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Fun / foon Tokyo
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
UFO sighted over Tokyo
Topic: Me

Stealth Starship sighted over the Land-o-Concrete!(tm)

Posted by trek/taro at 10:07 PM JST
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'New' Electronic Paper announced for the 400th time
Topic: Japanese Tech

First-Generation Electronic Paper Display to Be Used in New Electronic Reading Device / March 24
Royal Philips Electronics, Sony Corporation and E Ink Corporation announced today the world's first consumer application of an electronic paper display module in Sony's new e-Book reader, LIBRIé, scheduled to go on sale in Japan in late April. This "first ever" Philips' display utilizes E Ink's revolutionary electronic ink technology which offers a truly paper-like reading experience with contrast that is the same as newsprint....resolution in excess of most portable devices at approximately 170 pixels per inch (PPI)...a user can read more than 10,000 pages before the four AAA Alkaline batteries need to be replaced.

Posted by trek/taro at 4:50 PM JST
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WTFFGBBQ! April 18
Topic: Me

Meet the TARO MUSEUM on Sunday afternoon, 1-ish, April 18, 2004 for the unofficial WTFGBBQ!

Cafe patio, gardens, forests, thatch-roofed Japanese village cum open-air museum, BBQ pit, and the modern art craziness of TARO! Razz And a surprise guest FG, "Kurohinge1", will be coming all the way from the Real World to visit. Taro will throw bento on the barbie as well as mad cows, sick chickens, cholera hogs and dead veggies but no natto ice cream.

TARO Museum info here

More Minka-en village open-air museum and BBQ forest info here

Posted by trek/taro at 4:06 PM JST
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Chinese defeat the Japanese Coast Guard, again
Topic: Japanese life

Japan VS Chinese

Chinese activists land on disputed island claimed by Japan
Kyodo / Wednesday March 24, 12:11 PM

Flag-waving Chinese activists landed on an island claimed by both China and Japan on Wednesday, evading Japanese Coast Guard boats that tried to block them and triggering an official protest from Tokyo....
On Wednesday, a Chinese protest ship approached Uotsuri Island and dispatched a group of activists on small paddle boats that evaded a Japanese Coast Guard vessel...Japanese officials protested the landing.

Posted by trek/taro at 3:49 PM JST
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Blue-eyed Japanese Loan Shark
Topic: Japanese life
The dark side of Japanese finance
Japan Entrepreneur Report No. 17 March 2004 by Tim Clark

Speaking the polite Japanese of a seasoned businessman, the well-dressed visitor to Steven Gan's cramped Tokyo office introduced himself as an "investigation services colleague," so Mr. Gan invited him inside to get acquainted. For a few minutes, the two men made chitchat over cups of old mugicha barley tea. Suddenly, the stranger's face darkened. "What the hell do you think you're doing, trying to collect debts here in Tokyo?" he growled in the unmistakable slang of the yakuza, Japan's mafia. He pointed at Mr. Gan with fingers mimicking a gun. "Get out of this business now, or...bang!" ..

Posted by trek/taro at 2:38 PM JST
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authentic Japanese NATTO pasta?!
Topic: Japanese life
Try authentic NATTO spaghetti?

"One young woman I know breakfasts off natto on buttered toast...
For dinner, she often has natto on pasta, dousing the whole thing with mayo and soy sauce. "

The Japan Times: March 23, 2004

Posted by trek/taro at 11:38 AM JST
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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
"No Play" in Yokohama
Topic: Japanese life

"As a dog returneth to his vomit..." Prov. 26:11

There are some fun/foon pictures on this JET Returners site by "marcdano".

Posted by trek/taro at 1:46 PM JST
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Hello Kitty is 'officially' 1870 years old
Topic: Japanese life

Fun/foon typo on the Official Hello Kitty website on Tuesday morning, March 23

Hello Kitty
The orginal is now corrected, bah.

Posted by trek/taro at 12:49 PM JST
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Tokyo unprepared for "CERTAIN" bio-attack
Topic: Japanese life
Japan should prepare for bio - attack - US health chief
Reuters AlertNet,
TOKYO, March 23 (Reuters) -
Japan, like the United States, is certain to be a target of an attack with biological weapons and should be ready to respond ... The government has compiled a manual to improve coordination among ministries in the event of an attack ... security experts worry that progress is too patchy.

Posted by trek/taro at 11:17 AM JST
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Giggling Japanese schoolgirl blog?
Topic: Japanese life

See/read a little more in the inspired livejournal entry:
today in giggling japanese schoolgirl zombie bunny-suit chainsaw news....

Posted by trek/taro at 10:26 AM JST
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106 straight losses & Haru-Horse is still a favorite
Topic: Japanese life

NHK News this morning devoted 15-farkquing minutes to this nag's big 106th "no-win" yesterday. Sheesh.
Even the yakuza couldn't even come up with such a good scam.

Get this. People lined up outside the track for hours before the race to bet. The racetrack had to close its doors at 2pm when it was filled over capacity. People were send to another fairgrounds 5 miles away to bet and watch the race on a big outdoor screen.

Japan Enthralled by Losing Horse...
AP via Sunspot Tue Mar 23 2004 08:12:00 GMT+0900

..."Glorious Spring" -- or "Haru-urara" in Japanese -- was out doing what she does best Monday, losing her 106th consecutive race, even with Japan's top jockey on her back. More than 10,000 fans braved the rain to watch her come in 10th out of 11 horses....
....Kochi Racecourse, travel agents are making a killing off "Haru" tours, and her chestnut face adorns shirts, cups and other tourist trinkets...A pop song about her came out last week....
Her already legendary lack of speed has made betting tickets with her name on them talismans to guard against traffic accidents. And her face is being used as advertising space: She races with a pink "Hello Kitty" riding mask.

According to reports by 6 am there were already 40-50 people waiting to enter the course. The race did not start until approximately 4.35 pm.....
Shortly after noon the Kochi Racing Association's Internet server crashed after receiving a huge number of access attempts.

Posted by trek/taro at 10:08 AM JST
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Monday, March 22, 2004
Thanks for the terabit memories
Topic: Japanese Tech
TokyoNow: Hitachi developing terabit memory chip
Kyodo / Monday March 22, 9:36 AM

The Central Research Institute of Hitachi Ltd... is developing a terabit memory chip that can store a trillion bits of data. Tomoyuki Ishii, chief researcher of the System LSI Research Division at the institute, said that in the future "Everybody will record everything in memory."...
The 1-centimeter terabit chip, which will be ready for practical use 10 years... Ishii recalled that a failure led to the development of large-capacity memory chips....applied pressure to the film, a hole large enough for one electron was created -- which was perfect for single-electron memory. Thus, the staff's mistake led to a big discovery.... There is no limit to the use of a memory. "All images and cartoons I have experienced can be saved and seen any time," Ishii said.


Posted by trek/taro at 12:59 PM JST
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Japan's Boobie Army invades Iraq!
Topic: Japanese life
Today's SDF pinup girl in Iraq is fun. Via Nnkobaba

Japan's SDF girl in Iraq


Japan's Shonan Coastal Force

Via the grrreat Nekobaba!

Posted by trek/taro at 9:08 AM JST
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Sunday, March 21, 2004
Sexual Harassment Corporation
Topic: Japanese life
Rough draft

Sexual Harrassment Corporation

A Underground warehouse
B Data room
C Commuting SECRETARY is Chinese course
D Night crawling course
E Company internal romantic love course

Age: 23 years old
Height: 167cm
Three size: B84-W60-H85
Constellation: Being, the seat
Type of blood: AB type
Characteristic impression band: Neck muscle
Charm point: Eye and clavicle
Pride play: Rear end element crotch
Hobby: You play with the cat
Front job: ELEEEoENEa

NG option: Pee masturbation facial discharge AF

eua? 10:00?`12:00 12:00?`17:00 17:00?`EaEXEg
30i? 8,000a~ 9,000a~ 10,000a~
45i? 12,000a~ 13,000a~ 14,000a~
60i? 16,000a~ 17,000a~ 18,000a~


Message: You will pass to be pleasant together.

* Application qualification - 25 year old rank of 18 year old to or more
* Allowance Above daily wage 35.000 Yen
Complete payment in full day payment
* Treatment Norm the fine altogether it is not
High-class apartment dormitory completion (same OK)
Alibi company possession
Large amount guarantee system possession
Hygienic management perfection
1 day experience and entering the store OK
* Day of duty Free going to work system (even in week 1 day yes) ?
* Time 10:00 - Between rust (application/response consultation) ?
* Traffic JR Shibuya station bee public oral walking 5 minute ?
* Industry type Image club
* Application The mail, or please inquire with ease by the telephone.
Collection private free dial (0120-312-812)

Posted by trek/taro at 10:20 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:53 AM KDT
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Friday, March 19, 2004
biggest illegal waste dump Japan
Topic: Japanese life
Japan's biggest illegal waste dumping site found in Gifu
Mainichi Shimbun, Japan - 19 March

... Police have been examining a site in Gifu's Tsubakibora district since March 10 where the industrial waste contractor, Zensho, is located. They estimate that as much as 700,000 cubic meters of industrial waste is buried in the surrounding valley.
Investigators bore holes in the surface to determine how much waste had been buried there but had to abandon their efforts after toxic hydrogen sulfide began shooting out...

Posted by trek/taro at 6:17 PM JST
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My favorite gomennasai/sorry letter for Japanese bureaucrats
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Me
I had fun teasing young gaijin fellow I met last night at Somona Cafe about his expired for months Japanese work visa. :-)

THEN this morning I went down to get my ninth update of my Japanese "ALIEN Registration Card" and the ward office folks treated my to green tea as I waited....only to discover my ALIEN registration had expired. THEY apologized to me but requested I write a "gomennasai" letter. I quickly dashed off my favorite gomennasai/sorry letter from memory that I have used many times for the past 20+ years....

"I am so sorry I have to write this letter to apologize for..."

(It works every time on the suckers, hee, hee.)

Posted by trek/taro at 3:21 PM JST
Updated: Friday, March 19, 2004 3:27 PM JST
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"Comic" currency intervention via manga
Topic: Japanese life
Japan's currency intervention takes sinister turn in 'manga' comic
Thursday, March 18, 2004
(Mar - 1Cool 21:03 PST TOKYO (AP) --

The plot is sinister: U.S. officials trick Japanese authorities into intervening in the exchange market to buy the falling U.S. currency -- not to save vulnerable Japanese exporters from the dangers of a high yen, but to keep America's economy from sliding.
This story line from a comic book ["Golgo 13"] now selling in Japan may be implausible. Nonetheless, it highlights growing fears here over seesawing currency fluctuations.
...The story suggests that the White House has concocted a diabolical trap so Tokyo will cough up a massive amount of cash to finance ballooning deficits for the U.S. budget and global trade balance while preventing a crash in U.S. Treasuries.
Big Comic editor Naosumi Nishimura says "Golgo 13" appeals to Japanese readers because it is a fantasy based on realistic portrayals of current events.

Posted by trek/taro at 2:57 PM JST
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free WiFi in Tokyo & the rest of Japan
Topic: Japanese Tech
Japanese guide in vague English to free WiFi spots and Netcafes in Japan. Hell, I even found a 8 freespots in the town near my rice ranch in Ehime, Shikoku.

See more info the "COMMENTS."

Posted by trek/taro at 1:42 PM JST
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Japanese resumes: Mo' boring, mo' betta.
Topic: adviceS

How to submit a resume in Japan

Guess what happens to EVERY resume submitted electronically at Maybe-the-Largest-in-Japan Inc?

We automatically rip it ASCII plain text and index the keywords. Resumes like the one you're planning with the "complex tables" seldom make it throught that auto-ASCII rip, and SO THOSE RESUMES ARE OFTEN IGNORED.

If you want a mega-coporation job, always email an ASCII resume.

At the interview present them with a resume w/small photo, printed on only 1 page of clean while bond paper and without any font frou-frou. In Japan, the more boring the resume the better. Buy the Japanese form you can get in any stationary store. See the FG thread: Give me the full deal on Japanese resumes

Posted by trek/taro at 1:16 PM JST
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
Japanese Nostalgic for Showa haydayz
Topic: Japanese life

ARTS WEEKLY / ART-JAPAN: Nostalgia for Showa Period Is In
TOKYO, Mar 20 (IPS)
- Nostalgic for the heady fifties and sixties when Japan embarked on its post-war economic miracle, 68-year-old Hidetoshi Yokokawa goes back to the past through his Showa Retro Products Museum, which displays collections of items from that era.
---> See the pix at BACK TO THE PAST: Japanese Nostalgic for All Things Showa / January 22, 2003

Posted by trek/taro at 4:06 PM JST
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