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This is just a site where i put some pics online that i use on other websites and youcan find some info on an anime called Teknoman, aka Tekkaman Blade also..


Summary of teknoman/Tekkaman Blade:

Teknoman is an anime that takes place in the year 2087. People have built a ring around the round in space, this ring is called the Space Ring.

On a certain moment, the Venomoids, under the form of spidercrabs (half spider, half crab) attack the Space Ring and easily conquer it. It is easy then for the spidercrabs to attack earth from this space ring.

At this moment, a teknoman appears, he calls himself Blade and attacks the spidercrabs on the space ring. He runs into an other teknoman named Dagger and Dagger finds a way to defeat Blade and lets him fall onto earth.

Blade crashes into earth but survives where he is found by Ringo and Star, 2 members of the Space Knights. The Space Knights is a group who search to find a way to defeat the venomoids.

After a rocky first encounter with the Space Knights, Blade becomes friends with them and they help him when he suffers from shellshock and when his crystal is broken, which is needed to transform.

Blade suffers from shellshock because he can only remain teknoman for 30 minutes and after that, he loses control over himself but Star helps Blade getting over this. From this moment on, you can see that those 2 get more and more involved with each other and they will become lovers.

When Blades sister, Shara, is found the whole truth about his past is told because he told everyone he suffered from amnesia. It was already known that Blades twin brother, Saber, was also an evil teknoman but know he tells everyone that the venomoids took over his spaceship and that his entire family was captured by them.

Shara dies eventually because she hasn’t completed the teknoproces.

After a series of events, Blade goes for the final confrontation with his brother witch he wins and Saber gives Blades his crystal because the venomoid mind parasite has been killed and Blade goes to the venomoid leader, Darkon.

When he sees Darkon, Darkon reveals that he is Blade his older brother, Conrad.

With much trouble, Blade defeats Darkon and peace returns to earth and Blade lives happily ever after with Star.


This is a very raw summary of the series, a lot of events haven’t been told so if you want to know them, you should watch the anime, it is really good.


Deze pagina is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 31-12-03.



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