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    Dasalamin, Jechiove


STARFLEET PERSONNEL FILE -- Dasalamin, Jechiove 'Jov'

Played By: Jerry Ruiz
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Serial number: CT 924-849-20
Current assignment: Second officer/tactical adviser, U.S.S. Chameleon, NCC-28654/B
Full Name: Jechiove Ruiz Dasalamin
Date of birth: November 14, 2398
Place of birth: Bethlehem, Judea, Earth
Parents: Connor Dasalamin (d.2412) and Florinda Ruiz-Dasalamin (d.2412) Guardian, Abraham Ruiz.
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2421-25, graduated second in his class; advanced study at University on Betazed
Marital status: Single
Children: One son, J-hem, born 2426
Quarters: formerly, Chameleon: Room 0912, first Deck 8, then Deck 9

Starfleet Career Summary

2426 -- Educational leave for advanced career study, Betazed

2429 -- As lieutenant commander (junior-grade), assigned as ship's counselor, U.S.S. Chameleon-A under Capt. Nathan Wheatley

2430 -- Transferred with remainder of Wheatley's senior staff to Starstrike-class U.S.S. Chameleon-B

2431 -- By request, stationed with Starfleet detachment on Remus; promoted to lieutenant commander (senior-grade)

2432 -- Assigned back on the U.S.S. Chameleon, promoted to full lieutenant commander and given new posting as ships tactical adviser; passed Bridge Officers' Exam

2437 -- Present  

Professional Assessment: Report of Starfleet Command Review Board

As a son of a well-known captain in Starfleet, Dasalamin has already achieved an illustrious and honorable career aboard the U.S.S. Chameleon as well as played a key role in Federation intelligence, but he often feels hindered from the truth about his parent’s deaths. All effort he exerts was met with a brick wall as information about his parent’s missions was kept a secret to him.

He was born on earth but then brought up on a ship at a tender age of five and still had memories of living normally looking up to the stars instead of being among them. Also at an early age he was taught how to defend himself physically, his father teaching him taekwando and other forms of martial arts, entering and winning several tournaments.

However, Dasalamin's life was changed forever while in the last tournament he participated, he delivered a fatal blow to his opponent rendering him paralyzed for the rest of his life. He deeply regretted the incident and vowed never to use his destructive skill again.

The year after, still living with his parents on his father’s vessel, the U.S.S. Alternative was attacked by two Ferengi scavenger vessels after the ship has already had a previous encounter with the Borg. The Alternative was severely damaged by both attacks and his father had no other alternative but to start evacuation of the vessel. 

At the same time, Dasalamin's mother was about to give birth to his baby sister. At the age of 15, he was forced to assist in the delivery of his sister. Sadly, his mother did not survive the labor and died as his baby sister was born. Coincidently, a Romulan vessel heard the Alternative's distress beckon and offered to help with the evacuation, only to expose the Romulan's true intentions. Unable to get what they came for, they intentionally left his father to die on the crashing Alternative and kidnapped his newly born baby sister. With insufficient evidence, the Romulan's responsible for his father’s death was exonerated. The only thing that was left to him was a locket given to him by his father before evacuation.

To feed his thirst for justice with what happened to his family, Dasalamin entered Starfleet Academy in 2421 after living with his grandfather for 8 years in Israel. With the help of his grandfather's guidance, he learned not to search for the Romulans with hate and revenge as an intension, but for justice. "For hate corrupts from the soul," his grandfather said. Dasalamin took counseling as a major but also wanted to take courses in Starfleet intelligence.

In 2429 Dasalamin was signed aboard Captain Wheatley's U.S.S. Chameleon as a counselor with the rank of lieutenant commander (junior-grade). After the departure of the current first officer, Taz Gurr, Dasalamin was appointed as second officer on the U.S.S. Chameleon.    

After having forwarded knowledge of his sister’s whereabouts, Dasalamin requested to be temporarily transferred to a Starfleet detachment on Remus. 

Dasalamin was shocked to discover on 2431 that an old acquaintance, Ivy Jarme, was with child before he was supposed to had left for Betazed years ago. Lt. Ivy Jarme meant to keep his sons identity a secret but an unexpected encounter between the both of them on Remus compelled her to introduce the two to each other. Surprised, Dasalamin asked if he could spend time with his newly discovered son and get to know him better. He also enjoys singing and playing the guitar that he hopes his son could learn from him.

He was reunited with the intelligence officer, Lt. Ivy Jarme, in 2432 when both were assigned to help recover the wreckage of Dasalamin's father's ship, the U.S.S. Alternative. Now newly wed and has a new family of her own, Lt. Jarme taken this last mission to help Dasalamin remember what happened on the Alternative the day it crashed. Inside the Alternative's engine room, a planted trap exploded. Regrettably, the accident badly injured Lt. Jarme that put her into an unexplainable coma. Before finally loosing consciousness, she voiced her concern for her son and wanted him to live with his father, Dasalamin.

On another occasion, Dasalamin, wanting to fulfill his good friend Ivy's wishes, asked if he could take his son with him to the Chameleon. But now, with Lt. Ivy's new husband to decide on family affairs, he disagrees. He wanted J-hem to live with them. But with a court rulings help he had to let Dasalamin have J-hem, which was also his sons mothers last wish. 

Dasalamin's latter tour years on the Starstrike-class Chameleon were filled with more surprises. Aside from being transported unwillingly and made nearly insane by the Borg Queen, invaded and nearly killed by a hostile parasite on an exploration mission gone bad, nearly erased from existence by an accident with the time continuum, and revealed upon of the role of his father in the scandalous Saturn Projects, through all of this he still seemed to come out on top.

Upon returning to the Chameleon, he found his old post was already filled by Counselor Neri Enye, so with extensive back ground with Starfleet intelligence, Dasalamin was offered a new posting as the ships new Tactical Adviser. Dasalamin gladly accepts though he still thinks that it was more of a demotion than a promotion.  

On the Chameleon's last mission to Unimatrix 01, the Borg fortress, Dasalamin came with the remaining crew and took a shuttle craft back into Federation space, leaving the Chameleon under cloak in Unimatrix 01, as ordered.  

Psychological Profile: Report of Ship's Counselor Neri Enye  

Aside from a few weeks of dating fellow officer Chaya Enye in 2430 on the U.S.S. Chameleon, his most serious romance to date involved the ships CMO, R'nay AR'nok. Aside from his string of incomplete female relationships, Dasalamin's major romance last involved CMO, R'nay AR'nok, who began calling him "Imzadi," the native word for "beloved," after spending time together on Risa II. 

From his return to the Chameleon, Dasalamin learns that the Captain, Nathan Wheatley, ruined his long time relationship with the ships CMO, R’nay AR’nok. Learning of her affair with the captain, he asked her to choose between him and the Captain. Fortunately she chose Dasalamin, which hurt Captain Wheatley very much. As so wounded by the decision, Captain Wheatley resign his commission and left the ship, ultimately leading to his death in a shuttle craft caused by engine malfunction. Despite the Captains death, this still didn't satisfy Dasalamin's anger toward him.

After some time, Dr AR'nok learns that she was with child, and that Captain Wheatley fathered it. Angered by this, Dasalamin stopped seeing the doctor for a while, but still offered his support in helping to race the child if she wanted to.  

Although Dasalamin has displayed a well-rounded personality and temperament throughout his rising counseling career, his father and mother’s death when he was only 15 helped foster an acrimonious relationship against the Romulans. 

Dasalamin’s knack for improvisation and detective skills runs throughout his hobbies and interests as well. A master billiard player, he had learned the game at a very tender age from his father while he stayed with him on the U.S.S. Alternative.  

He can play the flute, but his favorite musical instrument is the acoustic guitar. He loves playing it with his son but never in public; he displays it in his quarters as well as a necklace with an amulet of sorts from unknown origins, given to him by his father the day he died. Cooking is another hobby, thanks to the necessity of a grandfather who hated to do it; among his specialties include the very popular, three layered chocolate cake. Being acquainted with more alien races than others, his language skills include many federation vernacular, as well as Klingon and Romulan. Generally, he claims to be inept at organizing his time off and - predictably - prefers to let events happen unplanned.

Despite his nominally simple outlook, Dasalamin has been prone to short bouts of self-doubt regarding his perceived complacency toward ambition each time he debated and turned down his own promotion. His imposing physical presence has been an unintended impediment to effective communications with some in his command, especially junior officers, and he has taken steps to deal with it.

Medical File: Report by R'nay AR'nok, M.D., CMO

Dasalamin generally enjoys good health; a parasite on Areach proved nearly fatal but for a precise and direct neural-cortical therapy. Athletically, he still enjoys Ice skating and Ice hockey, despite medical warnings; he also trains for the Klingon bat'tleh and the earth sword playing 'kendo' with sticks and studies in Captain Nathan Wheatley's mok'bara classes. He also enjoys leisurely walks in his favorite program on the holo-deck he calls 'Sanctuary'.

He also has a noticeable scar across his right eyebrow he acquired in a childish skirmish when he was younger.

Personnel File Addendum: Report of Capt. Nathan Wheatley