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Susan’s Home Page

(New & Improved)

Last updated: Sunday, October 28, 2001 - I updated the diary page. Ihave fixed the problems in the Balloon Festival Page and I separated the Mama-chari race into its own page. But why are my backgrounds yellow? I don't know. It's a problem for another day. I also added a page about Helen & Fumihiko.

All About Me: In which the reader finds out who I am and what I am doing here.

What I did Today: In which the reader is given insight into the fascinating and mundane aspects of my day.

Previous Days: In case you missed it the first time.

Helen & Fumihiko's Wedding: Some photographs and the text of the speech that I, Closest-living Friend of the Bride, gave at the reception.

The Balloon Festival & The Mama-Chari Race: Four very busy days in August
The Mama-Chari Race: Part 2 of Four very busy days in August

A Few Of My Favourite Things: Books, Movies & Television

My Favourite Places: All Over The World

Things I Miss About Canada: And followed by ...

Things I Will Miss About Japan When I Leave:

Lakeside Leader Article: This is an article we sent to the Slave Lake Newspaper back in March on life here in Kamishihoro. It is very long and was written by Steve and slightly edited and added to by me.

Some Photos:

Links To My Favourite Sites:

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