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My thoughts are now furnished;
my mind is now made;
it’s time to continue,
this life escapade.
For all that you’ve shown me,
you now hold me back,
teaching and keeping me
slightly off track,
till I can’t see the stars,
or the sky of the sun,
and see only one thing
with you as the one.
Time won’t heal all
these wounds cut by you.
I’ll just deal then,
and walk the rain through.
For all your rejections
now have just set me free,
and soon you’ll be wishing
you’d not lost out on me.

There Is Not

There is not
a link between us,
past connections
broken gone.
I turned away
from all your heartlessness
and to burning darkness
I return.
You stand in spotlights,
on clean washed floors,
holding all gazes
but mine. For I
rule another world,
and I claim the streets
of the forgotten.
I reign from dark
back alleys, in control
of all the lost.
My vast connections
encircle yours,
and you will never know.
You cannot fight
what you can’t see,
and you have never
looked at me.
Once I wished
to be your friend,
and for your hand
I fought.
I used to think
there was something in common
but now I know
there is not.

Seven Demons

Deep in the heart
of the frozen cold stands a figure,
knee deep in snow.
The vastness of frigidness
bites down like fangs, and the figure
has nowhere to go.
The enemies close in
and the figure stands tall, still breathing
but defenseless, and cold.
His feet are fixed down
to the ice of the ground, but despite this
his stature is bold.
Wrapped in wind
his cloak holds no heat, and quickly
all fears converge,
for out of the lightness
as ghosts of the past
the seven dark figures emerge.
All of them creep in
like snakes of the fallen, footless
but still inching in.
Then a turn of the tide
from the strength deep inside, brings power
to fight with this sin.
With a sword like a cross
he stares at the seven, circling
to look at them all.
To himself thinks his heart
with no brokenness there, “Now these
seven demons will fall”
Weapons in hand
seven sins take their stance, and with weapon in hand
he takes his.
The seven are soulless
and lifeless and cold, but sometimes
so too he is.
He’d fight back the terror,
with burning black fire, sweating blood,
falling hard, pressing on.
With his collar plastered down
behind a slightly tilted frown, he tears foreword
aimed to win, before dawn.

The Loner’s Obbligato

Let’s go now
It’s time now
Let’s get out of here
We have to get away from this
Let’s make it disappear.
Let’s leave all these liars
With their complex situations
And political confrontations
And let
Be alone
For once.
Let the silence rain down
On them
Making them frown
And then
Shifting all attention
To us.
Let all the people hear us
And each celebrity fear us
For our silent lonely justice
And morals unsurpassed.
Have their parents say it’s their fault
Watch them writhe at home.
Let the popular taste the pain
Of a weekend spent alone
While their “friends” desert them
“forgetting” to make that call.
Let them walk the streets
Alone at night
And take away from them
Whatever it was they had before
That made them better than us.
Let them feel despair
Like the gusts of wind
Coming and going
And coming back strong.
Let the tables turn around for once
With victorious music blaring
Let us walk the halls of school with pride
All the first, now last, just staring.
With our new stated placement
And our social rank improved
Let the masters of the system
Let the losers win the girls
For once
And use their new strength
At once
To set a new
Where truth turns the gears
Because the friendless know best
How to play the games alone
So watch closely and they’ll
Win in the end.
It’s our time to shine
Because now is the time
With our chaotically oriented
To win over the world
From our corner
Where we sit
Forever yet before.
And the old system falls
With the old ways in mind
We’ll improve on the future
For it’s where we’ll soon
So let’s break all the trends
Because this is how it ends
And now let’s turn the tables,
Let the loners have the friends.

VV this ones new so tread lightly in judgement... VV

The Girl

Torn up from the inside
my heart's turning dark
as tears of confusion
stain red like a mark
down my face as two fountains
for all world to see.
So my burning desires
have done such to me.
My terrible habits,
my wishingful mind
hath brought down upon me
my end-all this time.
Curses assemble,
then evanesce back
from and into my concious
now painted with black.
I fight against fury
a battle naught won,
but for now I can hold it
and look for the sun.
Having lost my old daylight,
my one way to cope,
I fear only one thing:
The loss of my hope.
For it now drives me forward
like gravity on rain,
just slightly preventing
an onslaught of pain.
With not-yet dispairity
I now turn around
to stare down my torn life
my face in a frown.
My eyes burn like lightning
but with all rage controlled,
I'll stand with my courage
and fight through this cold.
I draw up a smile
that cracks to a smirk,
determined to contest
the new fool who lurks.
Hopeless rejection
is now what i face,
Never fight a feeling like that
Cause now im prepared
to do anything
to make her want me back.

The newest one!


Attack with whirling spinning twists,
My blade of folded steel,
My thoughts of misty hopelessness,
And lightlessness I feel.
Fighting quick and gracefully
Footwork without err,
My sword attacks controlled by me
While night hangs in the air.
Steel on steel, as bright sparks fly,
No birds will fly oe’r head,
Except the crow with watching eye,
The night, save us, is dead.
Without a thought, I ram the blade,
And tear his life away.
My face remains emotionless,
With not a word to say.
The body lies upon the ground
His eyes alive like ghosts.
His furic silence this night now
Contests past pompous boasts.
My way of life is lived in me,
But around is dying fast.
I wish but honor, just like all
The heroes of the past.
Staring at the dead and fall’n
Just laying in the mud,
Reminds me of my dying way,
My only trophy

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