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Federation Starships

Akira Class

In 2363 a new class of ship entered service. The ship was to carry more firepower then anything before her, yet still remain fast and maneuverable. The ship features a unique catamaran nacelle design and no less then 15 torpedo launchers.

The USS Akira is one of the few Starfleet vessels which is heavily biased toward the combat role. The ships carry an extremely heavy torpedo armament of 15 torpedo launchers. Seven of these are mounted in the large roll bar pod, 5 facing forwards; the remaining eight are located in the saucer section, two of which face directly out to port and starboard, an unique feature in a Starfleet vessel.

Another special feature of the Akira class is the hangar bay arrangements. There are two large shuttle bays in the saucer section, one at the forward edge of the saucer section and one at the rear. These allow large numbers of launch and landing operations to be handled simultaneously. During peacetime this allows the Akira to evacuate large numbers of small survey craft, or ferry evacuees on board at a high rate. During the Dominion war the ships often serve as fighter carriers; in this role they can carry up to one hundred attack fighters, although a load of thirty six fighters and a dozen utility craft is more usual.

The USS Akira entered service in 2363, and a rapid production run put nearly a hundred others into the fleet over the next few years. Most were assigned to units on the outer Federation territories, performing patrol and presence missions as well as the normal mapping and exploration duties which any Starfleet vessel is expected to handle.

More recently the escalation of tensions at the Federations core has led to almost all of the Akiras being recalled to operate closer to Earth; thirty five where assigned to the Typhon Sector Fleet in 2370, the remainder being assigned to the areas adjacent to the Cardassian, Klingon and Romulan borders. Akira class vessels featured prominently in the 2372 Borg attack on Earth, the Typhon Fleet, together with several reinforcement squadrons, fought a running battle with the Borg from the Typhon sector to Earth. Many of the ships were destroyed during this battle. A notable participant was the USS Thunderchild, NCC 63549 under the command of Captain Paul MacLeod, which participated in the final assault that destroyed the Borg cube.

The Akira Class was due to cease production in 2373, but with the disastrous contact with the Dominion Starfleet decided to continue production at an increased rate. When the Dominion war began, production of the Akira was boosted to eighteen per year as the Federation converted its economy to a war footing. The Akiras have now become a common sight on the front lines, participating in most of the major battles. With the war over, production has slowed to ten a year, though 2382, to help recover losses Starfleet suffered.

2352: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose Defense vessel capable of deep space, combat, and diplomatic missions. The general idea is for a modular starship based around the Miranda design ideals. Two project briefs are handed to Starfleet for the Akira and Cochrane Classes. The Cochrane class is rejected by Starfleet. Permission for base designs are approved on the Akira Class.

2353: Starfleet views the Theoretical proposals for the Akira based on the defense parameters. After much deliberation in conjunction, the Akira's primary Design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation.

2354: Propulsion Dynamic are approved and sent to the Jupiter Station for in-depth study. Later in the year MARA design is standardized for the Akira Class and follow up work is continued for the Galaxy Class. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to Utopia Planitia for designations. Utopia Planitia is currently full so Plans and briefs are designated to the San Francisco Fleet Yards orbiting Earth. USS Akira Production begins with a projected 8 year turnover for the Prototype ship. Redesign on saucer separation mechanisms returned to the Vulcan Construction agency for redesign work after concerns are raised in regards to warp field dynamics.

2355: Saucer section separation mechanism is rejected and redesigned. Seperation systems allow the saucer to seperate at a 45% angle to engineering hull. Design work on Warp Coils are approved for the Akira Class. The Stardrive section nears chassis completion. Saucer section nears 30% chassis completion.

2356: Primary and secondary chassis's now at 100% completion. Computers are delivered for fitting work.

2357: Work continues on habitat and out hull sections for USS Akira. Late in year computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from station control to ship control.

2358: Computer system now operating at 60% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Antimatter regulation control is found to be outside acceptable levels. Primary Magnetic containment malfunction found to be a problem. Stardrive section near completion with final attachment of secondary navigational deflector array. Bridge module attached to Primary hull.

2359: Warp Core passes Review Three and it tested to 90% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary backup generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. Weapons pod estimated to be delivered in by early 2358. USS Akira leaves dry dock for primary testing.

2361: USS Akira goes to Utopia Planitia late in year and Warp Stress Coating is applied. USS Akira begins deep space assessments.

USS Akira returns to the San Francisco Yards for final exterior markings and paint. On 14, March 2363 the USS Akira is officially commissioned by Starfleet at the San Francisco Fleet Yards during a brief ceremony. bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Bolian Captain Jok Hk'ma takes command of the Akira from test Captain Juan Nasse. USS Akira is ordered to begin shakedown cruises estimate to last two years.


Technical Specifications for Akira Class ships
expected duration: 80 years
time between resupply: 1 years
time between refit: 5 years
category: Explorer/Heavy Cruiser

officers: 115
enlisted crew: 400
marines: 146
passengers: 100

cruising speed: Warp 7
maximum speed: Warp 9.7
emergency speed: Warp 9.8 ( for 12 hours )

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 2
shuttles: 8
attack fighters: 32
    14 Rogue
    14 Razor
    4 Redemption Class fighter/bombers
runabouts: 5
    1 Danube Class
    1 Repulse Class
    1 Blackhawk Class
    1 Delta Flyer
    1 Warhammer

    4 type-X phaser arrays
    launchers: 15 (3 forward-lower saucer, 3 aft-weapons pod, 1 port side-engeering hull, 1 starboard side-engeering hull, 5 forward-weapons pod, 2 aft-lower saucer)
    hellfire: 30
    photon: 220
    quantum: 250
    transphaisic: 6
    tri cobalt: 10
       Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 87.43 meters
width: 316.67 meters
length: 464.43 meters
decks: 18

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Additional Information:
Currently, there are 279 in service with 8 building per year through 2400. 78 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.


Akula Class

In the year 2246 a new class of ship entered service in Starfleet. The Akula Class was intended to become Starfleet's first strike craft, but saw limited success. The Akula saw limited use when it came to exploration, however she saw a lot of use as a boarder patrol ship, scout ship, strike ship, and in action with the battle fleet. The class combined roughly the same firepower as the Constitution with the same speed of the larger cousin in a smaller more compact design. To make room, scientific and recreation facilities are limited. The Akula served Starfleet well though some trying times in the mid to late 2200s. Today, 3 of the class are in the Starfleet Museum (one prerefit and two post refit (one circa 2281 and the other circa 2314) while 49 of the class still in service today, in 2377. Another thirty sit in mothballs though out the Federation.

The Akula class is one of the lesser know classes from Starfleet's history, even though she was built in larger numbers then the more well known Miranda and Constitution classes. The Akula was the Defiant class of it's day. Small, heavily armed, agile, fast, and easy to construct. The Akula used the same nacelles and saucer design as the Constitution and Miranda classes, but scaled down to about 3/4 of the size. The major differences are the visible lack of an Engineering hull and repositioned nacelles.

The Akula Class ships where designed for countering Klingon and Romulan Bird of Prey, escort duty, and border patrols. By doing these missions, it freed the Miranda and Constitution classes for more exploration missions, something the Akula wasn't well suited for.

2234: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a small vessel capable of deep space, combat, patrol and close-in exploration missions to work in conjunction with the new Constitution Class, just apporved for construction. The general idea is for a modular starship, which would be based around components designed for the Constitution Class. Two project briefs are handed to Starfleet for the Akula and Pershing Classes. The Akula Class is approved by Starfleet as the prototype vehicle. Permission for base designs are approved.

2235: Starfleet view the design schematics for the new class and after some deliberation, the primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the San Francisco Fleet Yards for designations. Production begins with a projected 10 year turnover for the Prototype ship.

2236: Saucer section, which has been based on the design for the new Constitution class, is used. Separation mechanism is approved. Designers decide on leaving out the Engineering Hull to save mass, thus making the ship more sleek and agile.

2238: Theoretical Propulsions Dynamics labs send a functional test warpcore for fitting and alignment in the bare chassis. Chassis latching system passes Review 1. By the end of the year the spaceframe is 87% completed.

2239: Saucer section separation latches pass Review Two. Early in the second year, computer cores arrive and are fitted to the Akula. Propulsion dynamics labs deliver a fully functional warpcore for testing. By late October, reactors are on line and supplying primary power. In the latter half of the year the computer system are operating at 64% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Star drive section nears completion. Bridge module attached to primary hull. Master chassis now completed for six starships.

2240: Early in the year the computer system are operating at 72% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Nacelles and Bridge module attached to primary hull. Master chassis now completed for ten starships.

2241: Primary hull work complete. Habitat modules are attached and bridge unit is brought to functional status. Chassis is completed. Starfleet push forward to phase II and construction of a further twenty ships begin.

2243: Computer systems are uploaded and tested. Primary modules are attached and outer hull nears completion.

2244: Warpcore passes Review Three and it tested to 75% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Structural latching systems onboard the USS Akula with regards to Saucer separation are tested and approved. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. Structural Latching system for saucer separation passes Review Three. USS Akula leaves Dry Dock for primary testing estimate to last one year.

2245: USS Akula returns to San Francisco Fleet Yards in mid year. Warp stress coating is applied and the ship begins deep space assessments. All primary tests have passed Review 4.

2246: USS Akula returns to dry dock for final exterior markings and paint. On 21 May, 2246 the USS Akula is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief Ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain C.A. Swanson takes command of the Ship. USS Akula begins shakedown cruises estimate to last a year.

Technical Specifications for Akula Class
expected duration: 80 years
time between resupply: 1 years
time between Refit: 3 years
category: Frigate/Scout/Border Patrol/Limited Exploration

    6 type-VI phaser banks
    launchers: 1 forward
    photon: 50
Class 4 hull conformal shielding system

cruising speed: Warp 5
maximum speed: Warp 7
emergency speed: Warp 8.45 ( 20 hours )

officers: 40
enlisted crew: 120
civilians: 30

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttlebays: 1
shuttles: 1

height: 120 meters
width: 90 meters
length: 215 meters
decks: 12

Additional Information:
Currently, all ships of the original design have been either refit, decommissioned, or were lost between 2246-2284


Akula Refit

In 2272 the first of the original Akula Class ships began a complete refit, similar to it's larger cousins the Consitution and Miranda class had earlier in the decade. Of the 27 in service, 25 were refit. One, the USS Akula, was decommissioned and added to the Starfleet Museum and the other was mothballed. The Akula class went on to serve Starfleet well though some trying times in the late 2200s and 2300s. Today, 3 of the class are in the Starfleet Museum (one prerefit and two post refit (one circa 2281 and the other circa 2314) while 49 of the class still in service today, in 2378. Another thirty sit in mothballs though out the Federation.

The Akula class is one of the lesser know classes from Starfleet's history, even though she was built in larger numbers then the more well known Constitution class. The Akula was the 'Defiant class' of it's day. Small, heavily armed, agile, fast, and easy to construct. The Akula used the same nacelles and saucer design as the Constitution and Miranda classes, but scaled down to about 3/4 of the size. The major differences are the visible lack of an Engineering hull and repositioned nacelles. The Akula Class ships where designed for countering Klingon and Romulan Bird of Prey, escort duty, and border patrols. By doing these missions, it freed the Miranda and Constitution classes for more exploration missions, something the Akula wasn't well suited for.

2272: Starfleet issues a general refit design for the Akula class. All major systems will receive a complete overhaul and resign based on technology developed over the last several years. Permission for base designs are approved. Starfleet views the design schematics and the primary design is approved and briefs for new propulsion, computer, weapons outer hull designs are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Design is approved and full specifications, based off the recent Constitution refits, are forwarded to the San Francisco Fleet Yards.

2273: USS South Carolina is selected to be the first ship to receive the refit. The ship is docked at the San Francisco Fleet Yards. Computer systems shut down and the ship is cleared of all removable systems and structures, including weapons, nacelles, navigational deflector, warp core, and crew quarters. Project begins with a projected 14 month turn around. New outer hull is added to the ship. Warp core arrived from Tokyo R&D and begins fitting. Upgraded computer core also arrives. New nacelles fitted.

2274: New sensor arrays, torpedo tubes, and phaser banks installed. Crew accommodations and Bridge module installed. Navigational Deflector added. Computer core tested at 65% and warp core tested at 70%. All major and aux systems are installed and readied, power systems aboard the South Carolina become active.

2275: Review 3 and 4 completed on all major systems. Hull painting and markings applied, followed by warp stress coating. Crew is reassigned and begins training on the new systems. USS South Carolina is launched and sets out for another 3-year mission.

Technical Specifications for Akula Refit Class ships
expected duration: 80 years
time between resupply: 1 years
time between Refit: 3 years
category: Frigate/Scout/Border Patrol/Limited Exploration

    12 type-VIII phaser banks
    launchers: 3 ( 2 forward, 1 aft )
    photon: 20
    quantum: 30
    hellfire:  10
    transphaisic: 2
    tri cobalt: 2
   Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

cruising speed: Warp 5
maximum speed: Warp 8.5
emergency speed: Warp 9.45 ( 20 hours )

officers: 40
enlisted crew: 120
marines: 14
civilians: 30

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttlebays: 1
shuttles: 1
runabouts: 1 Delta Flyer
fighters: 2 Razor Class fighters

height: 120 meters
width: 90 meters
length: 215 meters
decks: 12

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Additional Information:
Currently, there are 49 in service. 52 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.



ambassador class

The Ambassador Class was developed during the 2320's as a replacement for the ageing Excelsior Class as Starfleet's front-line explorer type vessel. Several innovative features were included in the design, most notably for the diplomatic and scientific missions. The USS Ambassador included high quality guest quarters and was equipped with elaborate conference facilities. Many of these areas were capable of maintaining a wide range of environments, a vital prerequisite for a vessel which would spend a great deal of its life dealing with non-standard life forms. These facilities allowed her to host a much wider range of diplomatic functions than the more cramped Excelsior Class.

The scientific facilities of the Ambassador Class were equally well equipped. The ships contained the most powerful space borne sensor arrays of their time, including eighteen modular sensor pallets for mission specific equipment. Twenty-eight large dedicated laboratory facilities are included in the ship, along with facilities to convert three of the cargo bays to hold extra scientific equipment if necessary. This gave the Ambassador an estimated 325% increase in research capabilities over an Excelsior.

While the primary purpose of a starship is exploratory and scientific, the Ambassadors also have teeth. The class introduced phaser arrays to Starfleet in place of the ball turret phasers carried by previous designs. This measure greatly increased the ability of the Ambassador Class to fire sustained bursts, and greatly reduced the recharge and cool down times. The use of an independent power system for every group of ten emitter segments in the array triples the survivability of the array compared to a ball turret, while there are also benefits to the reaction time, greater control of thermal effects, field halos and target impact. Overall the phaser arrays of the Ambassador are over 50% more effective than ball turrets of similar power.

2321: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi-purpose defense vessel capable of deep space exploration and midrange combat. The general idea is for a modular starship. to replace the aging Excelsior Class starship. Two project briefs are handed to Starfleet for the Ambassador and Vigilante Classes. The Vigilante Class is rejected by Starfleet. Permission for base designs are approved on the Ambassador Class.

2322: Starfleet views the theoretical proposals for the Ambassador based on the defense parameters. After deliberation, the Ambassador's primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent to Starfleet design agencies for consultation.

2323: Propulsion Dynamic are approved and sent to the Utopia Planitia for in depth study. MARA designs are finalized. Spaceframe Design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to Utopia Planitia for designations. USS Ambassador Production begins with a projected 6 year turnover for the Prototype ship.

2324: Emergency saucer section separation mechanism is approved. Design work on Warp Coils are approved. The Stardrive section begins construction. Saucer section nears 45% completion.

2324: Computers are delivered for fitting work. Work continues on habitat sections and conference areas for USS Ambassador. Warpcore delivered ahead of schedule.

2325: New phaser arrays, designated type-IX arrays, are designed for the Class. Stardrive section near completion with final attachment of navigational deflector array. Bridge module attached to primary hull.

2326: By the end of the year computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from station control to ship control.

2327: Computer system now operating at 80% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within two months. Final construction of ship complete. Antimatter regulation control is found to be within acceptable levels. Primary magnetic containment malfunction found to be a problem, and corrected.

2328: Computer system fully self aware and umbilical connections from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary back up generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. USS Ambassador leaves dry dock for primary testing.

2330: Warp stress coating is applied and USS Ambassador begins deep space assessments.

USS Ambassador returns to Utopia for final exterior markings and paint. On 2, March 2330 the USS Ambassador is officially commissioned by Starfleet at Utopia Planitia during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place. USS Ambassador is ordered to begin shakedown cruises estimate to last one year.

Technical Specifications for Ambassador Class ships
expected duration: 75 years
time between resupply: 4 years
time between refit: 8 years
category: explorer/heavy cruiser

cruising speed: Warp 6
maximum speed: Warp 8.6
emergency speed: Warp 9.3 ( for 8 hours )

Weapons and Shields:
    10 type-IX phaser arrays
    launchers: 2 ( 1 forward, 1 aft )
    hellfire: 40
    photon: 100
    quantum: 200
    transphaisic: 4
    tri cobalt: 10
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

officers: 150
enlisted Crewmen: 550
civilians: 20
marines: 146
maximum capacity: 3500

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttlebays: 1
    4 type-9 personal shuttles
    4 type-10 cargo shuttles
    4 type-11 personal shuttles
    4 type-16 shuttle pods
fighters: 4
    4 Razor Class
runabouts: 4
    1 Blackhawk Class runabout
    1 Repulse Class combat runabout
    1 Delta Flyer
    1 Warhammer

length: 500 meters
width: 300 meters
height: 130 meters
decks: 38

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 47 in service. 29 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.

U.S.S. Adelphi, NCC-26849
Conducted disastrous first contact with planet Ghorusda.

U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701C
Fourth starship to bear the name Enterprise; lost in 2344 while defending a Klingon outpost against a Romulan attack; commanded by Captain Rachel Garrett.

U.S.S. Excalibur, NCC-1664
Served in Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships during the Klingon civil war.

U.S.S. Gandhi, NCC-26632
Ship Lieutenant Thomas Riker served aboard after his rescue in 2369.

U.S.S. Horatio, NCC-10532
Ship commanded by Walker Keel and destroyed in 2364 by the extragalactic intelligence seeking to infiltrate Starfleet Command.

U.S.S. Zhukov, NCC-26136
Reginald Barclay's assignment prior to Enterprise-D; transported Vulcan Ambassador T'Pel to Enterprise-D; participated in scientific mission to Phoenix Cluster; commanded by Captain Gleason.



U.S.S. Antares
Rescued young Charles Evans from planet Thasus, destroyed by Evans' psychokinetic powers
U.S.S. Hermes, NCC-10376
Served in Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships during the Klingon civil war.


The Apollo Class was developed during the 2320's as a replacement for the ageing Miranda Class and as cousin to the new Ambassador class, also under development. The class would take advantage of the innovative features designed for the Ambassador Class and serve as an explorer and defense vessel. The USS Apollo included quality guest quarters and was equipped with elaborate conference facilities. These areas were capable of maintaining a wide range of environments. These facilities allowed her to host a much wider range of diplomatic functions than the cramped Miranda Class. The scientific facilities of the Apollo Class were equally well equipped, even more so then the Ambassador class, thanks to the ship's upper podd. The ships contained the most powerful space borne sensor arrays of their time, including twentytwo modular sensor pallets for mission specific equipment. Twenty-six large dedicated laboratory facilities are included in the ship, along with facilities to convert three of the cargo bays to hold extra scientific equipment if necessary. This gave the Apollo an estimated 475% increase in research capabilities over a Miranda.

The Apollo class would also share the Ambassador's new Type-IX phaser arrays. The Apollo had teeth. This greatly increased the ability of the Apollo to fire sustained bursts, and greatly reduced the recharge and cool down times of the phasers. The use of an independent power system for every group of ten emitter segments in the array triples the survivability of the array compared to a ball turret, while there are also benefits to the reaction time, greater control of thermal effects, field halos and target impact.

The USS Apollo was launched in 2336 and commissioned in 2338. Production was suspended in 2355, after a unit run of forty-three ships, in favor of newer classes under development. Today, the surviving Apollos service as Explorers, backing up the Nebula and Kelvin classes and as Light Cruisers with the battle fleet.

2327: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi-purpose defense vessel capable of deep space exploration and midrange combat. The general idea is for a modular starship. to replace the aging Miranda Class starship. Two project briefs are handed to Starfleet for the Apollo and Japan Classes. Permission for base designs are approved on the Apollo Class.

2328: Starfleet views the theoretical proposals based on the defense parameters. After deliberation, the primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent to Starfleet design agencies for consultation.

2329: Propulsion Dynamic are approved and sent to the Utopia Planitia for in depth study. MARA designs are finalized. Spaceframe Design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to Utopia Planitia for designations. USS Apollo Production begins with a projected 5 year turnover for the Prototype ship.

2330: Emergency saucer section separation mechanism is approved. Design work on Warp Coils are approved. The Stardrive section begins construction. Saucer section nears 40% completion.

2331: Computers are delivered for fitting work. Work continues on habitat sections and conference areas for USS Apollo. Warpcore delivered on schedule.

2332: Phaser arrays are approved for the Class. Stardrive section near completion with final attachment of navigational deflector array. Bridge module attached to primary hull.

2333: By mid year computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from station control to ship control.

2334: Computer system now operating at 70% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within five months. Final construction of ship complete. Antimatter regulation control is found to be outside acceptable levels and corrected. Primary magnetic containment systems are approved.

2335: Computer system fully self aware and umbilical connections from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary back up generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. USS Apollo leaves dry dock for primary testing.

2336: Warp stress coating is applied and USS Apollor begins deep space assessments.

USS Apollo returns to Utopia for final exterior markings and paint. On 13, November 2336 the USS Apollo is officially commissioned by Starfleet at Utopia Planitia during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place. USS Apollo is ordered to begin shakedown cruises estimate to last one year.

Technical Specifications for Apollo Class ships in Bravo Fleet
expected duration: 70 years
time between resupply: 3 years
time between refit: 5 years
category: explorer/light cruiser

cruising speed: Warp 6
maximum speed: Warp 8.3
emergency speed: Warp 9 ( for 12 hours )

Weapons and Shields:
    10 type-IX phaser arrays
    launchers: 4 ( 1 forward above navigational deflector, 2 forward in sensor/weapons podds, 1 aft )
    hellfire: 40
    photon: 150
    quantum: 150
    transphaisic: 4
    tri cobalt: 10
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

officers: 100
enlisted Crewmen: 400
marines: 146
civilians: 0
maximum capacity: 2000

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttlebays: 1
    2 type-9 personal shuttles
    2 type-10 cargo shuttles
    2 type-11 personal shuttles
fighters: 4
    4 Razor Class
runabouts: 3
    1 Blackhawk Class runabout
    1 Repulse Class combat runabout
    1 Delta Flyer

length: 398 meters
width: 280 meters
height: 121 meters
decks: 20

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 23 in service. 13 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.

U.S.S. Agamemnon, NCC-11638
Part of a task force for the expected Borg invasion of 2369.
U.S.S. Ajax, NCC-11574
Corey Zweller's first ship assignment following graduation in 2327, Kosinski tested experimental warp-drive upgrade in 2364.
U.S.S. Gage, NCC-11672
Destroyed by the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359.



bradbury class

U.S.S. Bradbury, NX-72307

Was scheduled to transport Wesley Crusher to Starfleet Academy.



U.S.S. Buran, NCC-57580

Destroyed by the Borg at the battle of Wolf 359.


The Cheyenne project was approved in 2338 as an explorer, counterpart the upcoming Galaxy and Nebula classes. The ship was also intended as Starfleet's first strike cruise, and like most strike cruisers, the Cheyenne was intended to be somewhat faster than its contemporaries in order to allow it to travel out ahead of the main body of a fleet. In order to accomplish this, the Cheyenne was fitted with four nacelles in the pattern established by the earlier Constellation class. The Cheyenne was to make a name for itself, the first ship to separate into a Saucer and Star Drive (Battle Section) and be able to reattach without a Starbase's help. This system would become famous aboard the Galaxy Class ships years later, after being perfected.

good deal of difficulty was experienced with the warp field geometry. Eventually these problems where overcome and the USS Cheyenne, launched in 2347, achieved a maximum speed of Warp 9.4 in trials. However, in December of 2344 the Galaxy project received new specifications calling for a top speed of Warp 9.6. With the prototype about to enter service and five more ships under construction, it was already too late to make any serious attempt to improve the top speed of the Cheyenne, so Starfleet was forced to settle for a strike cruiser that's 10% slower than the vessels it was supposed to work with.

Over the succeeding years several attempts where made to bring the speed of the Cheyenne up to Warp 9.7, but problems with the field geometry began to re-surface with alarming regularity. This culminated with a test on board the USS Ahwahnee, when a new computer control system was tried out the ship created a wormhole effect on its first test flight. Although the Ahwahnee survived and there where no casualties, the subspace stress caused severe cracking in the hull structure of all four nacelle struts. The ship was in spacedock for over a year while the struts where replaced. Starfleet suspended production of the class in 2352 after twenty five had been commissioned, mothballing the six ships under construction.

The Cheyenne has proved less than successful in service. Her relatively low speed has restricted her performance in her designed role, and she has been forced to operate in the role of a standard cruiser. The Cheyenne's have been given regular refits and upgrades, keeping the class on par with the rest of Starfleet.

With the advent of more modern cruisers, the Cheyenne was to be gradually retired from service. The increase in hostility in the Alpha quadrant over the last ten years has led to this decision being reversed, and the Cheyenne's have played a small part in recent conflicts. The most notable contribution was Wolf 359, in which the USS Ahwahnee was destroyed by the Borg.

With the successful deployment of the Galaxy Dreadnought and Prometheus class ships in the last five years, which took advantage of much improved technology, Starfleet has decided to upgrade the Cheyenne's one more time.

2338: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose vessel capable of deep space, combat, diplomatic and exploration missions. The general idea is for a modular starship, which would be based around four nacelles and improvements learned over the Constellation class ship. The ship would include the ability to detach it's Saucer Section, allowing the Stardrive to enter battle without endangering the bulk of the crew. The Cheyenne Class is approved by Starfleet as the prototype vehicle. Permission for base designs are approved.

2339: Starfleet views the design schematics for the new class and after some deliberation, the primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the Utopia Plantia Fleet Yards for designations. Production begins with a projected 9 year turnover for the Prototype ship.

2340: Saucer Seperation plans drawn up and approved.

2341: Theoretical Propulsions Dynamics labs send functional test warpcore for fitting and alignment in the bare chassis. Chassis latching system passes Review 1. By the end of the year the spaceframe is 47% completed.

2342: Early in the year, computer cores arrive and are fitted. Propulsion dynamics labs deliver a fully functional warpcore for testing. By mid August, reactors are on line and supplying primary power. In the latter half of the year the computer system are operating at 79% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Bridge module attached to primary hull. Master chassis now completed for four starships.

2343: Primary hull work complete. Habitat modules are attached and bridge unit is brought to functional status. Chassis is completed. Starfleet push forward to phase II and construction of a further three ships begin. Saucer Seperation systems pass reviews.

2344: Computer systems are uploaded and tested. Primary modules are attached and outer hull nears completion.

2345: Warpcore passes Review Three and it tested to 80% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. USS Cheyenne leaves Dry Dock for primary testing estimate to last two years.

2346: USS Cheyenne returns to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards early in year. Warp stress coating is applied and the ship begins deep space assessments. All primary tests have passed Review 4.

2347: USS Cheyenne returns to dry dock for final exterior markings and paint. On 17 November, 2347 the USS Cheyenne is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief Ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Andorian Captain Relon takes command of the Ship. USS Cheyenne begins shakedown cruises estimate to last 2 years.

Technical Specifications for Cheyenne Class ships in Bravo Fleet
expected duration: 80 years
time between resupply: 4 years
time between Refit: 6 years
category: Explorer/Cruiser

    6 type-x phaser banks
    launchers: 3 ( two forward (one covered by saucer module when attached, one aft )
    photon: 300
    quantum: 350
    hellfire: 40
    transphaisic: 4
    tri cobalt: 10
   Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

officers: 130
enlisted crew: 605
marines: 74
passengers: 100

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 8
fighters: 6
    6 Razor Class
runabouts: 6
    1 Blackhawk Class Runabout
    1 Danube Class Runabout
    1 Delta Flyer
    1 Warhammer

height: 160.75 meters
width: 315.11 meters
length: 401.83 meters
decks: 30 (Exculding nacelle pylons)

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 11 in service. 4 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.

U.S.S. Crazy Horse, NCC-50446

Part of a task force for the expected Borg invasion of 2369.


constellation class

U.S.S. Constellation, NCC-1974
Second Starship to bear the name, class ship for U.S.S. Stargazer

U.S.S. ValkeyrieU.S.S. Gettysberg, NCC-3890
Mark Jameson's last command before becoming admiral.

U.S.S. Hathaway, NCC-2593
Riker's ship for the strategic battle simulation of 2365.

U.S.S. Magellan, NCC-3069
Starship commanded by Captain Conklin.

U.S.S. Stargazer, NCC-2893
Ship under the command of Jean-Luc Picard from 2333-2355, nearly destroyed in the Battle of Maxia.

U.S.S. Victory, NCC-9754
Geordi La Forge's assignment as an ensign prior to his transfer to the Enterprise-D; commanded by Captain Zimbata.


constitution class

In the year 2244 a new class of ship entered service in Starfleet. The Constitution Class was to become one of the best, most popular designs ever. When she first entered service she was the most advanced ship in the explored galaxy.

Perhaps the most famous class of vessel in Starfleet history, the Constitution Class was a legend in its own time. When launched, the USS Constitution set a new standard of excellence in almost every applicable field, she was simultaneously the fastest ship, most advanced exploration platform and most powerful combat vessel in known space. The four hundred and thirty crew enjoyed a standard of crew accommodation unknown on other vessels of the period, while the diplomatic facilities rivaled those of all but the most elaborate Starbases.

The Constitution Class ships where designed for long duration missions with minimal outside support, and exploratory missions typically lasted up to five years. The Enterprise conducted several such missions, first under Captain April, then Captain Pike, and finally under Captain Kirk. Kirk captained the Enterprise through her most difficult missions, and it is largely because of his incredible success that the Constitution Class has acquired the reputation it has.

2234: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose vessel capable of deep space, combat, diplomatic and haulage missions to replace the aging Daedalus class. The general idea is for a modular starship, which would be based around replacing the Daedalus class. Two project briefs are handed to Starfleet for the Washington and Constitution Classes. The Constitution Class is approved by Starfleet as the prototype vehicle. Permission for base designs are approved.

2235: Starfleet view the design schematics for the new class and after much deliberation, the primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the San Francisco Fleet Yards for designations. Production begins with a projected 9 year turnover for the Prototype ship.

2236: Saucer section separation mechanism is rejected. Design work on the saucer section connections are halted until the problems are worked out.

2238: Theoretical Propulsions Dynamics labs send no functional test warpcore for fitting and alignment in the bare chassis. Chassis latching system passes Review 1. By the end of the year the spaceframe is 99% completed.

2239: Saucer section separation latches pass Review Two. Early in the second year, computer cores arrive and are fitted to the Constitution. Propulsion dynamics labs deliver a fully functional warpcore for testing. By mid June, reactors are on line and supplying primary power. In the latter half of the year the computer system are operating at 64% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Star drive section nears completion. Bridge module attached to primary hull. Master chassis now completed for six starships.

2240: Primary hull work complete. Habitat modules are attached and bridge unit is brought to functional status. Chassis is completed. Starfleet push forward to phase II and construction of a further six ships begin.

2241: Computer systems are uploaded and tested. Primary modules are attached and outer hull of the saucer section nears completion.

2242: Warpcore passes Review Three and it tested to 80% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Structural latching systems onboard the USS Constitution with regards to Saucer separation are tested and approved. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. Structural Latching system for saucer separation passes Review Three. USS Constitution leaves Dry Dock for primary testing estimate to last two years.

2243: USS Constitution returns to San Francisco Fleet Yards early in year. Warp stress coating is applied and the ship begins deep space assessments. All primary tests have passed Review 4.

2244: USS Constitution returns to dry dock for final exterior markings and paint. On 25 October, 2244 the USS Constitution is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief Ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Gabrielle Bremer takes command of the Ship. USS Constitution begins shakedown cruises estimate to last a years.

Technical Specifications for Constitution Class ships
expected duration: 120 years
time between resupply: 2 years
time between Refit: 4 years
category: Explorer/Heavy Cruiser

    6 type-VII phaser banks
    launchers: 1 forward
    photon: 40
Class 4 hull conformal shielding system

officers: 65
enlisted crew: 200
civilians: 100

cruising speed: Warp 5
maximum speed: Warp 7
emergency speed: Warp 8.45 ( 20 hours )

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttlebays: 1
shuttles: 2

height: 75 meters
width: 140 meters
length: 305 meters
decks: 23

Additional Information:
Currently, all ships of the original design have been either refit, decommissioned, or were lost between 2244-2282

U.S.S. Constellation, NCC-1017
Commodore Matt Decker's ship, destroyed in 2267 by the planet killer.

U.S.S. Constitution, NCC-1700
Class ship for the original U.S.S. Enterprise.

U.S.S. Defiant, NCC-1764
Disappeared into interdimensional space near Tholian Sector in 2269.

U.S.S. Eagle, NCC-956
Ship listed on Operation Retrieve plan in Federation Council President's office.

U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701
Ship made famous by James Kirk's five-year mission of exploration, launched 2285; refitted in 2271 and destroyed at Genesis Planet in 2285.

U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701A
Second Federation starship to bear that name, commanded by Captain James Kirk.

U.S.S. Excalibur, NCC-1664
Accidentally destroyed in disastrous M-5 computer test; commanded by Captain Harris.

U.S.S. Exeter, NCC-1672
Crew reduced to crystals by Omega VI disease; formerly commanded by Captain Ron Tracey.

U.S.S. Farragut, NCC-1647
Kirk served on this ship as lieutenant under the command of Captain Garrovick.

U.S.S. Hood, NCC-1703
Starship that participated in war games with M-5 computer in 2268.

U.S.S. Intrepid, NCC-1831
Starship manned by Vulcans destroyed by space amoeba.

U.S.S. Lexington, NCC-1709
Starship that participated in war games with M-5 computer.

U.S.S. Potemkin, NCC-1657
Starship that participated in war games with M-5 computer; was scheduled to rendezvous with Enterprise at Beta Aurigae.

U.S.S. Republic, NCC-1371
Ben Finney and Ensign James Kirk served together on this ship while Kirk was a cadet at the Academy.

U.S.S. Yorktown, NCC-1717
Starship carrying vaccines for planet Theta VII; disabled by an alien space probe approaching Earth in 2286.

Constetution Refit

In 2269, the USS Enterprise was selected to be the first ship to undergo such a refit and went into spacedock in Earth orbit for eighteen months of work. Never in Starfleet history (up until that time) had any vessel been so comprehensively updated, essentially a new vessel was built onto the bones of the old, replacing virtually every major system. The Enterprise was rushed out of Spacedock in 2271 to face the threat presented by the entity known as V'Ger, which was destroying everything in its path as it advanced towards Earth. She succeed in averting the danger and proceeded on her shakedown cruise. The class was to prove more then her worth in the next 130 years, with four of the class still in service today, in 2378.

Once the Enterprise was through her shakedown cruise successfully the remaining Constitutions where refitted in quick succession and the Miranda and Akula class ships in service were readied for similar refits. The new ships proved to be more than capable of carrying out their normal exploratory and scientific roles, while in the combat arena they where judged an easy match for the refit Klingon K'T'Inga class. The Constitutions continued in service, and once again the Enterprise set the standard for the rest of the ships to follow. After her shakedown the ship conducted another five year exploratory mission under Admiral Kirk before being transferred to training duties in 2277 under Captain Spock. She continued in this role for a further eight years, and many of Starfleets most successful officers went into space for the first time aboard this ship. In 2285 the Enterprise suffered heavy battle damage while preventing Khan from stealing the Genesis Device, the ship was to be retired at this point, but Kirk and his officers stole her and took her to Genesis to retrieve Captain Spock's regenerated body from the planet. The Enterprise was attacked and crippled by a Klingon Bird of Prey while at Genesis, and was subsequently destroyed by Admiral Kirk shortly after the Klingon crew boarded to take control.

The USS Yorktown, NCC-1717, was subsequently renamed as the second Starship Enterprise, NCC-1701-A, and assigned to the Captain Kirk. The Yorktown had recently emerged from a major refit and repair following it's encounter with 'the whale probe', and the ship suffered many technical problems, nevertheless, she went on to serve the remainder of her service life with distinction. The most notable mission of the Enterprise-A where the actions she and the USS Excelsior participated in at the Khitomer conference, as the Enterprise escorted the Klingon Chancellor to the first meeting assassins beamed over to the Klingon ship and killed the chancellor. Kirk and his chief medical officer where arrested and convicted of this crime, and sentenced to life imprisonment on the penal asteroid of Rura Pente; Kirk promptly escaped and took the Enterprise to the conference at Khitomer, preventing another assassination attempt and saving the peace process.

The Enterprise-A went into retirement shortly after this mission, and she's now apart of the Starfleet Museum. Most of the remaining Constitutions where decommissioned over the next twenty years as the Excelsior class became available in numbers. The ten that remained in service received refits to their systems several times over the years to keep pace with current technology. However two of the class were lost fighting the Borg, one at Wolf 359 and the other in Sector 001 a few years later. In 2335, four of the remaining eight Consitutions were mothballed while a second major refit of the class was designed. Of the other four, they were all active at the beginning of the Dominion war. Two are still in operation, including the class leader, USS Constitution.

2268: Starfleet issues a general refit design for the Constitution class. All major systems will receive a complete overhaul and resign based on technology developed over the last several years. Permission for base designs are approved. Late in the year, Starfleet views the design schematics and the primary design is approved and briefs for new propulsion, computer, weapons outer hull designs are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the San Francisco Fleet Yards for designations

2269: USS Enterprise, coming off it's historic 5-year mission is selected to be the first ship to receive the refit. The ship is docked at the San Francisco Fleet Yards. Computer systems shut down and the ship is cleared of all removable systems and structures, including weapons, nacelles, navigational deflector, warp core, and crew quarters. Project begins with a projected 2 year turn around. Late in the year, new outer hull is added to the ship. Warp core arrived from Tokyo R&D and begins fitting. Upgraded computer core also arrives. New nacelles under go redesign, slowing the projected completion date by three months.

2270: New sensor arrays, torpedo tubes, and phaser banks installed. Crew accommodations and Bridge module installed. Navigational Deflector added. Computer core tested at 70% but warp core tests are postponed until all major and aux systems are installed and ready. Power systems aboard the Enterprise become active.

2271: Review 3 begins on all major systems. Hull painting and markings applied, followed by warp stress coating. Crew is reassigned and begins training on the new systems. Starfleet receives reports of the V'ger probe on course for Earth and the USS Enterprise is launched early, under the command of Admiral Kirk. Upon completion of the mission against the probe, and saving Earth, the ship receives three months of repairs, then sets out for another 5-year mission.

Technical Specifications for Constitution Refit Class ships
expected duration: 120 years
time between resupply: 2 years
time between Refit: 4 years
category: Explorer/Destroyer

    12 type-VIII phaser banks
    launchers: 3 ( two forward, one aft (adjacent to the forward tubes, added in late 2376 )
    photon: 40
    quantum: 50
    hellfire:  10
    transphaisic: 6
    tri cobalt: 4
   Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

officers: 65
enlisted crew: 200
marines: 14
civilians: 100

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttlebays: 1
shuttles: 1
runabouts: 1 Delta Flyer
fighters: 2 Razor Class fighters

height: 75 meters
width: 140 meters
length: 305 meters
decks: 23

Additional Images:
Click Here

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 4 in service. 2 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.


daedalus class

In the year 2158 a new class of ship entered service in Starfleet. The Daedalus Class was Starfleet's second major class of ship, preceded by the NX class. The Daedalus was be Starfleet's front line vessel in a war with the Romulans and explore several new star systems, as well as be the first Starship of the Federation when it was founded in 2161. She was a leap forward in design and technology. It was Starfleet's first ship with true shield and tractor beam technology.

The Human/Romulan war was Humanities first interstellar conflict for Humans following years of exploring in peace. Thus, while the Romulans began the war with a well tested fleet of purpose designed combat vessels, the Humans where trying to hold them back with aging NX class ships and converted merchant vessels, aided by the Vulcans upon occasion. From the first day of the war it was obvious that a new class of warships was needed, ships that where larger, faster and more powerful than any which had preceded them. Work began at a feverish pace early in 2156, and by mid 2158 the first of the new Daedalus class was launched.

The designers where urged to be daring, and they certainly took this advice to heart. Instead of the integrated hull form which most previous ships had possessed, the Daedalus class was the first design which featured a multi-hulled configuration. The engineering section was a cylinder six decks tall which housed the ships heavy engineering equipment, the warp core, structural integrity and inertial damper field generator systems, shield generators, hangar bays, impulse drive, etc. This hull was connected by a two deck neck to a spherical primary hull which housed the ships main weapons, control areas and provision for the crew. The Daedalus class was intended to remain in space for up to a full year with minimum outside support. The accommodation standards where much the same as the NX class. Senior officers had individual rooms, while all enlisted personnel shared  bunk style accommodations, two or sometimes four to a room, depending on the room's size.

Primarily a combat vessel, the class was fitted with eight high power Phas Cannon of the heaviest type in service and an armory of thirty torpedoes and twenty four fusion missiles. This ship was also the first in Starfleet with protective shields, but hull polarization systems were left over from the NX class as extra or reserve protection.

Combined with her high speed and shield capacity, the Daedalus was considered equal to any four Romulan warships. In service they proved exemplary, rapidly acquiring a fearsome reputation on the front lines. By 2159 the rapidly growing Daedalus fleet had turned the tide in the war, and by the end of that year they where routinely striking deep into Romulan home territory. The Romulans, faced with a war now fought almost wholly on their own territory, sued for peace in 2160.

When the United Federation of Planets was formed in 2161, the constitution called on members to supply the newly revised Federation Starfleet with ships until purpose-built vessels could be constructed. The pacifist Vulcan's where reluctant to devote resources to what they considered a military force, but the Humans had no such qualms, of the fleet of seventy Daedalus class vessels in service in 2161, they turned over no less than sixty of these. With the new Starfleet assigned a major scientific and exploratory role in addition to its secondary military mission, this bold move bought the Humans a huge stake in the future of the Federation. Virtually every exploratory mission, every first contact, every new scientific discovery made in the first eighty years of the UFP was made by Daedalus class starships under Human command and carrying mostly Human crews. Several Daedalus class ships where lost during their exploratory missions for Starfleet. The USS Essex (NCC-173), under the command of Captain Bryce Shumar and first officer Steven Mullen, was lost to an electromagnetic storm while investigating a class M moon orbiting Mab-Bu VI. The USS Archon was lost when its crew was absorbed by the entity known as Landru on the planet Beta III in the system C-111.

The Daedalus class USS Horizon visited Sigma Iotia II in 2167, resulting in massive cultural contamination of that planet. The huge number of such first contacts, together with the planting of colonies and exploratory work, resulted in a heavy pro Human bias in the evolving structure of the Federation itself, and most especially within Starfleet. This bias endures even to the present day.

The first of the Daedalus class vessels reached the end of its hull life in early 2200s. Initially it was planned to conduct a major overhaul on the hulls of the ships to extend their lives a further twenty years, but with a lessening in tensions during this period it was decided that Starfleet needed fewer heavily armed ships in service. The number of Daedalus class ships was allowed to gradually fall as ships reached the end of their hull life and retired. Initially it was planned to retire the cruiser-type altogether in favor of large numbers of smaller, more maneuverable vessels. But in the end it was decided to put most of the Daedalus fleet into mothballs against possible future need. The last one hundred ships where placed in storage in 2209.

As the Daedalus ships fell behind the state of the art and became gradually less useful even as a reserve force, Starfleet began to find other uses for them. Two were retained for the Fleet Museum, where they remain to this day. Five were given to Starfleet Academy as training ships. Some thought was given to refitting the remaining ships and using them as cargo carriers and transports, but this plan was abandoned. Another plan to sell the Daedalus fleet to alien governments was also abandoned when the Prime Directive was established in 2225. Thirty of the ships where used in live fire exercises. The remaining ships where scrapped between 2250 and 2260. Today one four Daedalus class vessels are existence. Two at the fleet museum, one of the old Academy trainers sits at SFA's orbital facility, and one sites at San Fransisco Fleet Yards, the USS Ambria, which was discovered adrift in 2377 by the USS Pegasus.

2156: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a combat vessel capable of deep space combat and exploration missions to replace the aging NX class as a front line battleship against the Romulans. The general idea is for a modular starship, which would use all new technoligy avaliable and be weapons heavy. The Daedalus class is rushed into production due to the war. Starfleet views the design schematics for the new class and the primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the San Francisco Fleet Yards. Production begins with a projected 2 year turnover for the Prototype ship. Spherical Saucer section designed and construction begins. Existing Phas Cannon and Torpedoes are base weapons for the class, augmented by new Fuison Missles. Brand new shielding technoligy intergrated into the design, but protective hull polarization systems held over from the NX class as a back up system.

2157: Theoretical Propulsions Dynamics labs send no functional test warpcore for fitting and alignment in the bare chassis. Chassis latching system passes Review 1. By the end of the year the spaceframe is 99% completed. Early in the second year, computer core arrives and is fitted. Propulsion dynamics labs deliver a fully functional warpcore for testing. By mid May, reactors are on line and supplying primary power. In the latter half of the year the computer system are operating at 72% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within three months. Warpcore begins primary testing. Star drive section nears completion. Bridge module attached to primary hull. Master chassis now completed for eleven starships. Habitat modules are attached and bridge unit is brought to functional status.

2158: Primary hull work and Chassis completed. Starfleet push forward to phase II and construction of a further nineteen ships begin. Computer systems are uploaded and tested. Primary modules are attached and outer hull of the saucer section nears completion. Warpcore passes Review Three and it tested to 80% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. USS Daedalus leaves Dry Dock for primary testing estimate to last two months. USS Daedalus returns to San Francisco Fleet Yards and warp stress coating is applied. All primary tests have passed Review 4. USS Daedalus receives exterior markings and paint. On 3 December, 2158 the USS Daedalus is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief Ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Travis Marryweather takes command of the Ship. USS Daedalus heads for the Romulan lines.

Technical Specifications for Daedalus Class ships
expected duration: 50 years
time between resupply: 1 year
time between Refit: 3 years
category: Explorer/Heavy Cruiser

    8 type-II heavy phas cannon
    2 fusion missle launchers (24)
    3 torpedo tubes (30)

Class 1 hull conformal shielding system
Hull polarization defense systems

officers: 19
enlisted crew: 148
civilians: 10

cruising speed: Warp 4
maximum speed: Warp 5
emergency speed: Warp 6.2 ( 8 hours )

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttlebays: 1
shuttles: 2

height: 40 meters
width: 48 meters
length: 121 meters
decks: 10

Additional Information:
Currently, all ships have been either decommissioned or were lost between 2158-2260

U.S.S. Archon, NCC-189
Destroyed in 2167 at planet Beta III by the computer Landru.

U.S.S. Essex, NCC-173
Early Starfleet vessel destroyed at moon of planet Mab-Bu VI.

U.S.S. Horizon, NCC-176
Made first contact with planet Lotia in 2168, leaving behind a book on the Chicago mobs of the 1920s, resulting in a severe cultural contamination.


defiant class

The Defiant Class of starship was born in what has been called the darkest hour in Starfleet's history, the 1st Borg incursion and the battle of Wolf 359.

Of the 42 ships only none survived the attack. 11,000 lives were lost that day and Starfleet was left in shambles. Fears of a Borg counter strike were still high though and naturally the Defiant continued in Development. However there was a serious problem. The test ship was incapable of performing. In retrospect the test crew were more used to the normal style of starship, and were as such completely unprepared for the 'unusual' habits that the Defiant Class. In the words of Captain Alexander Nassau, commanding officer on the test team, "The Defiant simply put, is a starship squeezed into the shell of a fighter. It is overpowered, over-gunned and is prone to extreme shearing stress when the oversized warpcore is powered to maximum. This ship, when confronted with a battle situation will simply tear itself to pieces, much to the amusement of its foes."

After that damning statement and the testing review, the Defiant was shelved - stored away in pod 13 of Utopia Planitia. The 2 other incomplete chassis were towed to a secure storage facility in orbit on Venus and the Defiant Class was closed.

Three years later, the previous station commander of Utopia Planitia, Commander Sisko, brought the Defiant out of storage. Along with a team of experts including Romulan scientists, the Defiant was brought to operational capacity, fitted with a cloaking device and sent to investigate the Dominion Threat to the Federation.

After much testing, in the field the Defiant Class proved to be an invaluable asset to Starfleet, and as such the class was made active by Starfleet command. In the words of Captain Sisko though,

"The Defiant Class is a ship like no other. Every single starship I have served on learnt about its crew, and adjusted itself accordingly. The crews on these ships have it easy. The Defiant though. Well, lets just say you have to get used to the way she works. You have to be flexible and understanding to get the best out of such a powerful ship.."

The Defiant Class of starship was a hurried project that caused many divisions in the Advance Starship Design Bureau. The project at first officially labeled as the Valiant project, later changing to the Defiant project was briefed as a warship and twelve submitted designs were considered. Relative newcomer to the team, Dr. Joe Park was given the project after his usual design provoked much interest.

However after only six months in charge of the Defiant project, Dr. Park was killed instantly as the fore section of the navigational deflector fell on him.

Commander Sisko, on reassignment from the Orbital habitat development project was brought in as the new head of the design team. His experience in engineering and starship design fully qualified him for the job. Working closely with the design team and the Klingon designers, the Commander took the class forward, doubling his efforts to make the class a working machine. Over time the design changed slightly to incorporate the unusual weapons systems the Klingon's had designed for the ship and slowly but surely the prototype took shape.

After 18 months the USS Defiant was ready for launch.

The Defiant though was initially not to prove as successful as had been hoped. After the loss of the ships designer, Dr. Park, the design and production team found many difficulties with the ship. In the space of three weeks, the Defiant manage five times to only make it 1500 meters out of pod 13 before disaster stuck. The first time the IPS system fused completely, the second time the warpcore automatically ejected after a thermal overload and the fourth time the computer shut the suffered complete system failure.

By this time the test crew were beginning to feel the stress. Finally the ship left dock and managed barely to make it around the Terran system on its first true run. After another week of tweaking and redesigning the internal systems the Defiant left space dock on a one week assignment. After testing all primary systems the crew began the Review 4 testing. Warp One was achieved, although the test crew noted that it was a seriously rough ride. Maneuverability testing almost tore the ship apart. Upon a full power test of the warp core the ship suffered structural damage as the vibrational dampening system failed to counter the huge warpcore's torsional stress. The IPS system was throwing the ship around and the SIF and IDF fields were not capable of handling the touchy responses of the ship. And of course the Weapons systems were causing massive recoil when tested.

Starfleet has found the USS Defiant to be of a much better specification than originally deemed by the test crew. This is due to the many hours of work needed to 'tune' the Defiant. Many hours of research have gone into this 'retrofitting' process. Much of this redesigning work was carried out by Captain Sisko and Chief O'Brien of Deep Space Nine.

2365: Starfleet issues a brief for a long range, maneuverable warship as fears of a Borg invasion rise. Design plans commence at the ASDB.

2366: Twelve Design plans are submitted to the ASDB, the Defiant project is approved. Primary design work begins on the Defiant Class and the primary hull construction begins. By late in the year design work is still continuing with weapons consultants being brought in from the Klingon Empire. ASDB reconsiders the Type II MARA core as primary power source.

2367: Wolf 359 incident occurs crippling Starfleet. Fears of a second invasion mount as the Defiant Class continues under higher priority.

    March: Basic chassis is manufactured and central computer core is Gamma Welded into place. Designs for a three chamber warpcore are send to the Propulsion dynamics lab for theoretical testing. Starfleet's Tokyo R&D weapons labs confirm an upgraded phaser cannon, using artificially grown emitter crystals, is possible.

    June: Ablative Armour arrives from the Antaries Ship Yard. Outer hull is nearing completion except for the engine bay. Designs for the warpcore are approved and production begins at the labs on Jupiter.

    November: Warpcore arrives and is Gamma welded into place. Outer hull fully sealed and internal fitting begins. Warp coils arrive and are welded into place. Front end redesigned to accommodate the modified weapons systems. A modified Sub computer core from the Galaxy Class project found to suitable for use as a main computer. Unit is installed and technical modifications begin

    January: Warp field and weapons array problems found in frontal half of ship. Work is stopped until a new design is decided upon. New outer hull laid down over new front half of ship. Bridge module is attached. Crew quarter are fitted. Computer becomes self aware.

    April: New ablative Armour arrives and is installed over the new front hull. Preliminary testing of all systems complete.

    June: Ship completes its first warp jump. Serious problems are discovered with the warp engines and the SIF (Structural integrity field). Problems are rectified as best possible. Testing of basic systems continues.

    August: After full power weapons testing the ship is deemed unsuitable by Starfleet inspectors and the ship is ordered to return to Utopia Planitia to be placed in storage.

    September: The Defiant Project is officially closed by Starfleet.

2370: The Defiant Project reopened after Dominion Threat discovered. With recent advances in technology work begins to cure the Defiant's many problems. Within a month redesigning and retrofitting work has cured the major problems and the first ship of the class, the USS Defiant is commissioned at Utopia Planitia, the ship shortly after being immediately assigned to station Deep Space Nine.

2373: Starfleet reviews the modification field work carried out on the Defiant Class of Starship and deem that although the class has major flaws, it is a very capable ship and with the new technical design information gathered by the Engineering team on the ship decides to place the class in Active production as fears of a Dominion war rise.

Technical Specifications for Defiant Class ships
expected duration: 15 yrs
time between resupply: 1 month
time between refit: 6 months
category: Escort/Scout

cruising speed: Warp 5
maximum speed: Warp 9
emergency speed: Warp 9.55 ( 3 hours )

officer: 15
enlisted: 35
marines: 8

Weapons and Shields:
    type-U ( 4 fixed mounts on warp nacelles )
    type-X ( 1 under main deflector and 1 encircling Bridge module)
    4 launchers ( 2 forward in a secure weapons cache, 2 aft, beside warp nacelles )
    50 photon
    100 quantum
    20 hellfire
    4 transphaisic
    10 tri cobalt
    ablative armor on hull
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 1 type-18 shuttlepod and 1 type-10 shuttle
fighters: 2 Razor Class
runabouts: 0

height: 35.9 meters
width: 107.9 meters
length: 157.5 meters

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 39 in service with 12 building per year through 2400. 17 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts

U.S.S. Defiant, NX-74205
A heavily armed "escort" vessel equipped with a cloaking device; commanded by Captain Benjamin Sisko.


U.S.S. Arcos, NCC-6237
Suffered a warp containment breach near planet Turkana IV; crew was captured by members of the Alliance.
U.S.S. LaSalle, NCC-6203
Reported radiation anomalies in the Gamma Arigulon system.


excelsior class

In the year 2284, the USS Excelsior, called 'The Great Experiment', was commissioned. The ship was to be the first Starship capable of Transwarp flight. This was a failure, but the Excelsior went on to become one of the best Starship classes of all time.

The history of the Excelsior Class tends to consist of extremes. Initially fitted with a transwarp drive and proclaimed "the great experiment", the ship had an ignoble start when its engines failed when it was called into action to prevent the theft of the USS Enterprise. Although this was due to deliberate sabotage, it transpired that the Excelsior had been saved from a major disaster; engineers working to correct the damage discovered a series of flaws in the Transwarp drive which, had it been used, would have caused a nacelle implosion which would have destroyed the ship. The Excelsior spent nearly a full year in Spacedock while engineering specialists struggled to repair the problem. Re-launched early in 2286, the ship met with little more success.

Although the fatal flaw of the transwarp drive was repaired, the system was subject to major problems and over the next year it never completed a successful test, much to the embarrassment of Captain Styles and his crew. Finally, Starfleet cancelled the transwarp project altogether, and for a short time the Excelsior faced decommissioning. There was nothing wrong with the basic engineering of the space frame however, and in all other areas the Excelsior Class was still the most advanced ship in Starfleet, and indeed the entire quadrant, by a considerable margin. In light of this Starfleet rapidly decided to fit the Excelsior Class with a more conventional propulsion system. She returned to spacedock for the third time in 2287 to have her hull converted to run with a standard warp drive. This process went remarkably smoothly, and by the end of the year the Excelsior was in space again. From here the history of the ship leapt from one extreme to the other; from being a costly and embarrassing failure, the Excelsior rapidly built a reputation for outstanding performance and a solid reliability few other designs have matched. Series production commenced at once, and continued unbroken for the next thirty nine years : a record for Federation shipbuilding. The Excelsior herself was assigned to Captain Sulu in 2290 and conducted extensive scientific, exploratory and diplomatic missions under his distinguished command. Today the ships of the Excelsior Class continue in service, having undergone many refits and upgrades over the decades.

In 2374, the Excelsior class was upgraded to extend the usefulness of the class by incorporating new technology to give a much greater weapons capability. By the end of the Dominion war, all Excelsior class ships were fitted with upgraded phaser banks and quantum torpedoes, as well as improved shielding, sensors, and computer systems. The class is now projected to remain very much active well into the 25th century.

2273: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose vessel capable of deep space, combat, and diplomatic missions, while using the newly developed transwarp drive system, to enhance and then replace the aging Constitution Class. The general idea is for a modular starship, which would be capable of transwarp fight. Two project briefs are handed to Starfleet for the Fuji and Excelsior Classes. The Excelsior Class is approved by Starfleet as the prototype vehicle. Permission for base designs are approved.

2275: Starfleet view the Design Schematics for the new class and after much deliberation, the primary design is approved and briefs for the Transwarp propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the San Francisco Fleet Yards for designations. Production begins with a projected 8 year turnover for the Prototype ship.

2277: Emergency saucer section separation mechanism is borrowed from the Constitution Class. Transwarp systems delayed due to a flaw in the reaction matrix. Nacelle designs approved and construction begins.

2279: Theoretical Propulsions Dynamics labs send a functional test transwarp core for fitting and alignment in the bare chassis. Chassis latching system passes Review 1. By the end of the year the Spaceframe is 72% completed.

2280: Saucer section separation latches pass Review One. Early in the second year, computer cores arrive and are fitted to the Excelsior. Propulsion dynamics labs deliver a fully functional transwarp core for testing. By mid August, reactors are on line and supplying primary power.

2281: Computer system are operating at 84% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Transwarp core begins primary testing. Star drive section nears completion. Bridge module attached to Primary hull. Master chassis now completed for six starships. These are then moved and stored for use after shakedown and testing of Prototype.

2282: Primary hull work complete. Habitat modules are attached and bridge unit is brought to functional status. Chassis is completed. Computer systems are uploaded and tested. Primary modules are attached and outer hull of the saucer section nears completion.

2283: Transwarp core passes Review Three and it tested to 80% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Structural latching systems onboard the USS Excelsior with regards to saucer separation are tested and approved. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become auxiliary system control. Structural latching system for saucer separation passes Review Three.

2284: USS Excelsior leaves Dry Dock for primary testing estimate to last eight months. Questions arise in transwarp systems. USS Excelsior returns to San Francisco Fleet Yards early in year. Warp stress coating is applied and the ship is clear to begin deep space assessments. All primary tests have passed Review Four, except transwarp drive. Final exterior markings and paint applied. On 2, August 2284 the USS Excelsior is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Styles takes command of the Ship.

Technical Specifications for Excelsior Class ships
expected duration: 20 years
time between resupply: 3 years
time between refit: 5 years
category: Explorer/Light Cruiser

officers: 115
enlisted crew: 450
marines: 146
civilians: 375

Weapons and Shields:
    22 type- VIII phaser banks
    launchers: 4 ( 2 forward and 2 aft )
    photon: 200
    quantum: 150
    hellfire:  30
    transphaisic: 4
    tri cobalt: 10
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 3
shuttles: 6
runabouts: 3
    1 Danube, 1 Repulse, 1 Delta Flyer
fighters: 5
    4  Razor Class
    1 Redemption Class

height: 100 meters
width: 185 meters
length: 467 meters
decks: 28

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Additional Information:
Currently, there are 1102 in service. 221 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.

Known ships:

U.S.S. Berlin, NCC-14232
Answered distress call from Federation outpost near Romulan Neutral Zone.

U.S.S. Cairo, NCC-42136
Transported Vice-Admiral Nechayev to Enterprise-D in 2369.

U.S.S. Charleston, NCC-42285
Ferried revived 20th-century cryonic survivors back to Earth in 2364.

U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701B
Third Starship Enterprise

U.S.S. Excelsior, NCC-2000
First Starship of the Excelsior class; commanded by Captain Hikaru Sulu.

U.S.S. Fearless, NCC-14598
Ship on which Kosinski tested an experimental warp drive upgrade in 2364.

U.S.S. Gorkon, NCC-40512
Part of a task force for the expected Borg invasion of 2369.

U.S.S. Hood, NCC-42296
Riker's assignment before the Enterprise-D; transferred Riker, Crusher, and La Forge to Enterprise-D; assisted Enterprise-D in
terraforming project to Browder IV; transported Tam Ulbrun to Enterprise-D; commanded by Captain Robert DeSoto.

U.S.S. Melbourne, NCC-62043
Riker was offered this command in 2366; Melbourne was one of 39 starships destroyed by the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359.

U.S.S. Potemkin, NCC-8253
Riker served aboard this ship in 2361, prior to Hood and Enterprise-D; transferred Dr. Toby Russell to Enterprise-D in 2368.

U.S.S. Repulse, NCC-2544
Dr. Katherine Pulaski's assignment prior  to Enterprise-D; commanded by Captain Taggert.



In the year 2343 design began on a new multi-mission starship. The Galaxy Class starship, after a few set backs, would become one of the Federation's premier explore, diplomatic, and research vessels. She also packs punch in combat.

The Galaxy Class was developed to replace the aging Ambassador and Oberth Class starships as Starfleet's primary exploration vessel. In fact, many came to regard the requirement as too challenging; the project suffered from numerous delays due to a wide range of design, manufacturing, and construction problems. The first of the class, the USS Galaxy, was launched in 2357 and commissioned in 2362, nearly two decades after initial approval.

The increased internal volume allowed for 800,000 square meters of mission adaptable facilities. This allows the Galaxy Class to support a wide range of ongoing research projects independently of the vessels primary mission. Although not a new idea in Starfleet vessels, the Galaxy Class is unique in the extent to which this is possible. These ships are capable of supporting up to 5,000 mission specialists, while the decentralized nature of the secondary power grids allows laboratories to function effectively even during combat operations.

The three burst fire torpedo tubes are each capable of launching ten photon torpedoes every six seconds, while there are twelve type- X phaser arrays. As with many recent Federation designs, the use of long phaser arrays rather than banks gives the main Phasers of the Galaxy Class a great capability for sustained firing and rapid recharge/cool down time. The Galaxy Class is the first on which all segments of every phaser array are supplied by a separate power system; although this increases the complexity of the system tremendously, it gives the phaser arrays a tremendous survivability in the face of combat damage.

In service the Galaxy Class at first proved exemplary, but by 2371 no less than three of the initial six ships had been lost, one with her entire complement of crew and families. This alarming record led to many changes being introduced during refits of the remaining three vessels, and also to the construction of six new Galaxy Class ships from space frames held in reserve against future need. The unfortunate history of the Galaxy Class vessels combined with the recent escalation's in tensions within the alpha quadrant has led to all six vessels being subsequently completed, and all are now on active service against the Dominion.

Major changes to the Galaxy Class have included a new more powerful warp core, a redesigned shield system intended to perform far better against phased polaron beam weapons, various changes to the ships computer systems, plus many minor changes to the ships systems. There are currently nine Galaxy Class vessels in service. Production of these vessels continues today; five Galaxy Class ships took part in the recent operation to retake Deep Space Nine from the Dominion and the class has gained a fearsome reputation during the war, so far operating without loss. Though new Galaxy Class ships are being produced without any science or diplomatic facilities included in order to reduce the vessel mass and so enhance combat performance during the Dominion war. These ships will be "filled out" after the war, considerably enhancing Starfleet's exploration capacity. At this point further production is expected to be terminated in favor of the new Sovereign Class.

2343: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose vessel capable of deep space, combat, and diplomatic missions replace the aging Ambassador Class. The general idea is for a modular starship. Two project briefs are handed to Starfleet for the Galaxy. Permission for base designs are approved.

2344: Starfleet views the Design Schematics for the new class and after little deliberation, the primary design is approved and briefs propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Spaceframe Design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards for designations. Production begins with a projected 13 year turnover for the Prototype ship.

2345: Saucer section separation mechanism is designed. This new design will allow the ship to separate saucer and stardrive sections and then reconnect without the need of a major starbase. Nacelle designs approved and construction begins.

2346: Separation systems fail Review One and are redesigned. Navigational deflector designed.

2347: Theoretical propulsions dynamics labs send a functional test  core for fitting and alignment in the bare chassis. Chassis latching system passes Review One. By the end of the year the spaceframe is 54% completed.

2349: Saucer section separation latches pass Review Two. Early in the year, computer cores arrive and are fitted to the Galaxy. Propulsion dynamics labs deliver a fully functional warpcore for testing. By mid November, reactors are on line and supplying primary power.

2351: Computer system are operating at 68% of maximum. System expected to become self aware early next year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Star drive section nears completion. Bridge module attached to Primary hull. Master Chassis now completed for three Starships. Newly designed type-3 torpedo launchers fitted to Galaxy.

2353: Primary hull work complete. Habitat modules are attached and bridge unit is brought to functional status. Chassis is completed. Computer systems are uploaded and tested. Primary modules are attached and outer hull of the saucer section nears completion.

2355: Warpcore passes Review Three and it tested to 80% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Structural latching systems onboard the USS Galaxy with regards to Saucer separation are tested and approved. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary back up generators are shut down and become auxiliary system control. Structural latching system for saucer separation passes Review Three.

2357: USS Galaxy leaves dry dock for primary testing estimate to last four years.

2362: USS Galaxy returns to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards early in year. Warp stress coating is applied and the ship is clear to begin deep space assessments. All primary tests have passed Review Four. Final exterior markings and paint applied. On 15, May 2362 the USS Galaxy is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Alex Burkes takes command of the ship.

Technical Specifications for Galaxy Class ships

expected duration: 100 years
time between resupply: 5 years
time between refit: 10 years
category: Explorer/Battleship

officers: 275
enlisted crew: 680
marines: 290
passengers: 500

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttlebays: 3
shuttles: 2
    2 type-7 personal shuttles
    2 type-8 personal shuttles
    4 type-9 personal shuttles
    6 type-10 cargo shuttles
    6 type-11 personal shuttles
    4 type-18 shuttle pods
runabouts: 6
    2 Danube Class runabouts
    1 Repulse Class runabout
    1 Blackhawk Class runabout
    1 Delta Flyer
    1 Warhammer
fighters: 6
     4 Razor Class
     2 Redemption Class

    13 type-X phaser arrays
    launchers: 2 ( 1 forward, 1 aft )
    photon: 250
    quantum: 200
    hellfire: 40
    transphaisic: 6
    tri cobalt: 10
    Klingon Cloaking Device: Hull Conformal

height: 145 meters
width: 560 meters
length: 641 meters
decks: 42

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Additional Information:
Currently, there are 21 in service with 4 building per year through 2408. 2 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.

U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701D
Fifth starship to bear the name; launched in 2363; commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard
U.S.S. Galaxy
U.S.S. Odyssey, NCC-71832
Destroyed by a Dominion attack in the Gamma Quadrant.
U.S.S. Yamato, NCC-71807
Destroyed by an ancient Iconian computer virus weapon; commanded by Captain Donald Varley.



U.S.S. Tripoli, NCC-19386
Starship that discovered Data on planet Omicron Theta; when decommissioned, the Tripoli was stored at Zed-15 surplus depot.


U.S.S. Constantinople, NCC-34852
Suffered a hull breach near Gravesworld in 2365


intrepid class

In 2370 a new class of ship entered service in Starfleet. The ship would be, when commissioned, the fastest class of starship in service in any fleet. She would be a frigate/light explorer/scout ship. Well armed, maneuverable, well protected, and posses a sensor suite comparable to the Galaxy Class'. The ship features a unique warp nacelle design, which allow the nacelles to pivot up when in warp flight, improving the warp field. The class was also the first to use bioneural gel packs in the computer systems.

Starfleet's shipbuilding policy of the last century has emphasized ever larger, more capable designs capable of carrying out a wide variety of missions within a single hull, and many times simultaneously. However, this has led to a gradual fall in the numbers of vessels which can be fielded - where the Excelsior Class numbers well over a hundred, the Ambassadors were limited to a production run of twenty six, and the Galaxy Class to six ships initially, fourteen ships at present. While the exploration capacity of these Classes is still sufficient to meet the tasks demanded of them, the lack of numbers has led to a certain restriction in flexibility. Losses among the Galaxy Class have also emphasized that placing "all the eggs in one basket" is not necessarily the wisest choice.

The Intrepid design was fielded partly to correct this situation. The design requirement, issued in 2358, called for a vessel in the 360 meter range with a volume some 15% that of a Galaxy Class. Although the limited size meant that the vessel would have much lower overall capabilities than the Galaxy Class, this was to be in some part offset by the use of the latest technology. The ships computer system would be the most advanced model in service; the increased automation this afforded combined with a new generation of sensor equipment would allow the Intrepid Class almost 70% of the scanning and analysis capabilities of a Galaxy Class starship. A top cruise speed some three times that of the Galaxy would further enhance the vessels exploration capabilities.

Diplomatic functions would be more problematic - hosting such functions requires supporting large numbers of extra personnel, and the Intrepid Class simply would not have the room for this. Her diplomatic capabilities are therefore limited to relatively small events generally involving Federation negotiations with a single party.

The Intrepid's combat role was also somewhat limited by her size; unable to carry large numbers of torpedoes or high power phaser banks, Starfleet settled on a scouting and support mission for the ship. Fitted out with type-VIII phaser arrays and single fire torpedo tubes standard. The Intrepid would be capable of engaging vessels the size of a K'T'inga Class Battle Cruiser or Galor Class Destroyer one-on-one. Her high speed and maneuverability combined with the advanced sensor system would also make her a perfect platform to conduct long range reconnaissance missions ahead of fleet operations. Within a major fleet battle the Intrepid would also act in support of larger ships, harrying enemy fleet units and drawing fire away from larger Federation ships.

Development of the intrepid Class went relatively smoothly in the early and mid stages, but a major problem arose in 2370 with the discovery that the energy emissions of standard warp drives caused considerable cumulative damage to the structure of subspace. Starfleet called for all designs then in progress to be modified to eliminate this effect, and it was decided to use the Intrepid Class as a test bed for this technology. After some experimentation it was found that the effect could be avoided by using a warp field with a much elongated Z-axis, combined with complex warp field modulation and the utilization of new materials during the manufacture of warp coils. This has led to the ships saucer section having the forward ellipse now becoming common on Federation designs. The new warp field configuration did lead to a 15% reduction in the speed of the Intrepid Class across all flight regimes, bringing the top cruise speed down from Warp 9.99 to Warp 9.975, and the maximum rated speed from Warp 9.992 to Warp 9.985.

The program suffered a serious setback when the USS Voyager, second in the Class, was apparently lost on her first mission. Building was suspended on the Class while the designs were subjected to intense scrutiny; after a year without results the Intrepid project was resumed. It has since been discovered that Voyager was in fact displaced to the other side of the Galaxy, in the Delta Quadrent, by an alien technology, from where she is now attempting to make her way home.

One feature unique to the Intrepid Class among Federation Starships of this size is the ability to land on a planetary surface. This feature has been incorporated after several incidents in which transporters and shuttle craft have been unable to operate through exotic environmental conditions during evacuations or other surface related operations.

2358: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi-purpose vessel capable of scouting, high speed, exploration, and the ability to land on the surface of a planet. The general idea is for a modular starship based on a totally new design. The Class will be called the Intrepid Class.

2360: Starfleet views the theoretical proposals for the Intrepid and approve briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet design agencies for consultation.

2361: Propulsion dynamic are approved and sent to the Jupiter Station for in-depth study. Mid year M/ARA design is standardized for the Intrepid Class. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to Utopia Planitia for designations. USS Intrepid Production begins with a projected 8 year turnover for the prototype ship.

2362: Design work on Intrepid Class warp coils are approved. The stardrive section nears chassis completion. Saucer section nears 30% chassis completion.

2363: Primary and secondary chassis's now at 100% completion on USS Intrepid. Computers are delivered for fitting work.

2364: Work continues on habitat and out hull sections for USS Intrepid. Late in year computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from station control to ship control.

2366: Computer system now operating at 72% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within 14 months. Warpcore begins primary testing. Antimatter regulation control is found to be outside acceptable levels. Primary magnetic containment malfunction found to be a problem. Stardrive section near completion with final attachment of navigational deflector array. Bridge module attached to primary hull.

2368: Warp Core passes Review Three and it tested to 90% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. USS Intrepid leaves Dry Dock for primary testing.

2370: High warp speeds found to cause damage to subspace. USS Intrepid docked while solutions are found. Eight months later, when solutions are found, USS Intrepid goes to Utopia Planitia and warp stress coating is applied. USS Intrepid begins deep space assessments. USS Intrepid returns to the San Francisco Yards for final exterior markings and paint. On 1, March 2370 the USS Intrepid is officially commissioned by Starfleet at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Fred Stone takes command of the Intrepid. USS Intrepid is ordered to begin shakedown cruises estimate to last two years.

Technical Specifications for Intrepid Class ships
expected duration: 80 years
time between resupply: 1 years
time between refit: 4 years
category: Explorer/Scout/Destroyer

officers: 35
enlisted crew: 115
marines: 74
civilians: 30

cruising speed: Warp 7
maximum speed: Warp 9.8
emergency speed: Warp 9.975 ( For 20 hours )

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 4
fighters: 2 Razor Class
runabouts: 1 Danube Class, Delta Flyer

    13 type-IX phaser arrays
    launchers: 4 ( 2 forward, 2 aft )
    20 photon
    30 quantum
    10 hellfire
     4  transphaisic
     4  tri cobalt
     ablative armor on hull
     Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 66.2 meters
width: 133 meters
length: 343.1 meters
decks: 15

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Additional Information:
Currently, there are 67 in service with 10 building per year through 2404. 9 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.

U.S.S. Voyager, NCC-74656
Starship stranded in the Delta Quadrant; commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway.

USS Intrepid


One of Starfleet's most versatile starships ever, the Kelvin Class is a product of a newer more military Starfleet. With the number of threats facing the Federation, coupled with the desire to continue multi-mission diplomatic and exploratory duties, these ships are more than capable of self defense. The Kelvin Class starship project was instituted shortly after the Sovereign Class, as a variant, and slowly developed into her own Class, utilizing successful elements of the Galaxy, Sovereign, and Miranda Classes. Capable of warp speed in excess of warp 9, she is one of Starfleet's fastest ships.

2360: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose defense vessel capable of Deep Space, combat and diplomatic missions. The general idea is for a modular starship based around the Miranda, Galaxy, and Sovereign design ideals. Two project briefs are handed to Starfleet for the Kelvin and Chase Classes. The Chase Class is rejected by Starfleet. Permission for base designs are approved on the Kelvin Class.

2362: Starfleet views the theoretical proposals for the Kelvin based on the defense parameters. After deliberation, the Kelvin's primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet design agencies for consultation.

2364: Propulsion dynamic are approved and sent to the Jupiter Station for in-depth study. Later in the year M/ARA design is standardized for the Class. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to UP Shipyards for designations.  USS Kelvin production begins with a projected 7 year turnover for the prototype. Sovereign Class saucer used, and made standard in the Class. Sovereign Class nacelles 'barrowed' by the Kelvin Design team, they too become standard in the Kelvin Class.

2365: Design team use Sovereign warp coils and a Galaxy Class warpcore for the prototype. The primary hull begins construction.

2367: Primary hull 65% completion. Computers are delivered for fitting work.

2368: Work continues on habitat and out hull sections for USS Kelvin. Late in year computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from Station Control to ship control.

2369: Computer system now operating at 60% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Antimatter regulation control is found to be outside acceptable levels. Primary magnetic containment malfunction found to be a problem. Primary hull 100% complete bridge module attached.

2370: Warp core passes Review Three and it tested to 90% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary backup generators are shut down and become auxiliary system control. Weapons systems installed. USS Kelvin leaves Dry Dock for primary testing.

2371: USS Kelvin goes to Utopia Planitia early in year. Warp Stress Coating is applied and USS Kelvin begins Deep Space assessments. USS Miranda completes construction reviews ahead of schedule and begins testing.

USS Kelvin returns to the UP Shipyards for final exterior markings and paint. On 1, July 2371 the USS Kelvin is officially commissioned by Starfleet at The UP Shipyards during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Vulcan Captain Surok takes command of the Kelvin from test Captain Pat Weber. USS Kelvin is ordered to begin shakedown cruises estimate to last two years.

Technical Specifications for Kelvin Class ships

expected duration: 80 years
time between resupply: 1 years
time between refit: 5 years
category: Explorer/Heavy Cruiser
primary fusion reactor: output 8.2 EJ/hr
secondary fusion reactor: output 5.6 EJ/hr
tractor beam: type-X (range 2.0 Km)
sensors: advanced lateral and long range output/retrieval systems

standard cruise velocity: Warp 8.00
maximum cruise velocity: Warp 9.50
emergency velocity [36 hours]: Warp 9.86
emergency velocity [12 hours]: Warp 9.90

officers: 292
enlisted crew: 682
marines: 290
civilians: 294
maximum capacity: 4970

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 2
shuttles: 10
    2 type-8 personal shuttles
    2 type-9 personal shuttles
    4 type-10 cargo shuttles
    4 type-11 personal shuttle
    2 type-18 shuttle pods
attack fighters: 6
    4 Razor Class fighters
    2 Redemption class fighter-bombers
runabouts: 5
    1 Blackhawk Class runabout
    1 Delta Flyer runabout
    1 Repulse Class runabout
    2 Warhammer

    8 type-XI phaser arrays
    launchers: 6 ( 3 forward, 3 aft )
    photon: 500
    quantum: 500
    hellfire: 40
    transphaisic: 4
    tri-cobalt: 20
    ablative armor on hull
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 106 meters
width: 241 meters
length: 599 meters
decks: 32

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Additional Information:
Currently, there are 27 in service with 4 building per year through 2400. 8 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.


korolev class

U.S.S. Goddard, NCC-59621
Starship scheduled for rendezvous with Enterprise-D in 2366.


U.S.S. Lalo, NCC-43837
Reported detecting disturbances from Dr. Manheim's time-gravity experiments; destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359.


U.S.S.Trieste, NCC-37124
Data served aboard this starship before the Enterprise-D; once fell through a wormhole.


The Merlin class has been designed as an uprated and redesigned Oberth-class vessel, yet based on an existing, proven spaceframe. The Merlin class has a newer computer mainframe and warp system matrix, improved sensors, uprated defensive systems and armament, allowing it to remain in deep space exploration mode for longer. The upgrades were initially commenced in late 2330, but were later put on hold due to the introduction of newer starships. However, with the losses suffered in the Dominion War, the Oberth-class USS Merlin has been pulled from mothballs refit 2374 at Avalon Fleet Yards. Twelve more of the class are under refit now.

The prototype, USS Merlin, proved the idea and redesign worthwhile. It was sent explore an uncharted sector near Krazzle space. While investigating a nebula, the ship was attacked by a Krazzle Destroyer. After a short battle that left both ships damaged, then both used the nebula to hind in. While making repairs, the Merlin was still able to continue it's scans and studies of the nebula. After making repairs to the warp engines and torpedo launcher, the Merlin tracked down the Krazzle ship, attacked, and destroyed it. The Merlin returned to AFY for repairs three weeks later....with information on an all new sector of space, including the nebula.

2330: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a Science vessel to replace the aging Oberth Class ship, capable of scientific, survey, and short range exploration missions. The general idea is for a modular starship based on the Oberth design. The project brief for the Merlin class is handed to Starfleet Permission for base designs are approved. Starfleet views the theoretical proposals for the class. After deliberation, more room for Scientific Equipment and Labs is found when updated computer systems and engines are installed. Briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet design agencies for consultation.

2331: Project put on hold for newer ship designs. USS Merlin is stored.

2370: USS Merlin pulled out of storage and project restarted. Propulsion dynamic are approved and sent to the Jupiter Station. They send back new warp core for the class. which has roughly double the output of the old Oberth core. Later in the year M/ARA design is standardized for the Class. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to Avalon Fleet Yards for designations. USS Merlin production begins with a projected 2 year turnover for the prototype. Modified Excelsior class nacelles are used, and made standard in the Class. The primary hull begins construction.

2371: Primary hull 40% completion. Computers are delivered for fitting work. Work continues on habitat and out hull sections for ship. Three more ships are begun. Mid year, computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from Station Control to ship control.

2372: Computer system now operating at 75% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Primary magnetic containment malfunction found and corrected. Primary hull 100% complete bridge module attached.

2373: Warp core passes Review Three and it tested to 65% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary backup generators are shut down and become auxiliary system control. Weapons systems installed. USS Merlin leaves Dry Dock for primary testing.

2374: USS Merlin returns to Avalon early in year. Warp Stress Coating is applied and the ship begins Deep Space assessments. USS Merlin returns to the Avalon Shipyards for final exterior markings and paint. On 24, July 2374 the USS Merlin is officially commissioned by Starfleet at The Avalon Fleet Yards during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Vulcan Captain T'rek takes command of the ship. USS Merlin is ordered to begin shakedown cruises estimate to last one year.

Technical Specifications for Merlin Class ships

expected duration: 50 years
time between resupply: 6 month
time between refit: 2 years
category: Short Range Explorer/Science Vessel

standard cruise velocity: Warp 6.00
maximum cruise velocity: Warp 7.00
emergency velocity [18 hours]: Warp 7.5

officers: 14
enlisted crew: 50
marines: 8
non-Starfleet scientist: 10
civilians: 10
maximum capacity: 105

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 1
    1 type-18 shuttle pods
attack fighters: 2
    2 Razor Class fighters
runabouts: 1
    1 Delta Flyer

    4 type-VIII phaser banks
    launchers: 1
    photon: 20
    quantum: 20
    hellfire: 10
    transphaisic: 2
    tri cobalt: 4
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 39 meters
width: 87 meters
length: 152 meters
decks: 12 Decks including the Engineering areas

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Currently, there are 9 in service. 3 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.


miranda class

In the year 2246 a new class of ship entered service in Starfleet. Designed to be a smaller but capable counterpart to the Constitution class, the USS Miranda entered service at the same time its larger cousin was undoing major refit. There was a very high degree of commonality between the two classes, with the nacelles and most of the primary hull being almost identical. The smaller size of these ships was largely accounted for by a lower level of habitability for the crew and a reduction in the number of science labs from fourteen to ten. Moving all of it's torpedo tubes to the 'roll bar' above the ship helped keep these reductions to a minimum. Even so the Miranda's were full Explorer type ships, fully capable of conducting long duration research missions. Their considerable armament also made them an important addition to the defense of the Federation.

They continued to act as Explorer class units for the next century, forming the backbone of Starfleet throughout this period. In time however, their relatively low cruising speed combined with the gradually increasing distances they had to cover, caused by the expansion of the Federation, began to wear on the ships. Their relative lack of recreational facilities and the cramped quarters began to lead to a marked drop-off in crew performance, and Starfleet considered retiring the class.

2238: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose vessel capable of Deep Space, Combat, diplomatic and haulage missions to complament the new Constitution class. The general idea is for a modular starship, which would be based on the new Constitution class. Two project briefs are handed to Starfleet for the Spencer and Miranda Classes. The Miranda class is approved by Starfleet as the prototype vehicle. Permission for base designs are approved.

2239: Starfleet view the Design Schematics for the new class and after deliberation, the primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Spaceframe Design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the San Francisco Fleet Yards for designations. Production begins with a projected 8 year turnover for the Prototype ship.

2240: Design work on the Saucer section connections proceed. Theoretical Propulsions Dynamics labs send a functional test warpcore for fitting and alignment in the bare chassis. Chassis latching system passes Review 1. By the end of the year the Spaceframe is 87% completed.

2241: Early in the year, computer cores arrive and are fitted to the Miranda. By mid May, reactors are online and supplying primary power. In the latter half of the year the computer system are operating at 76% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Star drive section nears completion. Bridge module attached to Primary hull. Master Chassis now completed for five Starships.

2242: Primary hull work complete. Habitat modules are attached and bridge unit is brought to functional status. Chassis is completed. Starfleet push forward to phase II and construction of a further ten ships begin.

2243: Computer systems are uploaded and tested. Primary modules are attached and outer hull of the saucer section nears completion.

2244: Warp Core passes Review Three and it tested to 80% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. USS Miranda leaves Dry Dock for primary testing estimate to last one year.

2245: USS Miranda returns to San Francisco Fleet Yards early in year. Warp Stress Coating is applied and the ship begins Deep Space assessments. All primary tests have passed Review 4.

2246: USS Miranda returns to Dry Dock for final exterior markings and paint. On 13, May 2253 the USS Miranda is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief Ceremony. Bridge Plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Gary Jeffcoat takes command of the Ship. USS Miranda begins shakedown cruises estimate to last a year. Nine more ships begin construction.

Technical Specifications for Miranda Class ships
expected duration: 120 years
time between resupply: 1 year
time between refit: 4 years
category: Explorer/Cruiser

cruising speed: Warp 5
maximum speed: Warp 7
emergency speed: Warp 8.45 ( 20 hours )

officers: 65
enlisted crew: 200
passengers: 150

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 2

    6 type-VI phaser banks
    launchers: 2, forward on the 'roll bar'
       photon: 60

Class 4 hull conformal shielding system

height: 60 meters
width: 148 meters
length: 238 meters
decks: 15

Additional Information:
Currently, all ships of the original design have been either refit, decommissioned, or were lost between 2246-2284

U.S.S. Brattain, NCC-21166
Ship trapped in Tyken's Rift where all but one crew member died from lack of REM sleep.
U.S.S. Reliant, NCC-1864
Ship assigned to survey planets as part of Project Genesis; commanded by Captain Clark Terrell.
U.S.S. Saratoga, NCC-1867
Destroyed by alien probe while patrolling Neutral Zone in 2286.
U.S.S. Saratoga, NCC-31911
Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359; casualties included Jennifer Sisko; assignment of Benjamin Sisko prior to Deep Space 9.
U.S.S. Tian Nan Men, NCC-21382
Served in Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships during the Klingon civil war.

Miranda Class Refit

In 2271 the first of the original Miranda Class ships began a complete refit, similar to it's larger cousin the Consitution had earlier in the decade. Of the 64 in service, 60 were refit. One, the USS Miranda, was decommissioned and added to the Starfleet Museum and the other three were mothballed. The Miranda class went on to serve Starfleet well though some trying times in the late 2200s and 2300s. Today, 3 of the class are in the Starfleet Museum (one prerefit and two post refit (one circa 2286 and the other circa 2335) while over 1000 of the class still in service today, in 2378. Another 230 sit in mothballs though out the Federation, 17 here at AFY.

The Miranda Class continued to act as Explorer class units for the next century, forming the backbone of Starfleet throughout this period. In time however, their relatively low cruising speed combined with the gradually increasing distances they had to cover, caused by the expansion of the Federation, began to wear on the ships. Their relative lack of recreational facilities and the cramped quarters began to lead to a marked drop-off in crew performance, and Starfleet considered retiring the class.

Instead, it was decided to use the Miranda design as the basis for a general purpose vessel for use within the body of the Federation. In some ships, the science labs were removed and replaced with expanded cargo bays and an upgraded weapons fit. Some ships had their 'roll bar' removed and were used more for research purposes. The Miranda class was used extensively to patrol the Klingon and Romulan borders, as well as cargo carriers and particularly as colony transport craft. In fleet actions they acted in support of the larger ships, acting as outer pickets to the fleet. Some vessels were refitted as ammunition ships, using their extra cargo space to carry photon torpedo reloads and phaser components. Others were converted to tankers, carrying supplies of Deuterium and Antimatter. A group of sixty ships was fitted with modern extra sensor pods and used in the electronic intelligence role. Their ability to look after themselves during a battle made them an excellent choice for these roles.

Today the Miranda's operate in a similar capacity, and although they are not front-line combat units in themselves they are still to be seen operating in major fleet actions in support of the modern vessels. Recently several Miranda class vessels have begun to show signs of serious stress fractures in their hulls, investigations are underway with all ships in the class, and although the results are yet to be announced it is thought that the problem is likely due to the age of the hulls. If so, the Miranda class is likely to be forced into retirement sometime over the next few years. Those that have passed these exams have been refit with more modern weapons, computer systems, shields, sensors, engine systems, and even a small holodeck in a converted cargo bay. These were active during the Dominion war. Those that survived are still in operation, but no more Mirandas will see the same upgrades.

2271: Starfleet issues a general refit design for the Miranda class. All major systems will receive a complete overhaul and resign based on technology developed over the last several years. Permission for base designs are approved. Starfleet views the design schematics and the primary design is approved and briefs for new propulsion, computer, weapons outer hull designs are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Design is approved and full specifications, based off the recent Constitution refits, are forwarded to the San Francisco Fleet Yards.

2272: USS Kane is selected to be the first ship to receive the refit. The ship is docked at the San Francisco Fleet Yards. Computer systems shut down and the ship is cleared of all removable systems and structures, including weapons, nacelles, navigational deflector, warp core, and crew quarters. Project begins with a projected 14 month turn around. New outer hull is added to the ship. Warp core arrived from Tokyo R&D and begins fitting. Upgraded computer core also arrives. New nacelles fitted.

2273: New sensor arrays, torpedo tubes, and phaser banks installed. Crew accommodations and Bridge module installed. Navigational Deflector added. Computer core tested at 70% and warp core tested at 75%. All major and aux systems are installed and readied, power systems aboard the Kane become active.

2274: Review 3 and 4 completed on all major systems. Hull painting and markings applied, followed by warp stress coating. Crew is reassigned and begins training on the new systems. USS Kane is launched and sets out for another 3-year mission.

Technical Specifications for Miranda Refit Class ships
expected duration: 120 years
time between resupply: 1 year
time between refit: 4 years
category: Explorer/Destroyer

cruising speed: Warp 6
maximum speed: Warp 9.1
emergency speed: Warp 9.5 ( For 12 hours )

officers: 65
enlisted crew: 200
marines: 14
passengers: 150

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 1
fighters: 2 Razor Class fighters
runabouts: 1 Delta Flyer

    12 type-VIII phaser banks
    2 type-U ( fixed enplacements on 'roll bar' mounts, added in 2373 )
    launchers: 4 ( 2 forward, 2 aft on the 'roll bar')
    photon: 40
    quantum: 50
    hellfire:  10
    transphaisic: 2
    tri cobalt: 4
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 63 meters
width: 150 meters
length: 243 meters
decks: 18

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Additional Information:
Currently, there are 1072 in service in 5 sub-types. 472 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.


nebula class

In the year 2343 the design for a new multi-mission starship, the Nebula class starship, was approved. Compared to the Galaxy class the Nebula has a more compact shape - the engineering hull is mounted directly to the underside of the saucer section, a measure which saves some 200 meters in length.

This enables the vessel to carry any one of a variety of special equipment pods - current models include a high capacity sensor pod, an enhanced weapons pod, a colony transport pod, an emergency field hospital unit, or a science laboratory pod. Although the basic Nebula design has approximately 80% of the capability of a Galaxy class vessel in most areas, the addition of the mission pod brings that figure up to 95% or more in that specific area. This flexibility actually allows the Nebula design to accomplish almost almost identical missions despite its smaller size.

In service the Nebula Cass has proved highly satisfactory, and in many ways these ships form the backbone of Starfleet's exploratory and scientific programs. Like the Galaxy class they have received regular upgrades to their systems, most notably a new warpcore design. With the advent of the threats from the Romulan, Dominion and Borg, Starfleet invested in sixty seven new enhanced weapon pods for the Nebula class; most of the vessels now carry this as a standard item.

As part of Starfleet's war effort many of its ships have been upgraded to increase their combat capabilities. The upgraded Nebula design has a maximum warp speed of Warp 9.9 and incorporates improvements to the weapons and targeting systems, a high level structural integrity field, and various other classified changes. All Nebulas now being produced are of the upgraded model, and all of these are launched with the enhanced weapons pod as standard. However, Nebula production is now being slowed in favor of the newer Kelvin Class Starship.

2343: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose vessel capable of deep space, combat, and diplomatic missions replace the aging Ambassador Class. The general idea is for a modular starship. Permission for base designs are approved.

2344: Starfleet views the design schematics for the new class and after deliberation, the primary design is approved and briefs propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards for designations. Production begins with a projected 11 year turnover for the prototype ship.

2345: Saucer Section separation mechanism is designed. This new design will allow the ship to separate saucer and stardrive sections in an emergency, but will not allow reconnection without the need of a major starbase.

2346: Separation systems pass Review 1, and finds shared with Galaxy team. Navigational Deflector designed. Theoretical Propulsions Dynamics Labs send a functional test core for fitting and alignment in the bare chassis. Chassis latching system passes Review 1. By the end of the year the Spaceframe is 37% completed.

2347: Mid year, computer cores arrive and are fitted to the Nebula. Propulsion dynamics labs deliver a fully functional warpcore for testing. By late June , reactors are on line and supplying primary power.

2348: Computer system are operating at 59% of maximum. System expected to become self aware late in the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Stardrive section nears completion. Bridge module attached to primary hull. Master chassis now completed for three Starships. Newly designed type-3 torpedo launchers fitted.

2350: Primary hull work complete. Habitat modules are attached and bridge unit is brought to functional status. Chassis is completed. Computer systems are uploaded and tested. Primary modules are attached and outer hull of the saucer section nears completion.

2351: Warpcore passes Review 3 and it tested to 85% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Structural latching systems onboard the USS Nebula with regards to saucer separation are tested and approved. Impulse systems pass Review 3 and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary back-up generators are shutdown and become auxiliary system control. Structural latching system for saucer separation passes Review 3.

2353: USS Nebula leaves dry dock for primary testing estimate to last two years.

2355: USS Nebula returns to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards early in year. Warp Stress Coating is applied and the ship is clear to begin deep space assessments. All primary tests have passed Review 4. Final exterior markings and paint applied. On 3, July 2355 the USS Nebula is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief Ceremony. Bridge Plaque is put in pride of place and Captain To'lak takes command of the Ship.

Technical Specifications for Nebula Class ships in Bravo Fleet
expected duration: 100 years
time between resupply: 5 years
time between refit: 10 years
category: Explorer/Battlecruiser

cruising speed: Warp 6
maximum speed: Warp 9.6
emergency speed: Warp 9.9 ( For 12 hours )

officers: 155
enlisted crew: 625
marines: 290
passengers: 130

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 2
shuttles: 18
fighters: 8
    6 Razor Class
    2 Redemption Class
runabouts: 6
    1 Blackhawk Class Runabout
    2 Danube Class Runabout
    1 Repulse Class Runabout
    1 Delta Flyer
    1 Warhammer

    8 type-X phaser arrays
    launchers: 2 ( 1 forward, 1 aft )
    photon: 300
    quantum: 350
    hellfire: 40
    transphaisic: 4
    tri cobalt: 10
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 130.43 meters
width: 315.11 meters
length: 442.23 meters
decks: 34 (42 including pod)

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Additional Information:
Currently, there are 273 in service with 8 building per year through 2390. 57 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.

U.S.S. Endeavor, NCC-71805
Served in Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships during the Klingon civil war.
U.S.S. Merrimac, NCC-61827
Transported Sarek back to Vulcan after the Legaran conference; took Wesley Crusher back to Starfleet Academy in 2368.
U.S.S. Monitor, NCC-61826
Assigned to respond to Romulan threat.
U.S.S. Phoenix, NCC-65420
Commanded by Captain Benjamin Maxwell who made unauthorized attacks on Cardassian forces in 2367.
U.S.S. Sutherland, NCC-72015
Served in Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships during the Klingon civil war under the command of Lieutenant Commander Data.


neworleans class

The New Orleans Class was introduced as a counterpart to the large Nebula and Galaxy Class starships. The intention was to produce a frigate which incorporated the technology advances being deployed on these two starships. The New Orleans would also have nearly equal speed to facilitate fleet operations.

Unfortunately, the project did not go smoothly. The New Orleans class suffered from a series of delays throughout its design and construction process. Warp coil manufacture, computer systems and hull plating hampered the New Orleans. While additional problems were experienced with the power transfer system and the Structural Integrity Field. Initially ordered in 2347, by mid 2362 the prototype was still not considered spaceworthy and the entire project was threatened with cancellation. Nevertheless, Starfleet placed a great deal of importance on the New Orleans Class and managed to overcome the opposition. The USS New Orleans made her maiden flight in 2363 and was formally commissioned in 2364. After a cautious series of tests Starfleet proceeded with series production at a moderate pace.

One unique feature of the New Orleans class is the torpedo arrangement. The ship carries a heavy armament of four torpedo tubes of the most modern type available. When this requirement was issued the design team expressed concerns that the tubes would take up far too much internal volume, necessitating a near 20% reduction in the science capacity of the ship. A reduction to one tube was requested, but Starfleet command rejected the idea. After much consideration, the design team finally decided to mount two of the torpedo tubes in 'bolt-on' modules; each module would contain the tube, loading and firing mechanism, supporting power and computer systems, and a magazine of thirty photon torpedoes. The antimatter warhead material is tapped off from the fuel supply as normal and transferred to the pod immediately prior to firing. Computer simulations indicated that the skeleton structure of the engineering was not sufficient to support a third torpedo pod, so the lower engineering hull was re-designed to include a prominent projection on the underside which provided the extra volume required to house the torpedo tube and loading system - the magazine being housed within the engineering hull proper. The forth tube is internal, mounted forward, in the 'neck' of the ship between the saucer section and engineering section, as in many classes of starships.

This ingenious concept not only allowed four torpedo tubes to be housed within the design, but also permitted a nearly 25% increase in the volume available for other applications within the hull. This has allowed most of the major systems to be upgraded; the shield grid of the New Orleans Class is one of the most powerful ever installed in a ship of this size. Her maneuverability is also quite impressive, although some vessels have experienced problems with hull stress around the connect points for the three external torpedo pods. The sensor and computer systems of the New Orleans represent a significant increase in capacity over previous designs.

When the Borg launched their invasion of the Federation in 2365 five ships of the New Orleans class were in service; three of these managed to reach Wolf 359 in time to join the fleet which engaged the Borg in that system. The ships were lost with all hands; again calls were made for these ships to be scrapped, but in fairness Wolf 359 was hardly a reasonable test and many far more powerful ships were also lost in this battle. Starfleet stepped up production of the class in order to make up the shortfall in Starfleet numbers.

With the advent of the Dominion threat Starfleet petitioned for and was granted a massive increase in their force levels. Production of the New Orleans class went into high gear. And order for twenty two units had been placed after Wolf 359 and these ships were emerging from the production lines in 2370 when the USS Odyssey was destroyed by the Dominion. A further one hundred ships were ordered shortly after this incident; improved manufacturing processes have reduced the build time for a New Orleans from five to three years, and the first of this order arrived shortly after the start of the Dominion war. The New Orleans performed fairly well during the conflict.

2347: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi-purpose vessel capable of deep space exploration and combat. The general idea is for a modular starship. Permission for base designs are approved on the New Orleans Class.

2349: Starfleet views the theoretical proposals for the New Orleans. After much deliberation, the New Orleans' primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent to Starfleet design agencies for consultation. Agencies take the Ambassador Class as a 'template' redesign of the engineering section, nacelles, nacelle pylons proceed. Slight modification of saucer section included in final design.

2352: Propulsion Dynamic are approved and sent to the Utopia Planitia for in-depth study. M/ARA designs are finalized. Spaceframe Design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to Utopia Planitia for designations. USS New Orleans Production begins with a projected 7 year turnover for the prototype ship.

2353: Redesign of the weapons systems begins. Three of the four torpedo launchers designed to be mounted in secure weapons cache on ships hull rather then internally, saving between 20% and 25% of internal volume. Design work on Warp Coils are approved. The stardrive section begins construction. Saucer section nears 45% completion.

2355: Computers are delivered for fitting work. Malfunctions found in warp coil design; Review 1 failed. Work continues on habitat sections and conference areas for USS New Orleans. Warpcore delivered ahead of schedule.

2356: Stardrive section near completion with final attachment of navigational deflector array. Bridge module and weapons cache attached to primary hull. warp coils pass Review 2.

2357: By the end of the year computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from station control to ship control.

2360: Computer system now operating at 92% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within two months. Final construction of ship complete. Antimatter regulation control is found to be within acceptable levels.

2361: Computer system is fully up. Umbilicals from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary back-up generators are shut down and become auxiliary system control. USS New Orleans leaves dry dock for primary testing.

2363: Hull stress found to be a problem, project threatened with shutdown. Problems addressed and corrected. Project given another chance. Warp stress coating is applied and USS New Orleans begins deep space assessments.

2364: USS New Orleans returns to Utopia for final exterior markings and paint. On 8 July, 2364 the USS New Orleans is officially commissioned by Starfleet at Utopia Planitia during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place. USS New Orleans is ordered to begin shakedown cruises estimate to last one year.

Technical Specifications for New Orleans class ships
expected duration: 100 years
time between resupply: 5 years
time between refit: 10 years
category: Explorer/Light Cruiser

cruising speed: Warp 6
maximum speed: Warp 9.2
emergency speed: Warp 9.4 ( For 12 hours )

officers: 50
enlisted crew: 140
marines: 74
passengers: 50

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 6
    2 Type-9 Personal Shuttles
    1 Type-10 Cargo Shuttles
    2 Type-11 Personal Shuttles
    1 Type-16 Shuttle Pods
fighters: 5
    4 Razor Class
    1 Redemption Class
runabouts: 2
    1 Repulse Class Runabout
    1 Delta Flyer

    6 type-IX phaser arrays
    launchers: 4 ( all forward )
    photon: 300
    quantum: 250
    hellfire: 30
    transphaisic: 4
    tri cobalt: 10
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 53 meters
width: 290 meters
length: 350 meters
decks: 14

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 58 in service with 4 building per year through 2378. 18 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.

U.S.S. Kyushu, NCC-65491
Destroyed by the Borg at the battle of Wolf 359.

U.S.S. Renegade, NCC-63102
Met the Enterprise-D ant Dytallix B in 2364; formerly commanded by Captain Tryla Scott.

U.S.S. Rutledge, NCC-57295
Commanded by Captain Benjamin Maxwell with tactical officer Miles O'Brien during the Cardassian war.

U.S.S. Thomas Paine, NCC-65530
Met the Enterprise-D at Dytallix-B in 2364; commanded by Captain Rixx.


U.S.S. Wellington, NCC-28473

Underwent a computer system upgrade by the Bynars at Starbase 74; Ensign Ro's assignment before the Enterprise-D.


Launched in 2151 after thirty years in development, Enterprise was the first Human-built vessel capable of reaching warp factor 5. Under the command of Captain Johnathan Archer, it conducted many exploratory missions in star systems near to Sol and made first contact with several new races including future Federation members like the Andorians. The NX class would serve the Earth Starfleet, and late in life the Federation Starfleet impressively.

Starfleet's first ship, the NX class, sometimes called the Enterprise class after the first ship of the class, the USS Enterprise, was a pioneer. The warp-5 engine that had been in development for three decades was a marvel of it's time. No longer did Earth ships have to creep along at warp 1.8, taking years to get between near by stars. The class had comfort for her crew, new weapons for defense, and a transporter system that allowed equipment and even people to 'beam' to other ships and planets without the use of shuttle pods.

The NX-class was a dream come true for Earth's Starfleet, and it allowed Humans to 'go where no man had gone before', without the Vulcans holding a leesh. The eight members of the NX-class (NX-01 USS Enterprise, NX-02 USS Shenandoah, NX-03 USS Endeavor, NX-04 USS Challenger, NX-05 USS Yorktown, NX-06 USS Meridian, NX-07 USS Intrepid, and NX-08 USS Olympia) would make first contact with many races over the years. Klingon, Andorians, Romulans, Sulibon, and others.

The ships featured shuttle pods for travel between ships and planets, a new transporter systems, phas cannons, torpedoes, plasma banks, and the first warp-5 engines in the fleet. The were able to reach and explore star systems and nebula that had only been observed by telescopes, probes, and other races like the Vulcans before. They brought Humans on the galactic stage for the first time and allowed them to make a name for themselves.

Of the original eight built, only two are known to exist today. NX-05 and NX-01 are in the Fleet museum today, (NX-01 appears as she did in her early days of serive while NX-05 appears as she did later in life, 2174). NX-08 dissapeared without a trace in 2162, and the others were decommissioned and mothballed in the mid 2170s, then scraped between 2181 and 2191.

2121: Earth's Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose vessel capable of exploration, combat, diplomatic and first contact missions. The general idea is for a modular starship. Enterprise class approved by as prototype explority cruiser. Permission for base designs are approved.

2123: Starfleet views the design schematics for the new class and after much deliberation, the primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to design agencies for consultation. Warp five capable engine design is also approved, but the technology isn't available to Humans, and Vulcans refuse to offer advicee.

2126: Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the San Francisco Fleet Yards, Warp-Five complex. Production begins for the Prototype ship, offically named USS Enterprise, NX-01.

2128: Chassis latching system passes Review 1. By the end of the year the spaceframe is 17% completed.

2131: Early in the year, computer cores arrive and are fitted to the Enterprise, now refered to as an NX class ship. By mid June, fusion reactors are on line and supplying primary power.

2134: Computer system are operating at 38% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within a year. Bridge module designed.

2136: Primary hull work complete. Theoretical Propulsions Dynamics labs sends functional test warpcore for fitting and alignment in the bare chassis.

2139: Habitat modules are attached. Chassis is completed.

2142: Computer systems are uploaded and tested. Primary modules are attached and outer hull of the saucer section nears completion. Bridge module attached to primary hull unit is brought to functional status.

2147: Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Spaceframe is 92% completed.

2149: Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Warp stress coating is applied. Final exterior markings and paint applied.

2150:  All primary tests have passed Review 4. Propulsion dynamics labs deliver a fully functional warpcore. Warpcore begins primary testing. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control.

2151: Warpcore passes Review Three and it tested to 80% peak. USS Enterprise is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief Ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Johnathan Archer takes command of the Ship. USS Enterprise begins shakedown cruise estimate to last a year.

Technical Specifications for NX Class ships
expected duration: 50 years
time between resupply: 1 year
time between Refit: 2 years
category: Exploreritory Cruiser

    2 type-I phas cannon
    4 type-IV plasma banks
    6 type-1 torpedo tubes (4 forward, 2 aft)


EM Polarized hull armor defense system

officers: 12
enlisted crew: 70
civilians: 10

cruising speed: Warp 3
maximum speed: Warp 4.5
emergency speed: Warp 5 ( 6 hours )

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttlebays: 1
shuttles: 4

height: 34 meters
width: 136 meters
length: 230 meters
decks: 7

Additional Information:
Currently, all ships have been either decommissioned or were lost between 2151-2191


oberth class

The Oberth class has a distinguished Starfleet career dating back for over a century. They were a capable platform from which to conduct scientific research and exploration. Oberth's had some crucial advantages, easy to construct, maintain, and run. The design was highly modular, the whole vessel was made up of sections of 50, 150, or 300 tons which were simply bolted together, gamma welded, and sealed. This allowed construction to take place in the smallest of facilities, even those intended to handle craft such as shuttles. The warp drive system, one of the most difficult parts of any starship to fabricate, sacrificed a large degree of speed and acceleration in return for simplicity and reliability. These factors enabled no less than eight Oberth class vessels to be built for the same resources as a single Constitution class starship. In service the Oberth's were just as easy to run as they were to build. Engineering plant was almost wholly automated, with the engineering hull was normally unmanned. The entire engineering crew consisted of two officers, one warrant officer, and four enlisted personnel, less than a tenth of the number for a Constitution.

The exploratory nature of the Oberth class mission meant that they would frequently discover new alien species, but their small size and limited crew numbers meant that they had a very limited diplomatic capability. Although they did occasionally engage in first contact procedures, it was more usual that an Oberth would make an initial assessment without revealing itself before reporting back to Starfleet and allowing larger vessels to make the actual contact.

Over the decades of their service the Oberth's have been produced in and upgraded to over twenty different variations. Early changes are limited to the sensor and laboratory resources, but the later models introduced improved crew facilities such as larger quarters and replicator systems, made possible by reduced crew numbers due to further automation. In the 2340's all units received new phaser banks and shielding systems. The Oberth class is now expected to remain in service at least until the beginning of the next century.

2263: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a Science vessel, capable of scientific missions, survey missions, and light exploration. The general idea is for a modular starship that's easy to build using little resources. The project brief for the Oberth class is handed to Starfleet and base designs are approved. Briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet design agencies for consultation.

2264: San Francisco Fleet Yards is chosen as the location of construction. Pod 6 is opened for the Oberth prototype. Propulsion dynamic are approved and sent to the Jupiter Station.

2265: Warp core arrives. Later in the year M/ARA design is standardized for the Class. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to San Francisco Fleet Yards for designations. USS Oberth production begins with a projected 3 year turnover for the prototype. The primary hull begins construction.

2266: Primary hull 20% completion. Computers are delivered for fitting work. Work continues on habitat and out hull sections for ship. Eight more ships are begun. Late year, computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from Station Control to ship control.

2267: Computer system now operating at 60% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Primary magnetic containment malfunction found and corrected. Primary hull 100% complete bridge module attached.

2268: Warp core passes Review Three and it tested to 70% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary backup generators are shut down and become auxiliary system control. Weapons systems installed. USS Oberth leaves Dry Dock for primary testing.

2269: USS Oberth returns to Avalon early in year. Warp Stress Coating is applied and the ship begins Deep Space assessments. USS Oberth returns to the San Francisco Avalon Shipyards for final exterior markings and paint. On 19, September 2269 the USS Oberth is officially commissioned by Starfleet at The San Francisco Fleet Yards during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Vulcan Captain Sor'lak takes command of the ship. USS Oberth is ordered to begin shakedown cruises estimate to last one year.

Technical Specifications for Oberth Class ships
expected duration: 50 years
time between resupply: 6 month
time between refit: 2 years
category: Science Vessel

standard cruise velocity: Warp 5.0
maximum cruise velocity: Warp 6.0
emergency velocity [18 hours]: Warp 6.5

officers: 14
enlisted crew: 40
marines: 8
non-Starfleet scientist: 10
civilians: 10
maximum capacity: 90

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 2
    1 type-9 personal shuttles
    1 type-18 shuttle pods
attack fighters: 2
    2 Razor Class fighters
runabouts: 0

    4 type-VIII phaser banks
    launchers: 1
    photon: 20
    quantum: 20
    hellfire: 10
    transphaisic: 2
    tri cobalt: 4
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 41 meters
width: 87 meters
length: 150.8 meters
decks: 12 Decks including the Engineering areas

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 2637 in service. 39 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.

U.S.S. Cochrane, NCC-59318
Transported Dr. Julian Bashir to station Deep Space 9.

U.S.S. Copernicus, NCC-623
Ship in ship dock when the alien probe caused ecological damage on Earth in 2286.

U.S.S. Grissom, NCC-638
Science vessel investigating the Genesis Planet in 2285; commanded by Captain J.T. Esteban; destroyed by a Klingon attack.

U.S.S. Grissom, NCC-59314
Ship requested to stand by for possible help with underground tricyanate contamination of planet Beta Agni II.

U.S.S. Tsiolkovsky, NCC-53911
Science vessel, crew killed by the Psi 2000 virus in 2364, ship destroyed by stellar fragment.

U.S.S. Vico, NAR-18834
Destroyed in the Black Cluster with only a single survivor; not a Starfleet ship.

U.S.S. Yosemite, NCC-19002
Damaged while conducting a study on the plasma streamer.



The Olympic class stems from a starfleet requirement issued in 2360 for a new class of medical vessel to replace the ageing McCoy class. The new ship was to improve on the McCoy in every respect; it would incorporate a complete Starbase level mobile hospital capable of catering for up to 1,250 patients, compared to the McCoys 500. The warp and impulse drives, computer systems, etc. where also to be up to the latest standards.

Starfleet chose the Olympic from several proposals in 2361, and construction began on the first of the class in the same year. The ship was launched in March of 2367, and completed its shakedown successfully in 2368. Series production began at once, and eighteen ships have now joined the fleet. The Olympic has proven very successful in service, and is highly popular with its crews. Their early careers where relatively uneventful, although the USS Olympic herself rescued several hundred survivors from the immediate aftermath of the battle against the Borg at Wolf 359. With the Dominion war the Olympics have seen a great deal of active service, and have been responsible for saving thousands of lives.

2361: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a medical vessel capable of wide range medical missions including evacuation and relief missions to replace the aging McCoy Class. The general idea is for a modular starship. The Olympic Class is approved by Starfleet as the prototype vehicle. Permission for base designs are approved.

2362: Starfleet views the Design Schematics for the class and after deliberation, the primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons, spaceframe, and advanced medical facilities parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Spaceframe Design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the San Francisco Fleet Yards for designations. The Yards open pod twelve for production of the USS Olympic. Production begins with a projected 4 year turnover for the Prototype ship.

2363: Design work on Warp Coils are approved and sectional designs are issued. Theoretical Propulsions Dynamics labs sends functional test warpcore for fitting and alignment in the bare chassis. Chassis latching system passes Review 1. By the end of the year the Spaceframe is 99% completed.

2364: Early in the second year, computer cores arrive and are fitted. By mid Febuary, reactors are on line and supplying primary power. In the latter half of the year the computer system are operating at 75% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Stardrive section nears completion with final attachment of navigational deflector array. Bridge module attached to Primary hull. Master Chassis now completed for two Olympic Class Starships. Hulling work begins on USS Olympic.

2365: Primary hull work complete. Habitat modules are attached and bridge unit is brought to functional status. Chassis is completed. Starfleet push forward to phase II and construction of a further four ships begin. Primary modules are attached and outer hull of the saucer section nears completion.

2366: Warp Core passes Review Three and it tested to 70% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Structural latching systems onboard the USS Olympic are approved. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. USS Olympic leaves Dry Dock for primary testing estimate to last four months.

2367: USS Olympic return to Dry Dock early in year. Warp Stress Coating is applied and USS Olympic begins Deep Space assessments. All primary tests have passed Review 4.

2368: USS Olympic returns to Dry Dock for final exterior markings and paint. On 5, December 2368 the USS Olympic is officially commissioned by Starfleet at The San Francisco Fleet Yards during a brief Ceremony. Bridge Plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Peter Thomas M.D. takes command of the Olympic. Ship begins shakedown cruises estimate to last a year.

Technical Specifications for Olympic Class ships
expected duration: 60 years
time between resupply: 6 years
time between refit: 5 years
category: Medical Ship

cruising speed: Warp 7
maximum speed: Warp 8
emergency speed: Warp 9

officers: 82
enlisted crew: 140
marines: 8
medical staff: 300
patients: 1250

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 2
shuttles: 6
fighters: 2 Razor Class
runabouts: 3
    2 Danube Class runabouts ( medical version )
    1 Delta Flyer

    4 type-VII phaser banks
    launchers: 2 ( 1 forward, 1 aft )
    40 photon
    50 quantum
    10 hellfire
     2 transphaisic
     0 tri cobalt
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 84.9 meters
width: 135 meters
length: 349. meters
decks: 20

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 20 in service with 2 building per year through 2380. 7 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.


In 2359 a project was begun to develop a new breed of combat based, multi-sectional ships to boost Starfleet's combat role. Later named the Prometheus class, the ship was intended to be able to separate allowing the Science, Diplomatic, and Civilian population of a ship to warp out of a combat zone while the main force of the ships weapons and shields could move to intercept the threat. Taking advantage of features like the quantum torpedo, type-XII phaser arrays, and new shielding, the Prometheus class became Starfleet's premier deep space tactical ship.

The Prometheus is the culmination of several separate research projects which have been combined into one prototype testbed. Starfleet has long recognized that, all other factors being even, vessels with high maneuverability can gain a significant combat advantage. The physics of warp drive dictate that for a given engine capacity the least massive vessel will have the greatest maneuverability - but minimizing vessel size is at odds with the large number of scientific and diplomatic functions which a Starship must be able to perform. One obvious solution to this problem was to design ships that are able to configure themselves for the mission at hand, but the non-military nature of Starfleet gave research in this area a relatively low priority. However, the Galaxy Class did incorporate some of these ideas in that the saucer section was built to be easily separated and re-attached without outside support. Without the bulk of the saucer the stardrive section was much more maneuverable, in theory giving it a significant combat advantage over a saucer-equipped Galaxy. In practice, however, this operation is somewhat unwieldy on the Galaxy class and leaves the saucer ( which does not have an independent warp drive ) extremely vulnerable to attack. In addition, the saucer section contains the Galaxy's two longest phaser arrays and can provide a significant reserve of power from its fusion reactors. The Galaxy class has therefore not used this capability very often.

In 2359 Starfleet initiated a research project intended to explore the possibility of a true multi-section vessel. The requirement called for a vessel able to separate into at least two independent sections, each with a fully functional warp drive of its own. One would be capable of launching an attack with almost the full ships weaponry, at high speed and maneuverability. The other, comprising the scientific, diplomatic and accommodation sections, would clear the area at high warp carrying the civilian complement. Much of the technology being developed for the Intrepid class project was included in this design, with the result that the theoretical model finalized in 2363 bore a close resemblance to the Intrepid herself.

In 2364 Starfleet was considering moving to a production basis with the multi-section Starship. However, during this year contact with the Romulans was re-established when the USS Enterprise-D encountered a Warbird at the Neutral Zone. Since the Warbird appeared to outgun the Enterprise - then Starfleets most powerful ship - by a small considerable margin. Starfleet was confronted with what appeared to be a powerful and aggressive enemy. As part of their response Starfleet requested a complete re-design of the multi-section starship. The new requirement called for an almost totally re-designed vessel; the ship would be in three sections, each of which would have an independent warp core and drive system. The scientific and diplomatic sections were removed in favor of increased armament and power for the weapons.

During the development Starfleet also encountered both the Borg and the Dominion, both hostile and powerful enemies. This led to an ever-accelerating effort to turn the new ship into a pure combat vessel; much technology from other projects was put into what was now dubbed the "multi-vector assault Starship". In place of the type-VIII phaser arrays that the original ship had shared with the Intrepid class, the type-XII phaser arrays from the Galaxy Dreadnought project were included. The shield system was massively upgraded and, in light of the subsequent Borg attack, closely based on the auto-modulating shields of the Sovereign and Galaxy Dreadnought. The advanced warp engine design included many elements of the Sovereign class, while the ablative armor, high capacity structural integrity fields and quantum torpedo tubes developed for the Defiant project were also included.

This technology combined to make the new starship one of the most most massively armed and armored vessels of its size ever contemplated, let alone built. The small size combined with incredible speed and maneuverability when in multi-vector assault mode; when the prototype USS Prometheus was launched in late 2373 she was thought to have a combat capacity an amazing nine times that of the equally-sized Intrepid class, while her Type XII Phasers made her a formidable foe for any vessel in the alpha quadrant.

The performance of the Prometheus during this accidental live-fire trial exceeded all expectations for the ship. With Starfleet loosing ground against the Dominion, the Class was moved into production. Three semi-completed ships finished outfitting and were commissioned in late 2374. The four Prometheus class ships arrived in too limited numbers and too late to make an impact on the war. Full series production began in early 2375.

2359: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a Defense vessel capable of Combat, high speed, and able to separate to allow non-combatants to vacate the combat zone. The general idea is for a modular starship based around the most up-to-date design ideals and weaponry, mostly from the Intrepid project. One project brief is handed to Starfleet for the 'Multi-Vector Assault' ship. The design is approved.

2363: Theoretical proposals closely resemble the Intrepid class. Defense parameters are approved and the class is made into a working computer model. Primary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, spaceframe, and separation parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Weapon and Shield designs taken from Intrepid project. Propulsion, computer, spaceframe, and separation designs updated with new technology advancements.

2364: Design work resumes after Romulan encounter of that year. Since the new Romulan ships appeared to out gun current Starfleet ships, even in the new Galaxy Class, redesign work leans more toward combat then over all exploration. New M/ARA design is standardized for the class. Spaceframe Design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the Antaries Fleet Yards for designations. The new requirement called for an almost totally re-designed vessel; the ship would be in three sections, each of which would have an independent warp core and drive system. The scientific and diplomatic sections were removed in favor of increased armament and power for the weapons. Design on separation mechanisms arrive from the the Vulcan Construction agency Galaxy Class Weaponry viewed to be ineffective against. New weapon design, quantum torpedoes, used for Defiant Class integrated into the class.

2365: Production begins on the Prototype ship with a projected 6 year turnover. Section #1 nears 30% chassis completion as sections #2 and #3 near 28%. Computer cores are delivered for fitting work.

2366: Work continues on habitat and outer hull. Type-XII phaser arrays from the Galaxy Dreadnought project integrated. Sections #1-#3 near 100% completion. Computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from Station Control to ship control.

2367: Sections #1-#3 complete and connected. Computer system now operating at 45% of maximum. System expected to become self aware early next year. Warpcores begins primary testing. Auto-synchronization systems borrowed from the Carrier Class installed, all three warp cores synchronized. Ablative Armor designed for the Defiant Class integrated. Bridge module attached to Primary hull.

2369: Ship undergoes inspections as reviews. The class is moved forward. Warp Cores passes Review Three and is tested to 95% peak. Umbilical from the station are cut as the ship becomes self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. The ship leaves Dry Dock for primary testing which lasts 6 months.

2371: Ship and project now named Prometheus. USS Prometheus returns to Antaries late in year and Warp Stress Coating is applied as is final exterior markings and paint. Ship undergoes additional review for the 'Multi-Vector Assault Mode'

2373: USS Prometheus begins deep space assessments. During test, the ship is captured by rogue Romulans, but recovered by ships of the 4th Fleet, Bravo Fleet. USS Prometheus returns to the Antaries. On 3, May  2373 the USS Prometheus is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief Ceremony. Bridge Plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Shay Given takes command of the ship. USS Prometheus is ordered to the Dominion lines.

Technical Specifications for Prometheus Class ships
expected duration: 80 years
time between resupply: 5 years
time between refit: 10 years
category: Explorer/Attack Cruiser
*Able to split into 3 warp cabable sections, Multi-Vector Assult Mode*

cruising speed: Warp 6.4
maximum speed: Warp 9.91
emergency speed: Warp 9.97 ( For 18 hours )

officers: 50
enlisted crew: 120
marines: 146
passengers: 40

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 4
fighters: 5
       4 Razor Class
       1 Redemption Class
runabouts: 1 Repulse Class Runabout, 1 Delta Flyer, 1 Warhammer

    14 type-XII phaser arrays ( separated )
    launchers: 3
        1 forward lower Engineering hull
        1 aft lower Engineering hull
        1 forward upper Saucer
    hellfire: 40
    photon: 250
    quantum: 200
    transphaisic: 6
    tri cobalt: 20
    Ablative armor
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 50 meters
width: 130 meters
length: 365 meters
decks: 14

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 8 in service with 6 building per year through 2406. 2 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.


The Raptor Class of starship was born out of the 'failings' of the Defiant Class starship. Starfleet, feeling the pressures of the Borg and the new threat of the Dominion, decided that they needed to increase the number of Starships quickly. Building large Galaxy and Nebula Classes would take much more time then smaller, powerful escorts, like the Defiant Class, which now numbered 8 active ships.

In 2368, after the USS Defiant had started making her mark as one of the best Starships in the fleet, Starfleet command called for yet another class or small vessel, capable of fast, heavy strikes. As production continued on the Defiants, new technologies were found to cure some of it's weaknesses. These, along with other information learned in the field, were reviewed by the new Avalon Shipyards Starship Design Team.

There, the Federation's top designers, ASDB engineers, as well as a team from the Klingon Empire met to work up plans for a new class of Escort ship. They used a lot of the existing plans from the Defiant class, added in the new technology, and thus was born the Raptor class starship.

Testing began in simulators as the Raptor's keel was laid in early 2368. The simulator tests went better then anyone had ever thought possible. The ship handled like a dream. She featured the same weaponry, and engines as the Defiant class, and even used the same Bridge module. The USS Raptor was commissioned in November 2369 at Docking Bay 2, of Avalon Shipyards.

Two months after the Raptor's commissioning, she left Avalon to start a three day cruise, testing her systems in the real world. This first flight went well, until the second day when the ship's fuision reactors over heated and shut down. The Raptor, nearly powerless, was towed back to Avalon where new reactors, and cooling systems were added. This upgrade was included in the other Raptors being built. The next three flights went well. Avalon began taking the Raptor class a step farther, and with several upgrades and redesigns, introduced the plans for a new class, the Sunfire Cass.

In early July, 2371, the Raptor was on the edge of the Raeyan system, testing an upgrade to her warp core when she suffered a core breach, killing everyone on board and destorying the ship. The next morning, the USS Lexington-C was commissioned and cleared to pick up where the Raptor left off. Under the command of Captain Paul MacLeod, the Lexington showed just what a Raptor class ship could do.

After the Borg incursion of Sector 001 in late 2373, the Lexington was sent to join Starfleet's Special Operations fleet, Bravo Fleet. The ship was assigned to Starbase Bravo where she preformed beyond expectations. Under the Command of Captain Mike Hammond, the ship joined the Federation fleet sent to reclaim Deep Space 9, and even lead the fleet's attack fighters.

The Lexington's next test would prove to be far greater, the Krazzle. A Cat-like, warrior race, the Krazzle are sitting on the Federation's back door, with Bravo Fleet, specifically, Starbase Bravo sitting in their way. In 2374, the Krazzle made their presence known. One of the first ships sent in to counter attack was the Lexington. In the words of Captain Hammond, 'The Raptor class as proven to be a real pain in the ass for the Krazzle.'

The Raptor Class of Starship was a hurried project, just like the Defiant class had been, however, this time there were no divisions in the Advance Starship Design Bureau. The project at first officially labeled as the Viper project, later changing to the Raptor project was briefed as a warship and four submitted designs were considered.

The submitted brief from Avalon was for a small, fighter like starship very similar to the new Defiant Class ship. The overall design was crude, like the Defiant, however powerful and extremely functional at the same time. The warpcore and IPS systems were those from a ship five times its size, the weapons systems were cutting edge and it also was to feature the new Ablative Armour, a relatively new concept for protecting vital areas on a ship. In a nutshell, the Raptor would be capable of disabling and destroying any known starship that the Romulan's, Klingon's, Breen - in fact anyone who dare to take it on could throw at them, including the Dominion and Krazzle. It was also to be capable of withstanding multiple direct weapons hits on its shielding system. After the shields had collapsed the Ablative Armour would be capable of withstanding hours of abuse. But the ultimate key was the capability of the ships 'dog fighting' techniques.
Another key point with the Raptor class was the ship itself, being small did not need the vast keel structure to hold it in place therefore they were built quickly. Four ships were started on originally at the new Avalon Shipyards. Although the first, the Raptor, was destroyed, the prototype vessel was designed for testing only.

Being such a relevant newcomer to the Fleet the Raptor Class is currently low in numbers, with only eight commissioned vessels in the fleet. After the Prototype, the USS Raptor was lost, the Lexington has been involved in numerous high ranking incidents within the Federation including retaking DS9, several Dominion Skirmishes before the most recent war, and most recently against the Krazzle in sector 349.

Starfleet has found the USS Lexington to be far better than originally though possible by the Design Team. This is due to of work needed to 'tune' the Lexington and her sisters. Not to mention, the knowledge learned from her close cousin the Defiant class.

2368: Starfleet issues a brief for a long range, manoeuvrable warship to complament the Defiant class as the Dominion threat rises. Design plans commence at the Avalon Shipyards.

2369: Six Design plans are submitted, the Viper and Raptor projects are approved. Primary design work begins on the Raptor class and the primary hull construction begins. By late in the year design work on the Viper class is halted and that project is closed. Work on the Raptor contenues as weapons consultants are brought in from the Klingon Empire. Avalon desides to work off of the Defiant class blueprints.Type II MARA core as primary power source arrives as does 2 1/2 finished Defiant class frames. Nacelles under go redesign. Weapons systems work begins on a new Type-U+ Phaser/Disruptor emitter.


February: Basic chassis modifiactions and retrofitting on the Raptor and Lexington complete. Central computer core is Gamma Welded into place on both ships. Lexington put on hold till Raptor is closer to completion. Type-U+ emitters finished and fitted. Quantom torpedo launchers arrive and fitted. Klingon Cloaking device also arrives.

March: Ablative Armour arrives from the Antaries Ship Yard. Outer hull is nearing completion except for the engine bay.

October: Outer hull fully sealed and internal fitting begins. Warp coils arrive and are welded into place. A modified Sub computer core from the Galaxy Class project found to suitable for use as a main computer. Unit is installed and technical modifications begin

    January: Bridge module is attached. Crew quarter are fitted. Computer becomes self aware.
    March: Preliminary testing of all systems complete.
    June: Ship completes its first warp jump. Problems are discovered with the new warp Nacelles Problems are rectified as best possible. Testing of basic systems continues. Lexington construction restarted.
    Septerber: After full power weapons testing the ship is deemed 'Execllent' by Starfleet inspectors and the ship is ordered to return to Avalon for applacation of Warp stress coating and markings.
    November: USS Lexington nears completion. The USS Raptor destoryed during Warp flight weapons test firing. Raptor Project is almost closed by Starfleet.

2372: The Lexington is completed and tests start. Within a month redesigning and retrofitting work has cured the major problems with the weapons systems, and the Raptor class, is approved for production, four ships are planned. USS Lexington is commissioned at Avalon Shipyards, the ship shortly after being immediately assigned to station Starbase Bravo.

2373: Starfleet reviews the modification field work carried out on the Lexington and deem that although the class has some flaws still, it is a very capable ship and with the new technical design information gathered by the SBB team on the ship decides to place the class in Active production as the Dominion War begins. 55 ships are planned to be build.

On a side note, the USS Lexington first saw combat during the Sector 001 incident in 2374 against the Borg. The ship suffered heavy damage, but dished out her fair share of punishment. Most of her damage was caused by the blast from Cube's distruction. After 4-1/2 months of repairs and refit, the Lexington was returned to service and sent to Station Starbase Bravo.

Technical Specifications for Raptor class ships

expected duration: 60 years
time between resupply: 5 years
time between refit: 10 years
category: Escort/Scout

cruising speed: Warp 6.3
maximum speed: Warp 9.2
emergency speed: Warp 9.9 ( For 34 minutes )

officers: 8
enlisted crew: 32
marines: 8
capacity: 75

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 2 type-18 shuttlepods
fighters: 2 Razor Class
runabouts: 0

    4 type-U phaser arrays ( nacelle pylons )
    2 type-XV multifire phaser array ( arround bridge, above main deflector )
    launchers: 4 ( 2 forward, 2 aft )
    hellfire: 30
    photon: 30
    quantum: 70
    transphaisic: 4
    tri cobalt: 10
    Ablative Armor
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 20 meters
width: 100 meters
length: 117 meters
decks: 4

Additional Images:
Click Here

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 37 in service with 8 building per year through 2404. 23 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.



The Saber Class of starship was born out of the need for a scout ship, as well as to counter smaller ships of other powers, such as the Cardassian warship known as the Hediki. These ships were small, maneuverable and well armed. The Federation projected that if war with the Cardassians occurred, they would suffer heavy ship losses and massive causalities due to the large numbers of these ships the Cardassians had.

One thing was obvious at that point though. The Federation needed to go back to basics with their starship designs. By 2340, the launch of the massive Galaxy, Cheyenne, and Nebula Classes were well over ten years away, Starfleet was becoming desperate for a new long range, heavily armed scout ship. This posed some interesting problems for the design teams. All previous Scout ships had been small and Fast, but never well armed. Work was already underway on the Peregrine Class Courier/Raider, however it was a small modular ship which either had firepower or speed. The designers faced an interesting premise.

The basic mission brief for what became the Saber Class was well documented. This class had to be small, under 200 meters in length. Armaments were to heavy, at minimum two aft and two forward torpedo tubes with multiple phaser banks. The design had to be sleek and fast - at minimum a sustainable warp factor of 9.8. To top everything off it shield capacity had to be nearly double that of the Excelsior.

The reaction for Federation Design agencies was a complete negative. The Vulcan Design agency stated 'to sustain such a high warp factor while keeping the shields running at such a high level of performance would be an illogical premise' Even the famed San Francisco Fleet Yard design team returned the project with the statement 'a ship with this brief would be theoretically impossible with current technologies'.

Out of a total of 209 Federation design teams, only five briefs were returned. After review by the ASDB the Class was closed due to unfeasibility.

However two months later the ASDB received an unprecedented design from one of the five design agencies who had been rejected. Advanced Idea's Designs, based on the island of Ibiza on Earth had forwarded a completely modified version of the original design they had submitted. All major concerns had been addressed and improvements on the original design had been made. After much consideration the Design Brief was sent to Starfleet Command and was deemed as unsuitable by the ASDB. In an unusual move though Starfleet Disagreed. Admiral T'Kal spent much time considering the design and thanks to his previous experiences he saw the uncanny logic of the ships design. The Brief was returned to the ASDB with an approvement letter and although the ASDB did not like it, they were forced to push the design forward.

From that point began what has been called 'one of the weirdest projects in Starfleet's history'. The Advanced Idea's Design team relocated to the old San Francisco construction facility and work began. A two hundred strong team of engineers were assigned to the project and work began. After nearly 3 years the basic ship was finished. All components were laid in place. At this point the ASDB had reprimanded the Design team fifteen times for breach of procedures and had even closed the project down for a month. The major problem was most of the design work was done 'on the fly' without the correct developmental work being tested. With the ship in basic configuration and ready to test the ASDB finally put their foot down after inspecting the work completed. The ship was deemed not spaceworthy much the upset of the design team. On the Sunday after this occasion the majority of the Engineering team were ordered to return to Utopia Planitia for Reassignment, however a small group had different ideas.

The Chief designer and four of his team along with a twenty strong team of engineers stole the ship from space dock and then Kidnapped Admiral T'Kal, transporting him onto the main bridge of the ship. This incident became known as the Saber proxy. It had all been planned down to the letter. Starfleet intelligence had received an anonymous tip that someone was about to steal a starship and after the master of the San Francisco Yard (who was in on all of this) reported that the Saber had been stolen from spacedock Starfleet mobilized three Excelsior Class ship to intercept and recapture the Saber. By the time the Saber had reached Saturn the Excelsior Class Crazy Horse, Sawyer, and Quasar were in tight pursuit. Numerous shots across the bow did not get any attention and several heavy poundings on the aft shields did not cause any damage at all. As the Saber reached the edge of the Terran system it jumped to warp. The Excelsior's pursued. It soon became apparent though, that the Saber was more than capable of out running the Excelsiors. In a last ditched effort the Sawyer fired two photon torpedo's after the Saber without inflicting any damage.

The point had been proven. Melvin Duke, the head designer received four month for grand theft and kidnapping, although the latter charge was dropped at the behest of Admiral T'Kal. The ASDB used this as an excuse to completely close the project however the facts were well too strong and Admiral T'Kal himself vetoed the move by the ASDB and official endorsed the project.

Within two years the USS Saber was officially commissioned and with a turnover rate of less than three years many more of this class were to follow. The Saber Class of starship is a highly successful class which is easy to build thanks to its small size. With a projected turnover of three years it is one of the simplest designs in the fleet. Thirty vessels were originally ordered by Starfleet and at this current moment there are 314 Saber Class starships in active Federation Service.

2339: Starfleet Issues mission brief for a new class of starship. Major points of this new class were a small size, heavily armed, capable of Warp 9.8 and to have high powered defensive systems. ASDB reject all proposals returned.

2340: Starfleet Command and the ASDB review material put forward by the Advance Idea Designs Team. Starfleet decide to proceed with the proposed Saber Class of Starship, going against the ASDB's recommendations. Work commences at the San Francisco Fleet Yard.

2341: Work on the basic chassis components nears completion. The Propulsion Dynamics Laboratory at Jupiter Station finalize the dual warp core configuration and material testing begins. Late in the year a mock up warp core arrives for test fitting on the USS Saber. Delivery of the main Database FTL core is promised early in the next year. ASDB review work on the project closely.

2342: Saber Class team being fitting the modified M/ARA engines to the Ship. The ASDB fails the engines under review 1. Against rules and regulations the engines are tested to 20%. No problems are found in the set up, however the ASDB move in and temporarily close the project for one month pending an investigation. An official reprimand is issued to the Saber Class development team for the breach of procedure. Computer systems are fully installed and by August, ship becomes self aware. Outer hull nears completion by September and bridge module is attached. In October Warp engines are tested to 90%, against the ASDB's wishes and procedures. ASDB move in and officially close the project. With the ship operating at 75% a small team steals the ship. The move although completely illegal, catches Starfleet's attention and Starfleet vetoes the ASDB's move. Work on the class continues

2343: USS Saber receives outer hull coating in March and allowed to leave the Yard for testing. After two months testing the ship returns with a less than perfect report. Problems with computer integration and synchrony of the warpcores are amongst the problems found with the ship. After another month in space dock all problems are addressed and the test crew return for a second evaluation. After another two months in space the test crew return to the San Francisco Yard with a bare pass report for the ship. Problems still exist on board the USS Saber, however it's mission specific review is approved. In December 2343 the USS Saber is commissioned by Starfleet in a ceremony at the San Francisco Fleetyard. Starfleet order a total of 30 Saber class ships to be produced and order the USS Saber to begin a full two year shakedown cruise in an effort to find solutions to the problems the class faced.

Starfleet's review of the class met with massive approval and a fifteen year building plan for a fleet of nearly 400 ships is put into motion.

Technical Specifications for Saber Class ships

expected duration: 80 years
time between resupply: 2 years
time between refit: 10 years
category: Scout/Escort/Light Explorer

cruising speed: Warp 5
maximum speed: Warp 9.2
emergency speed: Warp 9.85 ( 12 hours )

officers: 8
enlisted crew: 32
marines: 8
capacity: 200

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 1
    1 type-18 shuttlepod
fighters: 2
    Razor Class
runabouts: 0

    1 type-X phaser array
    4 type-VIII phaser arrays
    launchers: 4 ( 2 forward, 2 aft )
    hellfire: 10
    quantum: 30
    photon: 40
    transphaisic: 2
    tri cobalt: 4
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal
    Ablative Armor

height: 52.48 meters
width: 250.2 meters
length: 364.77  meters
decks: 12

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Additional Information:
Currently, there are 354 in service with 6 building per year through 2384. 173 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.


U.S.S. Aries, NCC-45167

Riker turned down a chance to command this ship in 2365; ship from which Emilita Mendez stole Shuttlepod Cousteau to return to planet Tarchannen III.
U.S.S. Hornet, NCC-10523

Served as part of Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships during the Klingon civil war.


U.S.S. Akagi, NCC-62158
Served as part of Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships during the Klingon civil war.

U.S.S. Tolstoy, NCC-62095
Destroyed by the Borg at the battle of Wolf 359.


sovereign class

In 2372 the Sovereign Class of ship entered service. The ship was to complement. The ship would feature a brand new torpedo turret as it's primary weapon and the type-XII phaser arrays.

With the destruction of the Borg cube in 2366, Starfleet stepped up several new ship designs to combat the new threat. One of the designs to benefit was that of the Sovereign. The Sovereign design developed and evolved rapidly. New weapons, shields, computers, and other systems continued to develop rapidly. The design was modified constantly to incorporate all the new technology. As a result the prototype emerged from the dry dock  as Starfleet's most sophisticated and comprehensively armed vessel. The vessel is equipped with a new variant of the Type XII phaser array, formerly known as the 'Type X+' for security reasons, which equips the Federation's most powerful Starbases, deep space facilities, and the afore mentioned Galaxy Class Dreadnought. The type twelve has a raw beam power output some 60% more powerful than the Type ten arrays installed on the Standard Galaxy class. In addition the type twelve has a shorter recharge time and can fire a longer sustained burst, giving each bank a combat effectiveness 79.4% greater than a type ten array. Since the Sovereign has an overall 84.6% increase in phaser capability over the Galaxy Class.

The torpedo armament is similarly impressive. The large quantum torpedo turret forward of the deflector dish is capable of firing five rounds per second, a greater overall rate of fire than the two main ten round burst torpedo tubes of the Standard Galaxy class combined. Backup to the quantum torpedoes is provided by five photon tubes; these are located at the base of the engineering section in pairs which face forward and aft, and above the aft hangar bay. Each is capable of firing twelve round bursts. This gives the Sovereign class the most powerful torpedo armament of any vessel in Starfleet service.

The shield system of the Sovereign class is similarly the most powerful of any Starfleet ship; the design was modified just prior to installation in order to increase effectiveness against both high energy tractor beams and phased polaron particles, measures clearly aimed at the Borg and Dominion respectively. Under normal operation the shield modulation frequencies are under the control of the ships computer system, which continually evaluates incoming weapons fire and automatically re-modulates the shields to give the most effective possible defense. It is thought that this system will also enable the shield system to prevent beam-through by Borg transporter technology.

The warp engines of the Sovereign are of a new design which eliminates subspace distortion effects inherent to standard warp drives, a feature now becoming common on most Starfleet ships. The Sovereign class is currently the fastest vessel in Starfleet, with a maximum cruise speed of Warp 9.8 and a top speed of Warp 9.93 for up to twelve hours. The very high cruise speed is intended to allow the ship to deploy as rapidly as possible to potential trouble spots. Her Impulse drive system is the most sophisticated model in production, giving the Sovereign class a maneuverability equal to that of a vessel one quarter its size.

The Sovereigns baptism of fire came in 2373 when a Borg vessel again attacked the Federation. The USS Enterprise was able to assist in the distruction of the Borg cube.

2365: Design work begins after Borg encounters. New M/ARA design is standardized for the Sovereign Class. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to Utopia Planitia for designations. USS Sovereign production begins with a projected 6 year turnover for the prototype ship. Design on saucer separation mechanisms arrive from the the Vulcan Construction Agency. Torpedo turret designed. Saucer section nears 30% chassis completion.

2367: The Stardrive section nears chassis completion. Primary and secondary chassis's now at 100% completion. Computers are delivered for fitting work.

2368: Work continues on habitat and outer hull sections for USS Sovereign. Mid year computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from station control to ship control.

2369: Computer system now operating at 60% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warpcore begins primary testing. Ablative Armor designed for the Defiant Class integrated to Sovereign Class. Five more Sovereign Class ships near chassis completion and an additional eight begin work. Antimatter regulation control is found to be outside acceptable levels. Stardrive section near completion with final attachment of navigational deflector array. Bridge module attached to Primary hull.

2370: Type-XII phaser arrays installed, replacing the Type-X arrays. Warp Core passes Review Three and is tested to 95% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. USS Sovereign leaves dry dock for primary testing.

2371: USS Sovereign returns to Utopia Planitia late in year and warp stress coating is applied. USS Sovereign begins deep space assessments. USS Sovereign returns to the Utopia for final exterior markings and paint. On 1, August 2371 the USS Sovereign is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Commander AJ Frost takes command of the Sovereign. USS Sovereign is ordered to begin shakedown cruises estimate to last two years.

Technical Specifications for Sovereign Class ships

expected duration: 120 years
time between resupply: 15 years
time between refit: 20 years
category: Explorer/Battleship

cruising speed: Warp 7
maximum speed: Warp 9.8
emergency speed: Warp 9.93 ( 12 hours )

officers: 175
enlisted crew: 525
marines: 290
capacity: 1000

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 3
shuttles: 14
    2 type-8 personal shuttles
    2 type-9 personal shuttles
    4 type-10 cargo shuttles
    4 type-11 personal shuttles
    2 type-18 shuttle pods
fighters: 8
    6 Razor Class
    2 Redemption Class
runabouts: 4
    1 Blackhawk Class
    1 Delta Flyer
    1 Repulse Class
    1 Warhammer

    12 type-XII phaser arrays
    launchers: 5 ( 1 turret forward,  2 launchers forward lower engineering hull, 2 launchers aft )
    hellfire: 40
    quantum: 300
    photon: 400
    transphaisic: 6
    tri cobalt: 20
    Ablative Armor
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 120 meters
width: 275 meters
length: 685.2 meters
decks: 24

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 24 in service with 6 building per year through 2424. 2 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.

U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701E
Sixth Federation starship to bear that name; joined the fight against the Borg at Earth; commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard


During the late 2360's Starfleet became increasingly worried about the average age of the ships in the fleet. Although vessels such as the Miranda and Excelsior class were performing adequately as mid sized cruisers and destroyers, these designs dated back between over 70 years and were lagging behind the latest technology despite frequent refits. Rapid expansion of the Federation was also putting a great strain on both the exploratory and defense capacities of Starfleet, and although the Nebula class was under development Starfleet was predicting that it would be unable to meet all of its commitments by 2375.

The Steamrunner design was fielded in the early 2370s along with the Saber as part of a major fleet wide program of modernization and a reaction to the new Borg threat. Essentially the Steamrunner's serve a similar function as the modern day Intrepid Class - a smaller, faster counterpart which would be deployed in large numbers to augment the more capable designs.

2372: Starfleet Issues Mission Brief for a new class of Starship. Major points of this new class were; midsized, well armed, capable of Warp 9.2 and to have high powered defensive systems. ASDB approves Steamrunner Class.

2373: Work commences at Antaries Fleet Yard. Chassis work begins

2374: Work on the basic chassis components nears completion. The Propulsion Dynamics Laboratory at Jupiter Station finalize the warp core and material testing begins.

2375: Team beings fitting the modified M/ARA engines to the Ship. The ASDB passes the engines under Review 1. Computer systems are fully installed and by May, ship becomes self-sustaining. Outer hull nears completion by June and bridge module is attached. In September warp engines are tested to 90%.

2376: USS Steamrunner receives outer hull coating in May and allowed to leave the yard for testing. After three months testing the ship returns with a better than expected report. Monor problems with computer integration are the only problems found with the ship. After another month in space dock all problems are addressed and the test crew return for a second evaluation. After another three months in space the test crew return to the Antaries Yard with a perfect report for the ship. In December 2342 the USS Steamrunner is commissioned by Starfleet in a ceremony at the Antaries Fleetyard.

Technical Specifications for Steamrunner Class ships

expected duration: 50 years
time between resupply: 2 years
time between refit: 5 years
category: Explorer/Light Cruiser

cruising speed: Warp 6
maximum speed: Warp 8
emergency speed: Warp 9.5 ( 12 hours )

officers: 45
enlisted crew: 140
marines: 74
capacity: 45

Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 1
shuttles: 6
fighters: 5
     4 Razor Class
     1 Redemption Class
runabouts: 0

    6 type-VIII phaser banks
    1 type-X phaser array
    launchers: 4 ( 3 forward, 1 aft )
    hellfire: 30
    quantum: 200
    photon: 150
    transphaisic: 4
    tri cobalt: 10
    Klingon cloaking device: hull conformal

height: 40.2 meters
width: 160.2 meters
length: 244.4 meters
decks: 9

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 337 in service with 4 building per year through 2400. 127 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.


soyuz class

U.S.S. Bozeman, NCC-1941

Trapped for 80 years in a temporal causality loop near Typhon Expanse; commanded by Captain Bateson.


U.S.S. Chekov, NCC-53702
Destroyed by the Borg at the battle of Wolf 359.


surak class

U.S.S. Zapata, NCC-33184

Scheduled to rendezvous with Enterprise-D at Xanthras III.


sydney class

U.S.S. Jenolan, NCC-2010

Transport ship carrying passenger Captain Montgomery Scott; crashed on a Dyson Sphere in 2294.


U.S.S. Drake, NCC-20381

Destroyed at planet Minos in 2364, formerly commanded by Paul Rice.


U.S.S. Denver, NCC-54927

Transport ship struck by an abandoned Cardassian mine.


The Starfleet Runabout is a development of the warp capable shuttle craft which have been in use since the earliest days of the Federation. The first requirement for the Runabout, issued in 2342, called for a vessel based on the Type 5 cargo shuttle but capable of short and medium range interstellar operations carrying out limited spatial and planetary surveys. The fuselage was lengthened from 10.5 to 14.8 metres, allowing a much larger antimatter fuel cell to be installed to increase the vessels endurance from 36 hours to fifteen days at Warp 2.2. The two person emergency transporter was replaced by a one person fully functional model, and the rear of the cargo bay was fitted with four bunks. The remaining cargo space was used to expand the front cabin and install extra electronics systems.

The Type 5A Runabout proved reasonably successful in service, though the small cabin size limited its operations somewhat. Starfleet has gradually enlarged and improved the Runabout concept over the next twenty years or so, culminating in the Danube class Runabout first fielded in 2367. This is a much larger, more capable craft than previous designs. It features a large front cabin for the pilot and co-pilot / navigator plus up to three mission specialists. A two person transporter is at the rear of the cabin, with a small cargo area and engineering spaces behind this. A short passageway to one side connects the front cabin to the cargo bay and rear area. This incorporates six bunks, each of which can be closed off behind a privacy screen. The rear cabin is thirty feet long and fifteen feet wide; it can be fitted out according to the mission type with scientific instruments, extra weapons, a first aid station, evacuation support system, or other such equipment. Below the main spaces are the warp core and power transfer conduits, impulse drive system and fuel tanks. The nacelle supports contain two small escape pods, a group of emergency communications beacons and various other equipment.

2342: Starfleet issues a brief for a long range shuttle. General brief is as follows. A larger version of the type 5 shuttle capable of holding 20 crew in emergency situations. Capable of a maximum of warp 5 and fitted with light armsand shielding. Interchangable science / weapons modules. To be able to be moved by larger starships to their desitnations. Design team begins work with computer modles.

2364: Data gathered from computer testing. ASDB release a general idea to Starfleet initially coded the Danube Class. Project is approved.

2365: Design work completed and prototype begins construction

2366:    March: Basic space frame is layed out according to the design. Mini computer core is developed at the labs on Jupiter.
    Mirco Cochrane engine is also developed from the Type 5 shuttle craft engine.
    June: Warp engine is fitted, computer core is deemed operational and baisc testing on the ship begins..
    November: Ship passes all regualtory control and proceeds with testing.

2367:    January: Ship is proved to be operational and Starfleet examines the performance. The Runabout, as nick named by the design team is officially commission as USS Danube and Starfleet places an order to 1045 ships to be distributed within the Federation.

Technical Specifications for Danube class runabouts

classification: Runabout
decks: 1

Duranium with added Ablative Armor Matrox.
length: 23.1 meters
width: 12.7 meters
height: 5.4 meters

Warp Systems:
power: Matter/Antimatter Reactor (dilithium mediated)
nacelles: 2
cruising speed: Warp 4
maximum speed: Warp 5.4

Impulse Systems:
power: Fusion
engines: 2

Tactical Systems:
micro quantom torpedos: Type: Mk II Quantum, variable yeild
location: forward (1) aft (0)
casings: 12
main phasers: 2 Type-VII phaser banks.
shields: Grid-progected (TDS)/Distance-projected, double-layered

Crew and Auxiliary Systems:
crew: 2 (maximum 12)
transporters: 1?4 personnel/cargo

Additional Information:
Currently there are 738 in service with 6 building per year through 2379. 48 were lost during the Dominion War.


Designed and built by the USS Voyagers crew, the Delta Flyer is intended to be a multi-purpose vessel along the lines of a Runabout. The craft incorporates many systems unique to a Starfleet design, a result of the Borg and other technology Voyager has experienced on its journey home. The hull of the Delta Flyer is highly aerodynamic, and is composed of tetraburnium alloys with parametallic plating. The layout is fairly conventional, a large cabin occupies the front portion, with the engineering section aft feeding nacelles to port and starboard. The EPS conduits in the plasma manifold are isomagnetic, minimizing power losses and increasing engine efficiency. There is a small cargo bay and transporter system installed in the flyer, along with the various systems usually associated with a vessel of this type. The area where the Delta Flyer differs most from other Starfleet designs is in the defence systems. The unimatrix shielding was developed by Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, while the weapons array developed by Seven of Nine is based on Borg technology and includes photonic missiles. While most of the Delta Flyers control systems are conventional, the helm controls are based on those of early to mid 20th century aircraft, a choice made by Lieutenant Paris for aesthetic reasons. On the Flyer's first mission it successfully rescued an advanced probe from deep within a gas giants atmosphere, and was subsequently a valuable asset for Voyager. However, the Flyer underwent its share of mishaps, in 2375 the vessel crash-landed on a hostile planet after encountering a severe ion storm, and in 2376 the Flyer was briefly inside a subspace ellipse. The ship was badly damaged again when a dark matter life form attacked it, but was able to escape without any fatalities. Unfortunately, 2376 proved to be the original Flyer's final year in service. Towards the end of the year Captain Janeway led a mission to infiltrate a Borg cube using the flyer, and it was detected and destroyed by the Queen. A replacement was subsequently constructed. After learning and studying the Flyer's specs, sent to Starfleet via Datastream transmission and later when Voyager returned to Earth, Starfleet decided to put the class in limited production. Starfleet's 4th Fleet will test the craft on a large scale for the next few years. The first of the production flyers was assigned to the USS Pegasus and named USS Apollo.

    September: Tom Paris, in his free time, begins to design a new craft for USS Voyager. This craft will be a runabout. It's design is inspired because of the overwhelming high loss rate of the ship's shuttlecraft.

    March: LtCdr. Tuvok designs a new shielding for the class. Unimatrix shielding will protect the craft better then any runabout has ever had. At the same time, Seven of Nine, using Borg technoligy, designs the weapons for the class. She using Federation phaser and Borg photonic missiles. Paris and an engineering team begin construction of the Flyer.
   April: The ship launchs for the first time on a mission to rescue an advanced probe from deep within a gas giants atmosphere.

Technical Specifications for Delta Flyer class Runabouts in Bravo Fleet:
classification: Advanced Runabout
expected duration: 20 years
time between resupply: 1 months
time between refit: 6 months

tetraburnium alloys with parametallic plating
length: 30 meters
height: 9 meters
width: 6 meters

Impulse Systems:
power: Fusion
engines: 1

Tactical Systems:
shields: Unimatrix shielding.
weapons: 2 Type-VIII phaser banks, photonic missiles

Crew and Auxiliary Systems:
crew: 1 (maximum 4)
transporters: 1x2 personnel/cargo

Additional Information:
Currently, there are 97 in service with 6 building per year though 2386.