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Reydovan News Network - First City, Reydovan Prime

Welcome to the Reydovan News Network Headquarters in First City, the capital of Reydovan Prime and the Reydovan Democratic Republic! Here we have all the news of the Republic's goings-on.

RNN Archive Story 001
RNN Archive Story 002
RNN Archive Story 003
Underwood Retirement Off?
Republic-Commonwealth Negotiations to Continue
Underwood Shot by Imperial Terrorist
Civil War Breaks Out Again!
Underwood Returns to Power
Norris' Successor Named
New Parkes Observatory Completed
Reydovan Chancellor on L'nhraei
Merger Deal in Place
Reydovan Chancellor Crippled in Explosion
Underwood Defeated in First Free Elections
Republic Frigate Edmund Fitzgerald Lost in Tiberius System
J.L. Chamberlain Class Retired from Service
Underwood Arrives on L'nhraei
The Merger Game Begins on L'nhraei
Reydovan Chancellor Assassinated
Underwood Leads Republic Army to Tiberius Prime
The Twelve Systems Join the Commonwealth
Chancellor Underwood Overthrown by Empire
Longstreet Being Hunted by Imperial Fleet
Longstreet Goes to Trial
The Empire is Destroyed for Good
Entering New Era of Reydovan Technology

Breaking News: Council of Chancellors Arrested, Awaiting Trial