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Here you will find loads of useful information about camping with your bicycle.

The purpose of this website is to help you organize your own bicycle touring adventure, and touring by bicycle is an adventure. On our Packing list page we will show you that you don’t need any special equipment to go outside. You can actually get by fine without gore-tex this or titanium that and all of the other things that people try to sell you. Really, you only need a bike, rack, tent, food, and a stove and you are good to go.
You can even get by with out some of these things. Some people like to travel by bike while eating their meals at restaurants and sleeping at hostels or hotels. That’s fine too if you have the money for that. But, we like touring mainly because it gives us a chance to get out and explore and it is a relatively cheep vacation where all you pay for is food mostly.

On our Pictures page we have a few pictures of some camping trips we have made in Sweden. All of our bicycle pictures are unfortunately non-digital and we will try to change that ASAP.

Our Bicycles page is a gallery of our fine bicycles. We have 5 ½ bicycles and the newest is about 7 years old. But, they are quality bicycles and believe they will last us another ten years.

Equipment is a description of the gear we use on our tours and maybe some things we would like to have too. We will give you an honest review of the things we have to help you make decisions about things you may need on your trips.

There are many good websites of people who have made different tours of different countries and I hope that soon we can make a good links list for y’all. We hope to inspire you to get out of your car and off the beaten path and explore your neighborhood.