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Charities & Events

At Starbasr Indy: November 23-25 2007: Charity Fundraiser Party Scheduled. Theme: Not Set. 

At Grissom Air Museum - Festival of Flight 13 Oct. 2007: Assist Museum in however we are needed.

At DragonCon, August 31 - September 3, 2007: Recon & Recruiting.

At Inconjunction 27, July 6 - 8 2007; Charity Fundraiser Party Scheduled - American Cancer Society.
Party Theme: Spies, Villians & Henchmen.

At Starbasr Indy: November 24-26 2006
Charity Fundraiser Party Scheduled. Theme: Come as you are party. Charities for this party are American Diabetes Association, Grissom Air Museum & CANDLES Museum.

At Grissom Air Museum - Festival of Flight 07 Oct. 2006
Assist Museum in however we are needed.

At DragonCon, September 1-4 2006
Recon & Recruiting.

At Inconjunction 26, July 7-9 2006
Charity Fundraiser Party Scheduled. Theme: Pirates of the Caribbean II. Charities for this party are American Diabetes Association, Grissom Air Museum & CANDLES Museum.

Year End Report - 31 December 2005: Over the past Year the Pirate Republic has helped raise over $700.00 for our charities as well as brightened the faces of the many children. We expect to do better in 2006. Remember community service is a good way to get your group seen.

At Starbasr Indy: The Tenth Generation, November 25-27 2005: The Pirate Republic, the USS Defiant of Starfleet Command and Romulan Star Empire held a fundraising party that included an auction for the Americares, Grissom Air Museum & CANDLES Museum. The parties (Friday & Saturday Night) helped raise $450.00 for our charities.

01 October 2005 - Grissom Air Museum - Festival of Flight:The Pirate Republic assisted the AIr Museum with selling Sodas, Water, Snacks and Popcorn. We raised $ 187.50 for the Grissom AIr Museum. We also ran tours of their TS-11 Aircraft. We have vowed to return next year.

May 19, 2005: Members of the Pirate Republic entertained and took photos with over 60 children at Riley's Childrens Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. Members dressed in Star Wars costumes for those who were unable to go see the movie. We also gave out Certificates to the children making them Honorary Padawan Jedi Knights of the Pirate Republic Council. 

At Inconjunction XXIV, July 2-4 2004: The Pirate Republic & the USS Defiant of Starfleet Command held a sale/auction of blueprints of the new Pirate Republic Franklin Class Cruiser (Named for the late Richard Biggs' Character on Babylon 5). This class of Cruiser is a Whitestar Variant. On Sunday July 4th, We presented $ 300.00 to Jason Carter for the Educational Fund established for RJ & Hunter Biggs. If you wish to mail in your own contribution to this fund, send to the following:

The Benefit of the Children of Richard James Biggs, II
Washington Mutual Bank
840 N. San Fernando Boulevard
Burbank, CA 91502-1028

04 September 2004 - Grissom Air Museum: The Pirate Republic did its bi-annual maintenance on a F-105 THUD at the Grissom Air Museum. 13 members of the 1st Fleet were in attendance. The Pirate Republic also adopted the B-17G for bi-annual maintenance starting later this year and making the F-105 THUD a backup community service project.

At Starbasr Indy: The Ninth Generation, November 26-28 2004: The Pirate Republic & the USS Defiant of Starfleet Command held a fundraising party that included an auction for the Christoper Reeve Foundation & Grissom Air Museum. The parties (Friday & Saturday Night) helped raise $300.00 for our charities.

Year End Report - 31 December 2004: Over the past Year the Pirate Republic has helped raise $600.00 for our charities. We expect to do better in 2005. The members of the PRS Reliant and the Stronghold Storm Haven have adopted another aircraft to help maintain at the Grissom Air Museum for the year 2005, a B-17. Remember community service is a good way to get your group seen.

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