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beautiful ship's counseler Deanna Troi was talking to much so the captain ordered her to be gagged.

Deanna is a Gaggazoid from the planet Gaggazed

With her empathic abilities she can sense that the crew is more comfortable when she's tightly gagged since she's taught to be open minded, she agrees it would be best if she's gagged all the time

impressing species all over the galaxy with her silence

and no chance of saying the wrong things at first contact

she's loves it

Wow, this nicely gagged ensign sure does look a lot like Ashley Judd. :-p

Ensign Ro rewarded with a tight gag, despite of being a Gagfleet traitor.... Ow, its supposed to be punishment? Seems like she's enjoying it way to much then.

Star Gagged officer Gail is a spitting image of the often tied Teri Hatcher. :-p