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  • Full Name: Nathaniel Adamson Benteen, Jr.
  • Rank: Cadet
  • Position: Theoretical Systems Engineer
  • Species: Human/Lune
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 23 Earth Years
  • D.O.B.: September 29th, 2355
  • Birthplace: Lake Armstrong, Luna
  • Current Family Residence: Betazed. Older sister, Erica Benteen, captains the USS Appalachia.

  • Height: 6'1" [185cm]
  • Weight: 170lbs. [77.1 kilograms]
  • Physique: Average build
  • Hair Color: Dark Blonde
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Skin Color: Light tan-white
  • Physical Description:
    Adam is of a somewhat taller than average height, normally built Human male with a fairly evenly proportioned body. He tends to dress in fashionable civilian clothing when off-duty and generally has a lax, casual manner to displaying himself. Some people joke that even at the age of 23, he can barely grow a beard or moustache. He has a very pleasant smile.
  • Personality:
    Adam is a dreamer and idealist, imbued with a sense of fairplay, romance and chivalry. He lives in a world where people do things because it is right. While some may say he wears rose-tinted glasses, he actually just has a very optimistic and trusting view of people. He is often preoccupied with love and throws himself passionately into any projects he's engaged in.
    It takes ALOT to depress this character, who enjoys good jokes and good people. He is somewhat of a clown and prankster.

  • Quirks: Born Nathaniel Adamson Benteen, Jr, this Human quickly adopted the name "Adam" to avoid being called "Junior," which he despises. Perhaps his biggest quirk [by 20th century terms, its no biggie in the 24th] is that he is openly homosexual. Adam is a notorious prankster and rake; he loves playing practical jokes on his friends and those he considers to be too up tight [Vulcans are a favorite victim to his jests]. He refers to himself as a "Sensitive New-Age Guy" and isn't overtly masculine but not particularly feminine either. Perhaps his most annoying habit is that he is constantly spinning something in between his fingers and thumbs. He says it helps him concentrate.
  • Hobbies: Swimming, playing the electric guitar, dabbles with synthesizers, singing (heavy metal/punk type), dancing, collects music [20th-22nd century], holodeck [Rigel IX, Risa are two favorites], 22nd century Starfleet History/Early Superluminal Exploration, Ancient Exploration (such as the Orions, Debrune, Bajorans and Vulcans- like techno-archaeology) shuttleracing, practical jokes, 20th century sci-fi [focusing on the 40's and 50's stuff, like Buck Rodgers and Captain Proton]. He seems to have a "pet fad" every couple of weeks, from Vulcan stoicism and Surakism to Andorian Umaritism, and Zen Buddhism. He has recently taken an interest in Borg technology and its usage and is studying it quite extensively. (this is partly because of Ensign Nexx's stories about them) As a boy growing up on Luna, he was always working on his Uncle's repair & replicator shop. Adam also loves to build models of starships, ancient aircraft, various ground vehicles and marine vessels. Adam likes to be reminded that he is alive.
    His rakish and symbaritic side, coupled with his desire to feel alive bring him to all sorts of seedy holodeck programs, clubs, bars and the like, although he isn't a very good gambler [he bets it all too often]. Unfortunately, his symbaritic side has almost ended his career on a couple of occasions. During his freshman year, he nearly failed because he was nursing a burdgeoning drug addiction. He fortunately has comes to grips with that and has it defeated. He has also struggled with holo-addiction in the past as a teenager.
  • Ambitions: Adam possesses lofty goals, mostly about becoming a major player on the staff of Utopia Planitia or some other prestigious shipyard. he has, in the past, dreamed of being accepted to the Andorian College of Arts and becoming a major artist. Adam seeks to make his mark on the world but is currently too unfocused to move forward with any desire, mostly because his ambitions change almost weekly.
  • Likes: Favorite Food and Drink Deep-dish Chicago-style veggie-pizza and veggie-calzones, macaroni and cheese, hot & sour soup and tofu and vegetables. He is relatively vegetarian (not hardcore and sometimes slips up). His favorite drink is usually water with orange rind, or seltzer/perrier. He sometimes drinks mandarin orange hot tea with milk and NEVER starts a day without a cup of apple cider. His favorite dessert is chocolate cheesecake. Adam is attracted to beautiful things and people, be they beautiful in mind, soul or body. He loves machines and technology and people as passionate and free as himself. he knows he needs to find a man that is a bit more grounded than he, but is yet to find it.
  • Dislikes: Combat and martial arts in general, although he passed his basic Starfleet self-defense class. While he doesn't mind watching matches, he rarely if ever engages in it himself. He is mildly allergic to almost all types of shellfish and doesn't tend to like meats in general. He doesn't tend to get along with people who lack a sense of humor (while some others are just sadly deficient and need to be nurtured). Adam doesn't care for people who are needlessly stuck up, emotionless, curmudgeonly or critical. He hates being called "Junior". His biggest hatred, however, is resorting to violence. Adam has a deep love for life and could not bring himself to kill anything. No wonder he's a vegetarian.
  • Strengths: Zero-G Combat and Movement Certification Level 3, Level 3 Shuttle License, possesses an unusual level of skill in Datajacking/Computer Hacking. Extremely imaginative and talented when it comes to engineering, especially theoretical design and systems operations [particularly computer, tractor beams, transporters, holodeck and replicator technology- all very related systems]. His tireless devotion to his friends and to his duties, his sense of fairplay and courage in protecting those he loves and his endless optimism that keeps driving him. He has faith in Humanity and faith in Love. He is an excellent engineer, particularly when it comes to theoretical design projects.
  • Weaknesses: Highly unorthodox. Often imprudent- doesn't know when to quit, and can be somewhat impulsive. He is sometimes brash. Adam is somewhat of a maverick, he seizes the initiative quite often (although he is quick to fall in line when disciplined or when under orders). He is not particularly fond of flying through nebulae or being trapped inside of them. He still harbors extremely intense feelings of love/lust for Ensign Nexx. A confirmed pacifist- he will not kill unless absolutely necessary and even then, he would be a wreck until he got counseling. Adam is an absolutely terrible shot! His holo-addiction and past drug addiction COULD come back to haunt him and the temptation of taking drugs without any emotional support could cause him to cave. Adam also doesn't know exactly when to quit and works so hard at something he loves that he puts off the Human condition- avoiding sleep and eating- until he finishes. He is also somewhat scattershot and unothrodox in his approaches to just about everything. He sees almost everything the way a Baroque novelist may see it- hundreds of pieces scattered everywhere, that seem to have no rythme or reason until brought together at the very end.

  • Early Life: Grew up on Luna's Lake Armstrong colony with his uncle after his Parents divorced. Spent most of his time as a happy go lucky grease monkey and shuttle pilot.
  • Academy Career: Forced to repeat Freshman year. Afterward, he did fairly well (73rd percentile) and majored in theoretical systems design and trans-holographic technologies. Minored in shuttle piloting.
  • Cadet Cruise: Served aboard Starbase Tango for his Advanced Theoretical Engineering program, then spent some time at the Antares Shipyards.