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Scott Garner's Appalachian Trail Journey

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Scott Garner's Appalachian Trail Site

Greetings! Welcome to a website designed to track Scott's Appalachian Trail (AT) journey. In case you are unfamiliar, the AT is a 2,000 mile hike from Georgia to Maine. Scott began hiking the AT at Harper's Ferry,WV. He decided to hike, beginning in the middle, because he graduated in June (usually hikers start in Georgia in April/May) and the Maine section is more difficult.

He was to have started Monday, June 14, 2004; however he had a slight case of food poisoning and we had a blowout on the Interstate (oddly enough, it was almost 2 years to the day of another tire blowout). So we got a shady hotel and I dropped him off at the trail on Tuesday, June 15, 2004.

You may be saying that this website doesn't sound like something Scott would be into. Well, initially he wasn't really, he was doubtful I would/could do it, then he was concerned with the content...

Joanna: "I want a pic of you walking into the woods, a pic of you weighing your pack, a pic of all the stuff laid out..."
Scott: "Sounds kind of dorky."
Joanna: "Well, I can dork it up all I want, I'll be the one at the computer."

And I am, so soon you will be able to see all of these pictures. He's come around, though; and he has sent and will continue (hopefully) to send his journal entries so I can post them in the blog. That pretty much sums up how this site came to be. This is his trip, but my project. Check it out to see what he's up to.

*Disclaimer per Scott's request: The views and opinions on this site are not necessarily the views and opinions of Scott Garner.
