided to work a bit on the page. I got the group shots up in the gallery. I slept in today, so I haven't gotten much of anything else done.
While I was busy watching Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, I put up the windamp skins. :D

February 28th 2002:
Wow, it's the last day of February!
-Hmm. . I know I updated the Gallery for the ship today. Woohoo! haha. No really, I will do some work this weekend. Hey did anyone see the episode poll I got up? Yeah, well it's right above this. I just wanted to see if anyone would even take the poll. Hmm. . I wish I knew how to create flash stuff. But html's ok I guess. I guess I'll get started on those screenshots now. Well I mean tomorrow I will, cause I'm going to sleep. Night you all! God Bless.

February 26th 2002:
Alright, well yesterday, I kind of changed the layout a bit. I think it looks better. . but oh well if some don't. :D
-I put up the Links and Updates Page today. I know there's still a few links that don't work yet, but I'll have them up by the end of the week.

February 23rd 2002:
Got the screenshots up for "Silent Enemy". Also, I have updated the galleries of Hoshi and Archer. I'll be getting more galleries updated tonight or tomorrow.

February 22nd 2002:
-Put up the screenshots for "Dear Doctor"
-Haven't done much around here lately. I've had the flu for the last few days, and just haven't felt like doing much. But I'll probably be confined to the house this weekend since I didn't go to school, because of me being sick. And no I wasn't skipping. . Anyways, my point was that I'll probably be getting a lot done this weekend ::knocks on wood::, that is if I feel better like I am right now.

February 19th 2002:
-Put up the screenshots for "Shadows of P'Jem". :D

February 18th 2002:
-Got up the quotes for "Civilization" and "Shuttlepod One". . I would have got more things done, but Chuck E. Cheese is way too much fun. I didn't log much computer time today, and tomorrow I got to go back to school. I'll still try to get up some new stuff. Did I mention that I sent out more fanfics requests a few days ago? Well, a lot of people have responded kindly, which means there will be more fanfic up soon. Anyone notice that the preview of "The American Embassy" has the Calling's song in the background? Guess it's now some new show starter song. Now I'm just rambling. . It's the Ally Mcbeal I watch. I swear. :D

February 17th 2002: I'm up really early today. I took down the NC-17 fan fiction for right now. I got a tip that angelfire will erase your account if you have "adult material" on your page. I'll try to get it on another web hoster and up soon.
-I finally got a Jumble up! It's not the most original, but I'm going to make better ones when the season's over.
-I think I'll try to do some more screenshots today. We'll see. . .
-I just got done taking screenshots of "Shuttlepod One". I'll have them up tonight, hopefully. They're looking really good. :D They're not crappy like "Sleeping Dogs" were. But those were my first, so oh well. I saw someone tried the new jumble. I just got the award image up. I have to admit that it looks half decent. Thanks Garyn for the help.
-I got up the first batch of quick loading, hlaf decent looking screenshots!!! Translation: I got up the "Shuttlepod One" screenshots :)

February 16th 2002: Wow I see that I got up on Yahoo today. Wow. . Thanks whoever got me up there. :D I just learned how to capture screenshots. I looked all around other pages for screenshots, to find none. So I'll be capturing my own from now on. My aren't the greatest one's ever, but they're something. :D Oh! And another piece of good news is that I'm going to be getting a year's subscription to Star Trek the Magazine!! woohoo. Cool Posters to replace my Bsb collection. Hahaha. I am getting up the episode guides to the last five episodes today. I know I'm a bit behind on those, but the fanfiction took a long time.
-Sent more fanfiction requests out.
-Angelfire's been erroring a lot today, deleting pages and such. It sucks. :( Oh well, Hope you angelfire get all the errors fixed. :D
-Got the quotes for "Unexpected" up

February 11th 2002: ::gives anyone reading this a high five:: Woohoo! I got all the fanficiton up. Go check it out. :D

February 9th 2002: Well, I post the first round of fanfiction on the page. I have a lot more of the stories done, but has been going extremely slow. Oh well. Check out the stories!

February 3rd 2002: Wow. I have taken a few slow loading javascripts off. I changed the two main images, so that they load faster. Oh, and good news. I got the greeting cards up!!! Woohoo! :D

January 10th 2002: Well yesterday I sent out all kinds of emails to some awesome fanfiction writers, to ask for their permission to put their stories on this page. And guess what? A lot of those nice people have alreay replied with ok's. :D So I'm going to be working on gettin those stories up as soon as possible.

January 7th 2002: I had a snow day today. :D So I got a lot of stuff done today. Woohoo! Well let's see. . : -All episodes up to date have their screenshots pages done
-All Character Galleries are up-to-date.

January 5th 2002: Hmm. . .I got a new Main picture today. I also am working on all the crew's galleries. I have most of them up, but I think I still need to get up Travis's. Oh well. Oh! That's right. I got a poll up. "Who's your favorite character?" How original. . .

January 3rd 2002: Wow. I haven't updated since last year. . .Well that's because I was on vacation stuck witht he slowest connection possible. Boy did that mak eme realize how great roadrunner is. Anyways,I saw Lord of the Rings twice over Christmas break. Man that was a great movie. :D I don't feel like telling all of the new things I've put on the page, because since I got back, I've been doing a lot.

December 15th 2001: I got the layout all together. Every page is working. Some may say "Coming Soon!", but hey atleast you don't get that stupid "File Could not be located" crap. Done with books page. Started working on "Fight or Flight" episode. Got bravenet Message Boards, too.

December ??? 13th! 2001: I'm so glad that computers have the date on them. :D I relocated the main page to 1Main.html instead of index.html. I did this to get my main picture up. :D
December 10th 2001: TRUCK TRUCK TRUCK(edited for kids purposes) This main page accidentally got erased today. B/c of my crappy comp. So I started this page on December 7th, 2001. ok? Oh And I know had stuff bout how great Wil Wheaton is, and how great it is that he is doing the new movie!!! And bout how I created different pages, and got the ccharacter page done a fee days ago. :D