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"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle." 
                                                                                       Philosopher Philo of Alexandria




Created 6/04/03


Debt Tally/Diary

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About OCD

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Mental Illness

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"It's a dog eat dog world out there . . ." 


"Hi,  I'm Rocky (Bullwinkle's other half).  I sure hope you weren't looking for that human . . . errrr, I mean that famous human, the one with all the movies ~ I think his name is Rocky too.  You humans must have a hard time remembering his name.  They name all his movies after him.  "Rocky 1," "Rocky 2," "Rocky 3," and so on.  At any rate, with all those movies he makes, he doesn't need your money, but I do."  

"I'm told me that raised thousands of dollars to help her pay her  credit card bills and another woman at asked for help with music/voice lessons.  Both of them met their goals through the efforts of some very nice and generous people.  So I decided to ask you, the public for help."   

"What I am about to tell you is totally the truth.  No fabrication.  Even though it sounds like a sloppy soap opera.  I swear on my catnip that it is the truth.  My family has had a rough year.  In June, their daughter was babysitting when the youngster she was watching set the house on fire accidently.  The fire trucks got lost (because kids had stolen the street signs), the house burnt down and now their insurance company must pay part of the damages.  Which means, their homeowners will either be cancelled or cranked up to a higher amount.  In September, the mother had neck surgery and has had complications since.  Her medical is outrageous.  And then, most importantly, they are very concerned about their other young daughter who was just diagnosed with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.) A mental illness that appears usually between the ages of 18 and 21.  The disorder came out of the blue but explains why she failed college and was having trouble with concentration.  The diagnosis has been hard on the daughter and family because it is a lifetime sentence and commitment to take medication and have therapy in order to have a normal life."

"Mental illness has a great stigma to it and it costs a lot of money -- much of which is not covered by health insurance. The parents are paying a lot of money out for therapy and medication. And recovering from the loss of paying a semester of college that their child was unable to complete.  They need help in curtailing their medical costs. Both of them work full time and are hard workers, but this illness will be on-going and expensive.  Secondly, if she is unable to go back to college as a student, since she is 18, she will not be covered under their health insurance (the rules you know).  First and foremost, they will do whatever they have to - to help their child, but help from someone who would like to perform a "random act of kindness" would be most appreciated.  Most importantly, everyone should be educated to know that mental illness can be treated with great results if one has the resources to get the therapy and medication.  In the case of OCD (see link), individuals can lead a normal life with proper medication and therapy. "

"I guess you're wondering where I fit in.  Well, I am the Princess of the household and my job is to provide comfort, sun, and sit on laps.  Mental illness issues are close to my heart . . . after all, there are many homeless cats out there!  So just remember when you are feeling down be thankful if you have your health, family and friends.   PLEASE HELP US!"

"If you can send pocket change or even $1.00, it would be greatly appreciated and you would be performing a selfless act (better known as a random act of kindness.)  Thanks so much for reading this.  Have a great day!"

"Each man's life touches so many other lives, and when he isn't around he leaves an awful hole."
                                             Frank Capra, 
                                "It's a Wonderful Life"

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